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Superintendent & Coach ~ Albert R. TROYER
High School Enrollment ~ 19
School Colors ~ Blue & White
Team Nickname ~ Bulldogs
Town Population ~ 90

LEFT to RIGHT: Cela WALTERS, Joy BROWN, Sharon BROWN, May Kay LANTZ, Barbara LONG, Helen WADDELL, LaVerna WADDELL, Beth WALTERS, Beth BRYANT, Patricia SEVIER, Myrtle SEVIER, Patricia PADGITT, Adrianne HARRYMAN, JoAnn LYNCH

BACK: Coach Albert R. TROYER

SEASON RECORD: Won 5; Lost 0

2222Beth WALTERSForwardJunior
3201Helen WADDELLForwardSophomore
4444Beth BRYANTForwardSophomore
3333LaVerna WADDELLGuardJunior
1402Myrtle SEVIERGuardSenior
4505Barbara LONGGuardSophomore
1204Patricia PADGITTGuardFreshman
2555Patricia SEVIERGuardSophomore
1515Adrianne HARRYMANGuardFreshman
1014Mary Kay LANTZForward7th Grade
None17Cela WALTERSForward6th Grade
None12Joann LYNCHForward6th Grade

  Courtesy of Mount Ayr Depot Museum; Submission by Mike Avitt

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, January 19, 1956

Beaconsfield captured the Ringold county girls' basketball crown Friday night at Kellerton by defeating Tingley, the defending champions, 49 to 44.

Players for Beaconsfield are Cela WALTERS, Joy BROWN, Sharon BROWN, May Kay LANTZ, Barbara LONG, Helen WADDELL, LaVerna WADDELL, Beth WALTERS, Beth BRYANT, Patricia SEVIER, Myrtle SEVIER, Patricia PADGITT, Adrianne HARRYMAN, JoAnn LYNCH and are coached by Mr. Albert R. TROYER.

Members of the Tingley squad are Helga GESCHKE, Brenda BROWN, Karen OWENS, Sue RICHARDS, Myrna ENGLAND, Mary Jane MINNICK, Mary Sue PRITCHARD, Joyce RICHARDS, Mary Jane CLARK, Patricia HILL, Norma Jean SUTHERLAND and Darlene GILES.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Des Moines Tribune
Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa

Tiny Beaconsfield Is Tourney Favorite
By Jack North
(Sports Editor, The Tribune)

KELLERTON, IA. - Beaconsfield, a Ringgold County Community with a population of less than 100, is a heavy favorite to defeat Kellerton in the final of the sectional high school girls basketball tournament here Saturday night.

Beaconsfield, coached by Supt. Albert R. Troyer, has 25 consecutive victories this season and won the county tournament.

Beaconsfield relies on Beth Walters, 5-foot 7 1/2 inch junior forward who has scored approximately 2,000 points since she started as a seventh grader.

Beth, named on this writer's fourth all-state team lst year, has drawn praise from all who have seen her.

40-Point Average.

She had a 35-point scoring average last year and is over the 40-point mark this season.

Miss Walters was covered by two and three players in Thursday night's 75-57 semi-final victor over Grand River, which has a fine performer in the speedy Betty Greenland.

But Walters was unstoppable, scoring 57 points. She faked well and hit consistently on a well-executed, left-hand hook shot.

Myrtle Seiver, 5-3 guard, is the only senior on the veteran squad. She is playing her fifth year.

Since Beaconsfield High has only 19 students, including nine girls, the squad has three players from the grades.

11 on Squad.

Sharon Brown, a freshman and the No. 1 reserve forward, is out for the season with a broken rib, cutting the squad to 11.

Helen Waddell and Beth Bryant, who team with Walters in the front court, are sophomores playing their third year.

Guards Barbara Long and Laverna Waddell, sophomores, are in their fourth season.

The No. 1 reserve guard is Patricia Padgitt, a freshman who is playing her second year.

Beaconsfield holds two regular season victories over Kellerton,, which reached the final with a 52-31 victory over Van Wert Thursday night.

Kellerton Sparkles.

Kellerton played one of its best games against Van Wert.

Kellerton's Linda McCulloch, the best of the guards, is a sophomore, and Carolyn Scott, 5-11 post forward, also is a sophomore. Scott tallied 28 points against Van Wert.

Kellerton's season mark is five victories and 12 defeats.

[NOTE: Beaconsfield, as predicted, won over Kellerton, 37 to 68.]

Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2015

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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, February 23, 1956

A great Beaconsfield sextet proved decisively their superiority Saturday in the finals of the girls district tournament held at Creston as they defeated the strong Saint Mary's team, 86 to 64, to advance to the state tournament. It will be the first trip to the state meet for the Beaconsfield team, composed of one senior, two juniors and three sophomores who have played together since their grade school days. As one of the "Sweet Sixteen," the Ringgold county team will meet New Sharon in first round play on Tuesday at 9 p.m. Consolation honors were won by Tingley with a 74-60 victory over Redding.

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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, March 15, 1956

Congratulations are extended to Beth WALTERS of Beaconsfield who was selected on the Iowa Daily Press Association's all-state girls' basketball team. Miss WALTERS was also named as one of the forwards on the Des Moines Register's third all-state team. She has accumulated 3,558 points in a career total and has another year of competition ahead.


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