An Illustrated History of Monroe County, Iowa - 1896
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Chapter 1 ~ General Remarks
Monroe County is in the second tier of counties from the southern line of the State; and is the fifth county in the tier, from the Mississippi River. The townships of Monore County lie in the following order, enumerating them from east to west and beginning at the southeast corner of the county: Urbana, Monroe, Franklin, and Jackson; Mantua, Troy, Guiford, and Wayne; Pleasant, Bluff Creek, Union, and Cedar. Albia, the county seat, is situated in the northern half of section 22.
Chapter II ~ Speculation
Chapter not transcribed
Chapter III ~ Organization
Chapter IV ~ Early Political Methods
Mormon Settlement
Chapter V ~ Miscellaneous Topics.
Chapter V ~ In Defense of the Flag.
Civil War Soldiers of Monroe County
Chapter VII ~ Railroads.
Railroads: | Albia, Knoxville & Des Moines | Centerville, Moravia & Albia | CB&Q - Chicago, Burlington & Quincy |
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul | Iowa Central | Wabash Railroad |
Chapter VIII ~ The Press.
Newspapers: | Albia Democrat | Albia Era | Albia Herald | Albia Independent Press |
Albia Republic | Albia Republican | Albia Weekly Gazette | Albia Union | |
Industrial Era | Jeffersonian Blade | Monroe County Progress | Monroe County Sentinel | |
People's Defender | Plaindealer | Progress-Defender | Reform Weekly Leader | |
Spirit of the West | The Messenger | The Olive Branch | The Opinion | |
Weekly Albia Republican |
Chapter IX ~ County Government.

Chapter X ~ Banks and Bank Failures.
Banks: | Albia Bank | Albia State Bank | 1st National Bank of Albia | Monroe County Bank |
Chapter XI ~ Judge Lynch and Criminal Matters.
Chapter XII ~ Miscellaneous Topics.
Chapter XIII ~ Early Joys and Sorrows.
Chapter XIV ~ The County Jail and County Finances.
Chapter XV ~ Churches.
Churches: | African Methodist Episcopal | Associate Presbyterian | Baptist Church | Christian Church |
Covenanter | Cumberland Presbyterian | Dunker ~ German Baptist | Holiness Association | |
Methodist Espicopal | Presbyterian | Roman Catholic | Service U. Presbyterian | |
Society of Friends | United Brethren | United Presbyterian |
Chapter XVI ~ Agriculture and Manufacturing.
Manufacturing: | Albia Canning Co. | Western Mfg. Co. |
Chapter XVII ~ Towns and Villages
Chapter XVIII ~ Some Battles with the "Hairy Nation."
Chapter XIX ~ Educational.
Chapter XX ~ The Mining Industry.
Mining Co.: | Central Coal Co. | Chicago & Iowa Coal Co. | Deep Vein Coal Co. | Diamond Coal Co. |
Enterprise Coal Co. | Fredrick Coal Co. | Geo. Combs Co. | Hartyer Bros. | |
Hilton Coal Co. | Iowa & Wisconsin Coal Co. | John K. Manley Co. | Remey Bros. | |
Smiley Bros. | Smokey Hollow Coal Co. | Wapello Coal Co. | W. D. Russell Co. | |
White-breast Fuel Co. | Wilson Coal Co. |
Chapter XXI ~ Railway Casualties.
Chapter XXII ~ Organizations.
Organizations: | Albia Masonic Lodge #76 | Ancient Order of United Workmen | Astor Masonic Lodge #505 | G.A.R. Orman Post #337 |
Independent Club Guards | I.O.O.F., Monroe Lodge #81 | Knights of Pythias | Modern Woodmen of America | |
P.E.O. Sisterhood | Rebekah Degree, I.O.O.F. | Royal Arch Masons, Monroe Chapter | Woodman Circle | |
Woodman of the World |
Chapter XXIII ~ Horse-Breeding.
Chapter XXIV ~ The 1896 Canvass

Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2010