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high point

High Point Methodist Episcopal Church
Liberty Township, Ringgold County, Iowa

The early settlers of the southeastern corner of Section 12 in Liberty Township, Ringgold County, Iowa, held their religious services in the Prairie View rural schoolhouse. During the fall of 1874, the congregation decided to build a church. Two sites were under consideration. One of the sites was a portion of the James A. DRAKE estate. James was the first owner of the Blackmore Store. His administratrix, Mrs. Mary E. DICKEN, and sons J. P., Thomas A. and W. E. DRAKE donated the land, a beautifully wooded two-acre plot and here the High Point Methodist Episcopal Church was erected. It was one of the earliest wood-frame rural church buildings in Ringgold County. The church was located approximately five miles east of Wishard Chapel, or, one mile west of Blackmore Corner.

Funds and trees were donated by various members of the congregation. The trees were hauled to local saw mills for processing. Large boulders from the prairie was hauled in to form the foundation. The widow CALFEE donated a fine oak tree which made the forty-foot sill. Doc BELL donated some fine walnut which made the other sills. What wasn't donated was purchased in Leon located in Decatur County where the railroad had been established. Lime was bought and hauled from a kiln in Decatur County. Sand was also hauled in from a great distance. Several teams were dispatched to Leon to bring back the entire bill of lumber, flooring, rafters, joist, ceiling, shingles, lath, siding, finish, windows, doors, nails, paint and other such items.

Although the congregation had hired a framer, most of the work was done by volunteer labor.

E. R. RIGGS was delegated to circulate a subscription paper and the people contributed liberally considering the scarcity of money and sufficient funds were secured to purchase the remainder of the materials needed to complete the church.

When Elder TODD dedicated the church later in the year, the church was free of debt.

Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
January 13, 1905

Sunday School Election, 1905
H. A. WHITHORN, Superindentent
J. BRUKAER, Asst. Supperintendent
Mary JACKSON, Secretary
Annie DRAKE, Asstistant Secretary
Edna FENDER, Organist
Etta McMINN, Assistant Organist
Mrs. T. E. WILLIAMS, Chorister
Clare or Clair DADY, Librarian
Mable ATWOOD, Assistant Librarian
Mrs. H. A. WHITHORN, Treasurer
S. L. THOMPSON, Corresponding Secretary

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
January 13, 1914

Sunday School Election, 1914
J. E. ATWOOD, Superindentent
Joe COOK, Assistant Superintendent
Lois ALLEN, Secretary
Mrs. C. E. MAIN, Treasurer
Mrs. T. E. WILLIAMS, Chorister
Mrs. Winnie ALLEN, Organist
Mrs. John PRIEST, Assistant Organist
Lyon BUELL, Librarian

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
February 10, 1914

Revival Meeting

Protracted meeting closed Tuesday evening. There have been above seventy conversions during the meetings which continued over five weeks with some intterruptions on account of the bad weather and almost impassible roads.

J. F. GRAY circulated a petition in the territory surround High Point and raised the money to present Rev. BREWER with a handsome and servicable fur overcoat. The people responded liberally and the donation exceeding the purchase price of the coat, which amounted to quet a neat little sum, was presented to the minister's wife.

The attendance at Sunday school yesterday was above the one hundred mark and the number of [Bible] chapters reported as read by the school totaled 2,850.

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Wednesday, March 12, 1919

Thompson Family Farewell

Mr. and Mrs. S. L. THOMPSON moved the first of the week to their new home in Mount Ayr. Mr. THOMPSON has lived nearly fifty years on the home farm. Both Mr. and Mrs. THOMPSON were teachers in our Sunday School and were leaders in all church work. We all join in wishing them prosperity in their new home.

Quite a crowd of neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. THOMPSON last Saturday night, March 1st, and gave them a farewell surprise. Refreshments were served and all reported a good time.

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
November 26, 1924

Sunday School Atttendance

Sunday school attendance [at High Point Church] was forty-five on Sunday, November 23, 1924. Sunday school was held at ten a.m. and preaching service at eleven o'clock.

In an article written in 1925 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the High Point Church, S. L. THOMPSON wrote, "There were present at the anniversary on last Wednesday, twenty-four of us who at the time this church was being built were youths, mostly in our teens. Today we are men and women with silvery hair.

"None of those who shouldered the burden of carrying this enterprising work along by contributing of their money and assistance remain. Fifty years have wrought many changes.

"Within this old church we have passed many happy hours; also some of the saddest in our experience.

"Here the majority of us were converted. From the doors many of us have followed loved ones to the tomb.

"On its foundation of God hewn masonry, supporting these massive sills, this old church stands as a monument to the memory of the loyal, hardy settlers of the surrounding country."

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, July 12, 1934

High Point Picnic Well Attended

The picnic at High Point [church] July 4th [1934] was attended by one hundred and thirty-five neighbors and friends of the community and surrounding towns. A bounteous dinner was served at the noon hour, which all enjoyed.

The afternoon was spent in visiting under the shade trees in the church yard.

Visitors from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. THOMPSON and family of Des Moines, and Mrs. Bettie WOMELSDORF, of Denison.

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
July 2, 1934

Church News

In our [High Point Church] quarterly report we find that our average attendance since we began Sunday school was 35. We are proud of that, but let's try to raise it this next quarter. Several have been missing, including teachers. Please try to join us next Sunday.


Interior of the church from Clair Heyer collection


The High Point Church closed its doors in 1945. It was later sold to Jens PETERSEN. Some time afterwards the church was torn down.

Mount Ayr Record-News, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa. September 22, 2005.

AVITT, Mike. Pages and Pictures from the Past . . . Ringgold County, Iowa: 1885-2005 p. 47. Paragon Publications, Inc. Mount Ayr, Iowa. 2009.

BANNER, Raymond V. "Highpoint Methodist Episcopal Church" 2001.

Mount Ayr Record-News, November 18, 1971

Transcription & compilation by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2009; updated May of 2010


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