Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, December 20, 1916
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News
Taylor Grimes, who has been cashier of the Iowa State bank for the past two years, will move about the first of the year to Des Moines, where he will take a position as manager of the farm loans division of the Central Trust company. He has been identified with the banking interests of Rinngold county for nearly 10 years as the cashier of the Redding, Kellerton and Mount Ayr banks.
Ben and George Chung, who have conducted the City Laundry in Mount Ayr for a year and a half, sold their business last week to Charles Chung, of Chicago, who is now in possession. The men have left for San Francisco, CA, where George will clerk in a large dry goods store, and from where Ben will leave for China and a two years' visit with his family.
Lee Timby and Bert F. Palmer went Monday to Lamoni, where Mr. Timby has bought the Grand Theatre and will conduct a moving picture show.
BEACONSFIELD - When the fine autumn days were calling everyone to spend a day outdoors, the Ladies' Aid Society of the United Brethren Church responded in an unique way. Calling their friends together, they led the way to Perry Waller's cornfield and spent the day gathering corn. So much joy and profit were felt from the first day's effort that two more days were spent likewise. In all, 18 hours were spent which resulted in their placing 669 bushels of corn in the crib, bushels of fun and an increased bank account, which proclaim this to be a most successful autumn picnic.
KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Welsh are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine new son on December 17.
Born, December 15, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Buck of north Mount Ayr, a daughter.
KNOWLTON - Mr. and Mrs. Sol Butt, of Knowlton, are the proud parents of a little daughter, born December 10.
DELPHOS - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Varner, of Delphos, are the parents of a little son, born December 14. Weight, nine pounds.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2017
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