from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 250-51
Isaac MARSHALL, farmer, section 23, Middle Fork Township, was born in Warren County, Indiana, July 9, 1842.
His parents, Thomas D. and Sally (BROWN) MARSHALL, were natives of Tennessee, and reared a family of eight children 0
Ruth Ann, Martha R., Charity L., Issac, Sally, Mary T., Permelia Jane and Lewis. When he was fifteen years of age his
father removed to Ringgold County, locating in Middle Fork Township, on section 17, where he resided until his death, which
occurred September 24, 1873. The mother died in Indiana in 1844. Isaac remained at home until he attained his majority.
During the great Rebellion he was among those who went forth in defense of the old flag. February 3, 1864, he enlisted
in Company G, Twenty-ninth Iowa Infantry, and was in several engagements. At the shelling of Atlanta he was wounded,
and was confined in hospital at Camden; was taken prisoner and held ten months at Camden, Magnolia and Shreveport. In
February, 1865, he was paroled and taken to New Orleans, but was not able tof duty again during the war. He was honorably
discharged in August 1865, at Keokuk, and returned home. He was married January 10, 1964, to Miss Nancy MOLER, of Worth
County, Missouri, daughter of Phillip MOLER. In the spring of 1866 he located on forty acres of his present farm,
which was then in a wild state. He has since added to his original purchase until he has 240 acres in a good state of
cultivation, and well improved. He has a good residence surrounded by shade trees, and a fine orchard. Mr. and Mrs.
MARSHALL have four children - William Parks, Eunice M., Thomas P. and Grace Edna. Mr. MARSHALL is a member of the
Advent Christian church, and in politics is a Republican. He is one of the leading citizens of his township. Postoffice,
Mary E. (MUSTAIN) PRICE MARSHALL was born January 20, 1845, and died September 3, 1926. She
was interred at Hickory Grove Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa. Paroda K. MARSHALL was born 1864, and died
September 12, 1896 with interment at Hickory Grove Cemetery. Isaac MARSHALL's gravestone at Hickory Grove
Cemetery was not engraved with his death date.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 250-51, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009
Biographical Sketches Pages Index: A - F,
G - L,
M - R, S - Z
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