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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, August 28, 2014

New staff members at Mount Ayr Community Schools include (L-R) Brandon Pearce, custodian; BreeAnn Barrons, second grade; Melanie Knapp, special education; Katie Larsen, SFL coordinator; and Dylan Lame, special education associate. (Not pictured: Tim Horn, hearing impaired interpreter.)

Mount Ayr enrollment totals 646 students

The Mount Ayr Community school welcomed students on Tuesday, August 19 to open the 2014-15 school year. This year's enrollment totalled 64 students, including pre-school. The individual grades numbered as follows: morning pre-school - 17; afternoon pre-school - 16; kindergarten - 43; first grade - 51; second grade - 54; third grade - 42; fourth grade - 61; fifth grade - 38; sixth grade - 48; seventh grade - 52; eighth grade - 52; ninth grade - 49; 10th grade - 42; 11th grade - 38; and 12th grade - 43.

Sarah Mathany was hired by MATURA for Head Start.

With the opening of the new school year, district personnel and their assignments are as follows:

Certified personnel   
Adams, Courtney
- Resource Elem.
 Adams, Sherry
- Second Chance Read
Barrans, BreeAnn
- 2nd Grade
 Budach, Betsy-4th Grade
Bucach, Mark
- Bus Ed/BPA/MS/FB
 Carson, Carol
- K-6 Vocal/5-6 Band
Cheer Coach
Castreje, Gilberto
- Spanish
(Bedford p.m.)
 Catanzareti, Joe
- Lang. Arts/MS/
Baseball, Track Coach
Catanzareti, Susie
- VocAg/FFA
 Christner, Beth- Little Raider Pre-school
Coulson, Katie
- Kindergarten
 Curry, Kim
- Technology Director
Drake, Joe
- Superintendent
 Elwood, Chris
- Elem. Principal
MS FB & boys BB
Esch, Madison- 2nd Grade Frost, Jessica- 5th Grade
Geist, Jodie
- Special Ed/TAP
grant writer
 Gerber, Barb
- FACS/Elem. Guidance
Prom Coordinator
Giles, Scott
- MS/HS Ind. Arts
B-G Golf
 Giles, Tracy
- 1st Grade
Graham, Kristen- 1st Grade Greene, Jody- 4th Grade
Greenland, Dara- Title I Howie, Fay- Science
Klinkefus, Ranae
- 5th Grade
HS SB, Asst. GBB
 Knapp, Melanie- Resource Elem.
Kniep, Shaun
- English/Drama
 Knox, Bethany- Kindergarten
Lambert, Derek
- HS P.E./Co-Head FB
Strength & Conditioning
 Larsen, Debbie- Elem. PE/G Track
MS/HS XC coach
Larsen, Tori- HS Special Ed Levine, Amy- Resource Elem.
Lynch, Debra
- 4th Grade
 McCabe, Bryant- 6th Grade
MS BBB coach
Mueller, Frank
- HS Special Ed.
 Nary, Danielle- Resource Elem.
Nickle, Stasia
- 1st Grade
 Poore, Chandra- HS Special Ed
Spec. Olympics
Quick, Kris
- Early Childhood/SPED Coord/Asst. Drill Team Riley, Aaron
- Art/Drivers Ed.
Ruggles, Brandie
- HS Spec Ed
MS VB & G Track Coach
 Ruggles, Bret
- MS Sciene/Math
Shields, Melissa
- Self-Contained Elem.
 Showalter, Delwyn
- HS History
Alternative School AD/Co-head FB Coach
Smith, Valle
- Title 1/School Improvement Coord. Sobotka, Darla
- 3rd Grade
Stephens, Abby
- 8th grade social studies
HS social studies
 Stewart, Julie
- 6th Grade
Storoff, Crystal
- Kindergarten/Flags
 Storhoff, Greg- Instrumental Music
Streit, Thad
- Health & MS PE
HS Science/GBB Coach
 Taylor, Karen
- 2nd Grade
Taylor, Karen
- 2nd Grade
 Uhlenkamp, Jane
- K-6 Art/Title 1 Math
Wallace, Kurt
- Math/Asst B Track Coach
HS Wrestling/Drivers Ed
 Wallace, Lynn- 7-12 Principal
Weehler, Jill
- 3rd Grade
 Young, Sally
- MS Math/7th Grade social studies
Andresen, Stacy- Elem/HS Nurse/CNA   
Non-certified personnel    
Albaugh, Heidi
- Para/Elem.
 Arends, Diana- HS principal secretary
Belzer, Barb
- Voc. Rehab.
SPED Assoc./HS
 Braby, Tori
- Para/HS/MS GBB
Head VB Coach
Campbell, Janette- Board Sec-Treas.
 Drake, Andrew- Para/HS
Elliott, Brad
- Track Coach
Asst. FB Coach
 Ford, John
- HS Wrestling Coach
Gregg, Radonda- Par/HS Groves, Betty- Guidance secretary
Hayse, Kyle
- MS Wr. Coach
 Horn, Tim
- Interpreter for deaf/
heard of hearing
Lame, Dylan- Para/Elem. Larsen, Katie- SFL
Leonard, Daniel - Vol. FB Levine, Jeff- Asst. BBB Coach
Lyden, Annette- Para/Elm Main, Annie- Para/Elm
Martin, Heather
- Para/Elem
 Minnick, Colleen- Para/Elem.
Minnick, Nicole- Para/Elem. Moon, Gayla- Para/Elem. & HS
Overholser, Amanda- Para/HS
 Pitt, Sam
- Vol. XC & B Track
Rinehart, Tanner
- Baseball Coach
 Schafer, Sarah- Para/HS
Shields, Christi
- Para/HS/HS Cheer Coach/MS VB Coach Shields, Tara
- Para/Elem.
Smith, Kaliam
- Drill Team
 Stephens, Cindy- Elem. principal secretary
Still Bonnie- Para/HS Taylor, Anne- Para/Elem
Triggs, Kathy- Para/Elem. Trujillo, Mabel- ELL/Para/Elem.
Warin, Donna
- Special Ed secretary
Court Liaison
 Weeda, Nathan- Vol. FB
Whittington, Aleha- Clerical Assoc/Library Willis, Elaine- Para/Elem.
Wimer, Tiffany
- Flags
 Yoder, Debbie- Superintendent/
Transportation sec.
Zarr, Mike- HS Bowling   
Mechanic/Bus Drivers    
Groves, David
- Route driver
 Knox, Mike
- Mechanic/Trans. Coord/Route driver
Marley, Ken- Route driver Shields, Bart- Route driver
Sickels, Ron- Route driver Smith, James- Route driver/Asst. FB
Stull, Faye- Route Driver   
Maintenance personnel    
Blades, Dean
- Custodian HS
 Hanawalt, Josh- Custodian Lead Elem.
Minnick, Todd
- Custodian HS
 Pearce, Brandon- Custodian Elem.
Poore, Clint
- Head Custodian
 Schafer, Allan- Custodian HS
Constant, Lisa
- Cook
 Jones, Tawnya - Head Cook
Kemery, Pat
- Cook
 Shields, Debbie- Cook
Swank, Cathy- Cook Wilson, Lori- Cook
Wimer, Shelley
- Cook

Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2014


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