Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa January 11 & January 14, 1916
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Ben Nickey, an expert cigar maker, of Creston, arrived yesterday morning and has taken a position with E. W. Brooks in the local cigar factory. The demand for Brooks' Hand Made is steadily
increasing and it became necessary to employ additional help.

Charles Horne, who has been manager of I. J. Dalbey's lumberyard at Redding for several years, has been transferred to Decatur City, where he will manage Mr. Dalbey's yard. The new position is in the
line of promotion and carries an increase in salary.

At the annual meeting of the Mount Ayr Mutual Telephone Company held recently, C. G. Stranahan was elected as one of the trustees of the company, the vacany being caused by the
expiration of A. B. Liggett's term of office. The company has enjoyed a profitable year's business and were able to liquidate $1,939.35 of their debts. The balance of cash on hand January 1, 1916,
was $386.66.

LESANVILLE - Sunday school officers were elected last Sunday as follows: Superintendent, John Mercer; assistant superintendent, Mrs. John Brewington; secretary, Blanche Vance; treasurer,
Ray Middleton; organist, Ruth Terwilliger; and assistant organist, Bertha Laird.

DIAGONAL - Ed Wright has traded his residence property in southeast Diagonal for the John Dillenburg lot on north Main Street and at once began the erection of a stucco building for the purpose
of installing a bakery.

The new garage, which is being built by John Williams, of Knowlton, will soon be ready for business. It will be the largest building of its kind in the county, being 140 feet long and 50 feet wide.

The "Kid's Kristmas Kontest," which has been in progress at Freeland & Carr's Store since early in December, closed yesterday. The grand prize, a $50 automobile, was won by Howard Napier.
Dale Downie received the next highest number of votes and Hallie Short was next with almost as many votes. Besides the automobile, fifteen other prizes were given.

H. D. Wright, who has conducted the furniture store on the southeast corner of the square for the past few months, sold his stock and business Wednesday to F. E. Gleason, immediate possession being
given. Thomas S. Rhoades will continue to be identified with the store.

KELLERTON - B. F. Rodgers has moved his drug store from the east side to the new building on the west side, which R. M. Bowlby recently built. Artie Allen and Bert Smith are elevating the chairs and
enlarging the stage at their opera house and getting ready for the big play, "A Royal Slave," which will be presented January 15, by a New York cast of 12 people in five big acts. There will be eight
scenes with forty changes of wardrobe.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moffatt are the parents of an eight and three-fourths pound baby girl, born Saturday evening.
POE - Mr. and Mrs. Ike Mosier are the parents of a baby girl, born January 8.
KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeBolt are the proud parents of a fine little son, born last week.
A beautiful little daughter was born January 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Orr Foltz of Beaconsfield.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2016

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