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Story County, Slater High School Graduates

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Search for Similar names (Uses Soundex)
Enter the complete surname you are trying to find then click on the "Find Similar names" button.
The search will be be conducted on the soundex codes for the name.

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Browse all by First Letter of Last Name
Click on the corresponding letter below to view all
for that initial in Story County, Iowa. (No names start with Q or X.)

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[N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [V] [W] [Y] [Z]

Browse all by Year of Graduation
Click on the corresponding year below to view all. (Some years had none listed.)

[1892] [1901] [1902] [1903] [1904] [1905] [1906] [1907] [1908] [1909] [1910]
[1911] [1912] [1913] [1914] [1916] [1917] [1918] [1919] [1920]
[1921] [1922] [1923] [1924] [1925] [1926] [1927] [1928] [1929] [1930]
[1931] [1932] [1933] [1934] [1935] [1936] [1937] [1938] [1939] [1940]
[1941] [1942] [1943] [1944] [1945] [1946] [1947] [1948] [1949] [1950]
[1951] [1952] [1953] [1954] [1955] [1956] [1957] [1958]

Copyright © - 2022–2024 Mark Christian

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