John D. "Jack" HANNON entered the service with the U.S. Army in January of 1942. He received his basic training at Camp Roberts, California,
and went overseas in April, 1942, where he served 2 1/2 years in New Guinea, Australia and the Dutch East Indies before he
was transferred to the Philippines. Technical Sgt. HANNON was serving with the 32nd Division of Leyte Island when he was
killed in action on December 12, 1944, at the age of 27 years. The HANNON family, who was just absorbing the shocking
news that their son-in-law Art PINE was missing in action, received the following letter from Jack's commanding officer:
January 8, 1945
In conjunction with the men of my company, I want to express our heartfelt sympathy in the loss of your son who was
killed in action recently. John was killed while organizing his platoon after a successful attack against a strongly held
ememy hill on Ormoc Road, Leyte, Philippine Islands - 5:30 P.M. 12 December, 1944. He died immediately after being hit and was buried
in a U.S. cemtery, Leyte Island with appropraite services of an army chaplain. John HANNON was
admired and respected by his friends-in-arms and was, as well, an outstanding example for all those who came in contact
with him. By his calm, congenial character and his determined attention to duty as a soldier and a man, he will be remembered
throughout the years by all who knew him. You may well be truly proud of John HANNON, your son, as we, the men who lived and
fought with him, are proud to say, "He was one of us."
Memorial services for T/Sgt. HANNON were held on a Saturday morning at 9 a.m. in the Immaculate Conception Church in Maloy with
mass said by Father M. J. CULHANE. - Maloy Centennial Book, page 83

TSgt. John D. "Jack" HANNON served during World War II with the U.S. Army, 126st Infantry Regiment of the 32nd Infantry
Division. TSgt. HANNON was K.I.A. Tuesday, December 12, 1944, and was interred in Plot B, Row 15, Grave 132,
Manila American Cemetery, Fort Bonifacio, Manila, Philippines. TSgt. HANNON was awarded the Purple Heart.
