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Story County, Slater High School Graduates

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Complete Listing for Surnames beginning with N

(Click on Year to see all Graduates for that Year)
Name Role Year
Marguerite NEILSON Senior 1924
Alice NELSON Senior 1935
Dorothy NELSON Senior 1943
Dorothy NELSON Senior 1941
Florence NELSON Senior 1925
Harriet NELSON Senior 1938
Kenny NELSON Senior 1958
Lester NELSON Senior 1941
Lois NELSON Senior 1938
Marilyn NELSON Senior 1950
Mattie NELSON Senior 1904
Philip NELSON Senior 1946
Virginia NELSON Senior 1918
Clark NERVIG Senior 1950
Grace NERVIG Senior 1954
Helen NERVIG Senior 1933
Kathryn NERVIG Senior 1931
Miriam NERVIG Senior 1941
Morrill NERVIG Senior 1923
Paul NERVIG Senior 1947
Ruth NERVIG Senior 1951
Mildred NESTLAND Senior 1909
Cecie NEWMAN Senior 1907
Della NEWMAN Senior 1903
Edna NEWMAN Senior 1904
Jerrol NEWMAN Senior 1943
Marilyn NEWMAN Senior 1955
Orrin NEWMAN Senior 1921
Robert NEWMAN Senior 1936
Wilma NEWMAN Senior 1917
Charlotte NIBEL Senior 1938
Katie NIELSON Senior 1904
Laura NOTT Senior 1928

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