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Aaron D Hoyer Diary Originally transcribed by Jessie Burkholder Peckenpaugh preserving the original spellings and punctuation. Transcribed for the Harrison County IAGenWeb by his descendant John Burkholder (email napagrappa@yahoo.com). |
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Thursday Jan 1 1880 - The boys went guning & did, not get anything. I went to see Ecc1eston & over to see Mr. Deuel. G.E. Loaned my corn sheller. I bought a barrel from H. J. Reiff and paid him $2.00 cash for it and paid him for butchering $1.50. ,
Friday Jan. 2 - We pickled our meat last night & I appraised H. J. Reiff's land with Mr. Tuttle last evening. The boys & I husked two loads of corn for Eccleston, which pays for his double barrel gun and one load over at 4c. per bu. We took a sow down to Ecclestons for business.
Saturday Jan. 3 - I went to Dunlap with H. J. Reiff & paid Interest $50.28 and took a sow to Ecclestons for business. I sent a draft to the Bank of Corning for my interest for $50.25 & 3c. stamp.
Sunday Jan. 4 - I went to see Geo. DeJean. He wants 4 tons of hay and I told him I could let him have it. I went to see Mr. Lowery. He said I need not take the hay away before the last of' the week.
Monday Jan. 5 - Frank & I husked two loads of corn for Mr. Eccleston. Louis & Bertha (note: my grandmother) were in school today.
Tuesday Jan. 6 - Frank & I husked two large loads of corn for Mr. Eccleston. Louis, Bertha & Millie were in school today. Mr. Eccleston wants to give us five little pigs for husking five loads of corn I said I would take them
Wednesday Jan. 7 - Frank & I fixed up a pen to put the little pigs in. Louis & the girls were in school. Frank & I went to Ecclestons and brought the five pigs, also brought the little girls along.
Thursday Jan. 8 - It has been warm and soft for about a week. The frost is all coming out of the ground. It is very foggy for three days. Mam & I went on a visit to Deacon Chapmans. I paid the Deacon eight & 25/100 dollars ($8.25) for A. Gilroy, a balance I owed A. Gilroy on the posts I bought from him last winter, which pays in full.
Friday Jan. 9 - It was too windy to haul hay. M. Crow was here to dinner'. He came to see the land I have for sale. I changed my pork from the hams & put in another tub.
Saturday Jan. 10 - Frank & I went to town (W.) for groceries. We went around through 12 mile grove to see Thomas Lumbley about trading for a cow. He was not at home.
Sunday J an. 11 - I went over to Deuels. Mr. Deuel was not at home, I then went to Damerys. Had a few hours talk with Mr. Damery.
Monday J an. 12 - I brought 1- loads of hay home that I bought from W. S. Ermold & sold three tons to Geo. DeJean at two dollars a ton. Did not get paid for it now.
Tuesday Jan. 13 - I went to the Mill with 120 lbs. of corn for meal & 186 Ibs. of wheat for which I got 105 lbs. of flour & a bag of bran and 96 lbs. of meal. I then took our two wagons & Frank & I loaded them with corn to take to Dunlap for Mr. Eccleston. The wind uncovered our cow shed & hay stack.
Wednesday Jan. 14 - Frank & I each took a load of corn to Dunlap for Mr. Eccleston. There were fifteen wagons in all. Mr. Eccleston took us all to the Franklin House & treated us to & good dinner. It was a nice Bee.
Thursday Jan. 15 - Marm the girls & I went down to visit Mr. Crow & family. We had a nice time. Mr. Crow; spoke to me again about buying an 80. Mr. Tuttle & I signed an application for H. J. Reiff again today.
Friday Jan. 16 - Frank & I sawed up a couple lin logs with the Deacon's saw & toped out the haystack & put the hay & straw on the cow shed, which the wind blew off.
Saturday Jan. 17 - We split up the blocks that we sawed yesterday. Frank & Louis took their guns and went down to Eacychecks after dinner. I went to W. for the mail. I brought Damery's and Deuel's along.
Sunday Jan. 18 - Marm the girls & I went over to Damerys on a visit. Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Reiff were there.
Monday Jan. 19 - Frank picked out the frozen potatoes, fixed up the wheat. Filled another box of wheat. Frank was out with his gun.
Tuesday Jan. 20 - Frank went with the rest to school but he does not like it. I. was down to see the Deacon about a sow and pigs.
Wednesday Jan. 21 - The boys & girls were in school. I was home all day. It snowed today.
Thursday Jan. 22 - Frank & I went to Gallands Grove with two teams and brought a cord of wood for which I paid $2.00. It was 2/3 hardwood.
Friday Jan. 23 - Frank & I went to the grove again & brought a cord of good hardwood for which I paid $2.50.
Saturday Jan. 24 - I was very sick all day with a very bad headache, pain in my bones & soreness in the chest.
Sunday Jan. 25 - I was very sick all last night & today but this evening 6 P.M. I am a good bit better. Elmer Crow was here today, took supper with us.
Monday Jan. 26 - I am still not well but much better. Frank fixed the pig pen where we keep our little pigs. One of our little pigs died. I do not know what ailed it. Frank sawed & split wood today.
Tuesday Jan. 27 - It was very cloudy this morning & commenced snowing at 1 P.M. & very windy. Snowed until 6 P.M.
Wednesday Jan. 28 - We received an invitation to a surprise party but I am not well enough to go.
Thursday Jan. 29 - It snowed all day. This is the first time that the prairie is covered with snow since we came to Iowa. I made a small box out of cherry wood to keep my harness mending tools in but did not get a lid made for it.
Friday Jan 30 - I took the children to school today with the team. The boys went a guning. I went to Damerys .for butter. Wm. Towne met me there and assessed my personal property.
Saturday Jan. 31 - Louis went over to Damerys and brought some milk for which she charged him nothing for it. I was down to Mr. Ecclestons this evening & Frank went to Woodbine for the mail. I received a postal card from F. Krieg saying that they were alarmed at not hearing from us for so long a time.
Sunday Feb. 1 1880 - Marm & I went to meeting. H. .J. Reiff was here but did not stay as I was not at home.
Monday Feb. 2 - Frank & I went to Mr. Crows to see if ha wanted the land he looked at but he cannot buy just now. I was down to G. L. Chapmans.
Tuesday Feb. 3 - G. L. Chapman, DeLong, & I was going to Logan but it was so cold so we did not go, so I stayed there visiting until near three o'clock in the afternoon. Frank & I cut up some wood in the evening.
Wednesday Feb. 4 - Frank & I went to W. to get groceries. I stoped at McMillens on the way going and met G. E. Reiff coming.
Thursday Feb. 5 - G. L. Chapman, DeLong & I went to Logan with team & buggy. I cancelled a mortgage of $125.00 against G. L. C. and I also asertained that my tax is for 1879 $54.37 in all.
Friday Feb. 6 - I stayed home all day, the day was fine. Frank chopped a little wood.
Saturday Feb. 7 - I went with G. L. C. to Dunlap. I did not get that wire note yet. It has not come yet.
Sunday Feb. 8 - Marm, the girls & I were to visit at H. J. Reiffs & took dinner with them. The elevator burned at Woodbine this evening. Monday Feb. 9 - Sawed wood today & .finished the small box to put harness tools in. The sorrel mare was kicked today.
Tuesday Feb. 10 - Marm & I went to visit Deacon Chapman. Giles & wife, Eccleston & wife & Heilig was there . Giles gave me a rake tooth and drove us home. It was very muddy.
Wednesday Feb. 11 - We took a sow to B. , the first one we had taken. The girls did not go to school today. It rained last night and is very muddy today. Marm, the girls & I went to Lowerys visiting & took supper with them.
Thursday Feb. 12 - Frank went to Woodbine. I stayed home all day.
Friday Feb. 13 - I was to see Dea. Chapman. He loaned me ten dollars for which I gave my note for six months at 10 per cent interest. Frank brought a load of wood for Eccleston for which he got 4 pigs.
Saturday Feb. 14 - I went to W. today and paid Vinack's bill $10.40 in full. Yesterday Giles & I made a map of Douglas Township locating the school houses & roads.
Sunday Feb. 15 - I was down at Ecclestons. From there we went to meeting.
Monday Feb. 16 - I made a garden rake. Frank & I went down to Ecclestons. Mr. Farnsworth was there. then Giles came. He offered me $200.00 for 20 acres of prairie land east of his 80 & Mr. Eccleston offered me a two year old heifer and a shoat for my grey mare.
Tuesday Feb. 17 - Frank & I drove out a. little to exercise the horses. Marm, Frank & I went to a surprise party to surprise Mr. & Mrs. Eccleston. There were quite a large assembly there. We enjoyed ourselves very much.
Wednesday Feb. 18 - I mended a chair & some china & commenced a gun stock for Frank's double barrel gun.
Thursday Feb. 19 - Frank & I went to C. Norris sale. Everything that was sold brought good prices. I then rode over to see what kind of a building Mr. Blake put up on the 80 I sold him.
Friday Feb. 20 - I worked on the gun stock. Frank & I went down to Ecclestons in the evening.
Saturday Feb. 21 - I worked on the gun stock. Went down to Eccleston & traded the grey mare on a two year old heifer & a sow with pig. I went to invite the Reiffs to dinner tomorrow.
Sunday Feb. 22. - G. E. Reiff & family & H. J. Reiff & family were to dinner. We had & fine turkey. G. L. Chapman & Willis Towne were here to see about some land that they thought of buying but we could not agree.
Monday Feb. 23 - Worked on gun stock until noon, then Frank & I went to W. Mr. Deuel rode home with us. I asked Mr. Kibler about buying land. They do not want to invest in land. I was down to Eccleston & Giles in evening.
Tuesday Feb. 24 - I finished the gun stock. today. Giles & I went over to look at those 20 acres he wants & I promised to let him have them at $10.00 an acre. $200.00 cash down.
Wednesday Feb. 25 Marm & I went to Dunlap with G. L. Chapman and acknowledged a Deed for 20 acres of land I sold him for $200.00. Frank harrowed today to sow wheat.
Thursday Feb. 26 - Marm, Frank & I were over to Pitts with a party to surprise them last night. Did not get home: until l 1/2 P.M. I went to Logan today and paid my taxes, $54.38 and paid Kiblers $100.00 on account. Received a letter from Wingert.
Friday Feb. 27 - I put chains on the drag evener. Deacon & wife, Giles & wife, Eccleston & wife & C. Heilig was here to dinner today a visiting. We had a very pleasant time. Frank and I put the seeder together to get ready to sow wheat. The weather looks threatening this evening.
Saturday Feb. 28 - It snowed a little last night and is pretty cold, 2 above zero this morning. It snowed hard and blew hard all day. I mended the sofa & table.
Sunday Feb. 29 - I went over to Damery & to Deuel this afternoon. G. E. Reiff was at Deuels. The day was fine. The snow is all gone.
Monday March 1, 1880 - Deuel & I went to Woodbine. I bought a fork handle (25c.) & Deuel's corn marker (75c.). I went to the district meeting. They elected me chairman of the meeting. Deuel was re-elected Sub-director.
Tuesday March 2 - We loaned the seeder to R. F. Blake. He took it away at noon. Frank draged in afternoon. Giles & I went over to Polys & Hushars & brought a load of cobs along. Mr. Ermold was at Giles. Got dinner there.
Wednesday March 3 - Frank & I, each with a team brought two loads of cobs.
Thursday March 4 - Frank harrowed this afternoon & I brought a. load of cobs. I was over to Deuels this evening. G. E. Reiff was down to see me. He wants to sow.
Friday March 5 - Tried to sow wheat but it was froze too hard, so I brought a load of cobs for Mr. Deuel. We brought our heifer home from Ecclestons .
Saturday March 6 - We tried to sow but it was froze too hard, so I went with Towne & Deuel to Dunlap where I got my wire note that I paid some time ago. Also got the Blake drag fixed. Marm, Frank & I went to a surprise party to G. DeJeans. Had a nice time. Giles told me to fetch the cow if I wanted her as she calved today. I must bring her home Monday morning. G. E. Reiff finished puting in his wheat today.
Sunday March 7 - I was down to Dea. Chapmans then Went to Meeting. Wrote J. S. W. a letter.
Monday March 8 - I brought home a cow I bought from Giles C. & paid $30.00 cash, then I went to W. this afternoon & this evening I went with Deuel to Campbells & Shreeves. Jas. Shreeves paid me $2.00 for use of seeder.
Tuesday March 9 - I put a handle a fork & this afternoon I tried to sow wheat but it is frozen too hard for to use the cultivators with the seeder. I was over to Deuels this afternoon.
Wednesday March 10 - I made two shelves for the two closets upstairs. I was over to Deuels & Dameries.
Thursday March 11 - I put in the closets up stairs the two shelves I made yesterday, then Frank & I went up to Dea. Chapman & stoped at G.L. Chapman.
Friday March 12 - I made a box to shell corn into. It snowed near all day.
Saturday March 13 - Frank & I went to town (W.) It was cold and snowed near all day.
Sunday March 14 - This is a nice day but a good snow on the ground. We all stayed home all day. H. J. Reiff was here to supper.
Monday March 15 - Today was pretty fair but cold. I boiled a batch of soap.
Tuesday March 16 - The soap did not separate from the water, had to boil it over again. This is the first boiling of soap we ever did. Frank & I built part of a hog pen. It is so hard frozen that we could not dig holes to set posts so we had to give it up until it thaws some. The weather is pleasant but the snow goes off slow.
Wednesday March 17 - I had to boil the soap over again. I then went to W. Frank & Mr. Deuel went with me. I paid H. DeCou the dollar & 5 cents for the I. State Register. I left three bus. of wheat & two sacks or corn at the Mill (Dally's), to be ground. I then drove over to Cox's place with Deuel to see Miss Mahoney. Deuel engaged her to teach our school.
Thursday March 18 - I boiled another batch of soap. The first batch got pretty good after boiling it over three times. I fixed the fire shovel which Frank broke this time.
Friday March 19 - I made another box to carry the corn in to the sheller. I put in about 3 1/2 acres in wheat today with the seeder. Was at it about 4 1/2 hours. I cut out the soap (I boiled yesterday), this evening. It looks nice.
Saturday March 20 - I sowed from 12 o'clock to 6 P.M. This forenoon I boiled soft soap.
Sunday March 21 - Rob Blake, Jas. Shreaves and their wives were here to visit. Took supper with us, then G. E. Reiff came for Minnie (Note: To become my grandfather Burkholder's second wife after my grandmother died. I met her. - J.A.B.) who was here all afternoon.
Monday March 22 - went to W. Had the shoes taken off the bay horses. Paid 20c. to do it. When I came back the floor of the Boyer bridge was taken up. Some forded the river but I could not get my horses to go in the river, so I had to drive down to the bridge below Woodbine. I sowed about 4 acres of wheat. I gave Prince horse a dose of medicine to purify his blood. I stoped at the Mill. Did not get my flour, got the meal. Dally gave me 25 lbs. of fancy flour so we had some until we get our grist.
Tuesday March 23 - I finished seeding the wheat. Frank dragged it over once. It is to be dragged crosswise once more. I fixed a place to smoke our meat.
Wednesday March 24 - Frank dragged about 8 hours and I &bout 4 hours. Louis & I fixed up a box, put the hams in and made a little smoke&, but it was so windy we had to stop it. Giles got the seeder.
Thursday March 25 - Frank finished dragging the wheat today. I smoked the meat. The neighbors surprised us this evening. They put a buffalo robe over Charley Heilig. Giles led him in by a strap and said -Capt. I brought the elephant along." As Marm was sick they went over to surprise Mrs. Deuel (Mr. Deuel was with them here). I went over with them. We had & fine supper and enjoyed ourselves first rate. Geo. DeJean paid me $6.00 for the hay he got from me.
Friday March 26 - I kept smoke on the meat near all day. Herbert Ermold came to visit us and stayed all night. He wanted us to go down to Chas. Heilig tonight but it rained just as they, (the boys & him) started to go, so they stayed here.
Saturday Mach 27 - The wind blew fearful last night & all day today & is still blowing, 9 P.M. Marm has been sick for about a week & is no better yet.
Sunday March 28 - Marm is still sick so Louis & I had to sweep the rooms & do the housework in general. The sow with the deformed ears got nine little pigs this morning. Three died soon. I think the sow laid on them for they were looking nice and healthy. Chas. Heilig & Herbert Ermold were here today.
Monday March 29 - Frank harrowed oats ground in forenoon and afternoon Frank, Herbert & I went to W. Frank got new boots & the old ones mended.
Tuesday March 30 - I went to W. to get S. plow sharpened. Cow Mayday calved this evening, 9 1/2 o ' clock.
Wednesday March 31 - I washed today Marm is still sick but better. It rained & hailed last night. Mr. Deuel & Geo. Towne were here tonight. We spent a pleasant evening. Geo. Towne asked me for my planter to plant his corn.
Thursday April 1 1880 - Frank hauled out manure and plowed the small piece east of the hog yard. I worked about the house and smoked meat. Marm is a little better. She now wears her truss. Finished smoking hams.
Friday April 2 - I put the mare Flora to Towne's horse this morning. Another little Eccleston pig died.
Saturday April 3 - Frank took me to W. & waited until I came back from Logan where I went to bring the Mortgage I sent down to have recorded. Came home at noon. Frank plowed around the house. I was over to Deuels this evening.
Sunday April 4 - Mr. Deuel & Geo. Towne were here awhile. I went to Meeting. Mr. Deuel & I stoped at J. Hooks.
Monday April 5 - Frank & Louis harrowed the wheat again as the wind uncovered it. I done the housework & planted potatoes & smoked meat.
Tuesday April 6 - Frank dragged for oats. I got three bags oats from Mr. Eccleston (7 bus.) .I mended three head halters. I mended coffee pot, small grater and a kettle. Marm is getting better slowly.
Wednesday April 7 - Mrs. DeJean washed & ironed for us today. I paid her 75c. Frank & I sowed & harrowed about 5 acres of oats. I took Mrs. DeJean home with the team.
Thursday April 8 - Mr. L. L. Deuel used our Bay team the forenoon. He fed them at noon. Frank hauled out manure. I sprouted potatoes, built a hog pen.
Friday April 9 - Frank & I sprouted all the potatoes. I & Louis went down to the school. I was well pleased with the recitations. Mr. & Mrs. Deuel and Mr. & Mrs. Damery was there.
Saturday April 10 - Put Flora to the horse today for the second time. Frank & I went to W. Got a plow sharpened. Left the breaker to have the Lays sharpened. Damery brought castings.
Sunday April 11 - The girls & I went over to Deuels in the forenoon. In the afternoon Mr. Deuel, his boys & I and our children went over to Evens. He gave us some stalks of rhubarb, sweet corn, artichokes, gooseberry bush, two cherry trees & some grape vines. Marm is getting better.
Monday April 12 - Mr. Deuel helped me plant my grape vines (40), gooseberry plant (26), cherry trees (5), artichokes, currents (10) & 40 stalks of rhubarb. I helped him in the afternoon to plow around his yard and plant 60 grape vines & artichokes.
Tuesday April 13 - Mr. Deuel went with me to T. McAdams for Box Elder trees, about 200, and helped me to plant 52 trees. He worked for me all day.
Wednesday April 14 - Mr. Deuel & I went to T. McAdams and brought about 40 Box Elder trees. Planted about 160 along the road W. and N. of farm.
Thursday April 15 - Deuel & I planted about 40 trees around his house & then went to McAdams and brought about 100 nice large trees for Deuel & 6 for me.
Friday April 16 - I set out 6 large Box Elders und went over and helped Mr. Deuel plant 79 trees this afternoon.
Saturday April 17 - I made two hog pens for the sows that are coming in. I went to W. in the afternoon. Got the iron to Sulky plow fixed. Mr. Evens introduced me to some newcomers. I tried to sell them land.
Sunday April 18 - The wind blew stronger today than it did any time since we are in Iowa. We stayed at home all day. Marm is no better yet.
Monday April 19 - Frank plowed today. Marm is not much better yet.
Tuesday April 20 - Frank & I plowed all day. Giles C. helped to start our Sulky plow. Mr. Deuel & I was up & helped to burn out Geo. Reiff's fire guard, got home at 2 A.M. this morning. Giles & I measured off the 20 I sold him so he can break it.
Wednesday April 21 - Frank plowed all day. I made a door out of the cow yard in the road & fixed the tail gate of the R. Halls wagon.
Thursday April 22 - Frank plowed all day. I worked on the road with team at Learies. A sow piged this morning. She got 8 pigs, only 4 are living.
Friday April 23 - Frank & I plowed today. A sow got 6 pigs this evening. Frank planted peas this evening. I sent with Mr. Deuel to Dunlap for some beef for Marm to strenghen her.
Saturday April 24 - Frank & I planted about a half acre of potatoes. We thought it would rain but did not.
Sunday April 25 - Marm is very sick. I sent Frank for Dr. Hall, he says she will be all right soon. John Hooks & wife, H. J. Reiff, Mr. Deuel, Giles & wife & Mrs. Damery all were here today to see how Marm is.
Monday April 26 - I went to Woodbine. Got sorrel Bill's feet trimed. Cost 10c. Stoped at the Mill for flour, bran & corn meal. I brought medicine for Marm.
Tuesday April 27 - Frank plowed all day. I hauled out manure and plowed in the afternoon. Wm. Towne loaned our corn sheller. Smoked meat.
Wednesday April 28 - It rained all day a little. We put the planter together. I put a new crossplate on the stove I had to send to Reading for it. Towne brought the sheller back. Marm is about the same. She cannot come down stairs yet. G. E. Reiff has been sick since last Thursday and is not able to do any thing yet.
Thursday April 29 - Frank & Louis harrowed corn land. Mr. & Mrs. Spencer, Emma & Millie Ermold were here awhile, then Gussie Heilig came. Wm. Towne brought his team to get our corn planter at 4 1/2 P.M.
Friday April 30 - Frank & Louis harrowed the corn ground until noon. In the afternoon Frank plowed for John Hooks. Our cows did not come home. Mr. Damery could not find his cows so he came in the house until Frank came back but could not bring the cows.
Saturday May 1, 1880 - Frank harrowed for Mr. Hooks all day & J. Hooks & I planted corn for me this afternoon.
Sunday May 2 - Mr. Deuel cut my hair. The girls & I went to meeting. H. J. Reiff & family were here to supper. Marm felt much better today.
Monday May 3 - We finished planting our corn at 4 P.M. J. Hooks helped until done. Frank harrowed for Hooks all day. Mrs. Lowery was here to see Marm. She was not so good as yesterday.
Tuesday May 4 - Frank harrowed for G. E. Reiff all day. I went to W. & then I went over to see Mr. Morton to see if I could sell him a cultivator. He does not want to buy one now.
Wednesday May 5 - Frank harrowed for G. E. Reiff until noon, then Frank & I went to Dunlap for a Coulter. I paid Jones for the casting (75c). Geo. Towne finished planting his corn this evening, making a little over two days for the use of the planter.
Thursday May 6 - I broke the sod back of the house to have it ready to plant trees next spring. After dinner Frank & I burned the prairie and commenced to break sod.
Friday May 7 - Frank & I went to break, the Coulter would not work so we went to Dunlap & exchanged it for another one. Frank had tooth ache so bad that he had the tooth pulled. which was decayed bad. Frank broke prairie when we came from D. in the afternoon.
Saturday May 8 - Frank broke all day except at noon awhile as it rained, a nice little shower. I made a hog trough to feed soaked corn. Mr. Damery brought the sorrel horse & the planter home. He had him & the planter two & half days. G. E.R. got planter at noon.
Sunday May 9 - I went to Meeting & took dinner with G. L. Chapman. Was at home the rest of the day Mr. G. E. Reiff &. family were here awhile this evening, also Mrs. Blake and daughter were here awhile. Marm feels better this evening. A Mr. Buckner preached today. Mr. Lysle is sick.
Monday May 10 - Frank broke all day. Mrs. De Jean washed for us today. I paid her in full to date. I was to Woodbine, saw the Dr., got some pills. I took Mrs. DeJean & two bus. of potatoes up to their house. DeJean loaned me an iron to hammer lays on.
Tuesday May 11 - Frank broke all day. I sprouted potatoes. Beauty Is running with B.
Wednesday May 12 - I harrowed and sowed some sweet corn on breaking behind the house. Frank broke all day. We planted sweet corn between the trees. Wm. Towne loaned sorrel Bill to break his piece of prairie.
Thursday May 13 - Frank broke all day. G. E. Reiff got seven & a half bus. of potatoes at 50c a bu. H. J. Reiff brought home the planter this evening. They had it 4 1/2 days. Had lay sharpened, 75c.
Friday May 14 - Frank broke all day. Wm. Towne brought the horse home this evening. He had him two days. Mrs. J.N. & Mrs. G. L. Chapman, Mrs. Blake & Mrs. Delong were here all afternoon to see how Marm is. She had very severe pain for the past three days, but this evening she is easier. We all hope she will be well soon.
Saturday May 15 - Frank broke until noon then we planted tweet corn east of the stable. I then went to Woodbine to see the Doctor. He gave me some other medicine. Mr. Deuel rode home with me. John Hooks a lay along to Dunlap to sharpen & a nose.
Sunday May 16 - G. E. Reiff & I staked off our line between us. I wrote to Levy & Wingert. Was down to Hooks for yeast for Louis to bake bread tomorrow. Damery was here to loan my wagon to haul corn tomorrow.
Monday May 17 - Frank & I plowed all day to plant corn where we had oats sown, which would not come up on account of dryness. Hooks got a bu. of potatoes.
Tuesday May 18 - Frank & I finished plowing, then he harrowed it and I went with G. E. Reiff over to Mortons.
Wednesday May 19 - Wm. Towne and I planted corn. Finished at 10 P.M. Frank broke prairie all day. Mr. Campbell was here this evening or rather I should say this afternoon and stayed quite a while.
Thursday May 20 - Frank broke all day. Wm. Towne worked on the road this afternoon with one of his horses and one of mine. Marm was not so well today.
Friday May 21 - Frank broke all day. I went over to Mortons to see a cow, he was not at home. He came over this evening to see the cultivator. Mrs. Campbell & Mrs. DeJean were here today. It was very warm today .Mrs. DeJean baked some cakes for us today.
Saturday May 22 - Frank broke until noon, I then had to go for a Doctor in a hurry as Marm is very sick. I brought out Dr. Cole. Mrs. Damery was with Marm until I brought the Dr. G. E. Reiff was here this evening. I traded the Blake corn plow for a cow to Mr. Morton & brought her home.
Sunday May 23 - Dr. Cole was here again this forenoon. He gave me some medicine. Mr. Deuel was here & also Damery. G. E. Reiff was here & brought Marm a loaf of nice bread. Mr. Deuel & the boys went to the creek and caught a few fish for Marm, they also caught two turtles weighing 71/2 and 20 3/4 pounds respectively.
Monday May 24 - Frank plowed the potatoes & broke in the afternoon. He broke a clevis. It rained fine yesterday and a little this morning.
Tuesday May 25 - I brought Mrs. DeJean, who washed for us today. Frank broke all day. I went to see Dr. Cole. I got Cream Tartar & one other medicine. Paid Mrs. DeJean 50c for washing & ironing. Left the Morton cow out on the prairie for the first time. Louis brought them home with a horse.
Wednesday May 26 - Frank broke all day. Louis and the little girls plated squashes. Marm is resting easier & seems to be geting better, but is very Sick. Mr. Deuel was here today and so was G. L. C .
Thursday May 27 - Frank broke all day. Louis & the girls planted pumpkins. Mrs. McMillen & her daughter-in-law was here near all day. .
Friday May 28 - I went to W. to see the Dr. I got powders & Buchu for Marm. Frank broke 1/2 day. I got lays sharpened for which I paid 50c.
Saturday May 29 - It rained all day. Frank went to W. for the mail and took a letter in, sent to F. Kreig.
Sunday May 30 - Marm is pretty easy today. Mr. & Mrs. Pitts & daughter were here and G. E. Reiff & family & H. J. Reiff & daughter were here also.
Monday May 31 - Frank broke until noon he then plowed corn & I went to the Mill, got 100 Ibs. flour for 3 bus. wheat. I went to W. for mail. Bought 20c worth of tobacco for H. J. Reiff on credit at Kiblers & took a lay to Jennings for G. E. Reiff. I bought a. bottle of gargling oil and paid 25c for it at Coles Drug Store.
Tuesday June 1, 1880 - Frank plowed corn all day. Marm is geting better slowly. Prince horse has a boil on his shoulder and cannot be worked. Deuel was here today.
Wednesday June 2 - Frank plowed corn all day. Louis & I baked, made butter & sprouted potatoes. Marm is improving. Put Beauty to the Bull today.
Thursday June 3 - Frank plowed corn until noon & finished the first time, then he plowed the potatoes. Finished them at 3 1/2 o'clock the second time. We three then planted beans until supper time. A sow got six pigs this morning.
Friday June 4 - Frank broke all day. Marm had a great pain all afternoon. I had to give her two morphine powders so she rests easy under their influence this evening.
Saturday June 5 - Frank broke until noon. I then went to W. Got a lay sharpened. Sold Jennings a bu. of potatoes for 60c. It rained when I got back. I saw Doctor & got some S. spirits of nitre instead of Buchur.
Sunday June 6 - Mr.Damery, Mr. & Mrs. Chapman & Chas. Heilig were here to see Marm. Giles castrated a pig for us. Frank, Deuel & Louis went fishing today.
Monday June 7 - Frank broke this afternoon. It rained all forenoon. Louis took the cow (Star) to the B. over to Mortons, full blood. Deuel loaned a plow and harrow this afternoon. J. Hooks took supper with us.
Tuesday June 8 - Frank broke this afternoon. It rained this forenoon. Louis: & I baked bread & cakes & worked around the house.
Wednesday June 9 - Frank broke all afternoon. It rained all forenoon. Marm seems to be geting better but has extreme fearful pain when she has a passage.
Thursday June 10 - Frank went to Hooks for a pig I traded A clock for but Hooks was not home. Frank then broke all day. Mrs. Reiff was here all afternoon & done some mending for us. Geo. Reiff Paris-greened his potato bugs today.
Friday June 11 - Frank broke until noon then he went for Dr. Cole who was not to be had then Dr. Hall came left a little medicine & said she was going to get all right but she was very sick today. Frank brought the boar from Hooks this evening. G. E. Reiff was here this evening. I sent for him. Prince: has a. very sore back. It was very dark and is raining. I gave G. E. R. my gun coat and & lantern to go home with.
Saturday June 12 - Frank broke prairie about 3 hours. Rained during the afternoon. We fixed up the spouting the wind had blown off. Louis walked to W. for the mail. The Mrs. Chapmans were here this afternoon, also Deuel.
Sunday June 13 - Frank & Louis went with Deuel a fishing & caught 25 nice catfish. Mr. & Mrs. Lowery were here.
Monday June 14 - Frank started late to break but broke all day. I washed some of our dirty clothes. I lanced Prince's sore back. There was a good bit of matter & corruption run out. It rained fearful last night. G. E. R.'s stable was struck by lightening & killed one of his horses. The river run over.
Tuesday June 15 - Frank went to W. to got cultivator sharpened & brought pills from Dr. Hall. He commenced plowing corn for the second time this afternoon at 3 1/2 o'clock.
Wednesday June 16 - Frank plowed all day. Mr. Deuel put Parisgreen on our potatoes.
Thursday June 17 - Frank plowed corn all day. I signed a contract bond today for Deuel for $1000.00. He says he will get two more names on it. The contract is that he is to build a school house for $400.00 according to plan and specifications.
Friday June 18 - Frank plowed corn all day except about 2 hours. He broke both cultivators. Mr. Deuel brought out the Council Bluffs Doctor from Spencers. He left some medicine & says she will get well but she must go to C. Bluffs to his house. He is coming on Monday again.
Saturday June 19 - Frank went to W. this morning early to get his cultivator fixed, he then plowed about 6 1/2 hours. Mrs. Chapman was here this afternoon.
Sunday June 20 - We all stayed home with Marm as she is very sick. Millie is complaining this afternoon. Went over to Deuels for Dr. Hall. He says it is worms, was afraid of Scarlet Fever. Eccleston & wife were today for awhile.
Monday June 21 - Frank plowed corn all day & finished it the second time through. Mr. Deuel brought out Dr. Lieber again from the Depot. He brought Mrs. Spencer along to help him bandage Marm. He left more medicine.
Tuesday June 22 - Frank plowed prairie sod until 3 P. M. I & Giles went over to see Dan Howorth & sold him sixty acres land in Sec. 4. Gussie Heilig was here. She it was that told me that Howorth wanted to see me. He could not come to see me. Mrs. G. L. C. & Mrs. Reiff was with Marm until I came back. Took Mrs. C. home with the wagon.
Wednesday June 23 - Frank broke prairie all day. I went to W. & got a Deed and Release written. I then brought Squire Collins out to Marm to acknowledge the paper. Deed to Howorth 60 acres date today. Mrs. McMillen was with Marm until I came back.
Thursday June 24 - Sold D. Howorth 60 acres of land at $7.00 per acre, $420.00. Frank broke until noon. Giles & I went to D. Howorth and gave him the Deed and we then went to Dunlap to the Bank. Could only get some of the money, the rest is in the Bank on deposit, the sum of $300.00 in Bank.
Friday June 25 - Frank broke all day I was down to get Mrs. Tuttle to wash for us. Marm is improving a little.
Saturday June 26 - I brought Mrs. Tuttle this morning to wash. C. Heilig & I then went to W., brought out Mrs. Ermold, Fishthorn & Gordon. They did not stay long, did not even take off their bonnets on account of Marm being so sick. I paid Geo. Mathews $43.95 lumber bill and interest for 18 months.
Sunday June 27 - It rained a good bit today. The wheat is down some. Mine not so much as others. Marm is still improving slowly. Deuel was hers today.
Monday June 28 - Frank broke about 3/4 of a day. I and Deuel walked to W., each to get a team to take our wives to the Depot. We all arrived at Council Bluffs safe and Marm stood it first rate. She took a vapor bath at about 9 o'clock P.M. 11.
Tuesday June 29 - Frank plowed corn today. Marm feels better today. She walked all alone to take her bath at noon and sit up on the sofa about tyro hours, she is much better this evening when we left for the train. Arrived home about II o I clock Mr. Deuel is very sick.
Tuesday June 30 - Frank plowed corn all day. I was at Deuels all night. He is better this morning. Was up to G. E. R.'s and went over to see Geo. Pugsley about getting a girl, could not get her.
Thursday July I, 1880 - Frank plowed corn all day. I plowed in the afternoon. I had Geo. McMillen's cultivator. Was at Deuels in forenoon. Wrote a letter to A. Griffith in answer to one I received for information. Prince's sore back is geting better. The sorrel horse has a lump on his side now.
Friday July 2 - I took three hogs to W. Got 3 1/2c for them, weight 890 lbs. Frank plowed corn all day. I had sick headache today.
Saturday July 3 - Frank went to W. to the picnic. I plowed the corn east of the stable & broke prairie about 2 hours. I then went to W., took the train with Deuel & J. hooks, went to Council Bluffs.
Sunday July 4 - Marm is improving fast as also the rest of the patients there. We got home at 9 P. M. Frank brought us with the team. Dr. Lieber gave Deuel & I a gallon of Whiskey. I bought a ticket to Woodbine from M.Valley for James Williams. Paid 50c.
Monday July 5 - It rained heavy this morning. Frank broke out the balance of prairie, that finishes for this spring. At 4 P.M. we commenced cutting winter wheat. J Hooks, Deuel, G. Towne & I done the binding. G. McMillen cut it with a self rake.
Tuesday July 6 - We finished cuting and binding our winter wheat.
Wednesday July 7 - It rained last night. Did not get all the wheat shocked up. I, Deuel, & Geo. Towne went up to see Geo. De Jean about his harvester. He was not at home. He wants to sell his machine.
Thursday July 8 - Frank took McMillen's cultivator home & shocked up the balance of the wheat. I went to Dunlap. Paid interest on tree note. I also bought Geo. DeJean's harvester for $35.00 -cash $30.00 & owe $5.00 on it yet.
Friday July 9 - I brought a load of cobs from Giltrists. Mr. Deuel & I then went to W. to see the Dr. He says Marm is getting on fine. I paid Kibler note $60.66 & interest $3.18.
Saturday July 10 - I cleaned up the house & Frank mowed off the weeds around the house. I & the girls went to the Bluffs to see Marm.
Sunday July 11 - Came home this evening. Marm is geting better. We left her in good spirits.
Monday July 12 - I washed the boys & my shirts & stockings & towels & took the girls clothes to Mrs. DeJean.
Tuesday July 13 - We stacked our winter wheat. Mr.Deuel and Geo. Towne helped. Deuel stacked and Towne pitched. Frank and I hauled it in. Half a days work.
Wednesday July 14 - I took a piece of railroad iron home to Rock where I borrowed it.
Thursday July 15 - Mr. Deuel and I went to Woodbine this morning to see the Dr. and bring Mrs. Deuel home but she did not come. We went over to see the Dr. in the evening but he did not stop as he said he would, so we could not speak to him.
Friday July 16 - Deuel, Geo. Towne & I worked on the road today. We fixed up an ugly place at the N. E. corner of my farm where the cattle mired some and teams could not get through at all. We worked eight hours faithfully. It is now in good order.
Saturday July l7 - We done nothing today. I went over to Deuels this evening.
Sunday July 18 - Mr. Deuel & I went to C. Bluffs today. Marm is still improving. We brought Mrs. Deuel home.
Monday July 19 - I made three fly cloths out of old hop bags, but are too heavy. Better than nothing. Deuel loaned the saddle.
Tues ay July 20 - We commenced to cut & bind our wheat at 2 P. M. Towne and Hooks bound today. Cut about 3 acres. Deuel brought the saddle this evening.
Wednesday July 21 - We cut wheat all day. Geo. Towne & Geo. Umphalbaugh bound today. Louis drove (Mayday) cow to Mortons for service. Frank shocked the wheat.
Thursday July 22 - We cut wheat all day. Geo. Towne & Geo. Umphalbaugh bound all day. Frank shocked.
Friday July 23 - We cut Wheat all clay. Mr. Deuel & Dan DeJean bound all day. Frank shocked.
Saturday July 24 - We finished cutting wheat at 1 P. M. Dan DeJean & N. Colton bound this forenoon, Frank shocked. I went to town this afternoon. Got a letter from Marm & one from Annie. Brought groceries in a sack on a horse. Put Flora to Colton's Morgan Stallion.
Sunday July 25 - I commenced shocking wheat at one o'clock this morning & called the boys at 3 o'clock to help shock. We finished at 6 o'clock this morning. The moon was up and shown bright after midnight. Mr. Deuel cut his wheat last night by moonlight.
Monday July 26 - I went to Dunlap. Got $50.00 out of the Bank. bought Joists & scanting & shingles for grainary for which I paid $16.45. I met Dan DeJean, I paid him for binding wheat, $2.00. I left my watch to get fixed as there is something wrong with it. Frank hauled three loads of cobs from Mr. Campbells today.
Tuesday July 27 - Frank & I threshed with two teams and wagons for H. J. Reiff. We threshed out 51 bus. of his lodged wheat which turns out badly, poor quality and quanity. I worked for G. E. Reiff about half the forenoon. I then went to H.J.
Wednesday July 28 - Frank & I threshed at H. J. Reiffs with two teams until noon & then we both went to N. Coltons and helped him until night with one team.
Thursday July 29 - We were going to stack: our wheat but could not get any help. Had to let it go. Deuel, Frank I went to W.
Friday July 30 - It rained last night and this forenoon, which will keep us from stacking this week. I got the Deacon's grapnel hook to get two buckets out of the well. I took it back again this evening.
Saturday July 31 - Mr. Deuel & I went to town to meet the Dr. but he did not come. I expected Marm home but she says in her letter that she is worse and got a backset. I brought a load of lumber from Kellog & Co. on credit.
Sunday Aug. 1, 1880 - I went to Bluffs to see Marm & Doctor. I gave Marm $10.00 to pay her board to Mrs. Nussbaum. Frank & Deuel came to the depot for me.
Monday Aug. 2 - We stacked our wheat. Willis Towne does the stacking, John Hooks pitches it to him. Mr. Cunningham pitches & Frank loads & I am sick. Mr. Cunningham commenced at 9 1/2 o'clock.
Tuesday Aug. 3 - We stacked wheat all a ay and finished. Paid Mr. Cunningham two dollars in full. Also paid Willis Towne in full for stacking. Mr. Deuel helped this afternoon & this evening. He brought Mr. Deuell's wheat and stacked it along side of mine to be threshed when mine is threshed .
Wednesday Aug. 4 - I have been sick since Sunday with Diarrhea. Frank & I went to W. for some medicine.
Thursday Aug. 5 - Frank, Deuel & I went to Dunlap & brought one thousand brick for which I paid $5.00. I got $25.00 from D. Bank.
Friday Aug. 6 - I went to W. and met the Dr. at the train. He brought Marm along. We all, Doctor, Deuel & wife, I & Marm, took dinner at Spencers. I gave the Doctor $2.50 for Nussbaum balance on Marm's board. I went to Woodbine to bring Marm home. I took Mrs. Deuel to Spencers, where the Doctor, Mr .Deuel, Marm, Mr. Schroeder, the Doctor's son Charley & myself stopped and took dinner. I was going to drive the Doctor to Dunlap but Mr. Spencer said he would drive him up, so after dinner we drove home. I still have the Diarrhea but it is better.
Saturday Aug. 7 - Frank went to W. to have the stirring plows (2) sharpened. He brought 1/2 gal. of beer along for Marm to drink, which is very good for her. I have kept myself quiet all day so that I am geting better, but very weak.
Sunday Aug. 8 - I still have the Diarrhea. Marm is good. Mr. & Mrs. Giles Chapman 'were here also Heilig. Mrs. Colton was here yesterday.
Monday Aug. 9 - I went to town and brought the S. plows which were sharpened. I also brought 10 1/2 lbs. nails & hinges for the granary. Frank went for the cows this evening. They fell with him and fell on his leg, hurt him considerably. I run cold water on it a long time, which done it good. The Morton cow was away again the last two nights.
Tuesday Aug. 10 - I am not better yet. Marm is pretty good but not as well as I would like to see her.
Wednesday Aug. 11 - Franks leg is still very lame and I am no better so that neither of us can do any thing. Frank went to Mr. Cunningham and got two watermellons for a quarter of a dollar.
Thursday Aug.12 - The Morton cow was away for three days again. I do not know what to do with her. Frank got some pickles, lima beans & corn from Mrs. Colton.
Friday Aug 13 - Mr. Deuel, Frank & went to W. to see the Doctor. Got two bottles of medicine. He brought a keg of beer for Deuel & I, charged us $2.50 for it. I got a lot of empty bottles from Orrin Cole to bottle the beer. I had to pay 50c express on beer.
Saturday Aug. 14 - I went to Dunlap. Wettingall set the tires on the Dunlap wagon, got late until the wagon was finished. I am better with the Diarrhea. I brought my watch along. It was cleaned and a new pin put in, it cost $2.00. I saw Dr. Leiber in. Dunlap. He was as usual, very busy. Frank's leg is, geting pretty good again.
Sunday Aug. 15 - I was over to Deuels after dinner. All was at home the rest of the day.
Monday Aug. 16 - I washed a big wash today & Frank hauled out manure. It was showery today. Had a good rain this evening.
Tuesday Aug. 17 - Frank hauled out manure. I am still on the sick list.
Wednesday Aug. 18 - Frank & I went to Dunlap & brought some bug poison and a rocking chair for Marm. Mr. Colton loaned our mowing machine & rake to put up his Hungarian. He broke the Pitman rod.
Thursday Aug. 19 - Frank & I cleaned up the house and tried to get rid of the bed bugs which are pretty bad. Louis drove Mayday over to Mortons but did not take.
Friday Aug. 20 - Marm, Deuel & I went to W. to see the Doctor, got two bottles of medicine, paid 75c 'for them. Got also groceries at Kiblers. Deacon & wife were here to visit us while we were to town, so they would not stay.
Saturday Aug. 21 - I am still very weak. I took a physic last night. I went down to Evans to see if I can get their daughter to work for us but she is engaged at E. Kinneys. Louis left a crock with butter fall in the well. I got the Deacon's hook but could not get it.
Sunday Aug. 22 - The boys and Mr. Deuel went for plums and got near three bushels. Geo. & Willis Towne was here near all day. We had a pleasant visit from them. Mr. Deuel & the boys brought home about 5 bus. of plums.
Monday Aug. 23 - We cooked plum butter all day. We got about three gal. of Plum butter . Frank had to go to W. to get sugar. It rained near all day a little.
Tuesday Aug 24 - Frank commenced to plow back the breaking at 2 P. M. I took the Morton cow to Morton's bull.
Wednesday Aug 25 - Frank & Louis plowed. Louis broke his Colter at 10 A. M. I then went to W. for small bolts to fix the Colter. Came home at 1 1/2 P.M., then took a hog to town for which I got $4.10 per cwt. She weighed 225 lbs., got $9.22. Deacon Chapman & wife were here this evening.
Thursday Aug. 26 - Frank & Louis plowed until 4 P. M., .then had to stop on account of the weeds, they could not plow it. I made a closet in the cellar to put the milk & cream in to keep it clean.
Friday Aug. 27 - I went to W. to see the Doctor. I bought a piece of beef. Mr. & Mrs. McMillin were awhile this evening.
Saturdf1y Aug. 28 - It rained near all night and is showery all day. We washed a large wash today and cleaned up the cellar and kitchen. No one was for the mail today.
Sunday Aug 29 - I had to make a feed box in the stable today. Mr. Damery & I helped Mr. Deuel to take his horses to the pasture. We then ate all the plums we wanted. I brought some home for the rest to eat.
Monday Aug. 30 - Frank plowed with the sulky plow until 4PM. Mr. Evans came to tell me of a girl, so at 5 P.M. I went with Mr. Evans to bring the girl. I had to go over to Alfred Nicely to see her Mother & Father, so I brought her along. Her name is Margaret Milvinia Cox. It was not said what wages she is to have until she tries it a week.
Tuesday Aug. 31 - We dug at the foundation of the granary this afternoon I went with Mr.Damery to Dunlap. It was showery all day. Margaret came to work.
Wednesday Sept. 1 1880 - Today we plowed all day with the sulky plow, but it did not work well in the sod.
Thursday Sept. 2 - Today we plowed with the sulky until noon, we then put on the two plows, Frank & Louis each with a team. I set a few posts to extend the hog lot.
Friday Sept. 3 - Frank plowed awhile this forenoon until it rained. I went to the Mill with the last wheat, 115 lbs. Got flour & bran for it. I then went to W. to see the Doctor. Frank & Louis plowed two hours this afternoon. I then cut some grass for the horses with the mower. Frank broke the sythe on Wednesday.
Saturday Sept. 4 - This is a fine clear day. We had rain for about 10 days off and on so that we could not make hay. Prince horse has still a sore back. Louis was out all forenoon to get the Morton cow. I went to W. to take the beer keg back. I also took Mr. Collin's plow fender home & brought 1/2 load of sand from Butlers for wl1ich I paid 25c. He was not at home so I do not know if 25c is enough.
Sunday Sept. 5 - I went down to Nicelys with the girls for Vinie's cloths. Her Mother thought a dollar a week was not too much so we agreed on a dollar a week wages for Vinie. I met Wm. Evans. Him & I had to fix a bridge before we cross safely.
Monday Sept. 6 - It rained hard last night and is cloudy this morning, so we cannot go to haying today. We made thee lbs. of butter this morning. I cut grass about 3 hours & went over to see Mr. Deuel in the evening. Geo. Towne was there.
Tuesday Sept. 7 - We cut & bunched hay near all day. I then 'went over to Rocks for Deuel's tools, plain, bench & a mortar box.
Wednesday Sept. 8 - Frank & I went to W. for lumber for the granary. Mr. Deuel commenced to work and worked all day.
Thursday Sept. 9 - I cut hay until noon. I then went to D. and brought 400 brick. The boys raked & bunched the hay I cut. Mr. Deuel worked all day.
Friday Sept. 10 - We hauled up 4 loads of hay. It got so windy so we had to stop. Mr. Deuel worked 1/2 a day. We was to W. to see the Doctor. He brought the some medicine for Prince's sore back. Mr. Deuel & children were here visiting.
Saturday Sept. 11 - We hauled up six loads of hay. It was very windy in the forenoon. Mr. Deuel worked all day on the granary. Louis helped him.
Sunday Sept. 12 - I stayed around the house until noon. I then went with Deuel over east on the prairie to see his cow which has a very large udder. We then went to Dan Rocks. He paid Deuel $34.00 for work.
Monday Sept 13 - I cut hay all day. The boys raked & bunched some. Mr. Deuel worked all day. We hauled up one load of hay.
Tuesday Sept. 14 - Mr. Deuel worked all day. I cut hay until four o'clock, then I broke the Pitman rod. It was very windy all day so we could not bunch hay.
Wednesday Sept. 15 - I went to W. for lumber and groceries. The boys raked & bunched hay near all day as it rained part of the forenoon. Mr. Deuel worked all day & I helped him this afternoon. The Morton cow is not et home tonight again. It was late when Louis brought them. I got one cwt. of flour from Dally's Mill on account.
Thursday Sept. 16 - The boys raked & bunched hay awhile this forenoon, then hauled up four loads until sunset. Mr. Deuel worked all day at the granary. I helped him all day. Cow not at home.
Friday Sept. 17 - I went to W. to see Dr. Lieber but he did not come. The boys hauled one load of hay before dinner. Louis brought the Morton Cow. Frank & I hauled up four loads this afternoon, which makes 5 loads today. Mr. Deuel did not work on the granary .today.
Saturday Sept. 18 - It rained all forenoon so we could not get up any hay. We set the posts for a yard around the house. I was down to G. L. Chapmans to get some papers from Chas. Heilig to see the piece about Father's death on the R. R. Mr. Deuel hauled hay.
Sunday Sept. 19 - It rained last night & this morning. This afternoon I went down to Mr. Evans to take their pail home. He gave me some sweet potatoes & two M. Melons
Monday Sept 20 - It was very windy. We hauled up only two loads of hay& I cut hay for Mr. Deuel two and a half hours. The boys raked and bunched some that I cut for us today. G.E. Reiff was here and stayed to dinner.
Tuesday Sept. 21 - We hauled up 4 loads of hay. Mr. Deuel hauled up one of them & we hauled one over to his yard for it. We also cut and hauled up part of a load of slew grass & put it on one of our hay stacks. Louis got half a dollar from Deuel for bringing in his cow off the prairie.
Wednesday Sept 22 - Mr. Deuel & I worked on the granary all day. Frank was to W. for the mail. Mr. loaned our rake to rake hay.
Thursday Sept 23 - I cut some more slew grass & the boys hauled it up & put it on the stable & one of the other stacks. Mr. Deuel came at 9 - A.M. I was at shingling so we worked at the granary all day & finished roofing.
Friday Sept 24 - Mr. Deuel worked all day. I helped until noon. Frank & I then went to W. with each a load of corn for which I am offered 23c per bu. Frank loaded one wagon with corn this evening.
Saturday Sept 25 - It rained near all night & rained today so that we could not haul corn to town. I worked all day at the granary. Mr. Deuel did not work for me today.
Sunday Sept 26 - Frank & Louis & Deuel went for walnuts, did not get many. I went up to see Mr. Elbert about threshing for us. He can not come for two weeks.
Monday Sept 27 - Mr. Deuel worked all day at the granary. I helped him until noon. Frank & I each with a team took a load of corn to Woodbine.
Tuesday Sept 28 - I took a load of corn to W. (Mr. Deuel came along). That is the last of my corn 143 5/7 bus., at 23c per bu. This afternoon I finished the granary except for the painting.
Wednesday Sept. 29 - Mr. Deuel worked all day at the shed to put the implements in. I helped Louis & Frank. Took down the old wheat bin to use lumber on the implement shed .
Thursday Sept. 30 - The wind blew very hard today. The boys & I finished the Implement shed all except the battens on the roof & hinges on the door. Mr. Colton sent the hay-rack home.
Friday Oct. 1, 1880 - Frank, Marm & I went to W. Thought we cold see Dr. Lieber, but he did not come. We stoped at the Mill & got one cwt. of flour on credit. We finished the Implement shed.
Saturday Oct. 2 - We took some of the machinery apart and put all in the machine house except part of the harvester which is too large to be put in. Frank & I went see the threshing done for Mr. Lowery.
Sunday Oct. 3 - Bertie, Vinie & I went down to Cox's to visit Vinie' s parents. I stoped at Collins to see about threshing. We have the promise to thresh on Thursday next.
Monday Oct. 4 - I went to Dunlap to sell potatoes. Was offered 45c per bu. In the afternoon we dug our early potatoes and picked a load of corn for feed.
Tuesday Oct. 5 - We dug a load of potatoes. I took them to Dunlap, sold them to Sherman at 50c per bu, half cash, half trade, (37 40/60 bu.) The boys dug potatoes in the afternoon. .
Wednesday Oct. 6 - The boys & I hooked out potatoes all day. I was down to the threshers.
Thursday Oct. 7 - The boys gathered potatoes & I put them in the cellar, about 70 bushels. I then went down to see the threshers. Then I went to H. J. Reiff & Geo. Towne to tell them to help me thresh tomorrow afternoon.
Friday Oct.8 - Frank took a team down to Collins to help the threshers up over the hills, we then threshed 136 bus. This afternoon the machine broke down or we would have threshed more. The wheat is good.
Saturday Oct. 9 - We threshed until 2 P.M., when it got too windy to thresh profitably, so we quit and Geo. Towne, Louis & I went to W. and got Louis a new suit from head to feet. Threshed today 171 bus.
Sunday Oct. 10 - The boys both went to hunt up the cows. Brought them home at 1 1/2 P.M. It is raining.
Monday Oct. 11 - Louis planted some walnuts & acorns. This afternoon we finished our threshing. Got today 155 bus. , which. makes in all 462 bus. (41 winter, 421 bus. spring) .They threshed 16 1/2 bus. for Deuel.
Tuesday Oct. 12 - I went to Dunlap with Mr. Damery .I got a trig fixed and clamp on Colter . The boys plowed stubble. They tried to plow back the breaking but it is too weedy.
Wednesday Oct. 13 - We finished diging our potatoes today in the rain. This evening it rained very heavy.
Thursday Oct.14 - The boys each with a team, plowed a little over 4 acres, which we intend to sow with oats. I took a heavy cold yesterday picking potatoes in the rain, so I was housed all day today with a mustard plaster on my breast part of the time.
Friday Oct. 15 - Louis & I went to Dunlap with a load of potatoes, 33 40/60 bus. , sold to Chamberlin & Gleason at 50c per bu. in trade. I took $4.03 in merchandise with me, leaving $12.81 dollars due me. Frank plowed some on the breaking. This was a cold raw, damp day.
Saturday Oct. 16 - It snowed & blowed terrible last night and all day today. It was a terrible storm. I pity the cattle having no shelter, but I will try to make one for them.
Sunday Oct. 17 - This was a cold raw day. I went over to see Wm. Towne about trading our 80 acres of prairie on his 40 acres of improved farm, but we could not agree on a trade. He wants a hundred dollars to boot & I wanted the same.
Monday Oct. 18 - The boys husked a load of corn for feed. I went to W. for some board to extend the cow and hog & to side up the old tool shed. When I came back we worked at the fence but did not finish it. It snowed today again & is snowing fast this evening 9 P.M. Tom McAdams sale was today.
Tuesday Oct. 19 - Today the boys and I finished the cow and hog yard and shed. I also hung the stable door.
Wednesday Oct. 20 - The boys plowed all day. I put the hooks and lock on the granary door & put a handle to a three tine fork. I was in bed near all afternoon.
Thursday Oct. 21 - The boys plowed all day. I made a hay rack to feed the cows hay.
Friday Oct. 22 - The boys plowed all day & I run the sewing machine for Marm & mad a pair of husking mittens for the boys & myself and I made two shoveling boards.
Saturday Oct. 23 - Frank plowed until noon. Louis plowed all day. Marm & I were at G.L. Chapmans to supper. Frank & I were to W. & to Williams for sweet potatoes. Marm was at Chapmans all afternoon. Frank got a pair of boots, $3.75.
Sunday Oct. 24 - Mr. Cox, Vinie's father, was here to dinner. Mr. Deuel & Mr. Towne were here to measure the grass land that Deuel got Frank & I went down to step it off and make it 7 153/160 acres. Mr. Damery was here and got my bar to raise his crib sill.
Monday Oct. 25 - Frank and Louis plowed all day & I built a hog pen & fixed up the chicken pen. The horse Prince seems to be sick this evening. I think he has taken cold somehow.
Tuesday Oct. 26 - We put four horses to the plow and plowed a fire guard on the east side of the stable. Louis then finished plowing that land at the south end of the farm. Louis then husked a load of corn. Frank is lame of the hurt he got when the horse fell on him, that he is not able to do anything. He can scarcely be up and about.
Wednesday Oct 27 - We all except Louis went to see the Doctor but he did not come. After dinner I plowed east of the stable where we had corn. After supper I went over to Deuels and paid him all I owed him to date $17.75. Mr. Deuels bill $28.55, my bill $10.80 equals $17.75. Paid Mr. Cox $8.00 for Vinie's wages.
Thursday Oct. 28 - Louis plowed the rest of the land east of the stable, I gave the Bay horses a dose of the blood purifying powders. Louis & I then husked two loads of corn until sunset. Frank is still lame.
Friday Oct. 29 - Louis & I husked two loads of corn. J. Hooks loaned our Dunlap wagon to haul corn for Mr. McKinney. Mr. Deuel & Mr. Towne went over to Franklin school house to the Caucus. The Mare Flora was sick this evening but she is all right now. 10 1/2 P.M.
Saturday Oct. 30 - We all except Louis went to Dunlap to see Dr. Lieber. He gave Marm some more medicine, he also gave Frank a bottle full and some salve, all cost $3.75. J. Hooks brought the wagon hone. Sunday Oct. 31 - I took Vinie home today but as Brewster did not move yet they let me bring Vinie back again to stay until Brewster moves away, then Vinie is to go home for a couple of weeks to help her mother clean up the house. I paid Mrs. Cox $1.00 which pays Vinie up to November first (Mon. ) included. Marm and the little girls were at G. E. Reiffs all day. I brought them along on my way hone this evening.
Monday Nov. I, 1880 - The boys & I husked four loads of corn today. This evening I drove over to Deuels to go to a Greenback meeting but him. & Geo. Towne were gone so I came home again.
Tuesday Nov. 2 - The boys husked two loads of corn &: I went to Woodbine, took 42 1/2 bus. wheat to Dally, sold at 80c per bu. , $34.00. Went to the Poll & voted. Bought a load of cobs .
Wednesday Nov. 3 - The boys & I husked four loads of corn. Marm did not go to the Bluffs on account of Bertha being sick but she is better this evening.
Thursday Nov. 4 - This morning it rained. Was too wet to go to husking, so the boys went guning and brought three wild ducks and one rabbit. I put a handle in the fork that Louis got from Grandfather. I also churned butter.
Friday Nov. 5 - The boys & I husked four loads of corn today.
Saturday Nov. 6 - The boys & I husked three loads of corn. I went to W. Took Marm to the Depot. She went to C. Bluffs. Got 100 lbs .flour at Dallys .
Sunday Nov. 7 - I went to Deuels this afternoon. J. Hooks was there too.
Monday Nov. 8 - The boys & I husked five loads. Frank two, Louis & I three. The last one was not as full as the others .
Tuesday Nov. 9 - I went to Dunlap. Mr. Gilchrist went with me. We bought a wooden pump. I got groceries & apples to amount of $6.50, at C. & Greasons, on the potatoes I sold them. It rained all day, could not husk.
Wednesday Nov. 10 - It snowed last night so much that we cannot husk. Frank & I went to Woodbine to see the Doctor but he did not come. We wanted to bring coal but could not get any.
Thursday Nov. 11 - The weather is still so that we cannot husk. I went over to Deuels, he cut my hair & I spliced his well rope. The boys went guning this afternoon & got two rabbits.
Friday Nov. 12 - Still cold , & snow prevents us from husking corn. Frank & Louis went to W. & brought load of cobs. I received a letter from Marm & papers from Mr. D. Levy, Reading Pa..
Saturday Nov. 13 - I went to W. but Marm did not come & I did not get a letter. The boys went a guning and got two rabbits.
Sunday Nov. 14 - We stayed at home all day.
Monday Nov. 15 - The boys & I husked three loads today. I was going to take a load of corn to W. & on the hill this side of Wm. Townes Prince slipped and sprained himself so that he is very lame & I do not know where he is sore or lame. I then went to W. on horseback on Bay Jill to see for a letter from Marm but did not get any.
Tuesday Nov. 16 - Frank & Louis husked two loads corn. I made a gate east side of cow yard & helped Deuel & Geo Towne husk a load of corn, then Mr. Deuel came home with me to see the horse Prince but could not say where he is hurt.
Wednesday Nov. 17 - I went to W. to see the Doctor. He says Marm is getting along fine. The Doctor gave me a bottle of liniment to rub the horse with. It cost 40c. The boys husked two loads of corn. Today was very cold, zero.
Thursday Nov. 18 - The boys & I husked three loads of corn today. We commenced on the five acre piece this afternoon & husked three rows. It is very poor corn, small and not much of it. Prince is very lame yet.
Friday Nov. 19 - The boys & I husked two loads of corn off the five acre piece. Prince seems a little better but very lame.
Saturday Nov. 20 - Frank & Louis snaped a load of corn and then Frank 8: I went to W. but Marm did not come. It is very cold.
Sunday Nov. 21 - I went up to Reiffs. Mrs. Reiff is very sick with inflamatory rheumatism and Henry's horses are geting much better. They both have the epizootic. I eat sourkraut for dinner there.
Monday Nov. 22 - Frank & I went to W. Got pair of horses shod, $2.60. Brought medicine for Mrs. G. E. Reiff. Frank & Louis each got a dickey. Paid one year subscription, commencing with second Vol, 31st number. When we came home we snaped a load of corn.
Tuesday Nov. 23 - Frank: & Louis husked a load of corn and snaped part of a load which finished our corn for this year. We got about nine hundred bushels besides what we fed up to this time. I was up to see how Mrs. Reiff is. She is not much better. I took Dr. Chase book up for her to look at as there are a number of recippes in it for the cure of Rhumatism. G. E. R. went to town today so I did not see him.
Wednesday Nov. 24 - The boys went guning. Got a chicken. I went to W. The Doctor did not come, Marm either. I contracted 400 bus. of corn at 25c per bu. to Kibler Bros., to be delivered on or before March first, 1881 and I received $50.00 on account. Deuel, Towne and Damery sold theirs the same. Paid freight on whiskey, 25c.
Thursday Nov. 25 - The boys shot three rabbits today. I was up to see how Mrs. Reiff was and got a gallon of whiskey, 1/2 of what Reiff got from C. Bluffs at $2.00 per gallon.
Friday Nov. 26 - Frank & Louis husked two loads (50 bus.) of corn at 3c per bu. I went to W. for medicine for Mrs. Reiff. I got a notice from Chandler A.Y.M. for dues.
Saturday Nov. 27 - I took Vinie home & paid Mrs. Cox $4.00, Vinie's wages in full. Bay Bill has the epizootic & I think they will all get it. John Hooks and I went to C. Bluffs. Marm is improving.
Sunday Nov. 28 - Was at the Bluffs all day.
Monday Nov. 29 - I came home at 2 o'clock P.M. I paid $4.00 for two gal. whiskey sent to G.E. Reiff. John Hooks was with me when I paid it on Saturday evening. I took Reiffs drinking cup home & gave him the recipe for whiskey. I got $2.00 from him.
Tuesday Nov. 30 - Frank Husked for Mr. McCoubrey at $1.00 a day. The horses seem to get along very well. There is a little heat in Prince's foot yet, still put coal oil on it.
Wednesday Dec. 1, 1880 - Frank husked for McCoubrey all day. John Hooks & I went to W., saw the Dr. He says our wives are getting good fast.
Thursday Dec. 2 - Frank husked for Mr. McCoubrey all day. Something has cut our hogs fearfully. I think it is wolves. Got 100 lbs. flour.
Friday Dec. 3 - Frank husked for Mr. McCoubrey all day. The wolves, I think, was at the hogs again. They are all cut more or less. We had to kill two to save the rest. Giles Chapman killed one for us, and I helped him this afternoon at his well. I made the well curb & helped to wall it up. Mr. Geo. Mohr helped.
Saturday Dec. 4 - Frank & I went to W. but Marm did not come, so we went home disappointed. J. Hooks is going to the Bluffs. We bought two barrels of apples, $2.50 per barrel.
Sunday Dec. 5 - I stayed home 'with the little girls all day. Frank done J. Hooks chores. It has been pretty cold today but I think it is moderating some this evening. The horse Prince seems to be geting pretty good in his sprained leg & the other horses are still coughing some but eat their feed every time.
Monday Dec. 6 - It is very cold. We all stayed home. G. L. Chapman & J. Hooks were here to dinner and stayed until sunset. J. Hooks says Marm is homesick, crying some times. The wolves 'were at our hogs last night again and hit one of them bad. Put out poison for wolves this evening. Deuel & Geo. Towne were here this evening until 10 o ' clock.
Tuesday Dec. 7 - We boiled soap and rendered out lard from the pig Giles killed for us. I do not know how the soap is but hope it is all right.
Wednesday Dec. 8 - Our soap did not get good. I think I must boil it again. I went to W. to see the Doctor. He says Marm will be home next Sat. Put out poison.
Thursday Dec. 9 - We washed off the walls and ceiling of the kitchen, which was very dirty. We also boiled another batch of soap. I think this one is good.
Friday Dec. 10 - Frank & Louis went to husk for G. E. Reiff. Louis came back. He could not husk fast enough for Frank so they quarreled & Louis came home. I swept four rooms, churned butter, washed some stockings & cleaned the tubs & boilers of cooking soap. Frank husked one load & and another near full. He left the wagon in the corn field.
Saturday Dec. 11 - I went to W. & brought Marm home. We stoped at Spencers on the way. I got a $20.00 changed by J. Burkholder (note: my g-grand uncle) & gave Mr. Spencer five dollars to give the Doctor (when he passed Woodbine this evening) to give Mrs. Hooks when he gets to the Bluffs. Frank and Louis finished husking the load that was left in the field last night.
Sunday Dec. 12 - We stayed at home until after dinner. Marm & I then went over to Deuels and Damerys. J. Hooks was here to supper.
Monday Dec. 13 - The boys husked a. load and part of another when it rained. They came home and left the wagon in the field. I went up and helped Giles Chapman (3 hours) to finish walling up his well. It rained just a little. Our girls went to school today. The first time for this winter.
Tuesday Dec. 14 - Frank went up to Reiffs & husked the balance of the load of corn then came home. That finished G. E. R. corn on his place. I washed a large wash today & put pickle on our pork.
Wednesday Dec.15 - Frank & Louis husked two loads of corn for John Hooks. I went to Woodbine & bought 20 grain sacks to ship the Doctor's wheat in. Mr. Deuel & I went to town with Mr. Damery. We all had to talk with the Doctor
Thursday Dec. 16 - The boys husked two loads of corn for John Hooks. I put braces at the corner posts & set a post at the stable.
Friday Dec. 17 - It rained last night & froze as it fell so it was very slippery today. The boys went a guning. Shot one rabbit.
Saturday Dec. 18 - I went to Dunlap. Mr. Deuel went with me. We saw the Dr. Mr. Deuel paid him in full. I bought (on credit), 46 lbs. of barb wire at 9 c. a lb, & 1 - lbs. of staples from, A. D. Jones. Damery's bald Mare is very sick. Brought Mr. McCoubrey 50 lbs. flour & coppers, 5c. worth.
Sunday Dec. 19 - I was over to see Damery's mare. She suffers terrible & he thinks she will die before tonight. Mr. Deuel & Mr. Wm. Towne were both there.
Monday Dec. 20 - Frank & I went to W. for coal but we could get none. Got Louis a pair of overhalls. Frank shot 2 rabbits, a chicken & quail. Damery's bald rare died during the night.
Tuesday Dec. 21 - Frank & I put the wire around the house & barn. Frank & Deuel went guning. Got 6 rabbits, 2 chickens & 4 quail.
Wednesday Dec. 22 - I went to W. Mrs. Damery & Mr. Deuel went with me. We filled the sacks with wheat to send to Dr. Lieber at Council Bluffs. Frank gave G. E. Reiff 2 rabbits. G. E. R. paid Frank $3.75, part nay for husking.
Thursday Dec. 23 - Frank & I went to Woodbine with 41 40/60 bu. of wheat, which I shipped to Dr. Lieber at Council Bluffs, at one dollar a bu. at Woodbine.
Friday Dec. 24, - Frank & I went to Woodbine where I paid John Drane $18.40 for threshing 460 lbs. of wheat. I also bought 1450 Ibs. of coal at 31- c. per hundred I loaned $4.50 from Orrin Cole to pay for it.
Saturday Dec. 25 - I was home all day. Mr. Damery got the loan of one of our horses to bring a load of coal from W., as he has but one horse. Annie Reiff 'was here & spent the day with our little girls.
Sunday Dec. 26 - I took cold So I stayed in & laid a mustard plaster on my chest & took a sweat. H.J. Reiff was here for nitre as Damery's colt is sick.. I some turpentine and Dr. Chase.
Monday Dec. 27 - Mr. Damery's colt died. Frank & I went over and helped drag him out of the stable. Wm. Towne drawed him down on the prairie with his team. Giles Chapman was here near all day. I then went down to his house & also to see the Deacon. I tried to get a loan. of $50.00 from him, but failed to get it .I came at half Past eight o'clock.
Tuesday Dec. 28 - I intended to go to Dunlap today but it is too cold as the thermometer is down to 14 degrees below zero, so I sit side of the stove all day.
Wednesday Dec. 29 - Mr. Deuel l: I walked to Woodbine. I wanted to see Dr. Lieber but he did. not come to Woodbine. I received a letter from F. Krieg with $2.00 for the children as a Christmas present. It is very .cold. Thermometer, 16 below zero.
Thursday Dec. 30 - Frank & I went to Woodbine. I rode back with John Hooks.
Friday Dec 31 - I went to Dunlap. Mr. Damery went with me. I got irons put on the break of the Dunlap wagon. I loaned $50.00 from J.R. Wheeler for which I gave a note for six months at 10% interest, with Mr. Damery as security.