REV. W. J. STEWART, Pastor.
By The Pastor
Services Sabbath at 10:30 and 7:30. We
would be glad to have you in our Bible School. If you
get the habit you will be glad to be a member.
REV. I. B. HOLMAN, Pastor.
By The Pastor
Be ready for prayer meeting. It will do you good.
The church, the Lord's called out army. Be a true
soldier, now is the time. In the spring it will be too muddy; in the
summer it will be too hot; in the fall too busy; in the winter too cold
and so it goes. Some day it may be too late to pray, to sing a hymn, to
go to church, to be a blessing, to go to heaven but not too late to be dead.
The wise say "Behold, now is my hour, my chance." The Sunday
Schools Sunday: preaching at Middle Fork at 3; Redding mroning and evening;
Epworth League. All present enjoyed the KLEPPER recital very heartily
Saturday night.
Gray - Cochran.
Yesterday at noon occurred the marriage of Miss Myrtle GRAY to Mr. Earl COCHRAN at the
bride's home east of town, Rev. I. B. HOLMAN of the M. E. church officiating in the presence of a number
of invited guests. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. GRAY and her friends are
numbered by her wide acquaintance. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. COCHRAN and is well deserving of
the hand and heart of the fair lady he has won for a bride. May their pathway be strewn with flowers is
the wish of their numerous friends. These newly married young people will reside on a farm east of Redding.
Shafer - Glendenning.
Mr. Jerry GLENDENNING and Miss Maud SHAFER were married at th ehome of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. W. SHAFER east of town, Tuesday night in the presence of the immediate relatives of the contracting
parties, Rev. I. B. HOMAN of the M. E. church officiating. These young people are well known to our readers
and will no doubt make a success of life together. The newly weds will live on a farm east of town.
Contratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry GLENDENNING from their numerous friends.
Your Neighbor Reads The Register
The Register For Wedding Cards
Mayor | | O. J. TARDY |
Recorder | | Ralph SMITH |
Treasurer | | S. R. EMERSON |
Health Officer | | O. L. FULLERTON |
Assessor | | Ralph SMITH |
Councilmen: - J. V. GLENN, R. L. HASH, J. W. SCOTT, E. F. NEWMAN, J. W. ULLERY.
President | | L. D. NORRIS |
Secretary | | Ralph SMITH |
Treasurer | | O. L. WHITLACH |
Directors: - L. D. NORRIS, Curtis ABARR, J. W. ULLERY, E. F. JENNINGS, O. J. TARDY.
M. W. A. - Redding Camp 467 meets the first and third Tuesday nights of each month in their hall. Transient
woodmen are welcome. J. W. ULLERY, V. C. , G. S. EASTON, Clerk.
THOS. HOUSTON POST No. 51 Department of Iowa, G. A. R., meets the last Saturday in each month at 2:30 p. m.
Visiting comrades welcom. T. A. ARNEAL, Com. G. W. NORRIS, Adj.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL: - Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10 a. m., J. W. ADAIR, SUpt.
Preaching service every Sunday evening and every alternate Sunday morning. Epworth League before
evening preaching services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. I. B. HOLMAN, Pastor.
UNITED PRESBYTE'AN. - Preaching services every Sabbath at 11:15 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Bible School every
Sabbath at 10 a. m., Bruce ARNEAL, Supt. The Christian Union meets each Sabbath evening preceding the
preaching service. Prayer meet every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. From Apr. until Oct. the evening services
are one-half hour later. W. J. STEWART, Pastor.
Feb. 13th.
Several are still absent from school.
Frank ULLERY was absent a few days last week.
Derwent AKERS is in school after a few days absence.
It seems that the attendance is not as good as usual.
There are more tardy marks again. This should not be.
Reva SHAW was absent Tuesday, her first during the term.
Ethel BLUNK returned to school Monday after a few weeks absence.
Martha PARKER was absent Friday afternoon because of sickness.
Neva COLEMAN and Weldon SMITH were absent Tuesday because of bad weather.
Another snow storm Tuesday but in spite of it there was a very good attendance.
Monday being Lincoln's birthday, the principal, Mrs. WHITLACH, read us of the inauguration of Lincoln. It was
both interesting and instructive.
Feb. 13th.
Gladys, John and Jesse GRAY are on the sick list.
Mrs. John WAUGH visited Mrs. Frank WAUGH Wednesday. Elmer ATHEY and family visited at Asa MURPHY'S Sunday.
Miss Carrie DENNIS visited Thursday and Friday with Miss Myrtle GRAY. Clyde WAUGH, wife and son visited at Riley
MOTSINGER'S Saturday night. Misses Ethel and Zoia BLACK of near Denver came Monday to visit at W. H. GRAY'S.
Mrs. Lillie ATHEY of Redding visited part of last week with her son Elmer and family. Mrs. Ray SHAFER has been
staying with her sister Mrs. Walter SHOWALTER who is sick. Mrs. Chas. WAUGH and daughters Glenna and Hazel visited
Mrs. Clay DENNEY Wednesday. I. L. DENNIS, wife and son and J. R. CLEWELL, wife and son visited at M. E. DENNIS'
Wednesday. E. W. McPHEETERS went to Vinland, Kan., the first of the week to see his brother who is dangerously ill.
Earl ALLYN was down from Mt. Ayr Monday. Murray MILLER was a Mt. Ayr visitor Sunday. F. E. ALLYN went to
Kansas City yesterday morning. For Sale: - 300 hedge posts. W. T. SMITH, rfd Redding. Walnut and burr
oak posts for sale. Geo. WAIGHT, Redding. For Sale: - Good hay. Inquire of Ira BENTON, rfd, Redding. 1-tf
A plan is on foot to organize a band here. Give it a boost and not a kick. Charley JENNINGS came down from
Mt. Ayr Friday night for a Sunday visit with home folks. Wanted: - 300 tons of baled hay on track at
Redding or Delphos. Tom LEE, rfd Redding. J. M. CROUCH returned to Mt. Ayr Monday night for jury duty after an
over Sunday visit with home folks. Irwin BENTON who has been spending the winter in Florida and Arkansas
returned home Tuesday night. Chas. QUINN of Dinuba, Cal., came in Tuesday night for a few days.
TRIMBLE helps eyes at the hotel Wednesday, March 6th. Rev. W. J. STEWART who is courtin' at Mt. Ayr doing
jury duty came down Friday night and filled his pulpit at the United Presbyterian church Sunday. Miss Mable
ANDERSON of Grant City was a Sunday visitor with Miss Bernice HOLLAND. Miss ANDERSON is one of the sweet
voiced telephone operators on one of Grant City switch boards. Reports are that a fight stunt came near being
pulled off at the depot a few mornings ago when a Missouri fellow was going to take the editor of this paper to
a cleanin' for jollying him. If you cannot pay don't play and nothing will come from this source. Misses
Susie SWIFT, Kathrine LONG and Mary BISHOP of Grant City accompanied Miss Grace KLEPPER of Kansas City to
Redding Saturday night. Miss KLEPPER gave a very entertaining elocutionary recital at the M. E. church that
night. The young ladies returned to Grant City Sunday afternoon. The elocutionary entertainment at the M. E.
church Saturday night by Miss Grace KLEPPER of Kansas City was much enjoyed by those present. The selections
were appropriate and well rendered. Should Miss KLEPPER have a return date here she will be given a hearty
welcome. The Register office for sale bills.
There seems to be a snow shoveling ordinance on street crossings. Why not have one between crossings?
For sale: - 15 acres of shock corn. Can feed on place; plenty of water and good sheds. Tom LEE, rfd
Redding, Iowa. Incubators for sale cheap: - An Old Trusty 100 egg size and a Belle City 140 egg size.
Mrs. Julia RICHARDSON, Redding. Willard OLIVER east of town returned Tuesday morning from a few days visit
with his brother George and family at Hamilton, Iowa. W. E. HIATT shipped a load of horses and mules to
St. Joseph Thursday and a load of cattle Monday. He accompanied each shipment. Several Grant City youths
were smiling at Redding's fair ladies Sunday. Has our Missouri neighbor lost all of her fair ones? If so
it has been very recent.
A very pleasant surprise was given
Burt NORRIS and family south of town Monday night. They expect to leave soon for their new home in Colorado.
Feb. 13th.
Forest MAIN was in Mt. Ayr Friday night. Chas GRIFFITH has his barn almost completed. Jas. Brown has been
hauling corn for C. L. MALOY. Harry JULL visited home folks Saturday and Sunday. Jas. DENHART and family
visited at Roy BAIRD'S Saturday. John GEIGER and family visited at Thos. GUTHRIE'S Sunday. Floyd MAIN and
S. P. BAIRD were Mt. Ayr visitors Saturday. A number from this vicinity attended the lecture at Redding
Monday night.
C. L. MALOY and wife and Dae BAIRD and family visited at O. G. SPENCER'S Thursday. The friends of Miss Hannah LEE gave
her a valentine shower. She is still in the hospital at St. Joseph [MO]. Misses Lela HULL and Jessie BAIRD entertained
a number of friends at their home north of Redding Saturday night. Dae BAIRD and family went to his sister's Mrs.
Jas. DENHART Saturday for a short visit. They will return to their home in Council Bluffs soon.
Public Sale!
As I expect to quit farming I will sell at public sale in Redding on Saturday, Feb. 24th
At 1 p. m. the following property: Bay mare 11 years old, with foal, black mare
10 years old, sorrel horse 8 years old.  : Milk cow, fresh in the spring, coming yearling heifer.
Two brood sows, will farrow about April 1st, 4 shoats, weight about 70 pounds.
Top buggy, 16 inch walking plow, walking cultivator, 2-sec. harrow, saddle, set of work harness and other articles.
Geo. ARMSTRONG will sell under the same terms some choice hay in the barn. See Bills For Terms
Cecil SPENCER, Auct. Union Savings Bank, Clerk C. E. ATHEY
EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.________________
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that on the 6th day of February A. D., 1912, the undersigned
was appointed by the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Ringgold county, Executor of the last will and
testament of J. T. BERNARD, deceased, late of said county. All persons indebted to said estate will make
payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against the same will present them, legally authenticated, to said
Court for allowance. Dated February 6th, 1912. W. A. McCLANAHAN, Executor.
Submission by Friends of Old Redding
To submit your
County items, contact
The County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.