I, AMY AKERS, will the future Grand Valley girls volleball team a winning season. GOOD LUCK!!
I, AMY AKERS, will all future people in Mr. Giles' studyhall the ability to keep all four legs
of their chair on the floor (so they won't have to try and do homework while sitting on the floor.)
I, CHAD RAY BROOKS, will Julie Vanderflught the ability to draw a stick man with a happy face
in art class.
I, CHAD RAY BROOKS, will Tanya Majavec the ability to drive on gravel without wrecking on a
dangerous curve.
We, GINA BROWN and ANGIE GODDEN, will Mr. Pettiet one new overhead
projector, a lifetime of markers, and two great math students just like us!!!
I, GINA BROWN, will Mr. Casady a new refrigerator filled with a lifetime supply of candy
I, KERRI DEEMER, will Toshia Baker the ability to go out and not get into a fight
(with anyone).
I, KERRI DEEMER, will Toshia Baker my contagious laugh.
I, TERESA GAGE, will Kyle [Harrison] the ability to protect himself from his big bully
brother. (Just kidding, Kenny.)
I, TERESA GAGE, will Toshia and Kristy the ability to decide on one man. I know it will
be hard.
I, ANGIE GODDEN, will Todd Boles one floor board.
We, ANGIE GODDEN and GINA BROWN, will Miss Johnston two more
art students just like us.
I, JEFF HEWLETT, will Christine Maudlin the ability to make it through the day without
being tickled.
I, JEFF HEWLETT, will the Senior President the ability to get something decided on without
causing a riot between the sexes.
I, SHELLY JIMMERSON, will Darin Wookey the ability to stay out of trouble, OR ELSE!!
I, SHELLY JIMMERSON, will Kelli Stark the ability to get the last word, or hit, in
during her arguments.
I, BILL LEEPER, will Travis Barnes the ability to avoid running into walls.
I, BILL LEEPER, , will Kelli Stark the ability to stay out of the ditches with her car!
I, SCOTT MUNYON, will P.J. [Munyon] my Firebird, if I ever get it running.
I, SCOTT MUNYON, will Todd [Boles] my ability to go out and party without getting caught.
I, STACY SHAUB, will Jenni Boles and Kristy Bedier all the talking time they want in
third hour studyhall and a trip to my apartment in Des Moines for a "get-together."
I, STACY SHAUB, will the girls basketball team 20 pizzas for their annual party. (I know
you'll eat every piece, and make sure Mr. Lange pays for it all!!!)
We, THE TRIG CLASS, will Mr. Parman the ability to have all students in class at the same
time -- use it better than you did your 1988-89 school year!
I, MIKE VANDERFLUGHT, will Jami Stark the ability to get something done in tenth hour
studyhall. I never could!
I, MIKE VANDERFLUGHT, will Mr. Lange a year's supply of deer sausage to eat in shop class.