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Winneshiek County IAGenWeb

Cemetery Index

this site was last updated on Monday, 14 September 2020

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Welcome to the Winneshiek County cemetery Index. There are 96 documented cemeteries in Winneshiek County. These 96 Cemetery tables document 35897 graves. Of these 96 cemetery tables 63 of them are 100% Photo surveys. Included among these 35897 graves are 35235 graves with associated gravestone photos. These 35235 photos are displayed from the GPP database and can be viewed directly from the cemetery tables. Included among these 35897 graves are 9799 graves that were registered with the 1930's WPA cemetery survey. These 9799 records are displayed from the WPA database and can be viewed directly from many of the cemetery tables. Also among these 35897 documented graves are 2085 graves with associated obituaries. These 2085 obituaries are displayed from the Iowa board obituaries and can be viewed directly from the cemetery tables. These tables include links to 539 pictures of the deceased. To add pictures of the deceased to these tables, send the pictures that you want added to your county coordinator.

Cemeteries marked with a picture have a cemetery table based on a 100% photo survey

Aase Haugenpicture (84) Festina (910) Madison Lutheran (658) Saint Francis de Salespicture (1574)
Baethke aka Rice aka Kinneypicture (6) First Lutheranpicture (507) Madison Settlement (63) Saint James German Lutheranpicture (13)
Baker Schoolpicture (3) First Orleans Lutheranpicture (1) McIntoshpicture (17) Saint Johnspicture (1149)
Barnespicture (61) Frankvillepicture (611) Metcalf aka Crossroads Saint Johns Lutheranpicture (24)
Big Canoe Lutheranpicture (1173) Freeportpicture (306) Moneek Historical Markerpicture (1) Saint Kieranspicture (84)
Big Canoe Norwegian Methodistpicture (93) Fremont Lutheran (166) Mount Grove aka United Brethren Saint Peters
Bloomfieldpicture (383) Gaul Timber North Washington Prairiepicture (154) Saint Wenceslauspicture (1564)
Blufftonpicture (160) German Methodist aka Butz Cemeterypicture (22) Oak Hill aka Willman Farm Cemeterypicture (39) Scandinavian Norwegian Methodist aka Teslow Farmpicture (5)
Bohemian National (157) Glenwood Lutheranpicture (684) Oak Hill Fort Atkinsonpicture (284) Schultz Farm
Bruvold Farm (2) GPP Gavestone Index Orleans Lutheran (305) Smalley Gravespicture (2)
Burr Oakpicture (1808) Haugpicture (47) Pagin aka Washington Prairie Cemeterypicture (61) Springfieldpicture (344)
C. J. Jack Farm Hauge Lutheranpicture (326) Phelpspicture (4253) Springwaterpicture (122)
Calmar City (206) Hesper Lutheranpicture (793) Pleasant Viewpicture (603) State Line Methodistpicture (403)
Calmar Lutheranpicture (954) Hesper Pioneer aka Salveson (34) Pontoppidanpicture (319) Stavangerpicture (652)
Canoe German Methodistpicture (131) Hesper Publicpicture (917) Quandahl Stoen Farm
Canoe Ridge Lutheranpicture (247) Highland Lutheranpicture (328) Ridgeway (126) Union Prairiepicture (426)
Centennial aka Greenwoodpicture (532) Hillside aka Ossian Community (287) Russellpicture (295) United Lutheranpicture (194)
East Freeport Kendallville-Eddypicture (469) Ryan Farm Washington Prairie Lutheranpicture (1265)
East Glenwoodpicture (178) Kruse Farm aka Garfield Family<picture (8) Saint Agnespicture (495) Washington Prairie Norwegian Methodistpicture (75)
East Madison aka Voldpicture (170) Ladwig Farm Saint Aloysiuspicture (856) Wilson
Egge Lincoln Lutheran (321) Saint Anthony of Paduapicture (19) WPA Puzzle
Evangelical United Brethren aka South Krantzpicture (15) Locust aka Saint Johnpicture (318) Saint Benedict (1214) WPA Survey Index
Faucett Farm Locust Lane Salem aka Seegmillerpicture (31) Saint Bridgetpicture (613) Young Farm aka Riha Farmpicture (9)
Ferkindstad Farm Lutheran (Decorah)picture (3753) Saint Clementpicture (120) EL

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Please, contact the county coordinator to submit additions or corrections. Also, are you aware of the State Association for the Preservation of Iowa Cemeteries?

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this page was last updated on July 2024