2010 IAGenWeb
Project Coordinator's Conference

Your Hosts
Welcomed You!

Lynn McCleary

Hi, that’s me at the 2007 Conference.  I had just joined the IAGenWeb group in January of that  year, as a Co-coordinator of Muscatine County. 
Having no previous experience in creating web pages, Dave Dunston told me that with him coaching me, and the book Teach yourself HTML and CSS in 24 hours, by Dick Oliver and Michael Morrison, I could do it.  Four months later Dave stepped into the role of managing just the Boards, and I took over as county coordinator.

My style is very basic.  I do hand coding and LEAP FTP program that is what Dave used.  Once I got some template pages under my belt, I took off, tackling all kinds of material. I've yet to learn cascading style pages. 

LEAP FTP program doesn’t work well with the Vista system on my newer computer.  Would really like to SEE what other programs people are using to create their pages.  I have a list of other things I’d like to be able to do.   My interpretation of certain set of instructions is just not coming out with the product that am trying to achieve, much to my major frustration.

Back in August I asked Constance, our SC, about the possibility of having a gathering of IAGenWeb folks to help each other on various web page issues. There seemed to be an interest out there but most were waiting to see when and where it was scheduled. I offered to help organize it, and she took me up on the idea. 

Then the big question – when?  Soccer is HUGE here in Muscatine. The season begins in June and goes through September.  Places to stay are booked solid.  However if we held our conference the first weekend in May we would not have any problem with hotels. Having it in early May people might look forward to getting out after hibernating through the winter.  Also it is the week before Mother’s Day, and before most graduations and weddings are scheduled.

Really hope you will come.  Am looking forward to putting faces to email addresses!!

Lynn McCleary

Muscatine County Coordinator
USGenWeb Election Committee
NWPL Region Representative for 2010

Ralph Leonard

Hey to all! Yes, this IS a picture of me... ten months ago and 25 pounds lighter, but it's me. How are all of you?

First, I need to say I am honored to be a host for this conference. When asked, I jumped at the opportunity. It will be so great to meet you!

My background includes teaching, and have I have a master's degree in Education. Teaching provided the opportunity for me to attend a large number
of conferences\workshops.
I have even helped in their
organization and development in the past.

Ralph Leonard

Carroll County Coordinator