Mahaska County Cemeteries

This is a listing of known Mahaska County Cemeteries, including those still in use. Pioneer cemeteries are designated with this symbol: ♦

More information is provided at individual cemetery links. Lists may be incomplete and contain errors. Please submit additions and corrections to the County Coordinator using the contact link at the top of the page.

The records used to compile these lists can be viewed on our Resources page.

For a list of Mahaska County gravestone photos by surname, click HERE  and/or download a copy of the Mahaska County Cemeteries Map

♦Appel Richland 26 Madison Center (Shoemake) Madison 27
♦Baldwin Richland 11 Masonic (Highland) Prairie 13
Barnes City Pleasant Grove 4 ♦Mitchell Madison 17
Beacon Garfield 28 ♦McDonald Spring Creek 14
♦Bedwell Monroe 22 ♦McGlasson Garfield 22
Bellfountaine Scott 19 ♦Mormon Point Pleasant Grove 31
♦Berry Jefferson 36 ♦Muchakinock East Des Moines 13
Bethel Jefferson 35 Old Rose Hill White Oak 8
Black Oak (Van Donselaar) Black Oak 18 Old White Lincoln 12
Bloomfield Spring Creek 27 Olivet Scott 9
Bluff Creek (Davis) West Des Moines 28 Peoria Richland 22
♦Boles Jefferson 10 ♦Prine Garfield 4
Butler Scott 12 Pringle Jefferson 20
♦Carpenter (Colon) Harrison 6 ♦Roberts Monroe 18
Cedar Memorial Cedar 23 Rochester Scott 26
Cedar Township Cedar 11 ♦Ruby Adams 26
♦Centennial (Dunsmore) Black Oak 14 ♦Sand Point Upper Jefferson 31
♦Center Grove (Hunt) Lincoln 12 Sand Ridge Upper Jefferson 31
♦Cherry Grove (Concert) Cedar 3 ♦Smith Scott 28
♦Chew Lincoln 11 ♦Spring Creek Friends Spring Creek 9
Coal Creek Jefferson 2 Stewart Prairie 4
♦Cone Jefferson 34 St. Mary's (Harrison) Harrison 31
♦County Home Scott 24 ♦Tilford Union 12
♦Crain (Underwood) West Des Moines 22 ♦Tinsley Monroe 9
♦DeLong/Delasmhutt (Six-Mile) Garfield 31 Tioga White Oak 13
♦Evans Garfield 18 ♦Turner/Tinkerville/Wapalo Monroe 36
Evergreen Black Oak 26 Union Mills Union 26
♦Fishville Garfield 6 University Park Spring Creek 20
Forest Spring Creek 18 ♦Unnamed Adams 17
Friends (Oskaloosa) Lincoln 12 ♦Unnamed East Des Moines 1
Friends (New Sharon) Prairie 24 ♦Unnamed East Des Moines 14
♦Gorsuch (Browntown) Union 2 ♦Unnamed Harrison 3
Henness East Des Moines 4 ♦Unnamed Jefferson 7
Highland (Eddyville) Harrison 31 ♦Vogelar Richland 29
Hopewell Monroe 35 ♦Weatherwax Prairie 21
♦Howard Black Oak 31 White Oak Grove White Oak 29
Indianapolis Monroe 11 Weldon (Butler) Jefferson 4
♦Jackson (Prairie) Prairie 28 Woods Adams 8
♦Jackson (White Oak) White Oak 9 Wymore Monroe 30
♦Loi Madison 8