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Story County, Slater High School Graduates

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Complete Listing for Surnames beginning with P

(Click on Year to see all Graduates for that Year)
Name Role Year
Marian PAPICH Senior 1947
Dick PAUTVEIN Senior 1952
M. F. PENROD Superintendent 1921
M. F. PENROD Superintendent 1920
M. F. PENROD Superintendent 1919
M. F. PENROD Superintendent 1918
Anna PERZELL Senior 1935
Joseph PERZELL Senior 1940
Sylvia PERZELL Senior 1946
Alba PETERSON Senior 1911
Arthur PETERSON Senior 1907
Beth PETERSON Senior 1906
Blanche PETERSON Senior 1909
Charles PETERSON Senior 1939
Chester PETERSON Senior 1901
David PETERSON Senior 1937
Donald PETERSON Senior 1936
Dorothy PETERSON Senior 1932
Eleanor PETERSON Senior 1935
Erma PETERSON Senior 1936
Grace PETERSON Senior 1914
Henrietta PETERSON Senior 1933
Jan PETERSON Senior 1907
Jeanne Marie PETERSON Senior 1937
Mac PETERSON Senior 1905
Marguerite PETERSON Senior 1919
Mirna PETERSON Senior 1912
Norma PETERSON Senior 1939
Ruth PETERSON Senior 1941
Stanley PETERSON Senior 1937
Arthur PRITCHARD Senior 1936

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