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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Graduation for Mount Ayr, Diagonal
Mount Ayr awards 38 diplomas while Diagonal has 11

High school commencements were held in Diagonal Friday night and Mount Ayr Sunday afternoon.

A total of 38 seniors participated Sunday in the commencement for the Mount Ayr Community Class of 2013. After the traditional processional presented by the MACHS band, MAC principal Lynne WALLACE welcomed the large crowd of family and friends of the graduates and introduced the speakers for the ceremonies - salutatorian Maggie JENNETT and valedictorian April SHIELDS.

JENNETT urged her classmates to continue to dream big as they had throughout their school years. She joked about the grand "plans" the class had for their homecoming floats as well as their plans for senior pranks, although neither seemed to quite come together as planned. She ended her remarks with a quote: "Your life is an occasion - rise to it!"

SHIELDS arrived at the podium to begin her senior address only to find the printed copy of her speech was missing. Without skipping a beat, SHIELDS delivered her address extemporaneously without notes. She did such a good job, hardly anyone in the packed gymnasium realized her predictament. The full-length test of her original speech,entitled "Keep Swimming," canbe found on page 6 of this week's Record-News.

Following the speakers, the high school choir sang "In My Life."

Prior to the awarding of diplomas, WALLACE had the honor students stand for specific recognition.

MAC school board president Rod SHIELDS and superintendent Joe DRAKE handed out diplomas to each graduate as WALLACE called them to the stage. The graduates then delivered red roses to their family members scattered throughout the gymnasium.

Following the recessional, graduates and their family and friends gathered in the high school commons for hugs and high fives along with hundreds of pictures before heading out to celebrate at graduation receptions held in a number of locations . . . .

Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record News

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2013

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