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Aaron D Hoyer Diary Originally transcribed by Jessie Burkholder Peckenpaugh preserving the original spellings and punctuation. Transcribed for the Harrison County IAGenWeb by his descendant John Burkholder (email napagrappa@yahoo.com). |
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Wednesday Jan. 1 1896 - Louis chord around & among the chickens. I cut down the last silver maple & cut it up into stove wood. Herb was here all day. Louis & Millie went over to endeavor meeting but there was no meeting. Louis took a cow over to Knapp & bred her to his Red Polled bull.
Thursday Jan. 2 - Herb took his colt away last evening, but this morning he was in the yard when we got up. Wm. Burk, came for Peg & visited until four o'clock. Louis was to town this afternoon. Mrs. Damery was here awhile then Minnie & Lulu Reiff came after supper. Harold & Paul came & spent the evening with us.
Friday Jan. 3 - We chored around some. It was very cold & windy. Thermometer was ten degrees below zero this morning. Louis fetched the power from Burkholders. We wanted to shell some corn. Paul Reiff stoped here on his way home from school.
Saturday Jan. 4 - I have not been well today so I staid in the house. Louis was up to Reiffs to see about fixing the sheller. Louis was to town this afternoon. It is snowing a little.
Sunday Jan. 5 - Louis & the girls were to S. S. Herb came over this evening & George Reiff came, both took supper with us.
Monday Jan. 6 - George Reiff came down & helped us at the sheller, we worked at it until noon. Louis helped Younts to thresh corn this afternoon. George & I worked at the sheller until three o'clock. George went home & I went up to Lowreys to a Trustee meeting to settle with the Clerk.
Tuesday Jan. 7 - Louis & I was to town & Mill, we got some Mill feed & one cockerel that he traded three fine pullets for. I got a flag, Shuler painted the letters on it. I quarantined J. T. Smith as a case of scarlet fever has been reported to me by Dr. Clay. 2 hours.
Wednesday Jan. 8 - Louis took a hog to J. J. Weiss, sold at $3.25, weighed 380 lbs. I cleaned out the stables. Ma & I were over to visit at Damery's. Herb came over, him & the girls went to the endeavor.
Thursday Jan. 9 - I was up to Reiff's early this morning so as to get there before he went to the timber. I got his log chains & mall to set the sheller & power. We set them to shell. Louis was to town this evening and got a new chain for the sheller.
Friday Jan. 10 - We commenced to shell at 8:20 this morning & shelled until noon. We broke one of the springs so it went slow. We shelled about 200 bus. Al Vining & Herb helped & Reiff and his two boys.
Saturday Jan. 11 - Louis, after choring, cut down three large trees to bank up the ice sellar. I dug at the sellar. I was up to see Reiff's ice house.
Sunday Jan. 12 - They all were to S. S. except me, Wm. Chauncey & family were here visiting after S. S. They took supper with us. Chas. Nichols was here for me to go along to see after a case of scarlet fever. I did not feel well all day so I did not go with him.
Monday Jan. 13 - Louis & I worked all day at the ice sellar. Jack Meadows was here to have some bone cut. I was down to Smiths to see how the sick child is geting along. Louis went up to Reiffs this evening.
Tuesday Jan. 14 - Louis & I brought each a load of saw dust from Six Mile grove Butcher's Mill. Reiff's boys went along, each brought a load for themselves. We got it to put up ice.
Wednesday Jan. 15 - It snowed last night. Louis & Ma went to town this afternoon. I was in the house all day. I took a cold and am not feeling well.
Thursday Jan. 16 - Louis cut down another tree for the ice sellar. We worked at it. George Reiff was here. Him & Louis went over to the river to see if we can get ice along DeCou's land but the water is not deep enough and there is no ice there. We turned a boar in to the sows in the north yard.
Friday Jan. 17 - The windmill is broke, so Louis had to go to town to send for extras. I was up to Lowrey's to see Austin about Smith's quarantine. I was also down to Smiths. They are geting along fine. He has fumigated the house & disinfected. Herb us over here today to grind his ax. Him, Louis & the girls were over to Watkins this evening.
Saturday Jan. 18 - Louis was to town for the mail & some groceries. He worked at the ice seller after he was gone to town. I finished the digging the ice sellar. There was a man by the name of Shields here to buy cattle. He wanted us to put a price on five stear calves of ours but we were to high for him to buy. I got a letter from Dr. Clay to raise the quarantine at Smiths. I was down to see about it.
Sunday Jan. 19 - Herb came over this forenoon. Louis was down to Younts to take a borrowed lantern back. Herb & the girls were to S. S.
Monday Jan. 20 - Louis cleaned out the stables. I was to town to see about the extras for W. Mill. Ed Rankin was here to dinner, him & Louis was over to the river to look for a place to get ice. I shoveled the sawdust out of the wagon.
Tuesday Jan. 21 - I went to town this morning and brought Marshal Moore out to fix our W. Mill. When he got through with it, I took him to town again. I took 2 lbs. of honey to Kibler Bros. Sold at 12 per lb. Louis chored around all day.
Wednesday Jan. 22 - Louis chored around. I made part of a new break to the R. F. wagon. It is snowing this evening. Al Vining bought a sow from me at eight dollars.
Thursday Jan. 23 - Louis & I was to town. I paid J. A. Boise in full to date. We got two springs made for shellar. I also paid J. Bartholomew one dollar on act. It snowed some last night. Geo. Reiff fetched the sheller & power today.
Friday Jan. 24 - I was down & took off the quarantine at J. S. Smiths. Louis took a load , 2320 lbs of hay to Jack Bartholomew, sold at four 50/100 dollars per ton. Geo. Reiff was here for the springs to the sheller. Herb came over this evening.
Saturday Jan. 25 - Louis & Herb helped Geo. Reiff shell corn until noon. I was to town. Louis went to town & took a wagon toung that was broke by Reiff's horse steping on it. It was cracked before.
Sunday Jan. 26 - Herb & the girls were to S. S. Louis & I were over to the river to see about geting ice. Mr. Knapp went with us. Louis was up to Reiffs to see him about going at the ice tomorrow.
Monday Jan. 27 - Herb, Louis & I with two teams went over to the river & cut & brought home three loads 102 cakes of ice. Will Chauncey & Jess (Mrs. DeCou's hired man) were with us. They got three loads.
Tuesday Jan. 28 - Herb, Louis & I was over to the river again & brought three loads (78 cakes) of ice all 16" by 24". It was very warm today, the ice melted some.
Wednesday Jan. 29 - It was too warm to go for ice. Herb helped to unload a load of ice & helped Louis at the mill. Louis went to town & brought Marshall Moore out to fix the mill & took him back again. G. L. Chapman & wife were here visiting.
Thursday Jan. 30 - Louis brought thirty posts from N. A. Donaldson. I was to Dunlap, got a priscription from Dr. Edwards for Millie. Mrs. Meadows was here visiting. I took dinner with C. Pitts.
Friday Jan. 31 - Louis & I was to town & Mill. We brought the new wagon toung. We also got three sacks of bran. Louis gethered some clam shells in the river to grind for chickens.
Saturday Feb. 1, 1896 - Louis was to town. He brought some clam shells from the river to grind for the chickens. Ma, Bertha & I were to town. Mr. John Smith & Wm. Cresswell were here & bought each a stack of hay. S. four tons and C. two tons, measured in the stack.
Sunday Feb. 2 - Isaac DeCou and wife were here visiting also Geo. Reiff & wife. Herb & the girls were to S.S.
Monday Feb. 3 - Louis ground some corn and took a hog, 310 lbs. to town to DeCou, sold at $3.75 per hundred. Ma was down to John Younts. We hauled out a load of manure & cleaned out the stable.
Tuesday Feb. 4 - Louis took six hogs wt. 1140 lbs., sold to I. A. DeCou at $4.00 per hundred. Ma & I were visiting at Mrs. Carrie DeCou's, Herb was here.
Wednesday Feb. 5 - Louis ground corn. Ma & I were over to see how Mrs. Watkins is along. She had an operation performed on her, but is geting along fine. We stoped at Campbells on our way home. The boys & girls went over to Chaunceys this evening.
Thursday Feb. 6 - Louis ground four barrels of corn. The girls & he were to town this afternoon.
Friday Feb. 7 - Louis was to town to ship a cockerel to Crescent. I was visiting over with William Burkholder. Herb was here this evening. He got a pair of cockerels. The girls were up to Chambers & at John Younts.
Saturday Feb. 8 - Linn Mathews was here & bought two Cockerels. Louis was to town. We separated the shoats barrows from the sows. I choped a little wood. Mr. Lowrey was here, wanted to buy hogs.
Sunday Feb. 9 - Louis & the girls were to S. S. Herb came over this evening.
Monday Feb. 10 - Louis cut out some trees in the hog grove to thin them out. John Chambers was here & assessed us. I cut some wood. Herb was here this evening awhile.
Tuesday Feb. 11 - Louis was over to Jack Meadows for a couple of setting hens. A Mr. McKinney was here & got a W.P.R. Cockerel. I cut a little wood.
Wednesday Feb. 12 - Louis & Herb brought three loads (54 cakes) ice. They put one load in, the other two are in the wagon yet. Herb & the girls went to Younts to the Bible reading. I am on the sick list.
Thursday Feb. 13 - Herb helped Louis to unload the ice this morning. They got done at nine o'clock. Herb went away & Louis finished puting in the saw-dust. Louis went to town this afternoon. The girls went along as far as to, Chas. Davis to visit with Mrs. Davis until Louis comes back.
Friday Feb. 14 - Louis cut out some trees in the hog grove. Ma & I were up to Reiffs visiting. The boys and girls went over to S. C. school house to a box supper. They sold the boxes at highest bidder, Millie's box brought the highest price, 80.
Saturday Feb. 15 - Louis & the girls were to town today. I am geting better.
Sunday Feb. 16 - We were all down to J. Younts visiting. Herb came over & went with us.
Monday Feb. 17 - Louis was down to Six Mile grove for another load of saw-dust for the ice seller, I chored a little today.
Tuesday Feb. 18 - We put the balance of the last load of ice in the ice sellar, I made three pair of rafters for the ice house. Louis worked at the incubator to try to make the regulator work. Herb came over this evening.
Wednesday Feb. 19 - I worked awhile at the ice house. Louis was to town & brought 18 stock boards 14 ft. long for the ice house roof. Herb was here to tea.
Thursday Feb. 20 - I worked at the ice house roof this afternoon. Louis took (27) bus. of wheat to Mathews & Kling sold at 45 per bu.
Friday Feb. 21 - Louis put the balance of sawdust on the ice. I finished the roof & painted one side when the paint was all gone. Louis was over to Jack Meadows. I was over to see Herb.
Saturday Feb. 22 - Louis, Bertha & I were to to. It rained on our way home. We butchered a pig this morning.
Sunday Feb. 23 - This was a fine warm day. We were all to S. S. Herb came over & went with us.
Monday Feb. 24 - Louis & I were up to Reiffs for the sheller & power. We had to fix something at it, so it was near three o'clock when we commenced to shell. Herb helped us, Bertha drove the power teams.
Tuesday Feb. 25 - Louis Ma & I went to town to the Farmers Institute. Ma & I staid in at Wm. Tuttles. Wednesday Feb. 26 - Louis, Herb & the girls came in to the Institute. Ma & I were at Tuttles last night. We all took dinner at Wm. Tuttles. I staid in at Tuttles. Ma went home with the girls.
Thursday Feb. 27 - Fred Divelbis went home with Louis last night. They all came in to the Institute, we all enjoyed it very much, the hall was full each time. The weather was very fine during the three days of the Institute, Mrs. Tuttle came home with us.
Friday Feb. 28 - Louis ground corn in the forenoon. Afternoon he went over to Bronson's sale. I was to town this afternoon. Mat McKean came this evening.
Saturday Feb. 29 - It snowed all forenoon. Louis went to town this afternoon. Mat left at the same time to go home. I mended my old overcoat & spliced four halter ropes . Sunday Mar. 1, 1896 - We were all to S. S. Mrs. Tuttle went with us. Herb was here near all day & evening. He was also to S. S. It was cold today.
Monday Mar. 2 - Louis was to town to take Mrs. Tuttle home. We were to the school meeting this evening. Harrison Yount was elected director for the unexpired term of one year.
Tuesday Mar. 3 - Herb & his father was here to dinner. Louis & Herb cut bone with the power. Herb & the girls went up to Younts & Louis, Mr. Burkholder & I went to town.
Wednesday Mar. 4 - This was a disagreeable day. It snowed a little but damp & chilly.
Thursday Mar. 5 - I took the old incubator apart. Louis & I went to town. Louis went from town down to Jude Lyon for a Gobler that he traded for with Fred Divelbis. He is a nice M.B. turkey. Herb is here this evening.
Friday Mar. 6 - Louis ground clam shells, glass, crockery & chored around some. I took the old breaking plow apart & fixed to clean seed wheat. I took Ma & Mrs. Damery up to Reiffs to a Missionary meeting & brought them back. The girls & Louis went up to Tuttles to the Bible reading.
Saturday Mar. 7 - Louis ground some corn. I made another piece to the three horse evener which makes it all new, except the singletree. Louis & Bertha were to town this afternoon.
Sunday Mar. 8 - We were all to S. S. Herb did not come over before this eve. He took supper with us. Fine day.
Monday Mar. 9 - Louis & I fixed up the incubator cave and got ready to clean seed wheat. Harold & Paul Reiff were here this evening. Ma & I cut up the pig & fried it & put it in a jar for summer meat & tried out the lard.
Tuesday Mar. 10 - Louis was over to see Herb & up to see Mr. Lowrey. Then he helped me to finish cleaning the wheat. Mrs. Reiff & Mrs. Damery were here visiting. I, A. DeCou was here. Louis sold him two nine month calves, two eight month calves, one eighteen month steer, one two year old heiffer, lumped off for one hundred dollars.
Wednesday Mar. 11 - Herb came over this morning & took the power down to help to shred fodder for Mr. Hass. Geo. and Harold Reiff went with him. Louis chored around. After dinner Louis, Ma & I went to town.
Thursday Mar. 12 - Louis chored around. Jude Lyon & a Mr. Jones were here today. I was to town this afternoon & I made a box to use as a brooder. I paid Herb eighty dollars this evening. The young folks went up to Reiffs to a birthday party.
Friday Mar. 13 - We are having a cold spell for a few days past. Louis ground corn. Ma & I were visiting at Chaunceys today. Will was not at home. The young folks went down to Chaunceys to the Bible meeting.
Saturday Mar. 14 - Our neighbor Mr. Larson bought a stack of hay for twelve dollars, $12.00, to be paid in six months. I put a handle in the spade. Louis hauled out manure, then went to town, Millie went with him.
Sunday Mar. 15 - The young folks were to S. S. This was a fine day but a little cold. I paid Herb in full.
Monday Mar. 16 - Louis harrowed down some stalks. I finished the three horse evener & cleaned out the stables.
Tuesday Mar. 17 - It snowed & rained a little near all day. Louis trimmed the raspberry bushes. Herb came over this evening. Larson got our wagon to go to M. Valley.
Wednesday Mar. 18 - This was a cold windy day. It snowed & rained some. Louis & I were to town. Louis ground some corn this morning.
Thursday Mar. 19 - I was to town this morning to bring a package from the express office. Bertha was married at 12 o'clock by Rev. Mr. Ward. Mr. Burkholder, Harry Yount & Wife, Wm. Yeager & Wife and Jesse Burkholder were at the wedding.
Friday Mar. 20 - Louis hauled out a load of manure. I made a four horse evener. Herb & Louis were to a sale today. The young folks went to Bible reading at John DeCou's. Lowrey's bull got over to our cows.
Saturday Mar. 21 - Louis was over to Jack Meadows for oil meal & took some eggs to Mrs. Yount. He then went to town. I cut 22 rows of stalks this afternoon. It was very windy all day. Air full of dust.
Sunday Mar. 22 - It snowed all day, about five (5) inches fell, no wind. We all staid at home. Mott droped a calf last evening.
Monday Mar. 23 - This was a fine day, the snow is melting fast. Louis was to town. Austin Lowrey was here to see me about road grader note, due April 1st, 1897.
Tuesday Mar. 24 - Louis ground a little corn and harrowed on the breaking on old pasture. I did not feel good but went over with Larson & helped to put a skein on his wagon.
Wednesday Mar. 25 - Louis harrowed on the sod and ground a little corn. I cut stalks until noon, then I went to town. Took butter to Fords & I took three turkeys in for Herb & brought out a window sash for him.
Thursday Mar. 26 - I went down to Suddie's and brought Robert Johnston to commence to work for us at $18.00 per month. Louis set the power & got ready to shell after dinner. Bob helped to shell a load of corn then Bob disced & Louis plowed. I shoveled the corn cobs out of the wagons.
Friday Mar. 27 - A large party of young folks came last evening to have a goad time on Herb's & Bertha's marriage & they had a good time. It rained near all day so the boys done nothing but chore around.
Saturday Mar. 28 - The boys worked on the sod until noon when they commenced to sow wheat. I was to town with Herb & Bertha. I took a cockerel to Mrs. Maloy, got $1.50 & a gallon can of L. L. K. to T. Morrow. Louis, Herb & Bertha went up to Younts this evening with eggs. Mrs. Yount is going to set hens to hatch them.
Sunday Mar. 29 - Bob went home last night and came back this afternoon. The young folks were to S. S. over to Spring Creek.
Monday Mar. 30 - Louis finished sowing wheat. He then went to Mill & town. Bob finished discing wheat then we ground wheat & oats for hog feed. Herb & Bertha were to Dunlap. Mr. Smith hauled some of his hay today.
Tuesday Mar. 31 - Bob harrowed all day at the wheat. Louis & I mended sacks & filled in the wheat & he hauled 19 47/60 bus. to the Mill. Sold it to Rollings for 50 per bu., $9.85. Herb & Bertha were here awhile this evening. Mr. Larson was here to borrow a horse to cut stalks with a three horse cutter. Mr. Smith finished hauling his hay today.
Wednesday April 1, 1896 - It snowed a little last night. Today was very windy and cold. We run fourty bushels of oats through the faning mill. Bob hauled out four loads of manure. Louis shoveled the remaining oats over in the middle bin.
Thursday April 2 - Bob hauled out manure. Louis chored around. I done nothing. It was cold & windy today. Herb hauled a load of hay but it was it was too windy. Herb, Bertha & Mr. Burkholder was here to supper.
Friday April 3 - The boys raked and burnt stalks. I cut stalks until noon. After dinner Ma & I went to town to Mrs. Frank Hupp's funeral. Bob dragged some of the stalks down this morning.
Saturday Apri1 4 - Bob finished raking & burning the stalks on the oat ground. Louis worked at the chicken fence. Him & Millie were to town this afternoon. I cut stalks near all day. This was a lovely day.
Sunday April 5 - The young folks were to S. S. Bob went home. Geo. Duval & Eug. Kinne were here to see the chickens. Mr. & Mrs, Reiff were this evening. Bertha, Herb & Mr. Burk. were here to dinner.
Monday April 6 - The boys put in oats. Louis seeded, Bob plowed them in. I was down to Center school house to equalize the assessment and make a levey. Nine hours.
Tuesday April 7 - It rained some this morning. The boys worked at the oats. I was to town to get a Doctor to see Mrs. Mc Laughlin. Peter McL. was here & said she was very sick and too poor to get a doctor. Harold brought the shreder here to house in our wagon shed.
Wednesday April 8 - The wind blew very heavy all day yesterday. Today it rained all day. I was up to see how Austin is, he is quite sick yet. Bertha & Herb were here to dinner and supper.
Thursday April 9 - I was to town this morning. Wm. Burk. went with me. Louis worked on the road at Smith's bridge all day. Bob plowed on the oats ground. I was at a meeting of Trustees up at Lowreys. The board went down to see Mrs. McLaughlin, she is sick. We granted her four dollars aid. Trustee work five hours.
Friday April 10 - I fixed up the hot water brooder to heat with a lamp. Louis disced, Bob harrowed. I was to town this afternoon for a casting for windmill we sent for but it had not come. Ma was over to Bertha's. Her & I took supper with them.
Saturday April 11 - Louis & I worked at the w. -mill. until one o'clock. Bob worked at the oats. After dinner we cleaned out the tank, took out the manure packing. It then rained heavy. After the rain Louis went to town. Bob set fence posts. It rained heavy this evening again. Louis was caught in it.
Sunday April 12 - It rained some today. Bob went home. Louis & Millie started to go to town to meeting. It rained so hard that they staid at Bertha's until late.
Monday April 13 - It rained until noon. The boys set out 100 strawberry plants, then Louis finished the oats & Bob set fence posts. Herb fetched two brood sows that Louis gave Bertha.
Tuesday April 14 - The boys plowed in oats all day. Ma & I were to town. I brought Jack Meadows eggs out with me. Louis took them over to him this evening.
Wednesday April 15 - Louis sowed wheat, rye & oats mixed and disced them in on the hog pasture. After dinner we shelled a load of corn. Bob plowed in oats the rest of the day. I shoveled out the corn & cobs.
Thursday April 16 - Bob plowed in oats all day. Louis harrowed the hay pasture & sowed the rest of the mixed grain on the pasture & harrowed it. Louis went to town this evening.
Friday April 17 - Bob finished plowing the oats, he then hauled out manure. Louis harrowed the rest of the oats. We then ground some corn & oats. We put the shredder in the shed this evening. Herb, Bertha & Mr. Burkholder were here this evening.
Saturday April 18 - Bob finished setting fence posts around the pasture, then I & Bob fixed the fence along Lowrey's line. Louis & Ma were to town. Herb, Bertha & Mr. Burkholder were here to supper.
Sunday April 19 - The young folks were to S. S. Bob was home today.
Monday April 20 - It rained very heavy last night. The boys worked in the berry patch near all day. I cut some wood.
Tuesday April 21 - Bob went out late and plowed all day on the 12 acre piece. Louis & I were to town, got a new lay put on one of the walking plows. Millie was over to Bertha's all day. Herb & Bertha came home with her & took supper with us.
Wednesday April 22 - Bob plowed this afternoon. It rained last night. It was too wet this morning. They took the wires off from the middle fence to put on the west pasture fence. Ma & I were over to Burks this afternoon. Herb & Bertha were here this evening. Louis's eggs carne today from Mass., A. C. Hawkins.
Thursday April 23 - missing from transcription
Friday April 24 - The boys plowed until noon. We then comenced to shell corn for feed but broke the double crank shaft to the shaker. I went to town and ordered a new one, a Pitman & Sprocket (double). Bob plowed & Louis cut stalks the rest of the evening.
Saturday April 25 - Bob plowed all day. He finished the 12 acre piece at 5 P.M. Louis plowed until noon, be then went to town to get a tooth crowned. I cut stalks all day. Herb, Bertha & Mr. Burk. were here this evening.
Sunday April 26 - Louis was over to the Spring Creek S. S. Bob was home all day as the rest of us. Herb & Bertha drove up from S. S. to see why none of us were to S.S.
Monday April 27 - Louis cleaned out the hog waters this morning then plowed with Bob until 5 P.M. He then went to town for the sheller extras. I cut stalks all day.
Tuesday Apri1 28 - It rained about all day. The boys put wire on the posts around between the pasture & wheat field & fited the sprocket & Pitman on the shaft of the sheller, that we sent for, so that we can shell for feed as the weather is fit.
Wednesday April 29 - It rained considerable during last night & rained some until near noon. Herb, Bertha & Mr. Burk, came over after dinner for some potatoes. I was to town this afternoon. Mr. Burkholder went with me to town.
Thursday April 30 - The boys plowed until noon. Afternoon we put the new extras in the sheller & fixed it up. It was quite a job. We then shelled a load of corn. The boys then (after three o'clock) went out & plowed until six, when it rained again. I shoveled the cobs out of the wagon and ground six bus. of corn & oats mixed for feed.
Friday May 1, 1896 - It rained all night & rained steady near all day. Louis went over to Herb, they together went over to Lowrey's. Bob & I fixed up an old harness for use.
Saturday May 2 - I was to Logan to a meeting of the Officers of the H C. M I. Association. Bob plowed all day. Louis was to town to get a tooth fixed again. He bred Topsy & Dell to Bennet's Belgian horse. I received two 75/100 dollars for the time and expenses from the Sec. of the Insurance Co.
Sunday May 3 - Millie went with Bertha & Herb to church in town & S. S. Bob was home.
Monday May 4 - The boys plowed until noon. They then got out the hay rack, put it on the wagon, loaded hay. Louis took it to town to Dr. Poland. Bob then went to plowing & I cut stalks all day. Bertha was here this afternoon. Millie went home with her.
Tuesday May 5 - I went to town early this morning. H. C. Harchbarger & I went up to adjust a loss for Mr. Bundy's house, struck by lightning & burned up household goods & all consumed. Mr. Caldwell carne up too. House 16 x 24, story & a half was in good repair, seven years old. There was another claim to adjust but we could not get to it until late so we left Caldwell to adjust it. Adam Lautz was to go with him to adjust it tomorrow. The boys plowed all day.
Wednesday May 6 - Bob plowed until 10 o'clock then he took four horses to disc the first spring plowing. Louis put the planter together, got seed corn ready and after dinner he commenced to plant corn. I helped and chored around.
Thursday May 7 - Louis finished planting the twelve acre piece, then started to harrow it. Bob disced all day on fall plowing. I mulched some of the evergreens. Louis was over to see Mrs. Meadows to see her to set one of her hens on our eggs.
Friday May 8 - Bob disced all day on the fall plowing. Louis finished harrowing the twelve acre piece. He then fetched the cutter ay Damery's & cut stalks. I was to town with Mr. Damery.
Saturday May 9 - Louis cut stalks all day. Bob finished discing the fall plowing at 5 P.M. The boys both went to town this evening. I was over to Burkholders this afternoon.
Sunday May 10 - Millie & Bob Were to S. S. Herb & Bertha were here to dinner. They also went to S. S. They were all caught in the rain. Mr. Burkholder was also here to dinner. Geo. Reiff came & they all staid to supper. We had Ice cream.
Monday May 11 - Bob plowed all day. Louis was late geting out, he had to take some pigs from a sow. This makes the third one this spring. This last one he thinks will die. Do not know what is the cause of having so much trouble this spring. I was to town this morning and this afternoon I harrowed until five P.M. when we quit to get seed corn down & shell. It rained and blew heavy last night. Louis ordered Bee supplies over three weeks ago and have not come yet.
Tuesday May 12 - Bob plowed until 4 P.M. Louis planted some & I harrowed some when we were all drove in as it rained & hailed very heavy and has been raining hard and steady since 5 o'clock. It is now 9 o'clock.
Wednesday May 13 - It rained all last night and all day today a steady downpour. Louis & Bob shelled the seed corn. That was about they did today. Louis was to town today in the rain. The hives did not come.
Thursday May 14 - It rained last night and a little this morning but cleared off this morning. Our potatoe cave fell in which gave us some work to shovel out the dirt & separate the potatoes. Herb was here & got 2 bus. of seed corn. Bob set posts & fixed the fence around the berry patch. We shelled a load of corn this evening. Herb helped us. I could do nothing. Herb & Bertha were here to dinner.
Friday May 15 - It rained all day. Our potatoe cave fell in & covered the potatoes with earth. The boys had a job geting them out. They carried them in the wagon shed between the cribs. They cut about eight bus. to plant if it gets dry enough to plant anything. Mrs. Meadows was here this morning & got six settings of eggs to hatch on the shares. Jack Meadows was here this afternoon to visit with the boys.
Saturday May 16 - It rained all last night and near all day today. Louis went to town this afternoon. He had to cross the river on the Laird bridge as the water was too deep at the Mill. The sun shone clear just before sunset.
Sunday May 17 - This was a pretty fair day though some cloudy. Bertha, Herb & Burk were here, also Mr. & Mrs. Chauncey. We had a good visit but I can not get around as I have it in the back again.
Monday May 18 - It was some cloudy & cold today. The boys plowed all day. They also put rings in the noses of eight sows & turned them in the pasture.
Tuesday May 19 - Louis planted potatoes all day. Bob plowed all day. I am much better. I painted two Bee hives. Mr. Burkholder was here this afternoon. It is still cloudy & threatening rain.
Wednesday May 20 - It rained very heavy for a couple of hours today. The ground is so full of water that it run off & washed the fields again. Louis planted potatoes & Bob plowed except while it rained, when they worked at the bee hives. I painted some more bee hives this afternoon.
Thursday May 21 - Louis finished cuting stalks. Bob plowed all day & Louis plowed some after he finished cuting the stalks. I was to town with Burkholder. Herb, Bertha & Burk were here to dinner. Herb got the rest of his potatoes.
Friday May 22 - Bob disced on the North piece the second time this spring. The heavy rain washed out what we had planted. Louis commenced to plant the North piece at noon. Mr. Bennet was here with his horse & bred Dell the second time.
Saturday May 23 - Louis planted on the North piece all day. Bob disced until noon, then he harrowed after Louis plowing. Millie & I were to town. She got a tooth filled at Poland's office. The colts broke down a gate today.
Sunday May 24 - Bob went home today. Herb & Bertha were here today. The young folks were to S. S.
Monday May 25 - Louis finished planting the north piece at 10 A.M., he then harrowed until we finished harrowing the North piece twice. After planting, I harrowed all day. we finished at 5 o'clock. Bob plowed on the South piece all day. S. W. Morton was here to try to sell us a Harvesting Binder. Louis worked some at the bees this evening.
Tuesday May 26 - The boys both plowed until noon when they finished plowing the South piece. Ma was over to Burks this afternoon.
Wednesday May 27 - It rained heavy during the night and near all day. Louis & Millie was to town this evening & brought 300 sweet potatoe plants. Herb & Bertha was here to dinner.
Thursday May 28 - Louis took cow Jane over to Knapp's and bred her to his Red Poland Bull. Bob disced near all day. Louis planted some this afternoon. They quit early to plant sweet potatoes & shelled a load (50 bus.) of corn. I mulched all the small evergreen trees.
Friday May 29 - Louis planted all day. Bob disced. The cattle got out of the pasture up in Reiff's field and over in Lowrey's. They had quite a time until they got them back. I wan to Dunlap to see Dr. Manchester, he gave, me some medicine for Dep. She is not well. I also tried to get brassjournal for mower, pitman or a new pitman but could get neither.
Saturday May 30 - Louis planted all day. I was to town. Herb, Bertha, & Mr. Burk were here to supper. Bob's two brothers came for him.
Sunday May 31 - Millie was to S.S. Louis was to town to see N. A. Donaldson but he was not at home. He saw him at J. Meadows. The boys took Mott over to Knapp's & bred her.
Monday June 1, 1896 - Louis finished planting at 10 o'clock. He finished planting potatoes this evening. He then went over to Jack Meadows. Bob harrowed all day. I was to town and made arrangements with Charley Reed to sell the LLK for Louis. Louis is to have 5 per can commission, Reed & Cole to pay all expences.
Tuesday June 2 - Bob harrowed all day crossing the South piece of corn. Louis helped me to put the planter & stalk cutter away. He then got out the cultivators and put them together. I had to rivet a plate on the ajax. Louis harrowed the potatoes and cultivated some this afternoon on the S. E. piece.
Wednesday June 3 - Louis was to town this morning to get the tooth fixed that the Dr. crowned some time ago. Bob finished harrowing at 11 o'clock, he then cleaned the shovels & fixed his cultivator & cultivated this afternoon. Louis came late to dinner. He then looked after his bees and commenced to cultivate at three o'clock. He brought a new pitman for the mower. I put it on the mower but did not try to mow to see if it would work.
Thursday June 4 - It rained heavy last night so we could not cultivate today. The boys planted pumpkins, melons and other seeds this afternoon. Harold was here for some more seed corn, tomato plants & ground cherry plants. Ma gave him a pail full of lettuce. Mr. Snook was here awhile this afternoon. He is the new Prespeterian preacher.
Friday June 5 - It rained very heavy again last night so we cannot work in the fields. Bob cut down some of the Box Elder trees in the yard south of the house. J.H. Tuttle was here quite awhile. It rained heavy this afternoon. Bertha, Herb & Mr. Burk, were here until late this evening. We had ice cream.
Saturday June 6 - The boys mowed around the house and with it I mulched the young fruit trees. This evening they both went up and finished cultivating the S. E. piece of corn the first time. Ma & I were to town. The approaches at the Collin's & Monroe bridges are out. We went through Smith's field to get to town. We staid at Burks. for supper.
Sunday June 7 - Louis & Bob were to town. Millie was to S. S. Ma & I were over to Meadows. Herb & Bertha were here awhile. Harry Yount, Fred Peckenpaugh & Jesse Burk. were in swimming with our boys in our pond.
Monday June 8 - The boys cultivated all day on the South piece of corn. Louis got out late this afternoon as he attended to a couple of clutches of chickens & fixed up to get ready to shell tomorrow.
Tuesday June 9 - Geo. Reiff, his wife, Harold and Miss Hamilton, school teacher in No. 3, were here late last evening. We shelled about 650 bus. of corn today. Herb helped us with his team. Bertha came over to dinner and staid until Herb went home this evening. Millie & Bertha went down to Younts this afternoon.
Wednesday June 10 - Louis & Bob finished cultivating the South piece the first time through at 6 o'clock. Ma & I were to town. Mr. Burkholder went with us. Bertha & Herb were in town. We stoped and took supper with them. Prof. Kinney & Riddle were here and ordered each a seting of eggs. Mat came here at noon.
Thursday June 11 - Mat went away this morning. Louis & were up to Younts this morning. It rained from noon to about four o'clock. The boys were up to Reiff's & over to Burks where they took supper. Louis went up to Younts this evening again to get his share of chickens that were hatched there.
Friday June 12 - Bob cultivated all day. Louis worked at the windmill near all day. I was to town this morning and sold hogs to the DeCou Bros. This evening Louis & I took nine head of hogs to town. We came home late. Millie was gooseberring with Herb, Bertha, Amy & Mr. Burk.
Saturday June 13 - Bob cultivated all day. Louis & I each took four head of hogs to town, in all seventeen head, wt. 4350 lbs. at $2.75, $116 36/100. I was to town this evening with butter & eggs. Herb & Bertha were here to supper.
Sunday June 14 - Ma, Millie, I & Bob were down to visit with John Suddick and family. Louis staid at home so he would be here if the bees would swarm. Herb & Bertha were here to supper. There were quite a number of men and two boys from town were here to bathe in our pond this evening.
Monday June 15 - Bob cultivate; all day on the South piece. Louis took two loads of hay to town to Andy Shinn 1st 2050, 2nd 2320 lbs., sold for $4.00 a ton, $8.74. I helped Louis to load them out of the barn. It was very warm today. The corn is growing fine now. I picked some cherries. They are not plenty this year.
Tuesday June 16 - The boys cultivated all day. I spaded out the Elderberry bushes in the clover & corn. I took Millie over to Herb's. She went with them to the Normal Exercises. I took supper with them and settled with Burk for shreding last winter.
Wednesday June 17 - The boys finished cultivating the south piece the first time at noon. Louis mowed the alfalfa this afternoon & Bob commenced on the twelve acre piece for the second time through. Millie & the boys went to town this evening to the N. School exercises.
Thursday June 18 - Bob cultivated all day. Louis shelled corn all day at Reiffs. I was to town. Ma was over to Damerys visiting. I got the box in hind wheel of buggy fixed.
Friday June 19 - Louis helped Geo. Reiff to shell all day. Bob finished the twelve acre piece the second time through. Ma & I were up to Reiffs. Louis got home very late.
Saturday June 20 - Louis helped at Reiffs all day. Bob cultivated on the North piece the second time through all day. I was to town and got a coal Oil Stove as it is geting warm to have fire in the kitchen. Herb & Bertha was here to supper. Reiffs were down to swim.
Sunday June 21 - Ma & I were over to Berthas. Yeagers were there. Millie was to S. S. She came with Burks, they all took supper & ice cream with us. It rained heavy before we went to bed. Bob went home & has not returned yet.
Monday June 22 - It was showery all day. Bob & I hoed some in the garden. Louis worked some at his bee hives & among the chickens. Herb was here awhile this morning and his father and May were here awhile this forenoon. One of Bennet's sons was here with a Mr. Wilkinson, a veternarean. He fixed Dep & Topsy's teeth for which he charged two dollars. Mrs. Larson washed for us half a day.
Tuesday June 23 - Louis put foundation in Herb's bee hive this morning, he then started mowing the clover. It was plenty wet yet with dew. He mowed until 6 o'clock. He had a good bit of trouble with the mower. Bob cultivated all day on the N. piece.
Wednesday June 24 - Bob cultivated all day & Louis finished mowing the clover at 3 o'clock, he then scattered the alfalfa & then cultivated some. At eleven o'clock he come in & him & I swarmed a hive of bees. I was to town with Mr. Burk. Herb, Bertha & Burk were here to supper.
Thursday June 25 - It rained heavy last night & hailed a little. Louis put some foundation in frames to be ready if more bees swarm. Herb, Bertha & Mr. Burk were here. Louis & Herb put foundation in frames for Herb, he has bees that are going to swarm soon. Mr. Snook was here to dinner, he visited quite a while. Bertha & Millie were down to visit the school.
Friday June 26 - Bob cultivated all day. Louis cultivated until about middle of afternoon, he then raked the clover in windrows. I took some separators down to Nell Donaldson. Ma was up to H. Younts visiting. I fetched her this evening.
Saturday June 27 - Louis cultivated the potatoes, then worked at the clover, turning it so as to dry some of it is very green yet. Ma I was to town this morning. We stoped at Barks & staid to dinner. This afternoon Louis, Bob & I worked at the clover. A shocked some of it that was dry enough and turned the rest. Herb & Bertha was here to supper. The boys caught a snapper.
Sunday June 28 - Ma, Louis & Millie were to town to church. Herb & Bertha joined the Prespeterian Church today. Herb had a swarm of bees come off today. Louis & Herb divided one of our hives of bees today. Jesse Burk. was here, Millie went riding with him this evening.
Wednesday June 29 - We hauled up and stacked our hay (clover). Herb & his father helped us, 9 loads in stack at the cow shed and 8 in stack at cattle rack, 17 loads in all. Louis went down in the meadow this evening to cut grass to cover stacks of clover with. Bertha & Amy were here to supper. Mrs. Larson washed for us.
Tuesday June 30 - The boys cultivated all day. Bob raked up the hay Louis cut last evening to put on the clover stacks. I fixed some fence, raked the weeds together on this end of the clover piece.
Wednesday July 1, 1896 - The boys cultivated all day on the S. piece. I dug out some small trees in the grove S. of the house.
Thursday July 2 - The boys & I straightened up the N. clover stack as it leaned to the south so much that we thought it could fall over, so we stuck poles in the stack & fastened smooth fence wire over the stack & fastened the wire to stakes & drove them in ground which drew the stack straight. The boys cultivated this afternoon. They covered the stacks with long prairie grass. I watched the bees & dug out some small trees in the drove. Ma was over to Bertha's.
Friday July 3 - It rained last night & this morning, too wet to cultivate this morning and it rained some this forenoon so the boys went out & tried it but the corn loped over so much they quit. I was to town.
Saturday July 4 - Bob went home last evening to help celebrate the fourth. We were all down to the Island to celebrate. Herb, Bertha & Jesse Burk. ate dinner with us. We had ice cream with our dinner. Came home at about seven o'clock. Millie came later. I went to bed early.
Sunday July 5 - We all staid at home today. Herb, Bertha & Mr. Burk. were here to dinner. We had ice cream.
Monday July 6 - Louis cultivated until 10 o'clock when he came in, his cultivator broke. He had to go to town & get some blacksmithing done. He came home at 3 o'clock, he then put his cultivator together & fixed the harness that the horses broke in town. It was some showery all day but Bob cultivated all day. Mrs. Larson washed for us today. Louis had to go to town this evening as the weld broke as soon as he started the horses. It was late when he came home.
Tuesday July 7 - The boys cultivated all day. Louis had considerable trouble with his cultivator. He must go to town tomorrow morning to get his cultivator fixed. Bob & I were down to Center S. H. to hear Mr. Kelsey speak on political issues of the day. I was to Mill & town this morning. Mrs. Larson cleaned house all day.
Wednesday July 8 - Louis was to town with his cultivator to get fixed as it broke again. Bob cultivated all day. Louis went out in the corn at three o'clock. Mr. Kelsey was here to dinner. I went with him this afternoon to advertize his speaking in the Pleasant Valley School House tonight. Mrs. Larson helped Millie all day.
Thursday July 9 - Mr. Thomas Kelsey was with us over night. He went to Allen Township from here. The boys cultivated all day. They finished the N. piece about eleven o'clock. They then went down on the south piece. I had pain in my hip this morning so that I could not get around.
Friday July 10 - The boys cultivated all day. I was to town & Mill. Wm. Burk went with me. We were out to Geo. Benedict's farm to see a contest between McCormick and Deering Binders in very large & down oats, it was hard cutting.
Sunday July 12 - Mrs. Damery and Mrs. Evens from town were here visiting. Louis & Millie were to S. S. I was up to Reiffs. Mr. Burk went with me. Herb & Bertha were here awhile this evening. Bob went home this morning.
Monday July 13 - Louis commenced to cut oats at 9 o'clock. Bob mowed weeds until noon, he then shocked oats. I was out with them until near noon. The machine works pretty good. Herb, Bertha & Burk were here to supper.
Tuesday July 14 - Louis cut oats all day, Bob shocked. I dug out small trees in the grove south of the house.
Wednesday July 15 - It rained before we finished breakfast. I went to town for more twine. Louis went to cuting & Bob shocked but after cuting & shocking awhile it rained heavy. The boys worked some in the garden this afternoon. Ma & I were over to Bertha's and took supper with them.
Thursday July 16 - Louis finished cuting the oats at 5 P.M. He was bothered with the machine a good bit today. He was going over to cut for Herb but we had to fix something at the binder. Bob finished shocking the oats. Gene Yeisley was here, and helped us some at the binder. We put in a new spring. Geo. Reiff bought a new Deering Binder today.
Friday July 17 - We had to put a rivet in the trip dog in the Binder this morning, then Louis went over to cut Herb's oats. Bob hoed the melons and potatoes. Ma & I were up to Gilchrists and Campbells this afternoon.
Saturday July 18 - It rained last night and was cloudy and sultry near all day. Louis & Herb was to town to bring out the S.S. organ which they took to town to have it repaired. At three o'clock they went over to cut oats. Bob hoed in the potatoe patch until noon. Bob went away after dinner.
Sunday July 19 - Bertha & Herb were here near all day. Bob came home early this evening. The young folks were to S. S.
Monday July 20 - Louis went over to Herbs to cut oats. About 10 o'clock Bob finished hoeing the potatoes, then cultivated them & fetched in some sheave oats to feed the horses. I spaded out some small trees in the grove south of the house. Bob & I froze some ice cream by the time Louis carne home & put his horses away. Burkholder, Herb & Bertha were here this evening to eat ice cream. I was over to ask them over.
Tuesday July 21 - Louis commenced cuting our wheat about 8 o'clock. He cut around three times with three horses then put on two more. I was down and got Ben Smith to ride for us. Bob shocked. They worked a very short time after dinner when they were drove in with a heavy rain which spoiled the rest of the day. I was to town this afternoon.
Wednesday July 22 - Louis cut wheat, Bob & Herb shocked & Ben Smith rode. They finished at six o'clock and after we got the Harvester in the shed it commenced to rain.
Thursday July 23 - It rained all last night and near all day today. Mr. Burk, Herb & Bertha were over this afternoon. They staid to supper. The boys mowed weeds around the house & Louis cleaned hen houses.
Friday July 24 - Bob mowed weeds on the road and along the fence. Louis took five hogs to town, sold to DeCou Bros. at $2.60 per hundred. I went to town with Louis after dinner. Louis took two loads of S. corn over to I. A. DeCou, 98 42/56 bus. at 17
Saturday July 25 - The boys hauled six loads of S. corn, 160 lb., over to I. A. DeCou, in all 395 54/56 bus. S. corn at 17. Ma & I were to town. I paid $69.00 interest to Kibler Bros.
Sunday July 26 - The boys killed a 160 lb. hog last evening. Herb & Bertha were to supper. We had ice-cream. Bob was down home today but he came back early this evening. It rained last night and is raining this evening. It was very warm.
Monday July 27 - Louis took the plows in town to get them sharpened. Bob mowed weeds along the road and fence. Ma, Millie & I cut up the meat lard, fried it and packed in jars. I think it will keep all right in that way.
Tuesday July 28 - Bob plowed about an acre and a half to sow buckwheat for bee pasture. Louis went over to haul hay for Herb, I was to town. It rained last night.
Wednesday July 29 - Bob mowed with the sythe along the road. Louis mowed along the road with the mower. The weeds are so hard that he broke some of the sections so he quit cuting. I was to town with (page ends here in transcription)
Thursday July 30 - Louis & Bob hauled corn over to I.A. DeCou all day. We all went to the Ice Cream Festival at our School House. We took six quarts of ice cream. It commenced to rain after we got home. There was a nice party there.
Friday July 31 - It rained hard half the night and today it rained heavy about all day. It is 9 o'clock and is still raining hard.
Saturday Aug. 1, 1896 - This has been a very warm, sultry day, looks as if we would get more rain soon. I was to town. The boys spaded out small trees in the grove. I got a letter from Frank which tells us that they have a young son born July 30th.
Saturday Aug. 1, 1896 - This has been a very warm, sultry day, looks as if we would get more rain soon. I was to town. The boys spaded out small trees in the grove. I got a letter from Frank which tells us that they have a young son born July 30th.
Sunday Aug. 2 - It is very warm and sultry. The young folks were to S.S. I was over to Burks until noon. I was over to Burks until noon. I brought Wm. Burk, Bertha & Herb came after church. We all enjoyed a grand good turtle soup. Bob was away until late this evening.
Monday Aug. 3 - The boys worked in the grove until after dinner. The boys & I took seven bus. of apples, (Whitneys) over to I.A. DeCou's farm & made fourteen gallons of cider. We put up 8 two qt. jars for winter. I took some over to Burkholders.
Tuesday Aug. 4 - The boys took a cow over to Knapp's Red Polled Bull. The boys then worked in the grove. Ma & I were to town. We took supper at Wm. Tuttles. We got home at half past eight.
Wednesday Aug. 5 - The boys helped with two teams to thresh at John Smith's until noon. They then helped Herb Burk. this afternoon with one team. Louis came home late. Bob came in good time and done the chores. Dell & Bettie were both sick this morning. We had to take them home and give them medicine, they are both pretty good now but neither worked today. Mr. Snook was here this afternoon.
Thursday Aug. 6 - We threshed today, finished at half past six, about fourteen acres of wheat, 206 bus., an inferior quality. 414 bus. oats from eighteen acres, also poor quality, which is the rule this season. They thresh for one & a half for oats & three cents for wheat.
Friday Aug. 7 - The boys went to help J. Chambers to stack oats which makes our change work even. It was very warm today, 100 in the shade. I was to town this evening. I took 1 - bus. apples to Kibler Bros., sold for 35 - per bus.
Saturday Aug. 8 - Bob hauled out manure & Louis worked at the bees, dug potatoes, fixed fence etc. I was to town. Bought a vinegar bbl. for $1.00. It was very warm again today.
Sunday Aug. 9 - Bob went home. Mr. & Mrs. Yount, Harry & Amy, Herb & Bertha were here to dinner. All but Ma & Pearl & I were to S.S. It rained and thundered & lightened heavy this evening.
Monday Aug. 10 - Bob plowed the oak stubble all day. Louis & I raked off the vines. Herb, Louis, Harry & Jesse were fishing. They got each a good mess. Herb caught the largest fish. Bertha & Herb were here to supper.
Tuesday Aug. 11 - Bob plowed all day. Louis worked in the garden until noon. This afternoon Louis worked on the road. He dug a ditch to keep the water from running across the road at the N.E. corner of our farm.
Wednesday Aug. 12 - Louis hauled out manure. Bob plowed until noon. This afternoon Louis worked on the road with a team & Bob hauled out manure. Millie, Ma & I were to town. I went in to mail a letter to Frank & one for Bob. It rained last night and looks for rain this evening.
Thursday Aug. 13 - Louis & Bob were fishing today. They caught sixty. Herb & Mr. Burk were with them. I do not know what number Burks caught. I cleaned the mustard seed we took from under the threshing machine when we threshed. I got about a bushel of clean seed. It rained a good bit today and also last night.
Friday Aug. 14 - It rained last night. Bob plowed all day. Louis dug some potatoes & worked around until noon. Louis was over to help fix up the picnic ground. I was to Logan to a directors meeting of the H.M.I. Ass.
Saturday Aug. 15 - I was to town this morning. The boys got things ready for the picnic. Bob went home. We all were at the picnic. The day was fine but very warm. Towards evening a storm arose and got some caught in the rain. We got home just in time. Louis went to town. Bob done the chores.
Sunday Aug. 16 - Bob went home this morning. I went with him as far as the Burkholders where I visited. After dinner Burk & I went down to hear Mr. Lyman preach in the picnic grove. The whole family were there. Bob came early and done the chores. Louis went to town to church. Herb, Bertha & Jesse were here to supper.
Monday Aug. 17 - It was cloudy and a little showery all day. Louis took a load of lumber from the picnic ground to town that was borrowed from the M. & K. for tables & seats. Bob plowed near all day.
Tuesday Aug. 18 - Louis plowed some and mowed the alfalfa. Bob plowed all day. I was to town. Ma went with me over to Bertha's and I stoped on my way back from town. We staid to supper. Mr. & Mrs. Reiff was there to supper also. This evening Lula & Minnie Reiff came to Burks.
Wednesday Aug. 19 - Louis & I were up to Reiffs, brought the sheller & power down to set it up & Bob plowed until noon. After dinner we shelled a load (50 bus.) of corn and put it in the north end of east crib. They then both plowed until evening. I shoveled out the cobs & fetched sweet potatoes, sweet corn & onions from the garden.
Thursday Aug. 20 - The boys both helped Mr. Cresswell to thresh half a day and Geo. Reiff a half a day. I was to town and I fixed the single harness and put a board on the door sill at the south door of the wash house, cleaned out the stables & put straw in to bed the horses.
Friday Aug. 21 - It rained last night, thundered, and lightened until near noon. The boys plowed some this afternoon. Bob fixed fence along the road at Larsons. I cleaned out the stables. Bertha & Herb were here this afternoon and staid to supper.
Saturday Aug. 22 - Bob plowed all day. Louis dug some potatoes, mended a horse collar & him & I run nine bus. of wheat through the faning mill then took it to the Mill, then went to town. After supper Louis, Bob & I went down to Center S. H, to hear a Gold Standard speech. They started a club with thirteen signers. Mr. O'Connell spoke.
Sunday Aug. 23 - Bob went home. Louis & Millie were to S. S. Jesse Burk came home with them. After supper they went to town to church. Bob came home & done the chores.
Monday Aug. 24 - The boys both helped G. Reiff to thresh all day. Mrs. Larson washed the quilts & some of the beding. She worked half a day. I dug some sweet potatoes & got some sweet corn.
Tuesday Aug. 25 - Bob helped Wm. Chauncey to thresh all day with a team. Louis raked the alfalfa & plowed. I bunched up the hay. This evening we hauled up the Alfalfa hay. I choped some wood that I gathered in the grove.
Wednesday Aug. 26 - The boys plowed all day. I was to Dunlap with Wm. Burkholder to hear a joint debate between J. S. Cochran on the Silver side and Chas. McKenzie on the Gold side, delivered at the Catholic picnic in the park. The young folks went over to Endeavor.
Thursday Aug. 27 - Bob plowed all day. Louis worked at the windmill. Herb helped him, then he cut & shocked three rows of corn to make a road to haul the hay across. I was to town & Mill. Wm. Burk went with me. Louis & I had to make a ledger plate for the mower which took a long time. Mr. & Mrs. Reiff and the Burks were here to supper. We had ice-cream. They came early to visit
Friday Aug. 28 - Louis mowed all day, Bob plowed until towards evening when he raked some of the hay that Louis mowed. I was to town. Ma went with me as far as Bertha's. Wm. Burk went with me to town. It rained a little this evening.
Saturday Aug. 29 - It rained last night and thundered and lightened a good bit. Bob plowed until three o'clock, he then helped Louis at the hay. They brought in a load. Louis had to fix up the road to bring in the hay as it was so rough.
Sunday Aug. 30 - Wm. Yeager & family, Herb, Bertha & Wm. Burk were here visiting. The young folks were to S.S. Jesse Burk came in time for the Ice cream. Bob intends to go to the Fair.
Monday Aug. 31 - Bob went to the Omaha Fair, Louis took a load (3400 lbs.) of hay to town to H. B. Kling at three dollars a ton. I cleaned out the stables, racked off the vinegar & then I shocked hay. Louis helped about two hours.
Tuesday Sept. 1, 1896 - It rained a little this morning. Louis & I took the fodder out of the hay shed & cleaned it up for hay & cleaned out the N.E. stable & put lice killer in to disinfect it. He then went to shock hay but it was too windy, so he could do nothing with it, he then went to plowing and at three o'clock he went to mow. At half past five he came in, he broke something at the mower. I mowed weeds & pulled onions & I was to town and brought Bob home from the train.
Wednesday Sept. 2 - Bob came home last night. They brought up a load of hay, put it in the barn. It rained so they done nothing to the hay. Bob plowed this afternoon. Louis knited at his fish net. I was over visiting at Burks. Herb & Bertha were here to supper. Millie & Jesse were over to the Endeavor.
Thursday Sept. 3 - Bob plowed until noon, he then raked & cocked hay. Louis mowed until towards evening, then cocked hay. I was to town. Burk went along.
Friday Sept. 4 - It rained until noon. Bob plowed this afternoon. Louis worked at his fish net. I churned this morning. The boys shocked some this morning before it rained.
Saturday Sept. 5 - It was pretty damp this morning. The boys castrated nineteen pigs. They then went to hauling up hay. Ma & I were to town. The boys hauled up four loads in the barn.
Sunday Sept. 6 - I was over to Burks & down to Younts this morning, John Suddick & Family were here visiting. The young folks were to S. S. Harry & Amy were here awhile this evening. Louis & Millie went to church in town. Bob went down to Smiths after he finished the chores. Herb & Bertha were here this evening.
Monday Sept. 7 - We shelled a load of corn (50 bus.) Louis then went to mowing and Bob scatered the hay that got wet in the windrow. I was to town, Burk went with me. I got new ledger plates for the mower.
Tuesday Sept. 8 - Bob raked & shocked, Louis & I put a new set of ledger plates on the mower, he then mowed. I was over to Knapps & down to H. Younts to see about a self rake to cut the clover for seed. I helped the boys to shock a couple of hours. Mr. Snook came this evening to visit with us.
Wednesday Sept. 9 - Mr. Snook staid with us all night & took breakfast. Herb & Larson were here to help hay, but it rained after they got in the meadow & put part of a load on the wagon. It rained a good bit. The boys put the wheat all in the west bin in the grainery & worked awhile at the bees & spud out some trees in the grove. Ma was up to Reiffs this afternoon at a Missionary Meeting.
Thursday Sept. 10 - It rained terrible last night & is very wet today. The boys done nothing all day. Bob & I were to town. Herb, Bertha & Mr. Burk were to supper.
Friday Sept. 11 - Too wet to hay. , Bob & I winnowed wheat until noon. Louis fetched DeCou's extractor after dinner. Bob went to work at the hay. Louis worked it the clover & I extracted honey. Bob's brother brought his mare to breed to Smith's Jack.
Saturday Sept. 12 - Louis took a cow over to Knapps and bred her. Bob and Larson brought up hay but had to stop, too wet. They then dug trees in the grove. Louis tried to cut clover but it is too wet. We tried to winnow wheat but it would not run. Louis & I extracted honey. I was to town this afternoon.
Sunday Sept. 13 - Cloudy & damp all day. Bob went home last night. Ma, Louis & Millie were to S. S. Jesse & Millie were to church in town this evening. Bob came home in time to do chores this evening.
Monday Sept. 14 - It rained a good deal last night and until noon. Bob hauled out manure. Louis racked off the vinegar, cleaned the barrel, washed off the plast (mother) and put it all back in the barrel. Bob, Louis & I were down to Center S.H. to a popular caucas. Ma & Millie went along to Bertha's and staid there until we came back. Herb went with us. John Tracy was nominated for Assessor, E. Douglas for J.P., Herb for constable. It was very dark, cloudy & misty, very damp.
Tuesday Sept. 15 - Still cloudy & very damp, Bob hauled out manure, turned hay this afternoon. Louis mowed clover towards evening. Ma & I went to town.
Wednesday Sept. 16 - It thundered & lightened very hard & rained very heavy again last night & was cloudy & damp all day. Bob plowed. Louis was to town to get the mower fixed which was broke in the frame & he got a bearing babbeted for the W. mill. Herb helped him to put it on. Bob, Louis & I were to town this evening to hear Mr. Genung speak on the issue of the campain.
Thursday Sept. 17 - Bob plowed all day. Louis fixed fence, (that the cattle broke down), worked awhile to get the mower fixed. Louis then mowed a couple of hours at the clover. Herb, Bertha & Jesse were here to supper. Mrs. Damery also. This is Ma's birthday. Mrs. Damery & Bertha were here all day.
Friday Sept. 18 - It rained near all day. The boys went fishing this afternoon but got nothing. Louis & Millie went over to Damery's to the meeting of the Bible reading.
Saturday Sept. 19 - Louis was over to Herb's for tomatoes & butter. Bob finished plowing the wheat stuble at noon. Louis mowed clover & Bob scattered hay out to dry this afternoon.
Sunday Sept. 20 - Ma & I visited over at Burkholders. Louis, Bob, Jesse & Millie went to the Mormon conference at Woodbine.
Monday Sept. 21 - Louis mowed & shocked hay all day. Mr. Larson helped him. Bob & Herb hauled up seven loads & put them in a stack in the yard. I helped them load some. Mr. Burkholder & I were to town. Mrs. Larson washed day.
Tuesday Sept. 22 - Louis moved near all day which finished the mowing. Herb, Larson & Bob hauled up four loads & put them in the hay shed & raked & shocked that which was mowed this morning. Louis snaped two rows of corn for the hogs. We all went down to the Center S. H. to hear Mr. Baily speak on the issues of the day.
Wednesday Sept. 23 - The boys hauled up one load hay in the hay shed, five in the barn. It was very windy today, made it very bad to haul hay. Herb & Larson helped all day. One load on stack to top.
Thursday Sept. 24 - The boys hauled up two small loads of hay, they put them on the chicken shed but it was too windy so they had to quit. Herb & Larson helped until noon. They put a load on the stack before it got so very windy. This afternoon they trained Mark & Bettie with a rope. Herb put on his Daisy too.
Friday Sept. 25 - Herb, Bob & Larson hauled up spoiled hay, put it on the chicken house, ten loads in all. Louis raked the clover & worked at the pond cutting weeds. They quit at 5:15 P.M. to go to the sociable over to J Honekers. They did not commence this morning until after eight o'clock.
Saturday Sept. 26 - It rained last night, everything was wet this morning & it rained a little during the forenoon. I was to town this afternoon. The boys could not do much. They ground the axes & hay knife & chored around some.
Sunday Sept. 27 - Ma, Louis & Bob went to the L. D. S. Conference at Woodbine. Millie went with Jesse Burkholder to the Conference. I staid at home. Millie came home early but Ma & Louis did not come home until after we were in bed.
Monday Sept. 28 - We shelled a load of corn. I then took Louis & two coops of chickens to the station. He went to the County Fair at Mo Valley. Bob snapped two rows of corn. Bob & I brought up a load of hay & put it in the stables to feed immediatly. Mr. Chambers was here to see me but I was not at home.
Tuesday Sept. 29 - We winnowed wheat until nine o'clock then Bob dug sweet potatoes. I was over to get Herb to help haul up hay, him & Bob hauled up three loads this afternoon, one on the hen house, one on the stack N. of barn and one in the barn. I winnowed wheat and brought in the sweet potatoes. Bertha was here to supper.
Wednesday Sept. 30 - Bob & I sorted the sweet potatoes and put them on the W.H. roof to dry. We then hauled up two loads of hay, put them in the cattle yard, that finished our haying. Bob plowed & I was to town this afternoon. Ma was at Bertha's until I came back. Bob went down to Donalsdsons to a candy pulling this evening.
Thursday Oct. 1, 1896 - Bob finished plowing the Buckwheat patch at 11 o'clock, he then snaped two rows of corn. Then him & I winnowed wheat until 5 o'clock. I went up to Younts to fetch Ma, she was visiting there today. Bob & I went to the train & fetched Lou home. He was at the County Fair since Monday.
Friday Oct. 2 - Louis gathered pumpkins. Bob & I finished winnowing the wheat (200 bus.) at noon. Louis went to the station for his Premium chickens. Bob hauled some oats out of the crib into the grainery. I was to Dunlap this afternoon.
Saturday Oct. 3 - Louis & I was to town with three hogs, wt. 860 lbs., sold to DeCou. Bob hauled oats out of the crib to the grainery. Louis helped him and they finished it. They had to put some in the barn, the grainery would not hold them all. I was to town and the Mill for flour.
Sunday Oct. 4 - I was over to Burkholders all day. Bob went home. Louis & Millie were to S. S. It rained this evening.
Monday Oct. 5 - I was at Burks all night. It rained and was very dark. Mr. Burk & I went to town & went over to the Center S.H. to Trustees Meeting to dispose of County road fund. We divided it between the several R. Districts. Louis was to town, shiped roosters. Bob cleaned out the potato cave, it must be renewed, it has fell in. They hauled up three loads of pumpkins.
Tuesday Oct. 6 - The boys cut poles to cover potato cave & shoveled the dirt on it & reset the power & sheller and fixed it up some to shell our corn. I was to Smiths, J. Younts & Herb to get wagons. Mrs. Carrie & Ruth DeCou were here to call.
Wednesday Oct. 7 - We shelled eight loads (415 40/ bus.) of corn, took to Woodbine to I. A. DeCou. Mr. Hillar helped in Larson's place. Herb helped. John Yount was here awhile. Mr. Burkholder was here awhile. I unloaded the cob wagons.
Thursday Oct. 8 - We shelled seven loads, 388 bus. of corn. Took them to town. Herb helped until three o'clock. Hillar helped all day. I shoveled the cobs in the cobhouse.
Friday Oct. 9 - The boys cleaned up the corn & dirt around the shelter, took up the power & sheller & put it to one side out of the way. Snaped corn, hauled in pumpkins. Millie & I were to town. Mr. Burk & Bertha went with us. It is raining this evening which kept the young folks from going to Suddicks to a sociable.
Saturday Oct. 10 - It rained all day. I repaired the road cart. Bob helped me. We took the box off & took it to pieces & made the seat higher. Louis went to town with Herb to get amunition and get ready to go with Jesse & Harry over on the Sou fishing.
Sunday Oct. 11 - Louis, Jesse, Herb, Harry, Shannon & Arnold went over on the Sou fishing and guning. Mr. Burk & Bertha was here to dinner. Bertha is going to stay here until the boys come back. Bob was away this afternoon.
Monday Oct. 12 - Bob cleaned out all the hen houses and choped down some trees in the yard S. of the house and raked the weeds off the potato patch. I was to town. Millie & Bertha were up to Reiffs.
Tuesday Oct. 13 - Bob & I set posts and fixed up the fence along the hog yard west of the Box Elder grove. This afternoon we turned the clover. It is pretty wet underneath. The girls were to town.
Wednesday Oct. 14 - Bob brought Reiff's lister to dig the potatoes. I took Ma up to Mrs. Yount. Mrs. Reiff, Ma, the two Mrs. Younts went up to Mrs. Musgrove to a Missionary Meeting. I was to town. Bob dug potatoes this afternoon. Mr. Burk went to town with me.
Thursday Oct. 15 - Bob dug potatoes all day. Ma, Millie & I were to town. Mr. Burk went with us. Dug 12 bus. Rose & two of Prolific yesterday & 16 bus. Prolific today. Louis came home this evening at nine o'clock. They got nothing but fun, well that is what they went for.
Friday Oct. 16 - Louis went up to Younts this morning for his fishing & guning traps, he then went down & helped Bob at the potatoes. They were at it all day. I sorted the potatoes and put them in the cave. I was up to John Younts for our scoop. The boys left it in John's wagon when they took it home after shelling our corn. This was a fine day. We put ten bus. potatoes in cave.
Saturday Oct. 17 - Bob snaped two rows of corn for feed. Louis unloaded the potatoes brought up last evening. They took Del and the cart for squirls down in Twelve Mile Grove. They got six Fox Squirls & one Timber Grey. Ma & I was to town, took dinner at William Tuttles.
Sunday Oct. 18 - Louis was visiting up at Younts all day. Ma & Mille were to S. S. I was at home all day.
Monday Oct. 19 - I was up to Reiffs & brought their lister. The boys plowed out and hook over the rows all day and got ? bus. of potatoes. I picked up potatoes this afternoon. I can scarsley get around.
Tuesday Oct. 20 - It was very cold this morning. The boys gathered the turnips and beets & put them in the cave. This finished the potatoes. Bob took his mare down to Smith's Jack. His little brother brought her up here. Bob is plowing the potatoe patch. They packed the pump cilender.
Wednesday Oct. 21 - Louis & I were to town & to Dave Cox to look at his pigs, but did not get one. I was down and quarantined Jos. Easycheck, four cases of Scarlet Fever. Bob finished the plowing then finished the potatoes in the cave & set posts along the road at Damerys & fixed the fence. The young folks went down to Suddick's party.
Thursday Oct 22 - Bob husked two loads of corn. Louis worked at the W. Mill & at the bees. He packed the hives for winter. I was down to Logan to settle & pay my assessment of H.C.M. Insurance & see the Bryan rally. It was immense, five bands and three drum corps and estimated to be a gathering of about eight thousand people.
Friday Oct. 23 - Bob husked one load of corn. Louis got things ready & packed a box with two quilts, honey & sweet potatoes & a silver cup for the baby. I took the box to town and expressed it to Frank. The boys hauled some brush down to the run & worked at the dam to get more water in the fish pond. Louis put 6 Buffalo and 140 small fish in the pond.
Saturday Oct. 24 - The boys finished taking the brush out of the grove & worked at the fish dam. I was to town. Bob went away this evening.
Sunday Oct. 25 - Millie & Jesse went to town to church. Louis went to S.S. John Chambers was here to see me about the grader. He says Nichols is got it to work out the County Road fund. Al Prior stoped here for awhile this afternoon.
Monday Oct. 26 - The boys husked all day. I was to town. Mr. Burkholder went with me.
Tuesday Oct. 27 - Bob husked all day. Louis husked until 10 o'clock. I called him in. Mr. Benedict was here to see us about trading boars. Louis went over to see Benedict's pigs. Ours is a large one ten years old. Benedict came back with Louis with a pig in his wagon and took Davy away, an even trade, then Louis went out to the field and brought in a load of pumpkins.
Wednesday Oct. 28 - The boys husked all day. I ground eight bus. of corn & oats this morning. After dinner I went to town. Wm. Burk went with me. It rained some today and this evening it rained pretty hard.
Thursday Oct. 29 - It rained all last night and all day today. A good bit of water fell. Louis & Herb were over to the river for ducks but got none. Bertha was here.
Friday Oct. 30 - We put 24 squirl skins in to tan & carried the shelled corn in the grainery and some potatoes in the sellar that were in the crib. Louis was over to the river for ducks, he then went to town with Harry & Jesse. Bob put the windows in the hen houses. It snowed a little & rained a little & is very cold today.
Saturday Oct. 31 - The boys finished husking out the 12 acre S.E. piece of corn. I set posts and fixed fence. Afternoon I was to town.
Sunday Nov. 1, 1896 - Bob went home this morning. Louis was to town today. I was visiting over at Burkholders.
Monday Nov. 2 - I was down to Center S.H. to a meeting of Trustees to settle with Supervizers & put up the booths & instruction. Bob husked until noon. He helped Louis to put up a fence to turn the cattle into the stalks.
Tuesday Nov. 3 - It rained near all day. The boys worked at dressing the squirl skins and was over at the election polls. I was a member of the Election Board.
Wednesday Nov. 4 - Bob husked all day. I was to Logan, took the poll books down.
Thursday Nov. 5 - Bob husked all day. Louis killed a skunk & skined it then husked. Ma & I were up to Reiffs. I was to town with George. We took supper & remained & spent the evening. Mr. & Mrs. Gene Kinne were there also.
Friday Nov. 6 - Bob husked all day. Louis killed another skunk & skined it & then husked.
Saturday Nov. 7 - Bob husked all day. Louis turned half the clover seed. He thought it would snow so he left the rest & went to husking. It snowed a very little.
Sunday Nov. 8 - Bertha, Herb & Mr. Burkholder were here to dinner. The young folks were to S.S. Jesse came this evening.
Monday Nov. 9 - Bob husked all day. Louis set posts & made a fence to keep the pigs from strawberry patch. Louis husked this afternoon.
Tuesday Nov. 10 - It snowed last night & snowed & rained some near all day today. The boys were out guning & got six rabbits & one quail without going off our farm. Louis & Bob went to town this evening.
Wednesday Nov. 11 - Bob husked all day. Louis took our cow over to Knapps, then husked four rows. After dinner Louis & I went to town, brought out 1790 lbs. S. coal. Louis & Lin Mathews got subscriptions from the business men of Woodbine to enable them to get up a poultry Show in Woodbine next December some time.
Thursday Nov. 12 - Louis went over to Knapps early this morning for the cow he left yesterday. Bob & Louis husked all day. After supper they went to town. Louis found out that there would be no chicken show in Woodbine as they could not get enough money suscribed for.
Friday Nov. 13 - The boys husked all day. I put straw in the hog pens. Ma & I were over to Bertha's this afternoon.
Saturday Nov. 14 - The boys husked all day. I was to town. Herb & Bertha was here this evening. Mrs. Smith quarantined again. Wednesday Oct. 28 - The boys husked all day. I ground eight bus. of corn & oats this morning. After dinner I went to town. Wm. Burk went with me. It rained some today and this evening it rained pretty hard.
Thursday Oct. 29 - It rained all last night and all day today. A good bit of water fell. Louis & Herb were over to the river for ducks but got none. Bertha was here.
Friday Oct. 30 - We put 24 squirl skins in to tan & carried the shelled corn in the grainery and some potatoes in the sellar that were in the crib. Louis was over to the river for ducks, he then went to town with Harry & Jesse. Bob put the windows in the hen houses. It snowed a little & rained a little & is very cold today.
Saturday Oct. 31 - The boys finished husking out the 12 acre S.E. piece of corn. I set posts and fixed fence. Afternoon I was to town.
Sunday Nov. 1, 1896 - Bob went home this morning. Louis was to town today. I was visiting over at Burkholders.
Monday Nov. 2 - I was down to Center S.H. to a meeting of Trustees to settle with Supervizers & put up the booths & instruction. Bob husked until noon. He helped Louis to put up a fence to turn the cattle into the stalks.
Tuesday Nov. 3 - It rained near all day. The boys worked at dressing the squirl skins and was over at the election polls. I was a member of the Election Board.
Wednesday Nov. 4 - Bob husked all day. I was to Logan, took the poll books down.
Thursday Nov. 5 - Bob husked all day. Louis killed a skunk & skined it then husked. Ma & I were up to Reiffs. I was to town with George. We took supper & remained & spent the evening. Mr. & Mrs. Gene Kinne were there also.
Friday Nov. 6 - Bob husked all day. Louis killed another skunk & skined it & then husked.
Saturday Nov. 7 - Bob husked all day. Louis turned half the clover seed. He thought it would snow so he left the rest & went to husking. It snowed a very little.
Sunday Nov. 8 - Bertha, Herb & Mr. Burkholder were here to dinner. The young folks were to S.S. Jesse came this evening.
Monday Nov. 9 - Bob husked all day. Louis set posts & made a fence to keep the pigs from strawberry patch. Louis husked this afternoon.
Tuesday Nov. 10 - It snowed last night & snowed & rained some near all day today. The boys were out guning & got six rabbits & one quail without going off our farm. Louis & Bob went to town this evening.
Wednesday Nov. 11 - Bob husked all day. Louis took our cow over to Knapps, then husked four rows. After dinner Louis & I went to town, brought out 1790 lbs. S. coal. Louis & Lin Mathews got subscriptions from the business men of Woodbine to enable them to get up a poultry Show in Woodbine next December some time.
Thursday Nov. 12 - Louis went over to Knapps early this morning for the cow he left yesterday. Bob & Louis husked all day. After supper they went to town. Louis found out that there would be no chicken show in Woodbine as they could not get enough money suscribed for.
Friday Nov. 13 - The boys husked all day. I put straw in the hog pens. Ma & I were over to Bertha's this afternoon.
Saturday Nov. 14 - The boys husked all day. I was to town. Herb & Bertha was here this evening. Mrs. Smith quarantined again.
Tuesday Dec. 1, 1896 - The boys butchered a hog today. Bob was up to Reiffs and got his kettle and scalding trough & tools for butchering. I walked down to Center S. H. for a meeting of the Trustees to look after B.F. Bolter's family. They are quarantined for Scarlet Fever. The Clerk order us together to grant them aid but we did not grant aid. Trustee work 4 hours.
Wednesday Dec, 2 - The boys cut up the hog and rendered the lard & boiled the head & scraps and ground corn & Oats for feed.
Thursday Dec. 3 - I was over to Herb's to get his saw. We then went down to the pond and cut out ice to make a freeze of clear ice to put up for next summer. This afternoon Bob, Louis & I went to town.
Friday Dec. 4 - Bob finished work here yesterday. His time is even eight months. We owe him $113.45. Louis took him home. Louis made sassage & took Reiff's trough & tools home. Bertha, Herb & W. H. were here to supper. Bertha was here all day.
Saturday Dec. 5 - Louis was to town. He took Herb's wagon wheel in to get new spokes put in. Harold Reiff was here to get one of our wagons to husk corn in. Herb has got the other one until his is fixed.
Sunday Des, 6 - It rained quite fast until noon. Louis was to S.S.
Monday Dec. 7 - Louis & Herb were to town today. Bertha was here until the boys came back. They took dinner & supper with us. It was damp & cloudy all day, disagreeable weather. Pickled the hams.
Tuesday Dec. 8 - This was a fine day but very muddy. Louis worked around his chickens, ground bone, chored around.
Wednesday Dec. 9 - This was a very fine day but very muddy. The frost is coming out of the ground fast. Louis & I was to town and got the other spring in the buggy welded.
Thursday Dec. 10 - Louis washed some of his show chickens and chored around. It is very warm and very muddy. Herb quit husking on account of it being so soft in the corn fields. Herb and Bertha were here to supper.
Friday Dec. 11 - Louis & Millie washed some exhibition chickens. Louis was to town this afternoon.
Saturday Dec. 12 - Louis worked at his chickens all day, cleaning up and geting them ready for the show at the Bluffs. I was to town with Mr. Burkholder.
Sunday Dec. 13 - The young folks were to S. S. Herb & Bertha were here to dinner.
Monday Dec. 14 - Louis & I took sixteen chickens down to the Depot early this morning to send some of them to Council Bluffs to exhibit them at the show. After dinner we got ready & ground oats & corn for feed.
Tuesday Dec. 15 - Louis husked for W.H. DeCou today in exchange for threshing. Herb was here this evening & ground a little corn to feed his fatening chickens. It was warm & damp today.
Wednesday Dec. 16 - Louis husked for W.H. DeCou today which finished the exchange work. I was to town for the mail & took five pounds of butter to Kiblers, sold at l0 per pound.
Thursday Dec. 17 - Louis left early this morning to get the train, he is going to the Bluffs to a Chicken & Pet Stock Show. Herb came over to do the chores. It snowed a little last night & is colder and cloudy all day. Louis came home about 10 P.M.
Friday Dec. 18 - This was a fine day. Louis was over to Herbs & chored around & burned some cobs & corn for the pigs.
Saturday Dec. 19 - Louis was to town with Herb. H. took 69 chickens in, sold to Gilchrist at 3 per lb. Millie was over to visit with Bertha today.
Sunday Dec. 20 - Herb & Bertha were here to dinner. Millie went with them to S. S. Louis & I got things ready to take hogs to town tomorrow.
Monday Dec. 21 - We took two loads, eleven head of hogs, 2435 lbs. Sold to DeCou Brothers at $2.85, $69.40. Bob come this evening to take a lesson on the Guitar.
Tuesday Dec. 22 - Louis took a load, 40 bus, of wheat to DeCou Bros. at 56 a bu. & brought home a load, 1960 lbs. S. coal at $3.75 a ton, Wheeler Mendenhall & son were here & brought a W. Rock cockerel.
Wednesday Dec. 23 - Louis took two loads of wheat at 56 per bu. I went to town with Louis this afternoon. We brought Ward Caufield's small fodder cutter home with us to cut clover hay for the chickens. Louis is to pay fifty cents for the use of it for this winter. Muley calf droped a roan.
Thursday Dec. 24 - Austin came here very early to call me to a meeting of the board of fence viewers 'to settle a dispute between Geo. L. Mefford and Adolph Rodgers. We went to the place where Mefford took the fence away. We persuaded them to settle it peaceably which they did there and then. Louis was to town this afternoon. Trustees meeting 8 hours. No pay for this time.
Friday Dec. 25 - We were over to eat Christmas dinner with the Burkholders. Harry, Amy & Jesse were there. Big red cow droped a calf.
Saturday Dec. 26 - We changed & separated the pigs in the different yards & I cleaned out the stove pipes as the stove would not draw well. This afternoon Louis & I were to town. I saw Bob Johnston and paid him (a check) one hundred & thirteen dollars & forty five cents in full, balance on wages for the season of 1896. We got an express package from Frank. Christmas presents.
Sunday Dec. 27 - Mr. Burkholder, Bertha, Herb, Amy, Harry & Wm. Yeager were here visiting.
Monday Dec, 28 - Louis & I ground oats & corn and shelled the corn we ground. After dinner Ma & I went down to Lowreys. The Trustees met to settle with the Township Clerk. Clarence Forney was to see the Trustees about some over-paid Road Taxes. Louis burned four pigs that died with the thumps. Bertha came over to stay a few days. Trustees Meeting four hours time.
Tuesday Dec. 29 - This was a warm cloudy day. It is very muddy. Geo, and Harold Reiff came down to help to put the elevators & husker away, they were here to dinner. Louis chored around.
Wednesday Dec. 30 - It is very damp & muddy & foggy. Louis was to town this afternoon. He chored around this morning.
Thursday Dec. 31 - Louis took me to town early this morning to make the train to attend a meeting of Directors of the Insurance Association at Logan. Louis fetched me home late this evening. It was very dark & raining. The roads are awful bad, very deep mud, hard for horses to travel. Messrs Beebee & Hedges both staid in Logan on account of bad roads & so dark. The train was very late this morning.