Ringgold Record Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa 1898
The Mount Ayr Band.

The Mt. Ayr cornet band, consisting of 15 pieces, is well equipped with good instruments and plenty of music, and makes
the best music of any band in southern Iowa. The present organization dates from June, 1895, since which time the boys
have been working diligently to make the band a success. The people of Mt. Ayr have been treated to weekly open air
concerts which will be continued through the summer and fall, the expenses of the concerts being defrayed by the business
men. The band will not take a back seat for any amateur organization.The officers are:
Clyd DUNNING, president
J. W. SELLARDS, secretary and Treasurer
Dr. J. I. TOMY, leader
The instrumentation is as follows:
C. E. DUNNING, Eb clarinet
Clyde DUNNING, solo cornet
J. W. SELLARDS, solo Bb cornet
James SOLES, 1st Bb cornet
Floyd PATTERSON, 2nd
Bb cornet
J. I Tomy, baritone
A. W. DUNNING, 1st Bb tenor
Frank WALL, 2nd Bb tenor
W. L.
DUNNING, solo alto
R. T. COOPER, 1st alto
Roscoe DRAPER, 2nd alto
Willard PRESTON, 3d alto
George SHEPHERD, snare drum
M. E. FREELAND, bass drum
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2010
