Mills County, Iowa
The Silver City Community History
Biographies 1879-1979

Silver City Community History Book Committee
A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I     J    K    L    M    N
O    P    Q     R    S    T    U     V    W    X    Y    Z

     George W. Farris, born 1859, Broadhead, Kentucky, married Reaney Johnson, born 1861. They lived in South Missouri until 1916 when they came to rural Silver City where he farmed many years. 1928 they moved into Silver City where he died 1939 and she died 1944. They had six children, all born in South Missouri.
      Birdie married George Jennings, had 3 children, died in 1930. Cuma married J. H. Peterson, who was born in Oslo, Norway. He came to Silver City in 1911 where he was in the garage business for many years. He died in 1961. Elmer married Mabel Tipton, had 5 children, moved to California where he died in 1959. Earl married, had 2 children, and is living in California. Jennie married James R. Hendrix. Mr. Hendrix farmed several years in rural Silver City. He died in 1962. Mr. Hendrix, a widower, had one son, Arthur, a retired career Marine who died in 1962. Jennie, a widow, had four children. Mildred, married E. J. Priest, lives in Indiana and had 5 children. Ida married Harry C. Coyne, lived in Silver City, where he died May 5, 1976, and she died July 2, 1976. Mabel married Glen Moon, both teachers in Shelby, Nebraska, had 2 children, he died 1971. Virgil married Edna McCarron, had 3 children, lived in Omaha where he was associated with Swift & Co. as a hog buyer. He died in 1942. Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix have 4 children. Basil married Helen Parkinson, lives in Indiana, has 7 children. Geraldine married Gerald Gant, living in Columbus, Ohio, has 2 children. Virigina married Bruce Moredick, living in Omaha, has 2 children. Mary Jane died in infancy. Mr. Hendrix was a member of the Masonic and IOOF Lodges. Mrs. Hendrix was an active member of the Baptist Church and American Legion Auxiliary.
     Lillian, died 1939, married Emmett Johnson, died 1970. Orville, married Irene Fletcher, had 5 children, lived in California where he died 1974. Burgess married Lill Minarik, lives in California, has three children.
     Andrew, died when he was 17 years old.
     Edward, married Ola Jeffries. Upon retirement they moved to Florida where she died 1971 and he died 1978. They had 2 children; Charles, career Navy retired, lives in Florida, has 4 children, Clayton died 1955 while serving in the Air Corp.
     Claudia married Otis Lierley, they lived in Silver City, then moved to Omaha where he was associated with Swift & Co. He died 1945 and she died in 1976. They had 2 children: Helen married Frank Strand, had 4 children, and lives in Omaha. Earl married Geraldine Walenz, has 4 children, lives in Algona, Iowa where he is president of Universal Manufacturing Co.

      Thomas James, born 4-15-1839 at Culpepper County, Virginia. He went to Illinois at the age of 12 where he grew to manhood. After the Civil War he came to Center Township, Mills County where he farmed many years; later moved to Silver City where he was caretaker of the Cemetery and School Janitor many years. He married 12-25-1866 Helen Galliher. She died 7-17-1885. They had six children: Charles, Wilbur, Samuel, Edna, Alta, and James Roy. He was an early member of the Silver Grange and was a member of the Masonic Lodge for more than 50 years.

     Robert James Fisher, son of Helen F. Shaul Fisher of Glenwood, Iowa and Merritt Fisher of Clear Lake, Iowa, and Janet Claire Fleming, daughter of Adrian Daryl Fleming and Mabel Genevieve Archer Fleming of Emerson, were united in marriage at the Emerson Methodist Church on August 9, 1955. They resided in Council Bluffs, Iowa, where Jan taught elementary school and Bob worked at the Union Pacific Railroad.
     On December 4, 1966, they moved into the Marshall Humston home they purchased from Gladys Werner, sister of Mrs. Humston. Christian Thor Farley Fisher, their first child, was 5 days old when they came to Silver City. On December 27, 1968, Starr Renee joined the fami1y and Sean Eric arrived on February 21, 1971.
     Bob still works at Union Pacific in Omaha as he has the past 22 years. Jan became a Sales Manager for Rubbermaid Party Plan in 1978 and has been working in sa1es for 11 years.

      Michael b. 7-14-1842 at Echtermach in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Germany. He migrated to the United States in 1856 stopping at Chicago for 6 months. Then in 1866 he came to western Iowa settling first in Council Bluffs where he owned and operated a drug store as he was registered pharmacist. He served as Recorder of Pottawattamie Co. 1875-1876.
      When the Wabash went through in 1879, Mr. Flammant came out to Mills Co. and started the town of Mineola. He erected the first building in which he operated a general store, handling drugs, implements along with general merchandise. Others followed him so that in 1880 a small town sprang up and he became the first postmaster also. At that time there were only three houses between Mineola and Council Bluffs.
       Mr. Flammant had a safe in his store and became also  “a banker” for the little community keeping the money and treasures of the people in his safe. When the Silver City State Bank was organized he became a heavy stockholder and director. At the time of his death 3-3-1912, he was its Vice President, as well as being President of the Treynor State Bank and a director of the Harle-Haas Drug Company in Council Bluffs.
      Mr. Flammant was a true pioneer, a shrewd business man and a most reliable citizen. He married 11-23-1869 Pauline Schlunz in Council Bluffs. They had 3 children Mrs. Charles Cheyney, Paul and Albert.
      Paul b. 12-26-1875 in Council Bluffs and was educated in the public schools as well as receiving higher education in schools in Milwaukee, Wis. After his father death he and his mother moved to Silver City where he was connected with the Silver City State Bank, being its cashier for a number of years. He married 1-11-1922 Lucille Plumer. They had one daughter, Lucille, who graduated from Silver City High School, receiving higher education and later taught for several years. She took an active part in several of the displays held in the Burgoin Building during the Fall Festivals, showing not only her doll collection but other interesting antiques. She was very interested in 4-H work and helped to organize the first girls group. She died in October 1946.
     Mr. and Mrs. Flammant are both deceased.

     The pioneer of this family was John b. 1-1827 in Summit Co., Ohio, he m. 3-20-1851 Mary Ann Piles in Ohio; they migrated to Atcheson Co. Mo. and later to Pott. Co., Ia. After a few years they moved to a farm S.E. of the present site of Silver City. They were of the sturdy Irish stock that made a successful pioneer in early Iowa. 12 children were b. to them 5 of them died before reaching maturity. Mr. Flanagan d. 12-13-1896 and Mrs. Flanagan d. 12-13-1899.
     Of the children Sarah m. Thomas McCoy and had several children.
     Thomas removed to Canada where he d. past 80 years of age.
      Charles d. 1906.
      Emma m. Edwin Morse, a pioneer of Silver City. Her children are listed under her husband’s life sketch.
      Amanda m. Dr. John Nickerson. He practiced in several towns in Nebr. and So. Dak. They had 4 children: Elbert, Earl, Esther and Mabel. Elbert, graduated from the Presbyterian Seminary in Omaha and served the Presbyterian Church at Wahoo, Nebr., for more than 30 years as its minister. He m. and has no children. Earl, is a member of the John Beno Firm in Council Bluffs. Earl served in World War I, is a member of the Presbyterian Church, the Am. Legion, and is prominent in business in Council Bluffs. He is m. and has 2 sons Kenneth and Mike. Esther is Mrs. Jack Mulligan no children. Mabel, is the w. Charles Albert a former Malvern farmer. Then had 3 daughters Lucille, Ruth and Annabelle.
     Frank settled in Calif. dying there in 1944.
     John Grove born 11-9-1857 Atchison Co., Mo. went to Kans. where he m. 3-31-1886 Blanche Crawford, they returned to Mills Co. 1888 where he engaged in farming and stock raising on the old homestead. He was considered one of the best stock farmers in the community. In 1907 they moved into Silver City where he became active in the affairs of the town. He served on the city council, was Mayor, Pres. of the Farmers State Bank and The Silver City State Bank; he was a supporting member of the Methodist Church and the Silver Grange. She d. 3-24-1933 and he d. 5-5-1946. They were parents of 3 children: Neva, d. young, Roy and Maude.
     Roy b. 2-4-1887, Ellsworth, Kans; graduate from Silver City High School, attended Cornell College and Omaha Business College. He res. in several cities as an employee of a Gas and Power Co. was in China 3 years with an Importing-Exporting Co.; lived in Alaska several years; circled the Globe returned to Silver City in 1933 where he engaged in farming. He served in France in World War I, is a member of the Am. Legion, V.F.W., Masonic and Scottish Rite Lodges. He married 9-17-1935 Ida Landon a member of another pioneer family. Both deceased.
     Maude was educated at Silver City High School, Cornell College, Cedar Falls State Teachers, Chicago Uni. where she received a Master Degree. Her early teaching experience was in Iowa. But for 25 years she located at Mitchell, S. Dak. At the time of her death, 8-3-1946, she was Principal of the Litchfield School and Supervisor of the Primary Grades in the Mitchell Public Schools. She was prominent in the primary field of education in S. Dak. and was a member of the Congregational Church and P.E.O.

      Glen Franke was born November 27, 1914 near Council Bluffs, Iowa; son of Minnie and Herman Franke and one of seven children. They were farmers and now deceased. In 1936 he went to Idaho Falls, Idaho, to work for his Uncle. He also worked at Sears Roebuck in Council Bluffs, Iowa. In 1938 he married Phyllis M. Williams, one of sixteen children. Her parents were Ethel and William Williams of Silver City and they came from England. They were also farmers and now deceased.
      In 1941 Glen and Phyllis moved near Silver City where they have farmed ever since. They have two sons, Rolland Glen Herman, who farms and barbers in Silver City (see Rolland Franke history) and DeWayne Allen, who lives in Houston, Texas and is employed at Brown and Root Engineering Firm. DeWayne married Viola Hastings of Pacific Junction. She is working at Houston North West Medical Center as Senior Physical Therapy Technician.

     Rolland Franke, born January 28, 1939, and Luella Fender, born September 11, 1940, were married on December 11, 1958. Rolland comes from a small family, having only one brother, DeWayne. They are the children of Glen and Phyllis Franke. Luella is one of nine children, having four brothers and four sisters. Her father Trueman passed away when she was only 10 years old. Her mother, Ellen, remarried several years later to Charles Wightman.
     Rolland graduated from Silver City High School in 1957 and Luella in 1958. After their marriage in December 1958, they moved to Vermont, where Rolland was stationed while in the U.S. Air Force. After living there for 1½ years, they returned to Silver City area and he was discharged from the Air Force in Omaha, Nebraska in April of 1960. He then began farming with his Dad, who at that time was having eye surgery and needed him to help. In 1963 the farm where we were living was sold and we had to move the next spring. Not finding another farm close by to rent, Rolland decided to go barber college; which he did in Omaha, Nebraska.
     It was also about this time that we had started our family. Our son, Delwyn, was born on November 22, 1963. This date will also go down in history, not only for us, but sorrowfully for the nation; as it was also on this date that president John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
     In February of 1964 we moved into Silver City. Rolland finished barber school and took his first job at a shop in Plattsmouth, Nebraska for one year. After that he worked in Shenandoah, Iowa and we moved to that city where we lived for a little over two years. We three moved to Glenwood, Iowa where Rolland opened his own barber shop on the East side of the square. After a few years the building was sold and Rolland took a job with another barber in Glenwood.
     In October of 1969 we moved back to a farm near Silver City. In fact, it was the very farm where Rolland had lived since he was 11 years old. His parents had farmed here for 22 years, and at this time had bought the farm just north of here. We are 1 mile west and ½ mile north of Silver City. We have lived here now for 10 years. Our family never increased in size. Delwyn is now a Sophomore at the Glenwood Community High School where he is active in the High School Band and music. He has also been in a recent production by the Mills Masquers; a play “Second Time Around.”
     Luella has had quite a variety of jobs during the years while moving around. She is now employed at Mineola State Bank where she has been for the past 7 years.
     We have been farming since we moved here, with barbering being only a part time venture. In June 1977, we bought a building in Silver City, now known as Rollies Barber Shop. This part-time shop keeps Rolland busy in the evenings of the summer months, taking second place to farming and during the winter; also provides income supplement.
     We were all quite involved with the Silver City Centennial celebration. Rolland was program coordinator and Delwyn and Luella helped along the way with several of the activities. We all took part in the pageant “River Boat Rougue”, which was presented at the old Silver City High School Gym.
     I hope you have enjoyed reading our small part of the Silver City History.

      John R. Frazier born 12-20-1821 in Ohio. He married 3-30-1848 to Julia Thompson; they came to Mills County, Iowa about 1870. He was a successful farmer for many years and remained on the farm until his death 1-2-1899. Mrs. Frazier moved to Silver City where she died 1-16-1920. They had 7 children: James A., Robert T., Randall, Mary (died young), William, Cecelia and Charles.
      James A. born 12-31-1848 New Town, Ohio. He came to Mills County 1874 and Silver City 1880. As a boy he was interested in live stock business; he was a commission man at Omaha, Kansas City and Chicago Stock Yards. He died in Chicago 10-18-1928 with burial at the Silver City Cemetery. In 1872 he married Mary M. Cross who died 5-1-1936. They had 8 children: Nellie married James Darby, lived in Council Bluffs, children—Eva and Harry; Eva married Ripley Reed, daughter Nina (Mrs. Gentleman); John M.; E. Lowe; J. Bruce; A. Clara married Paul Nielson; Frank F.; the eighth child Harry H.
      William born 5-2-1855 in Ohio, came to Silver City community with his parents, later lived at Wayne and Omaha, Nebraska, where he was a member of Frazier and Johnson Live Stock Commission Firm for many dears. He married 4-19-1882 Hester McNay. They had 5 children: Blanche (died young), William R., Josephine (Mrs. Lem) Overpeck, Ruby and Mrs. Beulah O’Harra. Ruby and Beulah of Louisiana are the surviving members of this family.
       Charles was born 1869; he farmed for a number of years, then moved to Silver City where he was in the mercantile work for many years. He married Ethel Derby, a member of another pioneer family. They had 5 children: Virgil graduated from S.C.H.S. lives in California, one son Keith who lost his life in a plane wreck. Twin daughters, Thelma and Velma lived a few weeks. Kenneth graduated from S.C.H.S. lives in California, one daughter, Carol. Naomi graduated from S.C.H.S. and received higher education at a religious school in Omaha, she married Rev. Roland Norman; they are living in Norfolk, Virginia after spending some time Thailand where they were in mission work. Naomi and Roland have three children: Julie Ann, Paul R. and Ruth Naomi.

      Bert Fritz was born in Hebron, Nebraska on January 19, 1881. He married Pearl Haines who was born in Silver City on July 13, 1891. They had four children, Homer, Leona, Letty and Wayne.
      Homer Douglas was born March 9, 1913. He married Virginia May and now lives in Glenwood. They have two daughters, Judy and Pamela. Judy married James Smith and lives in Des Moines. They have one daughter and two sons. Pamela married Larry Hostetter and lives south of Glenwood. They have two daughters and two sons.
      Leona was born in Mills County on June 11, 1915. She married Clyde Miskimins from Indiana. They have one daughter, Arveta who married Larry Blue and they have three sons. They live in Indiana.
      Letty was born in Mills County on August 6, 1921. She married Robert Warner who died in 1968. They have one daughter, Kathy. Letty lives in Bartlesville, Oklahoma and her daughter in Kansas City, Kansas.
      Wayne Jack was born in Mills County on January 22, 1924. He married Vernelle Plumer of Omaha. They have six children: Jerry, married with five children; Kathy, married with one child; Douglas, married with one child; Cynthia, married; Joel and Jackie in high school. They all live in Omaha, Nebraska.
      Bert and Pearl moved to Silver City in 1951 and acquired the home of her parents.
      Bert died here in 1966.

Transcribed and contributed by Roseanna Zehner and Darlene Jacoby, 2010

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