Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 26, 2015, Page 16
The Mount Ayr Agriculture Education program consists of Class Instruction, SAE Member Projects and FFA. The instruction components of Crop Production and
Livestock Production compliment the Ag program offered at SWCC and prepare for post secondary coursework. The FFA Chapter works with many community groups
and service projects each year as a part of a state approved Program of Actitivies. In addition to community involvement, FFA and SAE projects continue to
develop future leaders through a variety of district and state contests. Susie Catanzareti is the advisor for the organization. Members of the Mount Ayr
Community FFA Chapter this year include: Front row, from left: Blair Glendenning and Ashton Quick. Second row from left: Kennedy McAlexander, Adelyda Ebersole,
Brianna Dory, Mercadez Birdnholz, Haylea England, Ashton Johnson, Megan Warin, Tyler Triggs and Jesse Ruby. Third row, from left: Keirston Dolecheck, Logan
Stark, Jay Blair, Mike James, Hunter Wilson, Megan Reasoner, Taylor Wilson, Shaley Miller, Eian Adams, Abbey Schafer,
Katie Holmes, Wyatt Jackson and Advisor Susie Catanzareti. Fourth row, from left: Heath Andersen, Clay Wimer, Jacob McCreary, Cauy Bickel, Mitchell
Lutrick, Brent Bounds, Dylan McAlexander, Marcus Daughton, Chase Doolittle, Kyler Martin and Logan Eaton.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 19, 2015, Page 6
FFA teams participate in livestock contest
The Junior FFA team placed 15th and the Senior team placed 19th at the Iowa Beef Expo livestock judging contest.
Pictured above, front row from left to right: Bri Dory, Katie Holmes, Addie Ebersole, Jed McCreary. Back row from left to right: Jacob McCreary,
Cauy Bickel, Tyler Triggs. Not pictured: Wyatt Jackson. The FFA took two teams to the Iowa Beef Expo to participate in the FFA Livestock Judging
Contest. The senior team was made up of Katie Holmes, Jed McCreary, Tyler Triggs and Wyatt Jackson. The junior team was made up of
Cauy Bickel, Bri Dory, Addie Ebersole and Jacob McCreary. High scorers were Katie Holmes, who individually placed 38th out of 142, and Jacob
McCreary, who placed 39th out of 142. Of the 52 FFA teams participating, the junior team placed 15th and the senior team placed 19th.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 09, 2015, Page 14
Mount Ayr FFA holds annual banquet By Shaley Miller, FFA Reporter
On March 31, at 6 p.m., the Mount Ayr FFA Chapter held our annual Spring Banquet. The evening started with supper in the high
school commons. Following dinner, everyone relocated to the auditorium where a slideshow full of pictures of our 2014-2015 members was presented.
After it was finished, our 2014-2015 FFA officers held Opening Ceremonies. Addie Ebersole recited her gold-ranked, state-qualifying presentation of
the FFA creed. Megan Warin, Megan Reasoner, Clay Wimer and Katelyn Holmes received awards for their involvement in the skills career developmnent
event at district soils contest held in Knoxville. Their team received a silver rating.
Members of the Ag Mechanics class were recognized for their tractor restoration projects at last week's FFA awards banquet. Projects included a 5010 John Deere
Wheatland Detroit Deisel and a 730 John Deere, both of which will go on to the Iowa State Fair FFA Ag Mechanics Tractor Restoration Project in August.
Class members pictured include (L-R) - Kyle Dolecheck, Caleb Schnoor, John Vanbuskirk, Wyatt Jackson and Tyler Triggs. (Not pictured were Jed McCreary and
Eric Miller.)

Megan Reasoner, Katie Holmes and Morgan Quick were recognized as 2014 Iowa State Fair FFA Exhibitors. (Not pictured was Jonathan Triggs.) Reasoner took second
place in Herding by showing her Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Nubian and Recorded Gray Dairy goats. She also took reserve Alpine and several other top
placings. Katie Holmes won Supreme Champion Bull with HCC Scotty 19733. She also won a $1,000 scholarship. Morgan Quick finished her fifth year showing FFA
at the state fair by winning fifth in the poles and barrels with her quarter horses. She has won both events in the past at the State Fair and plans to
participate one more time this year. Jonathan Triggs showed a commercial gilt at the State Fair FFA show. Leadership Career Development Events from sub-districts
were given out to Addie Ebersole for her creed speaking; Cauy Bicke, Abbey Schafer, Mercadez Birkenholz, Jacob McCreary, Mitchell Lutrick, Marcus Daughton and
Russell Holmes for their Conduct of Meetings Team; Kennedy McAlexander, Hunter Wilson, Eian Adams and Brianna Dory for the Greenhand Quiz Team;
Tyler Triggs as an Ag Sales Individual, and Megan Warin as a Public Speaking Individual. From districts, Academic Achievement Awards were given to Ashton
Johnson, Katie Holmes, Riley Weehler and Tyler Triggs. Addy Ebersole was again rewarded for her creed speaking; Megan Warin for her public speaking;
Kennedy McAlender, Hunter Wilson, Eian Adams and Brianna Dory for the Greenhand Quiz Team, and Maddie Mobley and Laura Davison for their scrapbook entry.
The contenders for State FFA are Addy Ebersole for creed speaking; Katelyn Holmes and Ashton Johnson as voting delegates; Taylor Wilson, Mike James and Justin
Wehling as a Farm Management Team; Kyler Martin, Craven Martin, Devin Russo and Shaley Miller as an Ag Sales Team; Maddie Mobley, Laura Davison and Megan
Warin for their Chapter Exhibit; and Cauy Bickel and Eian Adams. Other members attending the 2015 State FFA contest are the recipients of their Iowa
Degrees. These members are Riley Weehler, Tyler Triggs, Jesse Ruby, Tucker Winemiller and Eric Miller. The four students receiving the Scholarship Awards
were Kennedy McAlexander, Megan Warin, Shaley Miller and Katelyn Holmes. The four students receiving Leadership Awards were Craven Martin, Megan Warin,
Maddie Mobley and Tucker Winemiller. This year's Star Greenhand Member was Cauy Bickel. This year's Star Chapter Members
included Riley Weehler for Star Agribusiness, Katelyn Holmes for Star Placement and Tyler Triggs for Star Farmer. Riley Weehler also recieved the DEKALB
award presented by Monsanto for the Most Valuable FFA member. Parents receiving the Honorary Member Awards were Kelly and Shelly James, Colby and tricia
Holmes, Marci Bjurstrom and Jim Johnson, Ron and Terry Ruby, Craig and Susan Winemiller, Neil and Jill Weehler, Kevin and Kathy Triggs and Barb and
Jeremy Weeda. Morgan Quick received her American Degree. Additional members who received this award but were not present at the banquet were Jonathan Triggs
and Matt Kerns. Recipients of the Chapter Degree Award were Caleb Schnoor, Megan Warin, Megan Reasoner, Clay Wimer, Heath Andresen, Brent Bounds, Haylea
England, Blair Glendenning, Mike James and Devin Russo. Recognition awards were also presented to the trapshooting team and volleyball concession workers
and fruit and sales achievements. To end the evening, the new officers for 2015-2016 were inducted: Mike James as president, Cauy Bickel as vice president,
Mercadez Birkenholz as secretary, Taylor Wilson as assistant secretary, Logan Eaton as treasurer, Devin Russo as assistant treasurer, Shaley Miller as
reporter, Addy Ebersole as assistant reporter, and Russel Holmes as sentinal. These officers closed the banquet by presenting the Closing Ceremony.
Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 23, 2015, Page 6
MAC attends FFA state convention
State FFA convention is held at Iowa State University from April 19-21. Laura Davison, Maddie Mobley and Megan Warin are
competing in chapter exhibit. Voting delegates are Katie Holmes and Aston Quick. The Farm Management team is Mike James, Taylor Wilson
and Justing Wehling. Ag Sales team consists of Craven Martin, Kyler Martin, Shaley Miller and Devin Russo. The Greenhand Quiz team is
Cauy Bickel and Eian Adams. Addie Ebersole will be reciting the FFA creed. Seniors receiving their Iowa Degrees are Tyler Triggs, Riley
Wheeler, Tucker Winemiller, Jesse Ruby and Eric Miller.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 30, 2015, Page 6
These four members of the Mount Ayr FFA chapter were awarded their Iowa Degree at the recent state FFA convention. From left,
they include Jesse Ruby, Tyler Triggs, Riley Weehler and Tucker Winemiller
Four MAC students awarded Iowa Degree
Four MAC seniors walked across the stage to receive their Iowa Degrees at the 87th Iowa State FFA Leadership Conference held April 19 - 21 on the Iowa
State University campus in Ames. Tucker Winemiller, son of Craig and Susan Winemiller, received his Iowa Degree with a SAE Placement project in beef
systems working for Winemiller Farms. Tyler Triggs, son of Kathy and Kevin Triggs, received his Iowa Degree with a SAE Entrepreneuship project in
swine systems raising purebred Spotted show pigs and commercial pigs. Riley Weehler, son of Jill and Neil Weehler, received his Iowa Degree with a
SAE Placement project in beef systems working for Weehler Farms. Jesse Ruby, son of Terri and Ron Ruby, received his Iowa Degree with a SAE Placement
project in Power, Structural and Technical Systems - Fabrication working for Glendenning Motors in Mount Ayr.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 07, 2015, Page 6
Weehler awarded top ag honor
Mount Ayr senior Riley Weehler was recently presented the school's highest agricultural honor, the DEKALB Agricultural Accomplisment Award,
sponsored by Monsanto Company. Weehler, the son of Neil and Jill Weehler of Maloy, received the award for excellence in academics, leadership and
agricultural work experience. His significant experiences include national high school rodeo qualifier for four years, National Honor Society, FFA
Iowa Degree, state FFA convention and all-state football recognition. Weehler's supervised ag experience was helping his dad on the farm. He plans to
attend Mid Plains Community College, where he will pursue an ag business degree and compete on the rodeo team. After graduation from college, he plans
to return to the family farm operation. Susie Catanzareti is Weehler's agriculture education instructor at Mount Ayr High School. This year the
DEKALB Agriculture Accomplishment Award celebrates its 68th anniversary. Over that time more than 168,000 high school seniors from across the country have
received the award, which has become a symbol for excellence and many schools' highest agricultural honor. As winner of the 2015 award, Weehler's name will
be recorded on a permanent plaque displayed at Mount Ayr High School.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015 
