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1895 - 1959

Ellston's First High School

  • 1895 Earl E. Cornwall, Pearl Critchfield, David Harder, Anna McNeal

  • 1896 no class

  • 1897 Agnes Cosner, Harve Cosner, Verna Critchfield, John Dukes, Robert Hoffine, Leslie Wilson

  • 1898 Oscar Fullerton, Dell Nelson, Maude Nelson

  • 1899 Vina Brotherton, Olive Burrough, Etta Burrough, Abner Hollingsworth, Mary Cosner, Opal Dickson, Henry Gifford, Ruth Ford, Bert Hoffine, Clarence Western, Robert Wilson

  • 1900 Avalie Bunker, Lina Millsap, Nellie Millsap, Elmer Reasoner, Andrew Ryan, Homer Waller

  • 1901 no class

  • 1902 no class

  • 1903 Carrie Bruce, William Butcher, Martha Sylvester, Nellie White

  • 1904 Amy Dickson, Mary Ford, Bertha Needham, Ora Osborn, Earl Stone

  • 1905 no class

  • 1906 Lena Courtney, Margaret Dickson, Edna Needham, Estella Needham

  • 1907 Larry Ryan, Horace McKibben, Hattie Faurot, Hattie Linkey

  • 1908 Olive Brace, Idella Bruce, Jessie Hobbs, Edwin McGraw, Essie Needham, Grace Woollums

  • 1909 no class

  • 1910 Earl Anderson, Fern Buell, Alice Butcher, Charles Courtney, Ervin Dickson, Gladys Fisher, Vera Johnston, Jessie McGraw, Edna Morss, Robert O'Grady, Christy Ryan, Leathe Smith, Jessie Wood

  • 1911 Florence Cooper, Floyd Jennings, Elsie Porter, Madge Waller

  • 1912 no class

  • 1913 Albert Fouser, Leland Henry, Clarke Jennings, Ester Kimball, Maggie Sherwood, Mary Smith, Cora Walters, Rosalie Well

  • 1914 Nellie Johnston, Ray C. Walters

  • 1915 Lucie Ball, Eugene Carr, Harold Clough, Ernest Jennings, Clifford McGraw, Edna Whitson

  • 1916 Charles Butcher, Marie Carr, Jessie Doty, Ino Hoff, Milo Hoff, Luther Johnston, Alice Owens, Mary Price, Bunker Walters

  • 1917 Hazel Butcher, Myrtle Cooper, Ellis Crawford, Frank Jennings, Wayne Johnston, Laura Rogers

  • 1918 Mary Arnold, Mary Clark, Audry Fouser, Edna Long

    CLASS of 1919

  • 1919 George Anderson, Ellis Clough, Florence Dukes, Ralph Gillette, Byron Goff, Guy Jackson, Beulah McCrystal, Harley Wilhelm, McKinley Rogers, John Woollums, Rena Woollums

  • 1920 Vienna Brown, Muriel Caywood, Orville Detrick, Raymond Doty, Helen Dukes, Emily Fouser, Edith Gray, Juanita Hoff, Marjorie Long, Nile Miller, Ray Sherman, Elizabeth Trisler, Lis Walters, Eulaliea Watts, Ethel Whitson, Louise Woollums

  • 1921 Orville Arnold, Boyd Fouser, Laura Hartman, Margaret Kauble, Russell Waller

  • 1922 Lloyd Adams, Gladys Dukes, Benton Knight, Ardis Toney, Rolla West

  • 1923 Vance Banner, Laura Fouser, Ray Jackson, Clara Kauble, Harvey Lamb, Josephine Stuck, Mary Walters, Evelyn Woollums

  • 1924 Fay Anderson, Irma Fouser, Lee Hoff, Theodore Jackson, Vaughn Johnston, Elzara Kauble, Mildred Shields, Sylva Vanatta

  • 1925 Paul Adams, Wanda Johnston, Vaughn Knight, Albert Price

  • 1926 Anna Baldon, Howard Brown, Christelle Cooper, Harley DeWitt, Paul Dickson, Arleta Hosack, Golda Jackson, Cleo Reasoner, Ellen Reasoner, Verne Reasoner, Violet Trower

  • 1927 Cleo Adams, Nellie Arnold, Hallet Crawford, Raymond Johnston, Troyal Throp, Paul Needham, Lucille Taggart, Troyal Throp

  • 1928 Alice Adams, Earl Downey, Paul Dukes, Elmer Pederson, Zellma Roberts, Helen Shaw

  • 1929 Mary Clough, Meryln Cornwall, Pearl Edwards, Beatrice Green, Beneta Green, Donald Flohra, Delmar Hoff, Donald Walters

  • 1930 Georgia Cornwall, Vincent Dukes, Edna Ellison, Russell Flohra, Leland Jackson, Florence Jackson, Lela Jessup, Alfred Pederson, Vera Reasoner, Vaughn Stewart, Leona Waller, Robert Woollums

  • 1931 Arlene Arnold, Victor Farrell, Ethel Henderson, Rolland Johnston, Merle Reasoner, Martha Vanatta

  • 1932 Elvyn Creveling, Freida Delp, Gertrude Grimes, Grace Hartman, Alta Johnston, Dorothy Johnston, Berle Lewis, Cecil Lyons, Berle Munyon, Raymond O'Grady, Ruth Priest, Myrtle Reasoner, Cecil Waller, Ruth Woollums

  • 1933 Merle Dukes, Stewart Ellison, Dorothy Flohra, Loring Geist, Wilma Munyon, Arthur Pederson

  • 1934 Everett Adams, Raymond Anderson, Maurice Cornwall, Lonora Freihage, Althea Johnston, Delis Lent, Earl Lewis, Normand Moon, Paul O'Grady, Raymond Rice, Russel Rice, Aden Stewart, Ethel Wycoff

  • 1935 Freida Campbell, Darlene Cooper, Iris Cornwall, Karol Cornwall, Pauline Ellison, Gene Mahrenholz, Herbert O'Grady, Donald Wood

  • 1936 Lucille Buell, Lois Creveling, Valiere Creveling, Doris Gray, Delma Long, Vernon Lyons, Carl Pedersen, Mack Vanatta, Dorothy Walters, Lois Wright

  • 1937 Geraldine Adams, Virginia Cornwall, Georgia Dickson, Keith Foster, Carroll Geist, Pauline Gray, Willard Henderson, Lyle Hosfield, Giles Johnston, Harold Johnston, Porter Moon, Kathryn O'Grady, John Priest, Clinton Rice, Dean Whitson

  • 1938 Cenith Arnold, Leo Butcher, Bob Campbell, Wilma Collier, Wayne Ellison, Alvin Giles, Bernice Jackson, Jack Mahrenholz, Junior McBee, Lucille Ross, Walter Stevens, Margaret Treichler, Mildred Walters

  • 1939 Betty Collier, George Findley, Verla Dean Harriman, Leo Morgan, Donella Munyon, Ralph O'Grady, Maureen Sauer, Nadine Wood

  • 1940 Don Allen, Eleanor Rose Buell, Ernest Buell, Eldon Daub, Marjorie Ellison, Ruby German, Doris Ann Johnston, Don Reasoner, Faye Reasoner

  • 1941 Wayne Baumann, Lloyd Butcher, Vaughn Case, Helen Creveling, Marion Creveling, Naomi Johnston, Helen O'Grady, Kenneth Reed, Bernie Sevier

  • 1942 Helen Adams, Garnet Arnold, Cleve Collier, Charlene Cornwall, Clarence Courtney, Faith Creveling, Alberta Glick, Lloyd Hosfield, Bob Mahrenholz, Wilmina Wilkey

  • 1943 Doris Creveling, Lee Creveling, Mary Courtney, Don Glick, Norma Gray, Pauline Grieman, Eleanor Johnston, Linford Mason, Ruth Stewart, Clara Taggart, Raymond Woollums

  • 1944 Kenneth Adams, Kenneth Creveling, Donella German, William Greene, Ada Johnston, Fred Worm

  • 1945 Freida Bolton, Frank Butcher, Donella Creveling, Kenneth Hosfield, Jean McConnell, Boyd Taggart

  • 1946 Harold Adams, Rose Courtney, Norman Jennings, Darlene Poore, Reba Woollums

  • 1947 Donald Adams, Betty Hullinger, Lloyd Jones, Carl Woollums

  • 1948 Jean Collier, Harold Courtney, Dora Mae Robison

  • 1949 Maxine Abell, Quentin Anderson, Maxine Butcher, George Hosfield, Harold Hullinger, David Jones, Robert Jones, Eugene Robison, Edwin Toney

  • 1950 Garnett Brandt, Genora Brandt, Alice Courtney, Joe Don Reed, Judy Sanderson

  • 1951 Carnie Anderson, Shirley Glick, Duane Grose, Naomi Robison, Beverly Toney

  • 1952 Maxine Courtney, Cecil Ellison, Jim Feeback, Phyllis Karns, Bruce Walters

  • 1953 Martha Adcock, Gloria Grose, Mary Kay Fay, Bertha Fouser, Shirley Huff, Phyllis Munyon, Mary May Todd, Perry Woollums

  • 1954 Kenneth Epperson, Duane Glick, Alice Rinner, Gayle Walters

  • 1955 Lucille Clark, Roger Grose, Mildred Jones, Donald Karns

  • 1956 Lester Epperson, Marilyn German, Marlin Glick, Michael O'Grady, Verlea Stewart

  • 1957 Berl Eugene Fenton, Karen Lee Flohra, Margaret Ann Jones, Jimmy Lamont Thomas, LeRoy Wayne Wood

  • 1958 David Robison, Sharon "Gayle" Stephenson, Raymond Whitson, Glenda Wood

  • 1959 Last graduating class Sharon Brown, Evelyn Cottrell, Janis Dillenberg, John Fay, Karen Fenton, Janet Stephenson Grose, Jeanine Jackson, Alan Curtis Jones, Patti Padgitt, Mira McMillion, Bernard Walters

    Ellston High School, 2009
    Photograph by Sharon R. Becker

  • Ellston School

  • History of Ellston

    SOURCE: A Century of Memories: Ellston, Iowa 1881 - 1981 Pp. 203-206. 1981

    Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2010


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