History | Town History

Tuttle Grove

The first settlement made in this (Orange) township was in November or December, 1853, by Benjamin and Joseph Tuttle, who settled on section 20, in what is now known as Tuttle's Grove.

These parties came to this county from Hancock county, Illinois, but being chiefly huntsmen they, after a short sojourn in this county, went west, following the game.

George Mingus settled upon the same section in the fall of 1854, buying out the claim of Joseph Tuttle.  He was a navive of Cherokee county, North Carolina.

He was a very active, energetic man, who followed the varied businesses of farmer, carpenter, millwright and bridge builder.

He died at his home in this township on the 12th of January, 1959, having hurt himself a short time previously, lifting heavy timbers while building a bridge over the Middle Coon in Carroll county.

Transcribed from "The Past and Present Guthrie County, Iowa", 1907.

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