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  Forest City Summit
Forest City, Iowa
January 9, 2007


Post Office Mural Born Out of a Depression-Era Program

Evening on the Farm, circa 1942
mural at Forest City, Iowa Post Office, Orr C. FISHER, artist

If a picture is worth a thousand words, there is a piece of Forest City Americana that has kept people talking - if not looking for the last 65 years.

For many, local treasures are taken for granted but visitors to our community are quick to point out Forest City has a lot of "class acts" that give personality and character to this 151-year old community. One of those special acts is the mural in the post office titled "Evening on the Farm."

To fully understand the beginnings of the 66-year-old "Evening on the Farm," we actually have to go back 86 years. Farm income in 1920 in Iowa was $1 billion. Times were good down on the farm, but 14 years later, farm income plummeted to only $13 million.

The Great Depression had local unemployment at 25 percent. Hundreds of farms were being foreclosed in Winnebago and Hancock counties. The Depression - plus the Dust Bowl and blizzards of the mid-1930s - put rural America on the ropes if not flat out on the mat.

President Franklin D. ROOSEVELT and Congress enacted the "New Deal" program that was designed to get Americans back to work. And that included the arts community. Through the Treasury Section of Fine Arts Grants, artists were invited to enter new paintings that if selected would decorate federal buildings, including Post offices.

It just so happened that in February 1941, local contractors GJELLEFALD and BARTLESON, constructed a new Federal Post Office in Forest City, which cost $70,000 ($5,000 under budget no less!).

Forest City was so proud of the new building that School Board minutes show school was dismissed for the day so families could attend the dedication. If the costs of the building came in at or below budget, then 1 percent of the building cost, which in this case was $750, was donated for decorative arts to the structure.

Orr C. FISHER, an Iowa native artist who studied under Grant WOOD, came from Mount Ayr in southern Iowa and spent a few days talking to the postmaster and citizens about his desire for the mural.

Overwhelmingly, those he talked with wanted the mural to be rural in nature. Forest City at that time was a retail hub of surrounding areas with a full main street of businesses that had directly felt the impact of demise of agriculture. People interviewed requested a rural picture of the good times remembered and hopefully soon to return.

FISHER went home and pencil sketched seven rural scenes - submitting them to the Federal Works Agency. Two were selected and presented to a local committee for approval and any changes.

Mr. FISHER than painted the two revised pencil sketches and submitted them to the federal government. It was then that our current “Evening on the Farm” was commissioned to be painted.

Mr. FISHER started the 5-by-13-foot linen mural on Aug. 6, 1941 and completed it the next spring - gluing it to the post office's south wall on June 12, 1942. He was paid $750.

The scene is unique because of the different art styles displayed. If you examine it closely, you will see the nearby characters on the bottom half are very realistic, like the animals and the farm family. But as you look at the upper half, many of the buildings are almost fantasy-like in presentation.

"Evening on the Farm" stayed in its original condition for 27 years until 1969 when vandals threw eggs on the mural. A professional cleaner was hired to bring it back to its glory.

A note from Postmaster David ANDERSON, dated Sept 16, 1969, to the federal government, states that the "postmaster inspector was here last evening and found out who had thrown the eggs on the painting in the lobby. Assume that either you or your head office will get a full report on this."

An unexpected leaky roof in the 1980s caused some deterioration and chipping of the mural. A professional art conservator from Wisconsin was contracted in 1989 to bring the mural back to original condition.

The WPA Program put 36 murals in 34 post offices and libraries in Iowa, including places like Algona and Emmetsburg. Today, less than 1,000 of the 30,000 nationwide post offices have decorative murals in them. Forest City Postmaster Sue GOLLY says preserving remaining murals is a top priority.

Although times change, history doesn't. At a time when the bulldozer is cheaper than renovation, Forest City has placed its bets on keeping our past alive for future generations. The 1896 Winnebago Courthouse, 1900 Waldorf Hotel (College), 1898 Mansion Museum, the M and St. Louis Train Depot, the Union Soldier statue and "Evening on the Farm" are just several landmarks proving Forest City never has been content to be "status quo."

Riley LEWIS, who farms west of Forest City, is a local historian who writes the Heritage Series.

NOTE: Orr C. FISHER was paid $750 for his mural "Evening on the Farm."

Orr Cleveland FISHER was born on a farm near Delphos, Ringgold County, Iowa, on November 27, 1885, the son of James and Sarah FISHER, the brother of Guyer, Dale, Eula, and Iona. He exhibited an interest in art at an early age, drawing with whatever implement was handy, even using his finger to draw figures in plow furrows. His formal art education was limited to correspondence courses in drawing, cartooning, design, and illustration and two periods of instruction at the Cumming School of Art, Des Moines, Iowa, in 1913 and later in 1921. Orr attended Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, drawing cartoons for the Drake DELPHIC and illustrating the University's annual QUAX in 1909. Orr hand-painted sofa pillows for college students and worked with J. N. "Ding" DARLING, cartoonist with the Des Moines Register

Orr was quite a talented man, obtaining a U.S., Canadian, and British patent on an automatic locomotive whistle. He worked for the Chicago Rock Island Railroad out of Allerton, Iowa, as a signal maintainer and contributed articles and cartoons to the Signal Engineers Magazine and Signalmen's Almanac. He drove a six-horse freight wagon as an overland teamster between Rock Springs and Boulder, Wyoming for a couple of years.

As a WPA artist, Orr painted murals in the U.S. Post Offices in Mount Ayr and Forest City, Iowa.

Orr painted wherever he lived and worked, and wherever he traveled. He exhibited in shows where he lived and usually joined the local art societies, winning prizes and ribbons from all over the United States. His last blue ribbon was won at a Society of Western Artists Show at Fashion Fair, Fresno, California - a portrait of J. N. "Ding" DARLING. This painting has been donated to the University Museums, Brunnier Gallery at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, by his niece Donna L. HOWARD.

Before moving to California in the 1960's, Orr built a studio in Woodstock, New York, and lived in that artist's colony for several years.

Orr obtained a U.S., Canadian,and British patent for an automatic whistle for a locomotive that he invented.

Orr died on August 26, 1974, Fresno, California.

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, November 03, 2005

Readers provide column contributions

by Mike Avitt

Donna HOWARD of Depoe Bay, OR sent me five Orr FISHER postcards. All five postcards have a "get well soon' theme and two of them mention Rochester, MN, the location of the Mayo Clinic. All five say, "PUB. BY FISHER CARTOON SERVICE, REDDING< IA." I am assuming that Orr had a contract with the Mayo Clinic to provide "get Well Soon" postcards for the clinic. Thanks to Donna for the postcards.

Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2009; updated November of 2012

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, August 15, 2013

County native painted two WPA murals in Iowa

Most readers of the Mount Ayr Record-News are familiar with the history behind the mural that adorns the east wall in the lobby of the Mount Ayr post office.

Entitled "Corn Parade," the mural was painted in 1941 by Ringgold county native Orr C. Fisher on commission from the Public Works of Art branch of the Works Progress Administration.

However, some people may not know Fisher was commissioned to paint a second post office mural, this one in Forest City.

According to an article by Forest City historial Riley Lewis that appeared in the January 9, 2007 edition of the Forest City Summit newspaper, the story begins in February 1941 with the construction of a new post office building in Forest City. The building cost $70,000 ($55,000 below budget), and an agreement stated that if the new building came in at or below estimates, one percent of the cost would be donated for decorative arts for the new building.

Interested in the project, Fisher talked to the post master and local residents about their desires for the artwork, and all agreed a mural representing a rural scene was most appropriate.

Fisher then submitted seven pencil sketches to the Federal Works Agency, whose officials chose two to be presented to a committee of local citizens for their approval.

He then painted the two scenes and resubmitted them to federal officials, who ultimately chose the scene entitled "Evening on the Farm" to be commissioned for the post office.

Fisher began work on the 5x13-foot linen mural on August 6, 1941 and completed it by the next spring. On June 2, 1942 the mural was glued to the post office's south wall.

The mural stayed in its original condition until 1969 when it was vandalized with thrown eggs. A professional cleaner was employed to restore the damaged mural.

A roof leak in the 1980s caused some deterioration and chipping, and this time a professional restoration artist was hired to return it again to its original condition.

In all, the WPA commissioned 36 murals in 34 post offices and libraries in Iowa, and Ringgold county figures prominently in that period of American history.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2013

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, August 13, 2015, Page 1

Famed artist's works donated by ISU to be displayed locally

By Kathy Hemann

On July 30, 2015, Iowa State University shared four of local artist Orr Fisher's works with Ringgold County. Orr Fisher was born in Delphos in 1885 and lived in Mt. Ayr, Iowa as well as in Woodstock, NY and California. He is best remembered for painting "The Corn Parade" mural in the Mount Ayr Post Office where we all can enjoy it.

With the death last winter of his niece Donna Howard, daughter of Eula Fisher, all of Orr's remaining works of art were willed to Iowa State. I had become close to Donna Howard over the last few years, and I knew this was her wish.

After waiting six months, I contacted the Art Museum and Archives of Iowa State on the very day they were unpacking and cataloguing over 300 of Orr's paintings. I was told that if I could supply numbers for area non-profit organizations, that Iowa State would allow each non-profit to have two paintings so Orr's legacy could be spread to all people. The organizations to benefit were the Public Library and the Depot Museum.

The library is in possession of a large painting in oil called "In and Out," a collection of Iowa scenes. It is dated 1935 and on the back is Orr's label and price of $800. He must have been very proud of this work because in 1935 you could buy a car for that price. Please stop by the Public Library and see this wonderful work of art.

The other paintings are displayed in the Depot Museum and include a small mural-style in oil and a double-sided painting with two farmers and pigs done in his cartoonish style. Bob and Kay Sickels chose those works and would be thrilled if you would come and see these two new additions to the Depot Musuem.

Another item found amongst his effects is his large case measuring 59"x41" that held his canvases as he traveled the country to paint. It has two paintings on the side, and it rode on the running board of his 1917 Maxwell Touring car. He affectionately named this case "Max." Later his companion artist Holland Foster from Caledonia wrote many letters to Donna Howard asking for "Max," but due to the large size, she never let him buy it. Together they took "Max" to Caledonia in 1926. Well, it took many years, but "Max" finally made it back to Ringgold County.

A huge bonus was the three tubs of family paperwork and photos from Ringgold County and of the family travels. There is a massive amount of photograph negatives and slides that Mike Avitt is digging through along with the paperwork from Orr Fisher's patents, inventions and even the legal will.

We are so lucky his family preserved everything and Iowa State and others did not discard the preserved history and inner thoughts and feelings of this wonderful artist.

Again I am grateful to Iowa State for sharing and allowing us to catalog Orr Fisher's life.

And by the way, he used his money for painting the post office mural to buy a Studebaker car. He did love cars.

Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, September 10, 2015, Page 14

By Mike Avitt

As promised, here's your half-naked man in the woods. What an incredible photograph this is and to have two iconic Ringgold County figures in the same picture is a historian's dream. This is also Snapshots of History article number 200 so let's celebrate!

The Mount Ayr Depot Museum was the recipient of images, letters, and other paper items from the estate of Donna Howard, Orr Fisher's niece. This happened by way of Iowa State University and we got paintings, as well. And we weren't the only ones. Other non-profit organizations got paintings and as you may see a large Orr Fisher work on display at the Mount Ayr Public Library. I'll tell you more in the future articles, but this week we're looking at Willis Ray Wiley.

[The portions of this article, pertaining to Willis Ray "Willie" Willey, may be found on Willie's biography.]

And the finished painting of Willie Willey? I believe it is still in the possession of Iowa State University. I hear they are going to auction it off, but I don't know if they are aware who the subject is. Even if we don't get the painting, we've got this fantastic picture!

Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, September 10, 2015, Page 14

By Mike Avitt

The back of the photo says the boy is the son of a local chalet owner. Orr [Fisher] and Holland Foster went to Colorado in 1926 for the purpose of painting landscapes. Fortunately, Mr. Foster recorded much of the trip in his book, "The Ghost Town of Caledonia."

Most of the information I have about this trip comes from the Caledonia book, but first I'll tell you who Holland Foster was. He was born February 15, 1906 in Caledonia. His father, Homer Foster, at different times, owned the Princess Theater, the Star Theater, and a grocery store in Mount Ayr. Holland's uncle, Homer Holland was (in my humble opinion) Ringgold County's greatest athlete excelling in track & field and baseball. Like Orr Fisher, Holland Foster became an artist and studied under Grant Wood at the University of Iowa. Mr. Foster eventually found his way to New York state where he became an art teacher and was involved with several art-related councils and organizations. In 1978, he wrote a book which covers many topics including his trip to Colorado with fellow artist Orr Fisher.

The trip to Colorado was made in a 1917 Maxwell automobile which our artistic duo affectionately named "Max." Leaving in August of 1926, the first overnight campsite was in Hastings, Nebraska. They reached Garden of the Gods in Colorado the second day. Orr's first painting was a panorama which he painted on "Max." On their third day in Colorado, Orr and Holland picked up Julius Blunck and gave him a ride to his brother's place. Afterwards, "Max" took the boys higher into the mountains.

Orr and Holland took hundreds of photographs on this trip. Orr was a much faster painter than Holland so the trip produced many Orr Fisher paintings. After Orr's death, Holland purchased several of the Colorado paintings from Orr's niece, Donna Howard.

There is a very personal item that has made its way back to Mount Ayr from this trip so many years ago and that is a protective case which Orr and Holland used to hold their paintings once they were finished. It is now the property of the Mount Ayr Public Library.

When Orr Fisher's niece, Donna Howard, died, she left her personal effects to Iowa State University. They in turn contacted non-profit entities for the purpose of getting Orr Fisher's paintings back into the public. Bob and Kay Sickels went to Ames and have brought back twelve paintings for the Mount Ayr Depot Musuem and the Iowa State University Extension Office.

Kathy Hemann went to Ames on behalf of the Mount Ayr Public Library and brought back one painting and the protective case used to hold finished paintings on the 1926 trip. And, of course, the protective case, which was so large it had to be carried on the running board, has an Orr Fisher painting on it.

Holland Foster also created the diorama of Caledonia on display at the Ringgold County Historical Society Museum in Ellston. His book about Caledonia was copyrighted in 1978 when Holland was 72 years old.

Next time I hope to have some information about Orr Fisher's personal life.

Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, October 01, 2015, Page 1

Who are these people in famous Mount Ayr painting ?
By Kathy Hemann

For many decades there has been speculation about who the characters in the Mount Ayr Post Office mural might be. I believe Orr himself would sometimes say that he had no one in mind for each character leading many citizens to make guesses about the identities due to some similarity to a family member. Remember, this mural was completed in 1941, so much time has passed.

Among the information gathered from the estate of niece Donna Howard, there was correspondence between Mary Nichols and Orr Fisher concerning the final resting place for his art. One question she asked was information about the post office mural. Orr went into great detail about his work on the mural.

First of all, as many of you know, this was commissioned work from the federal government during the recovery from the depression called WPA project. The person in Washington, D.C. in charge of this project was a man named Mr. Ruan. Orr had to submit many sketches. The one chosen was "Corn Parade" for Mount Ayr and "Evening on the Farm" for Forest City. All of the submissions were auctioned off in 1943 by the government and have not been seen since. It would be nice if they could be located.

Orr also had to provide information on the type of paint and color he would use. Orr said there were six to eight colors used in the mural, and the paint was permanent. The colors were made by the Permanent Pigment Company which explains why the mural is still in great shape. Other post office artists did not use permanent paint. Orr also had to provide Mr. Ruan with a sample of the canvas he would use. He sent a piece of heavy linen canvas for approval, and it was approved. Other post office artists would paint directly on the wall which is another reason our mural has held up. The size, as Orr recalled, was 5' x 11' and the Forest City mural was 13' and narrower than 5'.

The people in the mural, according to Orr, are Dr. Brown and his dog, postmaster Howard Tedford, mayor H. E. Bagley is on the horse, Roy Schwartz is on the tractor and William Belvel is the cameraman. Orr was very sensitive about the little boy in the mural. Orr said, "He was a mentally retarded child," and he did not want to give his name. These are all Orr's exact words.

There was no money paid until the painting was half done, and he had to send a picture to Washington. The last half was paid at completion and shown hanging in the post office.

Orr was very proud of the fact that he hung the mural in the post office himself. He said most artists did not hang their own mural. Orr was known around Mount Ayr as quite a handyman, so it was in good hands.

It is so exciting that this information still exists after all these decades. Many towns are not that lucky. Thanks again to University Museums, Iowa State University, for retrieving the archive from Oregon and generously giving it to Ringgold County.

Photograph Courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, October 01, 2015, Page 1

By Mike Avitt

Orr Fisher is at far left and to his left (sic, should be right) are Guyer, James (father), Sarah (mother), and Iona. In front are Eula and Dale. The family farm is located in the southeast corner of Benton Township, or about one and a half miles west-southwest of Delphos. If you know where the Forrest Home Cemetery is, it is about one mile east of there. The farmhouse still stands today.

Orr Fisher's grandfather, John B. Fisher, was born in Kentucky and moved to Marion County, Iowa in 1855. In 1857 he and his wife [Mary Ann (Wilkinson) Fisher] moved to Worth County, Missouri and farmed there until moving to Clinton Township, Ringgold County in 1864. They had three children: James R., Sarah E., and George. Sarah married John Carter Abarr who was Ringgold County's longest living Civil War veteran. He died June 19, 1936 at the age of 90.

George married Meriam Hulse and their children were Keith, Marion, Florence, Alice and Vernon. Descendants of Keith Fisher still live in Ringgold County.

James R. Fisher married Sarah Virginia Shambaugh September 14, 1879 and they had five children. I believe Iona was the oldest but I didn't find her obituary. Next was William Guyer followed by Orr Cleveland, Eula Virginia, and Dale Lynn. I have been told the Fishers resided on this farm until 1916 when James built the house at 802 W. Madison in Mount Ayr and retired. James died in 1933 and his wife died in 1944. I believe Orr lived most of the time with his parents until 1944. Orr stayed close to his family all his life.

I don't believe Orr ever graduated from high school. When quite young he moved to Boulder, Wyoming, where his brother Guyer lived, and worked driving teams across barren terrain. He came back to Iowa and worked for the Rock Island Railroad, spending some time at Allerton, Iowa. Then he went to Waterloo to work for the William Galloway Compnay. After a short he went to Des Moines and took an art course. He lived with Eula in Connecticut and California. He lived with his dear friend Holland Foster in New York. And all the while, he painted and drew cartoons.

Orr Cleveland Fisher was an author, inventor, cartoonist, student, and teacher. And all the while, he painted and sketched his surroundings. He also took photographs. The next three articles will feature pictures of Mount Ayr from the collection we were given.

I'll write about Orr again in the future. I just don't have the free time to study his work, get a list of all his art shows, and get a full understanding of his life's accomplishments. He painted the murals in the Mount Ayr and Forest City post offices but I believe Orr created over 500 oil paintings and maybe a thousand. If so, that is a greater accomplishment.

I didn't mention his cartoon postcard business. We have at the Depot Musuem six or eight Orr Fisher comic postcards that say, "Fisher Cartoon Services, Redding, Iowa," on the bottom. These humorous postcards have a "get well soon" theme and I believe were sold in hospital gift shops. I'll try to get more information on this and all of Orr's endeavors soon.

~ ~ ~ ~

  • John B. Fisher was born July 15, 1831, Mercer Co. KY, the son of James and Elizabeth (Brisco) Fisher. He died July 05, 1922 and was interred at Redding Cemetery, Redding IA. BIOGRAPHY    OBITUARY

  • Mary Ann (Wilkinson) Fisher was born Aug. 27 1830, Vermillion Co. IL, the daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Tipton) Wilkinson. She married John B. Fisher in 1854, Vermillion Co. IN. She died Oct. 02, 1907, Redding IA, and was interred at Redding Cemetery.

    John B. Fisher
    Photograph Courtesy of Mount Ayr Depot Museum, Orr Fisher Collection

  • James Riley Fisher was born Nov. 30, 1853, Vermillion Co. IL, the son of John B. and Mary Ann (Wilkinson) Fisher, and died at the age of 79 years, Oct. 04, 1933, Mount Ayr IA. He was interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA. OBITUARY

  • Sarah Virginia Guyer (Shambaugh) Fisher was born May 31, 1859, Fayette Co. IA. She married James Riley Fisher on Sept. 14, 1879. She died Oct. 04, 1944 and was interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA.

    When James R. and Sarah Fisher left the farm and moved to Mount Ayr, they resided at 802 W. Madison Street, pictured above. Orr not only lived here, he painted murals on the walls. The current owners of the property said they have uncovered a painting on a cabinet door.

    Click on thumbnail photograph or caption to view enlargement;
    click on your browser 'back' button to return to this webpage.

  • George Wilkinson Fisher, son of John B. and Mary Ann (Wilkerson) Fisher, was born Jan. 06, 1861, Worth Co. MO, and died in 1934 at Redding IA. He was interred at Redding Cemetery, Redding IA.

  • Miriam F. (Hulse) Fisher, was born May 30, 1867, Fairfield IA. She married George W. Fisher on March 07, 1896, Redding IA. She died June 01, 1934, St. Joseph MO, and was interred at Redding Cemetery, Redding IA.

  • John "Vernon" Fisher, the son of George Wilkinson & Miriam F. (Hulse) Fisher, was born Aug. 18, 1909, Ringgold Co. IA. He married Kathalene Bradshaw. He died at Benton IA on March 25, 1944, and was interred at Redding Cemetery, Redding IA.

  • Sarah E. (Fisher) Abarr, daughter of John B. and Mary Ann (Wilkinson) Fisher, was born June 02, 1856, Vermillion Co. IL. She married John Carter Abarr on May 27, 1875, Ringgold Co. IA. She died at the age of 52 years Sept. 18, 1908, and was interred at Fairview Cemetery, Ringgold Co. IA.

  • John Carter Abarr, the son of Joseph Wilson and Rebecca (Smith) Abarr, was born Sept. 12, 1845, Whiteside Co. IL. He was a Civil War Veteran, serving with Co. I, 5th Missouri Cavalry, was a member of G.A.R. Post 51, and was the last surviving Civil War veteran in Ringgold Co. IA. He died at the age of 90 years on June 19, 19326, and was interred at Fairview Cemetery, Ringgold Co. IA. BIOGRAPHY

  • Keith E. Fisher was born March 14, 1897, Benton IA, and died May 19, 1965, Mount Ayr IA. He was interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA

  • Inez Louisa (Lynch) Fisher was born in 1898, Allendale MO, the daughter of Obediah W. & Arabella (Grindstaff) Lynch. She married Keith E. Fisher on Feb. 14, 1920, Mount Ayr. She died in 1996, Mount Ayr IA, and was interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA.

  • William "Guyer" Shambaugh Fisher was born March 06, 1884, Delphos IA, and died July 21, 1964, Stanislaus Co. CA. He was interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA.

  • Lanna Myrtle (Agee) Fisher was born Aug. 21, 1884, Patrick Co. VA, the daughter of Ari Austin & Sallie Jane (Lee) Agee. She married William "Guyer" Fisher on March 06, 1907, Jackson Co. MO. She died aged 73 years on March 18, 1958, Stanislaus Co. CA. and was interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA.

  • Howard U. Fisher, son of William "Guyer" and Lanna Myrtle (Agee) Fisher, was born Dec. 23, 1908, and died July 07, 1931. He was interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA.

  • Iona Ana Bell Shambaugh (Fisher) Conner was born Dec. 25, 1881, Ringgold Co. IA, the daughter of James Riley & Sarah Virginia Guyer (Shambaugh) Fisher. She was married to Chauncey Tracy Conner (1881 - 1950), and died May 21, 1961, St. Joseph MO. She was interred at St. Joseph Memorial Park.

  • Eula Virgina Shambaugh (Fisher) Arnold, the daughter of James Riley & Sarah Virginia Guyer (Shambaugh) Fisher, was born in Ringgold Co. IA, and died in May of 1973, Fresno CA. She was the wife of Lloyd Ali Arnold (1902 - 1987).

  • Dale Lynn Shambaugh Fisher, son of James Riley & Sarah Virginia Guyer (Shambaugh) Fisher, was born in Ringgold Co. IA on July 11, 1905, and died in Sept. 1987, Michigan City IN where he was interred.

    Iona Fisher

    Iona Fisher

    Dale Lynn Fisher

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    click on your browser 'back' button to return to this webpage.

    Photographs Courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News and Orr C. Fisher Collection at Mount Ayr Depot Museuem

    Transcriptions and notes by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015


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