IAWebGen Marion County IAGenWeb welcomes you! USWebGen
IAGenWeb Project Marion County was created in 1845 from Washington County USGenWeb Project

Welcome to the Marion* County IAGenWeb Page

* Marion county was named for Francis Marion.

If you have any questions, or if you would like to contribute information, please contact Al Hibbard, the current county coordinator, by emailing him. Please consider reviewing the list of current help requests to find some specific means to improve this site. Enjoy.

Use the drop-down menus above to find most information, but here are some highlighted items:

Neighboring Counties

Family activities often crossed county boundaries, so it is usually worth checking for information in nearby counties. By clicking on the desired county on name below the map, you will be brought to the IAGenWeb web site for that county. For counties outside this region, consult the map of Iowa counties at IAGenWeb County Projects page for other Iowa counties. It may also be helpful to view the Wikipedia page for Marion county to get a perspective and other relevant information for the county.

Nearby counties to Marion county Polk Jasper Poweshiek Warren Marion Mahaska Lucas Monroe
Click on a neighboring county:
Polk | Jasper | Poweshiek
Warren | Marion | Mahaska
Lucas | Monroe

Please help! If you have photos, records, materials, or information related to Marion County, consider sharing with the visitors to our site. A good first step is emailing me a brief description of what you have, so I can help you get it to us easily in a form that we can use.

Join our Team! If you would like to contribute your talents and information, consider joining the team at IAGenWeb Project.
Friends of IAGenWeb Friends of IAGenWeb provides financial support for the IAGenWeb Project. The IAGenWeb home page, Query Boards, and some Special Projects and County sites are hosted on servers provided and maintained by the Friends. If you benefit from what IAGenWeb offers, please visit the Friends Website and learn how you can help.

Please report errors and broken links to the county coordinator (see footer below). The Marion County IAGenWeb contents have been willed to IAGenWeb. IAGenWeb Disclaimer