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  Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, December 06, 2012

Sparks named top pom team

The Mount Ayr Community Sparks drill team repeated as state champions in pom competition at the state drill team champsionships last week.

Team members include (font, L-R) Maggie JENNETT, April SHIELDS, Kylie WILSON, Madi HOSFIELD, Logan WIMER and Caitlin GILES; (back, L-R) Ashton QUICK, Allison WALLACE and Hannah GLENDENNING.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2013

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march 07 photo The Mount Ayr Sparks drill team takes the ?oor to open their annual Expo performance. In their ?rst rou-tine, the Sparks performed their state championship pom routine. Team members are (front row, L-R) AshtonQuick, April Shields and Kylie Wilson; (second row) Hannah Glendenning, Maggie Jennett (hidden) and Cait-lin Giles; (back) Madison Hos?eld, Logan Wimer and Allison Wallace Sparks Expo rocks the gym A large crowd was on hand Sun-day, March 3 for the 2013 SparksExpo.Sparks members (and years of participation) include senior cap-tains April Shields (4) and MaggieJennett (4); seniors Madi Hos-?eld (4), Caitlin Giles (3), LoganWimer (3) and Kyle Wilson (3); junior Allison Wallace (3); sopho-more Hannah Glendenning (1) andfreshman Ashton Quick (1).The Sparks are coached by KrisQuick and Kalian Smith.The Sparks had a busy andsuccessful 2012-13 season. Theyplaced ?rst in the state for pom,?fth in kick and performed at sixfootball games, four basketballgames, the Winterset Dance Showand the Norwalk Prestate Show. Inaddition, ?ve members qualifed forthe All-Iowa Dance team: Shields,Hos?eld, Giles, Wallace and Jen-nett.Besides a series of performanc-es by the featured Sparks, guestperformances included severalgroups of Little Sparks, the Fusiondance team from Martensdale St.Marys, the Gadets from GracelandUniversity and ?ve routines fromLeslie’s Dance Emporium compe-tition dance team in Creston.The Sparks opened the showwith their routine set to the song“Home.” This routine is their2013 state-winning pom routineat the Iowa State Dance and DrillTeam Association competition inDes Moines this past December.The girls traveled to Des Moineson a Wednesday evening and per-formed their pom routine at 8:30a.m. Thursday and their kick rou-tine at 4:50 p.m. Thursday. Thegirls were at the awards ceremonyuntil 10:30 that evening, whenthey discovered that they had won?rst place in the state pom compe-tition and ?fth place for their kickroutine. Both of these state dancesreceived a division one rating.To honor the seniors, the girlsperformed the Senior Spotlightdance, choreographed by MaggieJennett and April Shields at SeniorParents Night on February 5 dur-ing halftime of the varsity boysbasketball game.Other Sparks performances in-cluded their state kick routine en-titled “Fire,” the Sparks footballnovelty dance and their always-popular light show.The Sparks closed the nightwith their much-anticipated CoedRoutine. This year’s coed partnersincluded April Shields and HaganWillis, Maggie Jennett and ZaneSickels, Madi Hos?eld and ZachLemon, Logan Wimer and CodyStackhouse, Caitlin Giles andCasey Paxson, Kylie Wilson andShane Swank, Allison Wallace andGrant Staats, Hannah Glendenningand Lincoln Martin, Ashton Quickand Caleb Schnoor.On Saturday, Feb. 9, over 100students from grades preschoolthrough eighth grade participatedin the Little Sparks Camp. Thestudents learned a dance, playedfreeze dance, watched the bigSparks dance and learned aboutSparks Expo rocks the gymThe Mount Ayr Sparks drill team takes the ?oor to open their annual Expo performance. In their ?rst rou-tine, the Sparks performed their state championship pom routine. Team members are (front row, L-R) AshtonQuick, April Shields and Kylie Wilson; (second row) Hannah Glendenning, Maggie Jennett (hidden) and Cait-lin Giles; (back) Madison Hos?eld, Logan Wimer and Allison Wallace.stretching and dance preparationfrom their teachers. This year, theLittle Sparks camp had a Disneytheme of “Your Dreams ComeTrue.”Preschool and kindergartenLittle Sparks include CortlynnHolmes, Abbi Overholser, Mack-enzie Knox, Lillie Curry, AubreeShields, Kacie Larsen, CarolineAuge, Ella Waske, Aubree Clark,Harper Whittington, Ayla Murphy,Kaley Murphy, Ashlyn Byer, KodaHenle, Madeline Baddley, Christi-na Halverson, Breya Nickle, Brit-tlyn Nickle, Aubrianna Greenland,Adalynn Dredge, Kensie Barnes,Makel Jones and Alana Doolittle.The ?rst and second gradeLittle Spark include Zoey Larsen,Hannah Russo, Lauren Triggs,Anne Newton, Breanna Peterman,Macey Bowen, Samantha Morgan,Lauren Conklin, Karlie Larsen,Josie Vander?ught, Eva Sobotka,Breianna White, Janna Irving,Abby Eaton, Hayden Ruggles,Becca Dolecheck, Tessa Kniep,Jillian Kniep, Kacee Klommhaus,Alexis Boord, Zoey Shelley, Nata-lie Schaefer, Makenna Jones, Gra-cee Snedeker, Tegan Streit, RileyJones, Kaylie Shields, Kianna Pax-son, Alexa Drayton, Tabatha Hen-le, Alexis Greenland, Rosie Leon-ard, Linsie Barnes, Riley Watford,Becca Smith and Karly Elwood.Third through eighth gradeLittle Sparks include RyleighHaveman, Loryn Schaefer, BryleaStark, Jalyn Klejch, Rachel Sobot-ka, BrieAnn Byrd, Alexa Smith,Payten Lambert, Hayley Whit-tington, Hope Whittington, AlyssaBurkheimer, Molly Anderson, Ja-dan Hyde, Brynn Nickle, MollieWalters, Alisha Dine, Alexandrea Shelley, Bianca Beanngard, EllieBoswell, Halsie Barnes, Taylor Ashton Quick (top) and April Shields present their selections from their Iowa State Drill Team Associationsolo competition. Quick’s perfor-mance, entitled “Distance,” earned a Division I rating and distinguished dancer award. Shields performed tothe song, “I Won’t Give Up.”The Sparks closed their Expo with their coed dance. This year’s coed partners included April Shields and HaganWillis, Maggie Jennett and Zane Sickels, Madi Hos?eld and Zach Lemon, Logan Wimer and Cody Stackhouse,Caitlin Giles and Casey Paxson, Kylie Wilson and Shane Swank, Allison Wallace and Grant Staats, HannahGlendenning and Lincoln Martin, Ashton Quick and Caleb Schnoor.Clymer, Bricey Gorman, Mada-lynn Stewart, Lindsey Jennett, Ga-brille Kibbe, Laurie Ann Belzer,Adalyn Reynolds, Andrea Sickels,Kelsey Adams and Jentri Ruby.In addition, a group of six youngboys performed to the song, “I JustWant to be King.” Members of thisgroup include Austin Byrd, Jack-son Ruggles, Jacob Novak, AustinAngus, Derek Jones and DawsonKibbe.On November 3, Ashton Quickand April Shields traveled toNewton to participate in the IowaState Drill Team Association solocompetition. The girls competedagainst close to 100 girls in theirschool size division (class 1A).Quick received a division 1 ratingand an outstanding distinguisheddancer award for her performanceentitled “Distance.” Shields per-forming her solo to the song, “IWon’t Give Up.”In addition to their team andsolo honors, the Sparks also earnedthe Distinguished Academic TeamAward, recognizing the team’s 3.5-4.0 GPA.This year the expo was lives-treamed on the school’s website sofar away family and friends couldlog on and watch the show live viathe Internet. Kim Curry and ShaunKniep were instrumental in settingup the livestream photo The Mount Ayr Sparks drill team takes the ?oor to open their annual Expo performance. In their ?rst rou-tine, the Sparks performed their state championship pom routine. Team members are (front row, L-R) AshtonQuick, April Shields and Kylie Wilson; (second row) Hannah Glendenning, Maggie Jennett (hidden) and Cait-lin Giles; (back) Madison Hos?eld, Logan Wimer and Allison Wallace Sparks Expo rocks the gym A large crowd was on hand Sun-day, March 3 for the 2013 SparksExpo.Sparks members (and years of participation) include senior cap-tains April Shields (4) and MaggieJennett (4); seniors Madi Hos-?eld (4), Caitlin Giles (3), LoganWimer (3) and Kyle Wilson (3); junior Allison Wallace (3); sopho-more Hannah Glendenning (1) andfreshman Ashton Quick (1).The Sparks are coached by KrisQuick and Kalian Smith.The Sparks had a busy andsuccessful 2012-13 season. Theyplaced ?rst in the state for pom,?fth in kick and performed at sixfootball games, four basketballgames, the Winterset Dance Showand the Norwalk Prestate Show. Inaddition, ?ve members qualifed forthe All-Iowa Dance team: Shields,Hos?eld, Giles, Wallace and Jen-nett.Besides a series of performanc-es by the featured Sparks, guestperformances included severalgroups of Little Sparks, the Fusiondance team from Martensdale St.Marys, the Gadets from GracelandUniversity and ?ve routines fromLeslie’s Dance Emporium compe-tition dance team in Creston.The Sparks opened the showwith their routine set to the song“Home.” This routine is their2013 state-winning pom routineat the Iowa State Dance and DrillTeam Association competition inDes Moines this past December.The girls traveled to Des Moineson a Wednesday evening and per-formed their pom routine at 8:30a.m. Thursday and their kick rou-tine at 4:50 p.m. Thursday. Thegirls were at the awards ceremonyuntil 10:30 that evening, whenthey discovered that they had won?rst place in the state pom compe-tition and ?fth place for their kickroutine. Both of these state dancesreceived a division one rating.To honor the seniors, the girlsperformed the Senior Spotlightdance, choreographed by MaggieJennett and April Shields at SeniorParents Night on February 5 dur-ing halftime of the varsity boysbasketball game.Other Sparks performances in-cluded their state kick routine en-titled “Fire,” the Sparks footballnovelty dance and their always-popular light show.The Sparks closed the nightwith their much-anticipated CoedRoutine. This year’s coed partnersincluded April Shields and HaganWillis, Maggie Jennett and ZaneSickels, Madi Hos?eld and ZachLemon, Logan Wimer and CodyStackhouse, Caitlin Giles andCasey Paxson, Kylie Wilson andShane Swank, Allison Wallace andGrant Staats, Hannah Glendenningand Lincoln Martin, Ashton Quickand Caleb Schnoor.On Saturday, Feb. 9, over 100students from grades preschoolthrough eighth grade participatedin the Little Sparks Camp. Thestudents learned a dance, playedfreeze dance, watched the bigSparks dance and learned aboutSparks Expo rocks the gymThe Mount Ayr Sparks drill team takes the ?oor to open their annual Expo performance. In their ?rst rou-tine, the Sparks performed their state championship pom routine. Team members are (front row, L-R) AshtonQuick, April Shields and Kylie Wilson; (second row) Hannah Glendenning, Maggie Jennett (hidden) and Cait-lin Giles; (back) Madison Hos?eld, Logan Wimer and Allison Wallace.stretching and dance preparationfrom their teachers. This year, theLittle Sparks camp had a Disneytheme of “Your Dreams ComeTrue.”Preschool and kindergartenLittle Sparks include CortlynnHolmes, Abbi Overholser, Mack-enzie Knox, Lillie Curry, AubreeShields, Kacie Larsen, CarolineAuge, Ella Waske, Aubree Clark,Harper Whittington, Ayla Murphy,Kaley Murphy, Ashlyn Byer, KodaHenle, Madeline Baddley, Christi-na Halverson, Breya Nickle, Brit-tlyn Nickle, Aubrianna Greenland,Adalynn Dredge, Kensie Barnes,Makel Jones and Alana Doolittle.The ?rst and second gradeLittle Spark include Zoey Larsen,Hannah Russo, Lauren Triggs,Anne Newton, Breanna Peterman,Macey Bowen, Samantha Morgan,Lauren Conklin, Karlie Larsen,Josie Vander?ught, Eva Sobotka,Breianna White, Janna Irving,Abby Eaton, Hayden Ruggles,Becca Dolecheck, Tessa Kniep,Jillian Kniep, Kacee Klommhaus,Alexis Boord, Zoey Shelley, Nata-lie Schaefer, Makenna Jones, Gra-cee Snedeker, Tegan Streit, RileyJones, Kaylie Shields, Kianna Pax-son, Alexa Drayton, Tabatha Hen-le, Alexis Greenland, Rosie Leon-ard, Linsie Barnes, Riley Watford,Becca Smith and Karly Elwood.Third through eighth gradeLittle Sparks include RyleighHaveman, Loryn Schaefer, BryleaStark, Jalyn Klejch, Rachel Sobot-ka, BrieAnn Byrd, Alexa Smith,Payten Lambert, Hayley Whit-tington, Hope Whittington, AlyssaBurkheimer, Molly Anderson, Ja-dan Hyde, Brynn Nickle, MollieWalters, Alisha Dine, Alexandrea Shelley, Bianca Beanngard, EllieBoswell, Halsie Barnes, Taylor Ashton Quick (top) and April Shields present their selections from their Iowa State Drill Team Associationsolo competition. Quick’s perfor-mance, entitled “Distance,” earned a Division I rating and distinguished dancer award. Shields performed tothe song, “I Won’t Give Up.”The Sparks closed their Expo with their coed dance. This year’s coed partners included April Shields and HaganWillis, Maggie Jennett and Zane Sickels, Madi Hos?eld and Zach Lemon, Logan Wimer and Cody Stackhouse,Caitlin Giles and Casey Paxson, Kylie Wilson and Shane Swank, Allison Wallace and Grant Staats, HannahGlendenning and Lincoln Martin, Ashton Quick and Caleb Schnoor.Clymer, Bricey Gorman, Mada-lynn Stewart, Lindsey Jennett, Ga-brille Kibbe, Laurie Ann Belzer,Adalyn Reynolds, Andrea Sickels,Kelsey Adams and Jentri Ruby.In addition, a group of six youngboys performed to the song, “I JustWant to be King.” Members of thisgroup include Austin Byrd, Jack-son Ruggles, Jacob Novak, AustinAngus, Derek Jones and DawsonKibbe.On November 3, Ashton Quickand April Shields traveled toNewton to participate in the IowaState Drill Team Association solocompetition. The girls competedagainst close to 100 girls in theirschool size division (class 1A).Quick received a division 1 ratingand an outstanding distinguisheddancer award for her performanceentitled “Distance.” Shields per-forming her solo to the song, “IWon’t Give Up.”In addition to their team andsolo honors, the Sparks also earnedthe Distinguished Academic TeamAward, recognizing the team’s 3.5-4.0 GPA.This year the expo was lives-treamed on the school’s website sofar away family and friends couldlog on and watch the show live viathe Internet. Kim Curry and ShaunKniep were instrumental in settingup the livestream