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Ellston High School Alumni Banquet
50-Year Honor Class of 1936
May 24, 1986

Dorothy (Walters) Brammer

I taught school for six years in Iowa rural schools except the last year which was in Ellston.

From there I went to California where Jay and I were married. We lived in Calif. about a year and a half. Our oldest son was born there. Then we came to Colo. and I have been here ever since. Jay and I were divorced in 1961. Raising 2 boys alone was hectic but we made it. I always worked and put in 10 years working for Penneys. Then I was with Rockwell International 21 years.

Both my boys live here in Longmont. Ray is a truck-driver and John works for Rockwell, Each of the boys have 3 children. John has a step-son which we claim as one of his three. Oh yes, cannot forget our great-granddaughter.

Hope our class can be together again and we can have more time to visit.

Submission by Karma Dixon, February of 2014


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