
Guthrie Co. Town History

Current Cities/Towns

Abandoned Towns
from Annuals of Iowa, 1930's

  • ADVANCE - In the northwest corner of section 22, Richland Township. Post office, 1871-82.

  • ALLEN - In the southeastern part of Jackson Township. Post office, 1853-55.

  • ALLENVILLE - A hamlet platted in 1882 in section 3, Highland Township. It has since become a part of the present town of Bayard.

  • AVA - In section 35, Orange Township. Post office, 1875-71.

  • BEAR GROVE - A hamlet in the northeastern part of section 24 Bear Grove Township. Post office 1854-1910.

  • BRUSHY VALLEY - In the western part of Orange Township. Post office, 1863-67.

  • DALMANUTHA - In the central part of section 5, Thompson Township. It was laid out in 1855 and became a business place of importance on a main stage line. Post office, 1863-75.

  • DODGE - In western part of Highland Township. Post office, 1859-81

  • ERASTUS - In the eastern part of section 26, Orange Township. Post office, 1885-1903.

  • FAIRVIEW - The name by which the village of Morrisburg (see below) was know for the first year or two of its existence.

  • GOPHER STATION. See Wilmington below.

  • GRACEVILLE - In the northwestern part of Baker Township, as shown on maps of 1887.

  • GUTHRIE - The name of the post office At Menlo for the first few months of its existence.

  • HARBOR STATION - In the southeastern part of Jackson Township on the overland stage route in the late 1850's and early 1860's.

  • HARRISON - In the southwestern part of Union Township, as appears on maps of 1878.

  • LEADVILLE - A post office in the southern part of Valley. Township, established in 1879 but discontinued when the village of Montieth was started.

  • MACKSVILLE - A post office from 1862 to 1868 about two miles east of the present town of Stuart.

  • MAIDA - In the western part of Seeley Township. Post office. 1863-65.

  • MOFFITT'S GROVE - In the northern part of Victory Township, Post office, 1858-83.

  • MORRISBURG - A village of some pretensions in sections 4 and 5, Jackson Township. Laid out in 1855. Post office 1857-65.

  • NELSON - In the southwestern part of Union Township. Post office, 1885-1903.

  • PENNSBURG - Slightly east of where the present town of Stuart now stands as shown on the maps: of 1855 to 1857.

  • RIDGEWAY - In the southern part of section 28, Beaver Township, about one mile west of where the present town of Menlo is located.

  • SAFESIDE - In the western part of section 6, Thompson Township. Post office, 1897-1904.

  • SEDALIA - The name first given the present town of Jamaica, but on being platted later in the same year, 1882, it was named Van Nest, but shortly thereafter changed to Jamaica.

  • TUTTLE GROVE - In section 20, Orange Township. Post office, 1875-77.

  • VAN NEST - (See Sedalia above.)

  • WEST MILTON - In the southwestern part of section 10, Penn Township, A town was platted in 1855 but only a few buildings were erected. Post office 1856-61.

  • WILKINS - In the southwest quarter of section 23, Highland Township, near the banks of the Middle Raccoon River. A town was laid out here but proved to be on a town on paper

  • WILSONS - In the south section 9 of Cass Township, about two miles southeast of Panora, as shown on maps of 1857.

  • WILMINGTON - A village platted in 1857 on government lots 1, 2 and 8, section 4, Thompson Township. Because of the appearance of its sod houses it was jokingly called Gopher Station, and the name stuck. Abandoned when Dalmanutha, a mile and a half southwest, grew up.

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