Mount Ayr Community High School 1972 Ayrian

CHARLES ABARRBoosters 3, 4; Football 1; Student Council 4; Camera Club 4; Hi-Y 3, 4; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Class Play 3. |
RODNEY ADAMSFootball 1-4; Track 2; FFA 1-4. |
JOHN ALLENBand 1-4; President 4; Boy's Basketball 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 4; Track 1-4; Student Council 3; Class Vice-President 1;
Ayrian Staff 4; Boy's Glee 1, 2; Choir 1-3; Swing Chois 3; Dance Band 1-4; One-act Plays 1; Boosters; FCA Captain 4. |
RICHARD ANDREWSBoosters 4; Wrestling 1; FFA 1, 2. |
SUZI BAKERBand 1-4; Boosters 1-4; Wrestling Cheerleader 3, 4; Track 1-4; FHA 1, 2; Girls' Glee 1-3; Choir 3, 4; Swing Choir 3, 4;
One-Act Plays 3. |
KIM BECKBand 1, 2; Boys' Basketball 1, 2; Football 1-4; Wrestling 2; Baseball 2; Parnassus. 3, 4; Class President 1; Dance Band 1.2. |
SHIRLEY BLADESBand 1, 2; Softball, 2, 3; FTA 3; FHA 3; Librarian 2; Girls' Glee 1, 2; Choir 1, 2; Art Club 4; Pep Club 3. |
KENT BLUNCKBand 1-3; Wrestling 1-4 Captain 3, 4; Cross-Country 1; Camera Club 4; Hi-Y 2, 4; Class President 4; Ayrian Staff 4. |
GORDON BRADLEYBoosters 4; Boys' Basketball 1-4; Football 1-3; Baseball 1-4; Track 1, 3. |
DAVID BRECKENRIDGEBand 1-4; Boosters 1-4; Boys' Basketball 1, 2; Football 1-4; Wrestling 3; Baseball 1-4; Journalism 3, 4;
Hi-Y 1-4; Class Vice-President 3, 4; Ayrian Staff 4; Dance Band 2-4; One-Act Plays 3. |
DENNIS BRECKENRIDGEBand 1-4; Boys' Basketball 1, 2; Football 1-4; Wrestling 4; Baseball 1-4; FTA 4; Journalism 2, 3, 4;
Camera Club 4; Ayrian Staff 4; Dance Band 2, 3, 4; Outstanding in Hi-Y. |
KATHY BROWNBand 1-3; Boosters 2; Basketball Cheerleader 3; Basketball 1, 2; Track 1, 2; FTA 2; Journalism 2, 3; Editor 3;
Freshman Secretary-Treasurer; Ayrian Staff 3; Choir 1, 2; Swing Choir 1, 2; One-Act Pay 1; All-School Play 2. |
JEFF BROWNBand 1, 2; Basketball 1-3; Football 104; Baseball 1-4; Track 1-3; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Boys' Glee 1; Choir 2, 3; Swing Choir 2. |
STEVE CALHOUNBand 1-3; Boosters 1, 2; Football 1-4; Wrestling 1; Track 1, 3, 4; Student Council 1-4; Jounalism 2-4; Hi-Y 1-4; Ayrian Staff 4; Boys' Glee 1;
Choir 1; One-Act Plays 3. |
LARRY CLARKBand 1-4; Junior Class Play 3; One-Act Play 1; Thespians 4. |
CINDY CLOUSEBand 1-4; FHA 1, 4; Ayrian Staff 4; Girls' Glee 2, 3; Choir 3, 4; Dance Band 1-4; One-Act Play 1. |
BERNARD CRAWFORDBoosters 1-4; President 4; Hi-Y 1-4; Vice-president 3; Choir 4. |
CAREY CROWSONBasketball Manager 3, 4; Baseball 2-4; Judo 3, 4. |
BETHA DAVISBand 1-4; Boosters 4; FHA 1. |
DEBBIE DRAKEBand 1-3; Boosters 2; FHA 1, 2; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Girls; Glee 1, 2; Choir 2-4. |

DONNA DREDGEBand 1-3; Boosters 1; FHA 1, 2; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Girls' Glee 1, 2; Choir 3, 4; One-Act Plays 1. |
LINDA DILLENBURGFHA 1-4; Librarian 1-4; Hi-Y 4; Girls' Gee 3; Art Club Secretatry 1. |
JOHN FELLBand 1, 2; Boosters 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Football 1, 3, 4; Track 1; Journalism 4; Camera Club 4; Hi-Y 4;
Boys' Glee 1; Chois 1; One-Act Plays 1, 2. |
CONNIE FROSTBand 1-4; Boosters 3; Track 1-4; FHA 1, 2; Girls' Glee 1, 2, 3; Choir 2-4; Swing Choir 3 4; One-Act Plays 3. |
SANDY FROSTMajorette 4; Band 1-4; Boosters 2-4; Football Cheerleader 3; Basketball 1-4; Track 1-4; FTA 4; Student Council 1, 4;
Journalism 3., 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Homecoming Queen Candidate 4. |
BARB GILLILANDBand 1-4; FTA 4; FHA 2-4; Treasurer and Vice-President; Journalism 2-4; Student and Communication Editor;
Class Secretary 2, 4; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Junior editor and assistant editor 4; Girls' Glee 1, 2; One-Act Plays 1. |
JOYCE GOLLIDAYBand 1-4; Basketball Cheerleader 3, 4; Track 2; FHA 2-4; Secretary 3; President 4; Student Council 2; Journalism 2-4;
Featur Editor 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2-4; Vice-President 4; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Assistant Editor 3, 4; Girls' Glee 1, 2; Choir 1, 2; One-Act Play 1; Outstanding in FHA. |
MIKE GREENEBand 1-4; Student Council 1; Choir 1-4; Swing Choir 1-4; Dance Band 1-4; Outstanding in Vocal Music and in
Band. |
BENSON HAINLINEBoosters 1-4; Vice-president and Treasurer; Basketball 1-4; Football 1-4; Co-Captain 4; Track 1-4; FTA 4; Student Council 4;
Vice-President 4; Hi-Y 1-4; President 4; Class President 3; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Sports Editor 4; One-Act Play 1. |
LORA HALEYBand 1-4; Boosters 1-3; FHA 1, 2; Girls' Glee 1, 2; Choir 3, 4; One-Act Plays 1, 2. |
PAM HENRYDrum Majorette 4; Band 1-4; Girls' Basketball 1-4; Track 1-4; FTA 2-4; Student Council 1, 2, 4; Journalism 4;
Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Choir 1, 2; Swing Choir 2; One-Act Plays 1; Homecoming Queen Candidate 4. |
DWIGHT HERRAll-School Plays 3, 4; Junior Class Play 3; One-Act Plays 1-4; Thespians 1-4; Art Club 2-4. |
PAULA HIXSONFeature Twirler 2-4; Band 1-4; Boosters 4; Track 1-4; FTA 2-4; Secretary 4; Student Council treasurer 4;
Journalism 4; All-State Band 1-3; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Editor 4; Choir 1, 2; Swing Choir 1, 2; Dance Band 1-4; Softball 4; Outstanding in Band. |
GARY HOSFIELDWrestling 2, 3; FFA 2, 3. |
KATHY HUNTBand 1-4; Boosters 4; Basketball 1, 2; Track 1; FTA 2-4; Parnassus 3, 4; Secretary 4; Camera Club 4; Tri-Hi-Y 1-4; Treasurer 3;
Class Secretary 3; Ayrian Staff 4. |
RITA IBBOTSONBand 1-4; Boosters 2-4; FTA 2-4; Treasurer 4; Ayrian Staff 4. |
DE WAINE JACKSONBand 1; FFA 1-4; Baseball 2. |
TERRI LEE JOHNSONBand 1-3; Student Council 2; Choir 1-4; One-Act Play 1. |
JIM LARSONBand 1-4; Choir 4; Swing Choir 3, 4; Dance Band 3, 4. |
CYNDI LAUTENBACHBand 4; Ayrian Staff 4; All-School Play 4; One-Act Play 4; Thespians 4. |
MARY LAYBand 1; Boosters 2-4; Secretary 4; Parnassus 3, 4; Treasurer 4; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Girls' Glee 1. |
ROGER McGAHUEYBasketball 2; Football 1; FFA 1-4. |
ELAINE McALEXANDERBand 1-4; Boosters 2-4; Basketball 1-4; Track 1-4; Cross-Country 4; FTA 2-4; Vice-president 4; FHA 1;
Parnassus 3, 4; President 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2-4; Ayrian Staff 3, 4. |
ROGER MAINBoosters 1-4; Football 1; Track 1, 3; FFA 1; Student Council 1; Journalism 3, 4; Camera Club 3, 4; Hi-Y 1-4;
Ayrian Staff 3, 4; One-Act Plays 1. |
JANENE McGILVREYBand 1-4; FSA 3, 4; FHA 1, 2, 4; Journalism 2, 3, 4; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; One-Act Plays 1, 2, 3; Thespian President 2, 3, 4. |
C. ROBERT MATHANYBand 1, 2; Wrestling 1, 2,3; Cross-Country 1, 2; FFA 1-4; Choir 1, 3, 4; Swing Choir 3, 4. |
E. BOB MILLERBand 1-4; Boosters 4; Track 1, 3, 4; Cross-Country 1; FFA 4; Journalism 1, 3, 4; Ass't Drum Major 4; Glee 1-4;
Choir 1-4; Swing Choir 1-4; Dance Band 2, 3, 4; Junior Class Play 3; One-Act Plays 2. |
F. PATTY NEWBYFHA 1-4; Librarian 1, 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Glee 2, 3; Choir 1-4. |
JAMES NOVAKBasketball 1; FFA 4; Junior Class Play 3; One-Act Plays 1. |
H. JIM NURNBERGWrestling 3, 4. |
I. JERRY OVERHOLSERFFA 1-4; FFA chapter reporter. |
JANET PACKWOODBand 1-4; Boosters 1-4; Cheerleader 2-4; Track 3; Tri-Hi-Y 1-4; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Glee 1, 2; Homecoming Queen Candidate 4;
One-Act Plays 1; Art Club 1; Majorette 1-4. |
DOUG POOREBand 1-4; Boosters 4; Football 1-4; Wrestling 1-4; Track 1-4; FFA 1, 2; One-Act Plays 1. |

ANDY REYNOLDSBoosters 1-3; Boys' Basketball 1-2; Football 1-4; Track 1-2; FTA 4; Camera Club 4; Hi-Y 1-4; Boys' Glee 1-2;
Choir 1-2; One-Act Plays 2. |
DEVA RINEHARTBand 1; Boosters 1-4; Outstanding member 4; FHA 1-3; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Ayrian Staff 4; Girls' Glee 1. |
LYNN RINEHARTBand 1-3; Boosters 1-4 President 3; Boys' Basketball 1-2; Football 1, 3, 4 Captain 4; Wrestling 3; Baseball 1, 2;
Track 1-3; Student Council 3 President 4; Camera Club 1, 2, 4 Treasurer 4; Hy-Y 1-4 Secretary 4; Class President 2; Ayrian Staff 3, 4 Business Manager 3, 4; Boys' Glee
1, 2; Choir 1, 2; FCA 2-4; AFC 1-4. |
CHERIE ROEDBand 1-4; Boosters 2-4; Ayrian Staff 4 Art Editor 4; Choir 1-4; Swing Choir 4; Homecoming Queen 4; One-Act Plays 1; Art Club
2-4. |
BONNIE ROUDYBUSHBand 1-4; Boosters 3, 4; Cheerleader - Boys' Basketball 3-4, Girls' Basketball 3; Track 1;
FHA 1-4; Historian 3, 4; Parnassus 4; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Girls' Glee 1, 2; Choir 1-4; All-School Play 3; One-Act Plays 1. |
VICKIE SCHAFERBand 1-4; Boosters 4; Girls' Basketball 1-3; Track 1-3; Journalism 2-4; Tri-Hi-Y 2-4. |
VICKI SICKELSBand 1-4; Boosters 1-4; Cheerleader: Fotball 3, Boy's Basketball 3, Girls' Basketball 3, 4; Track 3; FTA 3-4; FHA 2; Journalism
4; Tri-Hi-Y 2-4; Ayrian Staff 3-4; Choir 3; Girls' Glee 3; Junior Class Play 3; One-Act Play 3. |
DEBBY SMITHBand 1-4; Boosters 1, 2; Girls' Basketball 1-4; Track 1-3; FTA 4; Parnassus 4; Jounalism 2-4; Tri-Hi-Y 1-4; Class Vice President
3; Ayrian Staff 3, 4. |
PATTY SONTrack 1-4; FHA 1; Librarian 1; Ayrian Staff 3; Girls' Glee 1; All-School Play 1, 2; Junior Class Play 3; One-Act Plays 1-4. |
DAVID STEWARTFootball 1-4; Wrestling 1-4; Track 1-4; FFA 1, 2; FCA 2, 3. |
SHELIA STEWART Boosters 1-4; FHA 1-4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Homecoming Queen Candidate 4. |
MIKE SWANSONBand 1, 2; Boosters 1; Football 1, 2, 3; Wrestling 1; Track 1; Glee 1, 2; All-School Play 1, 2; One-Act Plays 1, 2. |
RANDY TAYLORBasketball 1, 2; Football 1, 2; FFA 1-4; Hy-Y 2. |
TOM TERRYBoosters 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2; Journalism 1, 2, 3; Camera Club 1, 2, 3; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Glee 1, 2; One-Act Plays 1, 2. |
MARY LEE TERWILLIGERBand 1-4; Boosters 4; Cheerleader 4; Basketball 1, 2; FHA 1, 4; Ayrian Staff 4; Choir 1, 3, 4; Swing Choir 4. |
RICHARD TIPTONAll-School Pay; Junior Class Play 3; One-Act Plays 1-4. |
BEVERLY WALLACEBand 1-4; FHA 1, 2; Glee 1; Choir 1; One-Act Plays 1. |
DAN WEEDABand 1-4; Basketball 1, 2; Football 1-4; FFA 1-4; Glee 1; Choir 2, 3, 4; Swing Choir 1-4; Dance Band 2, 3, 4; Junior Class Play 3;
One-Act Plays 1. |
DEBBIE WEEHLERBoosters 1-4; Basketball 1, 3, 4; Track 1-4; FTA 4; Cross Country 4; FHA 1, 2; Journalism 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Ayrian Staff 2;
Choir 2; Softball 4. |
DIANE WEEHLERBand 1-4; Boosters 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Basketball 1, 2; Track 2, 3, 4; FHA 2, 3, 4; Journalism 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Ayrian Staff 2;
Choir 2; Softball 4. |
STEPHANY WILLEYBoosters 1-4; Basketball 1; FHA 1-4; Ayrian Staff 3, 4. |
LORETTA WORTHINGTONBand 1, 2; Boosters 1, 4; FHA 1-4; Journalism 2-4; Ayrian Staff 3, 4; Girls' Glee 1-3; All-School Play 2, 3; Junior Class
Play 3; One-Act Plays 1-3. |
JONI ZIMMERMANArt Club 3, 4; Art Club President 4; Boosters 3, 4; FHA 1-4; Girls' Glee 1, 3; Choir 2-4; Outstanding in Art Club. |

Edwin Adair
Ricky Adams Larry Bishop Bob Bryan
Jerry Buck Robert Buck Duane Burchett
Kathy Burton Merl Comer Stan Comer
Syd Comer Mary Cooper Rosemary
Danny Cross Jerry Dillenburg Linda Dolecheck Randy Drake Kim Driftmier Malcolm Eighmy
Grace Ferguson Rodney Fischer Craig Ford Debbie Galloway Ed Gilkerson Jerry Glendenning
Mike Grose Mary Grout David Henderson Sheryl Henry Candy Huff Doug
Pam Jackson Dianne Johnson Robert Johnson Michelle Jones Lynn Keenan Bob Kibbe
Janelle Klejch Cindy Knapp
Tim Knapp David McNeill Peggy Martin Danny Mathews Ted Moffitt Mike
Pat Monaghan John Morrison Kurt Nichols Danny Olney Robert Payne Mike Pierson
Cindy Poore Jerry Pritchett David Richards Kathy Richards Bob Ricker Kenny Robertson
Brenda Roe Gannie Rotert Connie Saville Nancy Sefrit Lora Sickels Sandra Small
Brent Smith Randy Smith Rick Smith Lavern Starkey Doug Strange Mark Triggs
Ellen Trullinger Merle Walter Theresa Walters Reldon Welling Kim Willey Mike Zarr

Kathy Adams Kathy Allen Mark Baker Kathy Barber John Beier Duane Blades
Tina Bolinger Debbie Briner Julie Brown Diane Buck Lynita Burgher Dale Clark
Penny Clouse Linda Combs Sandy Comer Lori Cooper Brent Creveling Carla DeVries
Steve Eason John Egly Karen Elliott Kirk Elliott Diane England Angi Fisher
Ned Foltz Glenys Force Bob French Bob Galloway Carol Gilliland Brent Geringer
Glenda Golliday Sheila Graham Charles Grimes Susan Harover Neil Hartman Kathy Henry
Suzi Henry Ann Horne Kathy Huff Becky Hunt David Hunt Sally Hunt
Terri Hymbaugh Vicki Irving Darrell James Dennis James Beth Jennings Judy Kiburz
Vickie Laird Carlin Lawhead Evyelyn Kevin McFall Mark McDaniel
Jerry Marshall Carlene May Marcia Miller Vern Millsap
Kelly Monaghan Teresa Monday Neil Morgan Ronnie Morse LuAnn Mosier
Karen Newton Susan Novak Sherry Olney Mark Packwood Wanda Parker Sally Pearce
Billy Quick Leigh Pollock Duane Reasoner Edwin Reasoner Alyce Reed
Brenda Reynolds Kenny Reynolds Edwin Rotert Vickie Saville
Karen Schafter Ginny Skjarda Sharmin Smith Kevin Still Sue Swanson
Kit Swinton Sandi Terry Fred Terwilliger Wanda Wallace Robbie Wood Darrell Weeter

Jeanette Abarr Warren Angus Susan Armstrong Mike Avitt Mark Baker
Debbie Ballard Kim Bastow Jacque Bear Terry Bishop Connie Blades
Jeannie Burgher Cindy Burton J.C. Burton Lavina Burton Tony Butler
Karen Caldwell David Chartrand Betty Clark
Glenda Clymer Pam Cole Sherri Cunning Cheryle Dillenburg Doug Drake
Eric Fell Cathy Foltz Cindy French Deanna Frost Doug Frost
Crae Geist Mike Gilliland
Maurice Greene Brad Holden Connie Hunt Nancy Hymbaugh Alan Ibbotson
Dwight Jennings Richard Johnson Stevie Johnson Donna Jones Randy Karr
Cheri Keenan Charles Knapp Leo Lane Brenda McCullough Judi McNeill
Tom Mahan Barbara Martin Kristi Mathany Julie Maudlin
Jeff Monaghan Kenny Newby Brian Nieman Toia Numberg
Francis O'Grady Mary Payne Jimmie Pearce Teresa Pierson Randy Ploeger
Billy Powell Brenda Reynolds Kelly Richards Bruce Ricker Mark Rinehart
Mike Robertson David Roed Cheryl Rotert Ken Runyon Allen Shafer
Kurtis Shaha Robin Shreve Debbie Sickels Gerry Sickels Ronald Sickels
Stephen Smith Vickie Smith Wendy Solliday Terry Still
Roger Tipton Roger Todd Adrianne Townsend Janine Townsend
Teresa Wagenknecht John Walkup Randy Ward Jeff Warren Danny Lee Weeda
Karen Weeda Pat Weeda Doug Wilson Gary Wurster Rodney Zollman

Maxine Carr Kathi Shay Enid DeBarth William Hohlfeld
Merlin WiIlkins
Janene Van Houton James Saville Jim McIntosh Joe McNeill
Mark Larsen Glen McDonald
V. R. Geringer Ronal Scott Barton French
R. E. Haputmann Marlene Scott Sue Larsen Merrill Perry
Chet Roed Jean Yearous Chet Roed Walter Cobb
Carole Sapp Gary Wimmer
Mr. Gilkerson Mr. Myers Mr. Boyd Mr. Carr Mr. Giles
Superintendent HS Principal Business Manager Asst. Superintendent Elem. Principal
Jack Elliot, President Dr. R. E. Fell Max Pool
Barton Abarr Loren Ibbotson
Becky Dolecheck Donna Stephens Cheryl Smith Opal Webb Joan Noble
Lowell Howie Aeden Stewart Larry Denney Wayne Carter
Head Custodian
From left: Grace Sackett, Macine Kimble, June Miller, Maxine Worthington, Guelda Barker, Crystal Stuck.

For over 20 years Joe McNeill has guided Raider football here at Mt. Ayr. Now in the 1971-72 school year he has received the singular honor of being elected to the Iowa Football
Hall of Fame. This honor comes not so much for the undefeated seasons here, not so much for the games won here, but for his guiding influence on the young men of this school district. More than a teacher, more
than a coach, he has molded young lives. And who knows where such influence leads or stops. We hope this page will bear a permanent testamony and record to the honor
awarded our football coach and our school. Don't forget! In the year 1963 he was selected by the Des Moines Register as Iowa's Prep Football Coach of the Year! We were proud
then. We are doubly proud now.

On this page are the academic "stars" of the high school who have been invited to be a part of the honor society. To be inducted as a junior, a student must have a grade point of B+ or better. To be
invited to join as a senior, each student must have a grade average of a B or above.
Linda Dolecheck Debbie Galloway Dave Henderson Dave McNeill
Pam Jackson Lynn Keenan Janelle Klejch
Cindy Clouse Barbara Gilliland Joyce Golliday
Pam Henry Paula Hixson Rita Ibbotson Janene McGilvrey
DeWaine Jackson Cherie Roed Bonnie Shimer Deb Smith Dan Weeda
Pam Henry Bob Miller
Drum Majorette Drum Major
Vickie Sickels Sandy Frost Paula Hixson Janet Packwood
Ginny Skarda Susan Harover Cherie Roed Sally Hunt
Mr. Merrill Perry, the director, shouts instructions to the band.
Mr. Perry and feature Twirler, Paula Hixson, discuss strategy for the next performance (left).
1st row -- Angela Fisher, Judy Kiburz, Paula Hixson, Judy McNeill, Teresa Wagenknecht; 2nd row -- John Allen, Dave Breckenridge, Bob Miller, David Roed; 3rd row -- Dan
Weeda, Cindy Clousen, Mike Greene, David McNeill, Carlin Lawhead; Bass Guitar, Bob Ricker; Drums, Jim Larsen; Piano, Susan Harover.

No. | Name | Pos. | Grade |
00 | John Fell | Guard | 12 |
09 | John Allen | Back | 12 |
15 | Dave McNeill | Back | 12 |
25 | Gordon Bradley | Back | 12 |
26 | Andy Reynolds | Back | 12 |
38 | Lynn Rinehart | Back | 12 |
44 | Steve Calhoun | Back | 12 |
48 | Malcolm Eighmy | Back | 11 |
54 | Dan Weeda | Center | 12 |
55 | Bob Bryan | Center | 11 |
64 | Ted Moffitt | Center | 11 |
65 | Dave Breckenridge | Guard | 12 |
66 | Dennis Breckenridge | Guard | 12 |
67 | Brent Smith | Guard | 11 |
68 | Larry Bishop | Guard | 11 |
74 | Dave Stewart | Tackle | 12 |
75 | Duane Burchett | Tackle | 11 |
76 | Danny Cross | Tackle | 11 |
77 | Mike Monaghan | Tackle | 11 |
78 | Kim Beck | Tackle | 12 |
84 | Kurt Nichols | End | 11 |
85 | Randall Smith | End | 11 |
86 | Doug Poore | Back | 12 |
87 | Dave Henderson | End | 11 |
88 | Benson Hainline | End | 12 |
99 | Rod Adams | End | 12 |
| Varsity | |
MA | 5-3-1 | Opp. |
6 | Chariton | 22 |
24 | Villisca | 14 |
20 | Greenfield | 14 |
28 | Lenox (HC) | 6 |
36 | East Union | 14 |
6 | Corning | 40 |
8 | Osceola | 8 |
0 | Bedford | 6 |
20 | Wayne (Cory.) | 12 |
Pat Weeda, Doug Frost, Gary Wimmer, Ned Foltz, Steve Eason, Brent Geringer, Neil Morgan, Bruce Ricker, Doug Drake, Rich Johnson, David Roed, Eric Fell, Warren Angus, John Bier, Duane Blades,
Dave Hunt, Fred Terwilliger, Cocky Grimes, Kelly Richards, Curtis Shaha, Jeff Warren, Tommy Mahan, Billy Powell, Alan Schafer, Ed Rotert, Rob Ward, Darrell Weeter, Bob French, Carlin Lawhead, Randy Ward,
Jeff Monaghan, Brian Neiman.
| Junior Varsity | |
MA | 4-3 | Opp. |
8 | Lamoni | 6 |
6 | Villisca | 12 |
14 | Leon | 6 |
8 | Lenox | 6 |
42 | East Union | 0 |
6 | Corning | 56 |
6 | Winterset | 36 |
Bottom row: Sandie Terry, Suzi Henry, Diane Weehler, Paula Hixson, Deb Weehler, Ginny Skarda, Angi Fisher.
Middle row: Judy McNeill, Cheryl Rotert, Sally Hunt, Ellen Trullinger, Kathy Richards, Linda Dolecheck, Sheryl Henry, Janella Klejch, Kathy Adams, Sue Swanson.
Top row: Coach Mark Larson, Nancy Hymbaugh, Cathy Foltz, Dee Dee Frost, Brenda McCollough, Frances O'Grandy, Kim Driftmier, Deb Ballard, Sandy Small, Vicki Smith,
Glenys Force, Cindy French. Absent from the picture: Brenda Roe, Assistant Coach Carole Sapp.
Front row: D, Henderson, B. Hainline, G. Bradley, R. Adams, B. Johnson. Middle row: C. Lawhead, D. McNeill, B. Ricker, R. Johnson, M. Monaghan, manager.
Back row: Coach Kelly, S. Eason, K. Nichols, P. Monaghan, and Head Coach Glen McDonald.
| Varsity | |
MA | | Opp. |
71 | Bedford | 67 |
85 | Villisca | 45 |
75 | Griswold | 50 |
82 | Winterset | 64 |
48 | Greenfield | 41 |
68 | Lenox | 61 |
92 | East Union | 63 |
82 | Corning | 80 |
85 | Bedford | 87 |
83 | Creston | 87 |
95 | Villisca | 69 |
108 | East Union | 42 |
94 | Greenfield | 60 |
59 | Lenox | 63 |
82 | Corning | 93 |
65 | Shenandoah | 81 |
82 | Osceola | 55 |
| Sectional | |
| Diagonal | |
Front row: S. Eason R. Johnson, B. Ricker, C. Lawhead, M. Packwood. Middle row: K. Runyon, D. Drake, B. Neiman, C. Geist, P. Weeda
Back row: K. Richards, R. Ward, N. Morgan, E. Fell and Coach Kelley.
| Junior Varsity | |
MA | | Opp. |
42 | Bedford | 54 |
43 | Villisca | 53 |
44 | Griswold | 46 |
39 | Winterset | 53 |
34 | Greenfield | 55 |
62 | Lenox | 51 |
44 | East Union | 61 |
42 | Corning | 50 |
44 | Bedford | 66 |
40 | Creston | 85 |
43 | Villisca | 45 |
52 | East Union | 55 |
65 | Greenfield | 75 |
48 | Lenox | 68 |
39 | Corning | 93 |
29 | Shenandoah | 66 |
72 | Osceola | 42 |
Front row: K. Richards, D. Drake, K. Runyon, B. Nieman, B. Ricaker, E. Fell. Back row: Coach Kelley, R. Johnson, J. Monaghan, C. Geist, R. Ploeger, P. Weeda.
Varsity, top left photo, from left: S. Henry, S. Terry, J. Klejch, K. Richards, D. Weehler, P. Pixson, P. Henry, S. Frost, E. McAlexander, S. Henry, L. Dolecheck, B. Roe, A. Fischer, G. Skarda, Coaches Larsen and Sapp.
| Varsity | |
MA | | Opp. |
52 | Farragut | 64 |
76 | Wayne | 46 |
37 | Bedford | 35 |
68 | Mormon Trail | 60 |
70 | Villisca | 40 |
77 | [unknown] | 14 |
48 | Lenox | 65 |
61 | East Union | 42 |
92 | Corning | 42 |
84 | Bridgewater | 47 |
41 | Exira | 55 |
64 | Bedford | 61 |
84 | Villisca | 49 |
71 | Greenfield | 39 |
60 | Stuart-Menlo | 55 |
75 | Grand Valley | 41 |
60 | Lenox | 69 |
69 | East Union | 35 |
82 | Corning | 29 |
62 | Orient-Macksburg | 52 |
75 | Prescott (sect.) | 50 |
54 | Lenox (sect.) | 71 |
55 | East Union (sect.) | 51 |
73 | Diagonal (dist.) | 54 |
68 | Albia (dist.) | 80 |
58 | Lenox (dist.) | 75 |
The Junior Varsity won 18, lost 2.
Front row: G. Skarda, C. May, V. Irving, S. Hunt, S. Henry, A. Fischer, J. Kiburz. Back row: K. Foltz, S. Rotert, J. McNeill, B. McCullough, D. Frost, D. Sickels, N. Hymbaugh.
Coaches Larsen and Sapp with their Freshman. From left: C. French, F. O'Grady, B. McCullough, D. Frost, J. McNeill, D. Sickels, N. Hymbaugh, C. Foltz, S. Rotert, T. Wagenknecht, K. Bastow, D. Ballard, V. Smith.
Left: C. Foltz scores. Center: Mr. Larsen is excitable. Right: Elaine Payne is a tough guard.
Left: Debbie is Rookie of the Year. Center: Paula shuts it off. Right: Richards racks 'em up.

Mike Gilliland, 989-7 2nd Raider Invitational |
Mark Triggs, 9820-3 1st Conference; 1st Raider Invt.; 1st Sectional; 2nd Greenfield Invt.; 2nd Corning Invt.; 2nd District; 5th State |
Alan Schafer, 10511-11 1st Shenadoah Invt.; 2nd Conf. |
Kenny Reynolds, 1128-10 2nd Conference; 3rd Raider Invt. |
Kent Blunck, 11926-2 4th State 1971; 1st Greenfield; 1st Conference; 1st Raider Invt.; 3rd Corning Init.; 2nd Sectional; 2nd District; 6th State 1972 |
Ed Rotert, 12613-3 2nd Shenandoah Invt. |
Larry Bishop, 12614-5-3 1st Raider Invt.; 2nd Conference; 4th Corning Invt. |
Doug Poore, 13222-13 |
Duane Burchett, 1323rd Shenandoah Invt. |
Reldon Welling, 1385-6 2nd Shenandoah | |
Merl Comer, 138 8-13 3rd Conference |
Bob Bryan, 1457-11-1 3rd Conference; 3rd Raider Invt. |
Brent Geringer, 1672-9 1st Raider Invt.; 2nd Conference; 3rd Shenandoah Invt. |
Dave Stewart, 18520-0 1st Greenfield; 1st Corning Invt.; 1st Conference; 1st Raider Invt.; 1st Sectional; 1st District; 3rd State |
Dan Cross, HWT6-4-1 2nd Greenfield Invt. |

Left: Kent Blunck shows why he has lost fewer matches the past three years than any other wrestler in the area. Right: Mount Ayr's top wrestler this year, Dave Stewart.
Doug Poore demonstrates technique at a pre-season clinic.

Above, left to right: Ellen Trullinger, captain Bonnie Shimer, Terry Hymbaugh
Above, left to right: Cindy Poore, Gannie Rotert

1972 Ayrian courtesy of Steve Duros
