Excerpts from An Illustrated History of Monroe County, Iowa - 1896
Monroe County offers as good educational advantages as any county in the State.
The course of study pursued in the Albia High School is just as thorough as that taught in the colleges, and it requires twelve years to complete the course. Latin, however, is the only foreign language taught. Prof. H. C. Hollingsworth is the present principal. He receives an annual salary of $1300.
There are six graded schools in Monroe County—viz., Albia, Avery, Foster, Hiteman, Lovilia, and Melrose. In 1895 there were enrolled in the schools: Albia, 701 pupils; Avery, 110; Foster, 139; Hiteman, 305; Lovilia, 97; and Melrose, 126.
In 1896 there wre 102 school-houses in the county, and in 1896 there were 161 teachers enrolled in the office of the County Superintendent.
Following is the list [of teachers] as taken from the County Superintendent's books:
Abegglen, Chas. | Abegglen, G.M. | Abegglen, Mary | Angel, Mrs. Della | Bain, A. H. | Baker, Mrs. Mary |
Baldwin, Sadie | Barber, Clara | Barber, Molie | Bates, D. W. | Bates, W. H. | Bay, Emmett |
Bowen, Fred | Bradley, Bessie | Bucher, Mamie | Burgason, Ada | Burgason, Alice | Burgason, Amanda |
Burgason, Laura | Bussear, W. T. | Cady, Ella | Canning, Maggie | Carlisle, Mrs. L. B. | Carmody, Mary |
Carr, J. J. | Castle, Anna | Chisholm, Clara | Clark, Rose | Cobb, Olla | Cobb, Stella |
Courtney, Bert | Cox, Myrta | Craig, Cassie | Craig, Josie | Cromwell, Alice | Dashiell, Laura |
Davis, Libbie | Delana, Nellie | Drury, Mary | Elder, A. E. | Eunleavy, Fannie | Ewers, Albert |
Ewers, Jennie | Fall, Anna | Fallon, Wm. | Ferguson, Florence | Ferguson, Mattie | Fisher, Ora |
Follis, Mamie | Forest, Clara | Foster, Ada | Fuller, Mary | Fulton, Anna | Fulton, Chas. E. |
Fulton, Stella | Funk, Emma | Gillaspie, Lillie | Gray, Jessie | Harlow, Maggie | Harlow, Myrta |
Harris, Eva | Haugh, Dora | Hawk, Alice | Hawk, John O. | Hawk, Margaret | Hickenlooper, Cyrus |
Hickenlooper, Mrs. H. G. | Hickman, Sol. | Higgenbotham, Ruth | Holtzclaugh, Zulah | Ireland, Maude | Johnson, Albert |
Johnson, Estella | Johnson, L. E. | Johnson, Lila | Junkins, Effie | Junkins, Nettie | Kelleher, Joseph |
Kirby, Ella | Kussart, E. G. | Lamaster, Lucy | Leech, Rosa | McCoy, Nettie | McDonald, Ella |
McGilvery, Rhoda | McKissick, Frankie | Morrissey, Anna | Miller, Mary | Mullen, Ethel | Mullen, Maude |
Murray, Allie | Neil, Mary | Nevins, D. W. | Noland, Clara | O'Brien, Lizzie | O'Bryan, Mrs. Mary |
Payne, J. W. | Peterson, Mattie D. | Piper, E. B. | Quillan, Alice | Quinn, Mary | Ray, V. L. |
Richardson, A. W. | Richey, Chas. | Rigdon, May | Rigdon, Orpha | Riggs, Pearl | Riordan, Julia |
Robinson, Mrs. Hattie | Robison, Effie | Robison, J. W. | Rogers, Addie | Rouse, D. H. | Runyan, Otto |
Ryan, Maggie | Ryan, Mary | Sayles, Daisy C. | Scott, Stella | Sexton, Josie | Sexton, Katie |
Shahan, Geo. H. | Shearer, Mary | Sinclair, Jennie | Simons, Mary | Sinnott, Della | Sinnott, Maggie |
Smith, Ollie V. | Spencer, Arthur | Sterrett, J. M. | Stewart, Thomas | Stites, H. A. | Stocker, G. W. |
Stocker, G. Z. | Stone, Alice | Sullivan, Bid | Sullivan, Minnie | Tedrow, W. H. | Thayer, Mrs. Jennie |
Thompson, Etta | Thompson, Hattie | Tibbals, Edith | Totman, Lottie | Tubaugh, Ella | Ury, Mabel |
Warner, Jennie | Way, Emma | West, Osie | Whalen, Katie | White, Alice | Wiedman, Mary |
Wilkin, Merlin | Wilkin, Nora | Winslow, Katie | Wirt, Ruth | Wycoff, John | Young, Charles |
Source: Hickenlooper, Frank. An Illustrated History of Monroe County, Iowa: A Complete Civil, Political, and Military History of the County, From Its Earliest Period of Organization Down to 1896. Chapt. 19. p. 329-330. Albia, Iowa. 1896.
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2010