Weekly Register Redding, Ringgold County, Iowa November 28, 1946
Old Redding Register Thirty-Six Years Ago [1910]
George MOLER brought in an old Redding Register, published by NORRIS and Son, dated March 24, 1910, and
for those who like to turn back in memory to the "good old days of yore" we quote the following items:
John ABARR was postmaster. CLyde WAUGH was moving to his farm. Ed NEWMAN had [a] set of buggy harness for sale.
Mrs. Andy AMICK of N. Dak. was visiting here. Pastor of the U.P. church was W. J. STEWART; M.E. church was O. F. HOWARD.
A. F. PARKER carried the mail last week while the regular carrier Manson HERREN, moved to a farm east of town.
Workmen had begun work on the newspaper building (now the Herald Building). Geo. W. ARNOLD, 44, died at his
home east of town, leaving a wife and 4 children, Gussie, Charlie, Abbie and Opal. Mrs. Irvin McKIM, of Broken Bow,
Neb., was visiting the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. WRIGHT, West of town. Robert DAIN, 69, died at the
home of J. B. FISHER, north of town on March 6th, 1910. He was the father of Mrs. D. M. RICH.
W. B. BUCK, Samuel BAILEY and Grant STAHL were candidates for
representative: H. S. TYRREL, Willis McCANDLESS, Homer FOSTER are cadidates for Clerk of Court: John SALTZMAN for
Sheriff. Among the advertisers were McCLANAHAN and HARRIS, W. G. HUNTER and R. L. NASH Produce men; J. M. BAIRD,
Carpenter; Union Savings Bank; W. C. SMITH and J. H. SAVILLE General Stores; RICHARDSON Sisters Variety Stores;
John RIEDLINGER Meat Market; George JENNINGS Barber; O. L. FULLERTON, M.D.; H. I. EMMET, Livery Barn.
Submission by Friends of Old Redding, July of 2011
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