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      Aaron D Hoyer Diary

Originally transcribed by Jessie Burkholder Peckenpaugh
preserving the original spellings and punctuation.
Transcribed for the Harrison County IAGenWeb
by his descendant John Burkholder (email napagrappa@yahoo.com).

Further Reference: Aaron Hoyer Biography -- Hoyer family -- Hoyer house

This page covers 1891 -- Index for each Year -- Next Page: 1892

Thursday Jan 1, 1891 - It snowed last night & until noon today & blew heavy all day & very cold. Herbert Burk. was here. Bertha sit up last night at Damerys.

Friday Jan. 2 - We worked at the well all day, it is about 48 ft. deep. Millie was over to Damery's all last night. Mrs. Damery is no better yet.

Saturday Jan. 3 - We worked at the well all day. The men staid here all last night. They have it about 53 ft. deep. They say there are signs of water so they quit early on act. of it caving in. I was over to see how Mrs. Damery is. She is about the same. Louis & the girls & Mat (who came today to visit) went over to I.A. DeCou's with a party to surprise Arthur as he is going away again on Monday.

Sunday Jan. 4 - Louis, Mat & the girls were to S.S. Louis & Mat had the Ferret out & put him in several holes out on the prairie but got nothing.

Monday Jan. 5 - The well diggers did not come. Geo. Hamilton's child is very sick is the cause. Mat & I each brought a load (1000) of brick. I paid $25.20 for 3600 brick, all I got to date. Louis was home all day but as the well diggers did not come, Louis had nothing to do. Mrs. Damery is a little better today.

Tuesday Jan. 6 - Brewster & Chas. Davis came to work in the well. They are down measured 57 ft. with a little water. They walled up about 6 ft. to keep it from caving. Geo. Reiff was here. I settled with & paid him in full.

Wednesday Jan. 7 - Chas. Davis helped again today. They are down about 62 ft. and no sign of more water than the small seep referred to yesterday. H. Burk. was here. He shot a ruptured pig for me. I was over to Damery's twice today. She is improving.

Thursday Jan. 8 - I went to town today for lumber, we then made a curb and put down in the well & that was all we done to the well today. Louis & the girls went with Chas. Peckenpaugh & Nellie over to Burkholders this evening.

Friday Jan. 9 - The boys commenced to bore the well with a two inch auger. The well is down to a depth of 62 ft., bored about 16 ft. & no water. Louis & the girls & I were to the Alliance.

Saturday Jan. 10 - They commenced work at 9 - A.M. At 11 - they struck a rock with the auger so they had to quit. C.J. Tuttle helped after dinner. Mr. Young helped. They started a new hole after boring 4 ft. struck another rock at 3 o'clock. They then quit & went home. Louis gave Brewster three dollars on act.

Sunday Jan. 11 - The girls were to S.S. C.J. Tuttle was here & had two cows served. John Yount was here this evening.

Monday Jan. 12 - C.J. Tuttle was here and assessed Louis & I. Wm. Brewster was here and got his tools & went over to finish Chas. Davis well. Louis was to town.

Tuesday Jan. 13 - We butchered a pig. Brewster & Hamilton were here after finishing Davis well. I gave then ten dollars on acct. of well work.

Wednesday Jan. 14 - I was to Dunlap & brought toungs & a point to go on with the well. Hope we will get plenty of water in the well soon. Louis & the girls went to town this evening.

Thursday Jan. 15 - Louis went to town & the Mill. I sit in the house near all day. Wm. Brewster was here this evening to tell us that he & Hamilton will be here tomorrow to work on the well.

Friday Jan. 16 - Wm. Brewster came at 11 o'clock. They broke the auger soon after we commenced to work. Worked until 5 P.M. & could not get the auger out. I was to town to get a drill made. H. Burk. helped Louis at the windlass. Wm. Burk. was here also.

Saturday Jan. 17 - Wm. Brewster came & went to work at 11 o'clock. H. Burk. helped. They worked until 5 P.M., when they had a new hole bored to the depth of 24 ft. They could not get the auger that was broke. Louis & Herb went to town this evening. C.J. Tuttle was here this evening.

Sunday Jan. 18 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. Wm. Burkholder was here all afternoon, staid to supper. Frank & Nellie & Herbert & Amy & John Yount were here to supper & staid the evening.

Monday Jan. 19 - Brewster & Herb came at 12 o'clock. They bored down about 34 feet in & no sign of water yet. C.J. Tuttle in this evening to see how we are getting along. Very fine weather yet.

Tuesday Jan. 20 - Brewster, Herb & Louis commenced boring at 8 o'clock, bored all day. It is about 110 ft. deep & no water yet. I took Bertha, Reiffs & Ma to Mrs. A.P. DeCou's to a sewing circle for Mrs. Damery's benefit.

Wednesday Jan. 21 - Brewster & Herb came & commenced to bore at 9 o'clock & bored until noon when they got to the depth of 120 ft. & no water. Our pipe all used up so we quit boring & took out the curb, then the well caved in and was night so we quit & let it go. Louis & the girls went to the singing school.

Thursday Jan. 22 - We gave the well up as it will not pay to wall it up & will dig another at some other place. I was to Dunlap to take the pipe toungs, pump & point (we got at Moores) back. H. Burk. went with me.

Friday Jan. 23 - Herb & Louis started a new well down near the creek in the hog pasture. We expected Brewster but he did not come, went 18 ft. deep. It snowed a little today.

Saturday Jan. 24 - Louis & Herb worked all day on the well. Wm. Brewster came at noon and worked this afternoon. Louis dug the well 28 ft. deep and walled up about 6 ft. It got too dark so they had to quit.

Sunday Jan. 25 - Louis, H. Burkholder & I worked at the lower well about 2 - hours today so that the brick wall would be above the water. Louis & the girls were to S.S.

Monday Jan. 26 - Louis helped Wm. Burkholder 3 hours to shell corn. We commenced to work on the new well at 11 A.M. & finished walling it up at 3 o'clock this afternoon. I paid Wm. Brewster 75- for helping at the new well. Louis & the girls went over to W.H. DeCou's to practice music.

Tuesday Jan. 27 - Louis & Herb went to town. I took the curb apart & cleaned off the boards & worked at the riding cultivator which needs a good bit of repairs. Louis left four & 50/100 dollars for Wm. Brewster at Stevens Store which pays him in full.

Wednesday Jan. 28 - We had a heavy fall of snow during the night but rained near all day. Herb & Amy & Frank & Nellie & John Yount were here all day making costumes for the Mask Ball. Elmer Caldwell from Nebr. came this evening. We had a pleasant day & evening.

Thursday Jan. 29 - I took cold. Staid in the house all day. The young folks in the whole neighborhood went to the Mask Ball this evening.

Friday Jan. 30 - Louis & the girls say they had a good time at the Ball. Louis was guning today & got two rabbits. Louis & the girls went to the Alliance. I did not feel well enough to go.

Saturday Jan. 31 - Louis cleaned out the stables & chored around. I am not feeling well so I kept in the house although I helped do the chores a little this evening.

Sunday Feb. 1, 1891 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. H. Burk went with them. He was here near all day & is here this evening.

Monday Feb. 2 - It was cold today. I made a new toung for the bob sled, did not finish it. Snowed a little this morning. 10 below zero at 10 P.M.

Tuesday Feb. 3 - I worked some at the bobs & finished them. Louis helped me a little & chored. He went over to the school house & brought Miss DeLar. Herb & Amy came this evening.

Wednesday Feb. 4 - I did nothing today. Louis was to town. Herb & Amy came over this evening. Louis & the girls went with them to Singing School.

Thursday Feb. 5 - Louis, Herb & Frank DeCou were out guning. Herb accidently shot Lou. They went to town as soon as they could, the Doctor took out a number of shot. Herb came home with him & helped do the chores.

Friday Feb. 6 - It was warm today. I finished repairing the Riding cultivator & the casting on the seeder. H. Burk. was here all night & all day.

Saturday Feb. 7 - Louis & I were to town & to Wm. Evans & to W.R. Kirkham for the mail. This was a fine day. Snow is going off fast.

Sunday Feb. 8 - It stormed near all day, snowed & blowed a regular blizzard. Filled the hog pens, corn cribs, stables, hay shed full of snow.

Monday Feb. 9 - Louis was to town, he took the disc to get sharpened. H. Burk. was here. He wanted to hire to us for a year, but we want a man for only about three months.

Tuesday Feb. 10 - Louis & Frank DeCou was guning. They got eight rabbits. They had the Ferret with them. I was down to Kirkhams. C.J. Tuttle was here this afternoon.

Wednesday Feb. 11 - Wm., Herbert & Amy were here until near midnight last night. Today Ma & I were visiting down to Kirkhams. Louis hauled out a load of manure, he also took a couple of rabbits over to I.A. DeCou. The young folks all went to Singing school this evening.

Thursday Feb. 12 - We all went over to W.H. DeCou's but Mr. DeCou was not at home so Louis & I came home. I fixed up the stalk cutter. It was broke some. Louis cut down a few Cottonwood & then went over to fetch Ma. He went over this evening for the girls.

Friday Feb. 13 - Louis & I were to Woodbine and brought plank for a watering trough, also a wooden pump on cr. for $11.00This evening all except Ma were to the Alliance.

Saturday Feb. 14 - Herbert Burk. came over & helped us to put a wooden pump in our new well down in the hog pasture. I also made a new watering trough & leader trough for the new pump.

Sunday Feb. 15 - We were all to S.S. except Bertha. John Yount & Herbert came home with us and staid to supper.

Monday Feb. 16 - Louis went over to Geo. Pugsley & brought two bus. of Pride of the North corn for seed. Herb went along with him. I helped at the washing and cleaned out the stables & chored around. Louis brought me a jar of snuff on cr.

Tuesday Feb. 17 - Louis, Herb & John Yount walked to Woodbine to make the early train to go to Logan to the Co. Alliance. I chored near all day. The roads are very rough & icy so the boys could not take a team.

Wednesday Feb. 18 - Louis came home about 12 o'clock last night. Louis was over to DeCou's this afternoon. Louis & the girls went to town to Singing school this evening. We are having fine cold weather.

Thursday Feb. 19 - It snowed and blew until noon, then it turned to rain & froze as it fell. It is not cold this eve.

Friday Feb. 20 - Louis & I were to town. we brought F.M. home with us. He came this morning.

Saturday Feb. 21 - F.M. is not feeling very well. he wanted to go guning but could not. Louis & F. DeCou was out & got five rabbits. Frank & Nellie DeCou, Herbert, Jesse & Amy Burkholder and Charlie Ross were here until late this evening. we had a fine time.

Sunday Feb. 22 - There was no one to S.S. today being as F.M. is here. John Yount was here to dinner. The day was fine.

Monday Feb. 23 - Louis & F.M. were to Woodbine. I chored around and worked awhile at the new wagon box. C.J. Tuttle was here a little while, he brought the mail. A fine day but soft and sloppy.

Tuesday Feb. 24 - It was cold today & some what stormy. I fixed up the cattle rack (for feeding) with the 4 pieces of 2x6 Louis brought yesterday.

Wednesday Feb. 25 - Today was a cold raw day and snowed a little. Louis & F.M. were over to W.H. DeCou's but he was not at home. Louis shot a rabbit on the way home. Louis & the girls did not go to Singing school.

Thursday Feb. 26 - This was a fine day, not very cold. Louis & F.M. were guning, got two rabbits. They stopped at W.H. DeCou's. Frank went with them. I did not feel well so I done nothing.

Friday Feb. 27 - I was down to Tuttles. The baby is very sick. Louis, the girls, I & John Yount (who was here to supper) went to the Alliance but had no meeting as there were only a few members there. Mr. Peter Bolch came this evening to stay over night. He lives in Allen Township. He took cattle to Shelby to feed stalks.

Saturday Feb. 28 - I was to town with C.J. Tuttle. The roads are very icy so that bare-footed horses cannot travel. Frank DeCou came over & him & the boys, L. & F. were guning and got three rabbits. Thermometer 16 below. Millie went over with Frank DeCou.

Sunday March 1, 1891 - Louis was to S.S. Millie came home from DeCou's. Millie went to church in town this evening with John Yount. J. Meadows baby died at Tuttles last night.

Monday March 2 - Louis, F.M., the girls & I were to the funeral at Tuttles. I did not go to town. Louis & I were to the school meeting. Wm. Burkholder was elected Director for this Sub-District No. 3.

Tuesday March 3 - Louis took F.M. to town. He started for Osceola Neb. It was pretty cold today. I made two trestles & chored.

Wednesday March 4 - Louis cleaned out the stables. I was down to Younts. Louis & the girls went to town to Singing School. Amy came over to go along. The girls were visiting at Burkholders.

Thursday March 5 - Louis & the girls were to town. Mr. & Mrs. Lowrey was here near all day visiting. We enjoyed their visit very much.

Friday March 6 - Louis & I took the straw out of the East horse stable & put it in the hay shed. Mr. Kirkham brought up the mail & staid for about two hours. Louis shot two rabbits. A heavy snow fall.

Saturday March 7 - Louis went to town today. I was at work at the new wagon box. It thawed considerable today.

Sunday March 8 - It snowed & drifted a good bit last night, but nice today. Louis & the girls were to S.S.

Monday March 9 - Louis & I went with C.J. Tuttle to vote on Co. Uniformity of school text books. Tuttle assessed my property again. He had some mistakes before. When we took up Nick & Dep we found Nick had a cut on his fore foot bad, on the wire.

Tuesday March 10 - Louis was down to Honekers sale this afternoon. Him & F. DeCou were guning. I was over to Damerys & Deuels. I chored & made way for the melted snow.

Wednesday March 11 - I went with C.J. Tuttle to Dunlap. I stoped the Dunlap Reporter. Louis put two sows in the east stable. They are due to pig today. Frank came with the sleigh to take L. & the girls to town to the Singing School.

Thursday March 12 - I was in the house all day as I do not feel well. Louis chored around.

Friday March 13 - Ma & I went with C.J. & Mrs. Tuttle up to Younts to spend the day. Louis buried a hog that was killed by the others.

Saturday March 14 - I was to town with C.J. Tuttle and renewed the Homestead & News. Louis went to town this evening with Frank DeCou. I made arrangements for Millie & Nellie to board with Wm. Tuttles next term of Normal.

Sunday March 15 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. & preaching. Today was warm, it made the water run by melting snow.

Monday March 16 - Two sows piged & out of thirteen we have two left. We pened up four more sows to day that are to have pigs and separated five that are due in May some time. I made five small pig troughs.

Tuesday March 17 - Louis was to town horse back. The roads are very muddy. Herbert Burkholder was here this afternoon. I chored around some.

Wednesday March 18 - Louis was over to DeCou's. Wm. Burk. was here to dinner, visited near all day. Harold Reiff was here. Louis gave him a Spring. Louis & the girls left to go to town but I do not think they can go there as the river is out of it's banks. Wm. Burk. wanted to buy hay but as yet we do not know wether we can sell hay or not.

Thursday March 19 - Louis cut up Cottonwood cutings to plant a grove. We took a load of oats over in the barn. We took the bandage from Nick's foot and washed it & put on a new bandage & solution of Carbolic Acid.

Friday March 20 - Ma & I was down to Tuttles to visit. Louis started to town but could not get there as the river is out of its banks, so Louis came back again & done the chores, then went over to the river guning for ducks. It rained some this evening.

Saturday March 21 - It snowed a good bit last night. C.J. Tuttle was up this morning. Louis went over to DeCou's. Frank & Louis went to Woodbine in a row boat. I done the chores.

Sunday March 22 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. This was a fine warm day. The snow is near all gone, but the roads are bad & very muddy. The yards are very mudy.

Monday March 23 - Louis hauled oats to the barn out of the grainery & he hauled out two loads of manure. I helped load them. I also cleaned twelve bus. of seed wheat.

Tuesday March 24 - Louis was to town & brought the disc. Honeker sharpened it. He charged $6.00. I cleaned some more wheat & chored around some. I renewed F. & F.

Wednesday March 25 - I shoveled the wheat over into the east bin, so that I can clean seed oats. Louis was to town. He took five bus. Oats to Wm. Schuler, at 50- per bu. He brought the lard, 119 lbs. at 7- per lb. He also sent letter to F. & F. for renewal. Thursday March 26 - Louis sowed some Timothy seed on the piece west of the house and was up to Gilchrists. I cleaned Oats for seed.

Friday March 27 - Louis sowed some clover seed and was up to Younts. He wants the clover seed that we have to sell. I cleaned Oats for seed.

Saturday March 28 - Louis & I done the chores then went to town. C.J. Tuttle came home with us. It was cloudy & cold all week.

Sunday March 29 - It rained all day which took all the snow off. We had a sow come in last night, which makes the 8th this month, 53 pigs & only 16 left up to date. The sows laid on some & eat a good many.

Monday March 30 - Louis & I hauled out nine loads of manure this afternoon which makes eleven loads this spring. This forenoon we drove Dell with Dep for the first time.

Tuesday March 31 - Louis was to town. I rivited new hub on the sulky plow colter & gathered some manure together in cow yard. Mr. Damery & DeLong, his hired man, was here.

Wednesday April 1, 1891 - Louis took fourteen bushels of Oats to Kibler Bros. in town. I scraped manure in cattle yard & fixed some fence. Louis & the girls went to town to Singing School.

Thursday April 2 - Topsy foaled a male colt last night. It is not very strong but we think it will strenghten up all right. Louis was to town to get the sulky plow sharpened. Zed Poe came today to commence to work for us. We hired him until the corn is laid by at eighteen dollars per month. I was down to Kirkhams this evening, took the mail down. We cut off a piece of Nick's foot where he had it cut by the wire. It bled very much.

Friday April 3 - It snowed some today and is very cold, 10 above zero. Louis was away looking after his boat which was stolen. Zed & I cleaned out the calf stables & cattle sheds. It made a large heap of manure. Louis got Tuttles pole to break stalks this morning.

Saturday April 4 - Louis & Zed hauled out five loads of manure. They had Dell hitched up with Dep. I was to town with C.J. Tuttle. The boys broke some stalks this morning but they did not break well.

Sunday April 5 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. Zed was to town. I was over to Deuels, Damerys & Burkholders. Louis & the girls went over to Burkholders this evening.

Monday April 6 - Louis & Zed started to put in wheat at noon. Louis sowed by hand & Zed run the disc with four horses. They hauled manure before dinner. I went with C.J. Tuttle down to Center School house where the Board of Equalizers sat.

Tuesday April 7 - It froze pretty hard last night so the boys were late getting out to work. Zed lost a large nut off the disc, so I was to town to send for one. I went in with W.H. DeCou. Zed finished discing the wheat this evening. Louis planted garden seed.

Wednesday April 8 - Zed harrowed the wheat. Louis worked in the garden. I was to town again with W.H. DeCou. The wind blew heavy all day. This evening it rained.

Thursday April 9 - Zed plowed in the hog pasture. Louis worked in the garden & chored around. W.H. DeCou was here and got four and a half bus. of wheat for seed at $1.00 per bu.

Friday April 10 - Zed finished plowing the hog pasture, then went on with the Disc, then Louis sowed a bu. each of wheat & Rye. Zed harrowed it in. I was in the house near all day. I felt sick. Wm. Wright was here all afternoon.

Saturday April 11 - Zed finished harrowing in the hog pasture. He cut stalks on the oats ground this afternoon. Louis & I was to town with Nick & Dell. We took a plow in to get sharpened.

Sunday April 12 - It rained quite sharp awhile this morning. Louis & the girls & I went to S.S. Mat was here. Louis & the girls went over to DeCou's from there. They and Frank & Nellie went boat riding on the Boyou.

Monday April 13 - It rained a good bit last night. Too wet to work at the oats so the boys fixed up the fences. The girls, Ma & I sorted beans.

Tuesday April 14 - The boys were setting posts & fixing up fences. After diner Louis & I went to town. Brought lumber for hog troughs and a plow we had left to get sharpened. Zed cut wood this afternoon.

Wednesday April 15 - The boys commenced to cut oats. Louis seeded with the seeder. Zed cultivated with a cultivator as it was too damp to use the disc with profit. I helped them some in starting and made three hog troughs, wheeled dirt in Bill's stall and chored some. It looks for rain this evening.

Thursday April 16 - It commenced to rain this morning at 7 - o'clock and rained until about eleven. Zed sprouted potatoes. Afternoon Louis & Zed cultivated in the oats. I worked at the fence in the hog lot.

Friday April 17 - Louis seeded until near five o'clock, he then cut stalks. Zed cultivated all day. I made a new lever in the riding cultivator Louis broke. Louis & the girls went to Younts with F. & Nellie this evening.

Saturday April 18 - Louis finished cutting stalks on the oats & Zed finished cultivating Oats. Louis harrowed about an hour. Bertha & I were to town with Wm. Burk. and Amy. I paid interest on F.M.'s note.

Sunday April 19 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. Wm. Burk. was here to cut a pane of glass. Louis took Millie in to go to school. She is going to try it again. Bertha went with them. Zed went home last evening but did not come this evening.

Monday April 20 - The boys harrowed near all day. It rained a little this morning. Zed came this morning early. I chored around all day. Zed shelled corn. Louis sprouted potatoes.

Tuesday April 21 - We separated the hogs and put the sows with 13 pigs in the fattening pen. Zed cut stalks a couple of hours this afternoon. It rained again this evening.

Wednesday April 22 - Louis planted a few potatoes with the hoe this morning. Zed cut stalks until noon, then both boys went at them with harrows & dragged until near sun-down. I made a pair of window screen frames and chored around.

Thursday April 23 - Louis & Zed harrowed and raked stalks all day. I was to town (rode Topsy), got some sugar beets seed, for experimenting with, from Mrs. Yiesley. This was a very warm day.

Friday April 24 - Zed & Louis worked at the stalks until 3 o'clock. Then Louis & Bertha & I went to town with a load (29 40/60 bus.) of wheat & 7 bus. Oats. I run the wheat through the fanning mill.

Saturday April 25 - Zed got his hand hurt in the corn sheller this morning. He then went home to Woodbine Louis plowed & harrowed the garden. I finished burnig the stalks, put away the rake & cutter, shelled corn & chored in general.

Sunday April 26 - Louis & the girls were to S.S.

Monday April 27 - Louis & Zed plowed except while Louis disced the potato patch. I dug up a piece in the garden & chored around in the yard.

Tuesday April 28 - Louis & Zed plowed all day. I was to town with W.H. DeCou & came back with H. Yount. I went to sell a few hogs. The price is 4.10 to 4.24 for the best. C.J. Tuttle got our disc today.

Wednesday April 29 - Zed plowed all day. I took two loads (nine head) of hogs, weighs 2050 lbs. at 4.25. Paid interest on DeCou note, also hardware & butcher bill. It rained a little this evening.

Thursday April 30 - Zed plowed all day. Louis was discing the fall plowing about three quarters of the day. I chored around and slacked lime to put a small wall of brick under the floor of the pump down in the pasture.

Friday May 1, 1891 - Louis disced until noon. Zed plowed all day. Louis worked in the garden. I was to town to bring Millie home. I built a wall around under the pump bed. Mrs. C.J. Tuttle & Bertha were to town with Dan & the road cart.

Saturday May 2 - Louis finished discing the fall plowing about 5 P.M., he then planted about an acre. Zed plowed all day. I made a new screen door for the wash house & chored around.

Sunday May 3 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. Zed came home late but done the chores. Louis took Millie to town. Bertha went. J. Yount took his team & our buggy. Red heiffer droped a male calf.

Monday May 4 - Zed plowed all day. Louis planted all day. I made a fence around the pump in the pasture. It is very cold & cloudy today.

Tuesday May 5 - Zed plowed until noon then he harrowed after the planter this afternoon. Louis planted all day. I did not feel well so did not do much of anything.

Wednesday May 6 - Zed harrowed all day. Louis disced for corn as we thought we would like to see how it would do as others said it makes better & more corn than plowing. Louis & I drove Dell to town this evening. It was 10:15 P.M. when we got back. I chored a little today.

Thursday May 7 - Zed harrowed all day. Louis cut potatoes and planted some. I helped him some. Berry droped a male calf.

Friday May 8 - Zed harrowed until noon. I then went to town with his team, he sprouted potatoes. Louis harrowed until noon then planted corn in afternoon. Bostwick sent a note to F.M. to sign for loan.

Saturday May 9 - We castrated our big boar this morning. Zed harrowed all day. Louis planted all day. I was down to see Kirkham's planter work.

Sunday May 10 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. Frank DeCou was here to dinner. Louis took the girls to town after supper.

Monday May 11 - Louis finished planting after dinner. we then planted sweet corn & beans. I made a gate in one of the hog yards to let them in the pasture. Louis & Zed went to town this evening. I gave Zed ten dollars. An agent for road grader was here to dinner.

Tuesday May 12 - Louis & I were to town. I signed a note for Frank for four hundred in favor of Mrs. Frank Allen, due in three years at (8) eight per cent interest, payable at Woodbine. We got the spring fixed at Severns Shop. It cost 75-. Zed harrowed all day.

Wednesday May 13 - Zed harrowed all day. Louis hauled out five loads of manure. We put away the disc, Sulky plow & planter. Louis sprayed the fruit trees. C.J. Tuttle was here. Jane droped a bull calf.

Thursday May 14 - Louis planted corn all day for I.A. DeCou. C.J. Tuttle shelled his corn. Zed hauled all day. I weighed corn for I.A. DeCou half a day. Shy droped a heiffer calf.

Friday May 15 - Louis planted corn for I.A. DeCou all day. Zed finished harrowing the second time after planting & then hauled out manure. I white washed the cellar and cleaned up in general, then went to town for the girls.

Saturday May 16 - Louis planted corn all day for I.A. DeCou. I was to town this afternoon. Zed hauled out manure.

Sunday May 17 - Frank DeCou was here near all day. Him & Louis were over to Deuels. The girls were to S.S.

Monday May 18 - Zed harrowed all day. Louis worked at scraping with Dell & Bill to make a fish pond. I put up some window screens, shelled corn & chored around.

Tuesday May 19 - Zed harrowed all day. Louis worked at the fish pond. I fixed up the fence in front of the house. we dehorned & castrated three calves. It hailed heavy this evening & a little rain. Deuel brought the disc home. Roany droped a bull calf.

Wednesday May 20 - It rained a good bit this morning. Zed piled up some Cottonwood poles & posts. Louis was over to see Kellogg about hauling milk to creamery. Louis & I worked in the garden. We planted Mulberry trees.

Thursday May 21 - Louis & I were to town. We went to the creamery to see about delivering milk there. We are going to send milk to them. Zed done nothing but shell some corn as it rained all day which is good just now. We bought a can ($2.50) from creamery.

Friday May 22 - It rained considerably today. Zed shelled corn, cut potatoes for planting and chored around. I made a platform in front of the house to load milk from. Louis was to town for Millie. C.J.T. was here this afternoon. Milk 93 lbs.

Saturday May 23 - Louis & Zed planted potatoes. Finished at noon. Zed went to town after dinner. Louis harrowed the potatoes. I did not feel well today. Milk 93 lbs.

Sunday May 24 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. Zed came home early this evening. Louis did not take Millie to town this evening as it rained all evening after supper.

Monday May 25 - Louis took Millie to town this morning. Zed shelled corn until noon. He then sprouted potatoes all afternoon. Louis worked in the garden in afternoon. I helped Bertha to wash. Milk 125 lbs.

Tuesday May 26 - Zed hauled manure. Louis planted pumpkins & cucumbers. I churned, put up screens & chored generally. Milk 113 lbs.

Wednesday May 27 - Zed hauled manure all day. Louis worked at his fish pond a couple of hours & hoed Morning-Glories. Ma & Bertha were up to Reiffs visiting. I attended to the milk & dug up some Elder bushes in the corn field. Milk 129 lbs.

Thursday May 28 - Zed hoed Morning-Glories all day. Louis worked at his pond this afternoon & hoed in forenoon. I chored around. Mrs. Tuttle was here visiting today. Charlie is cultivating. Milk 142 lbs.

Friday May 29 - Zed hoed in the corn all day. Louis & I were to the Mill before dinner. Afternoon, Louis, Ma & Bertha were to town for Millie. I bought Tuttles milk can for $1.80. Milk 128 lbs.

Saturday May 30 - Zed shelled corn until noon. Afternoon I helped him put dirt in the new well. We commenced to fill it up. Louis & the girls were in to see the Decoration. It rained heavy this morning at daybreak. I gave Zed $10.00 this evening. Milk 140 lbs.

Sunday May 31 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. & Louis took Millie to town. B. went with them. It rained this morning and hailed a little.

Monday June 1, 1891 - Louis commenced to cultivate about 10 o'clock. Zed came at 12 o'clock. He & Louis cultivated this afternoon. I set two posts & fixed up the fence that was torn up by lightening & attended to the milk as usual & shelled corn. Milk 138 lbs.

Tuesday June 2 - It rained a little again last night. The boys cultivated all day. I took some rags to Albert Nicely for a stair carpet. I ordered a two hole corn sheller by R. Yeisley & Son.

Wednesday June 3 - The boys cultivated all day. I helped to wash & chored around.

Thursday June 4 - Zed cultivated all day. Louis hoed in the garden & some of the potatoes. I fixed up & hung two screen doors at the wash house.

Friday June 5 - The boys went out to cultivate but the rain stoped them about 9 o'clock and rained all day. Louis went to town for Millie. Zed shelled corn.

Saturday June 6 - We tried the new sheller some. It chokes up over the fan, otherwise it seems to suite us. Zed cleaned out the hen houses. Louis killed & dressed a pig & castrated the little ones. Milk 849 lbs. for the week.

Sunday June 7 - The girls were to S.S. They went with Dep & the Cart. Zed came this evening and helped us do the chores. Louis took the girls to town to church this evening. It looks as if we would get rain tonight.

Monday June 8 - The boys cultivated all day. I was to town with Topsy and the Cart, the first time she was hitched to a single cart.

Tuesday June 9 - The boys cultivated all day. I helped Bertha a little at the washing. I fixed some fence & chored around.

Wednesday June 10 - It rained heavy last night. The boys fixed fence at the hog pasture until noon. They then worked in the garden until 3 P.M., then they cultivated until 6 P.M. I churned & chored around.

Thursday June 11 - Louis cultivated at the potatoes & Zed worked in the garden with Louis finishing the cultivating the first time through. I was to town to see the Doctor for C.J. Tuttle. He is sick with Inflamation of the bowels.

Friday June 12 - Louis was cultivating potatoes & Zed worked in the garden until they were driven in by the rain. After dinner Zed went in the garden & Louis & Bertha went to town for the school girls. I was to town for the Doctor for C.J. Tuttle this morning & brought out Mrs. Bennet and went in again this afternoon for C.J. Tuttle.

Saturday June 13 - The boys cultivated all day. Louis had C.J.'s cultivator this afternoon. I was to town to see the Doctor for Tuttle & I looked around a great bit for a man to work for Tuttle. I gave Zed ten cents.

Sunday June 14 - The girls were to S.S. Louis was over to Pidgeon with Mat to get a steer for I.A. DeCou. I was down to Tuttles. He is improving a little.

Monday June 15 - Zed cultivated all day. Louis until noon. He cut clover in the afternoon. I was to town for C.J. Tuttle. I got home just in time for my, how it did rain.

Tuesday June 16 - The boys cultivated all day. I did not feel well today. It rained again this evening.

Wednesday June 17 - It rained a good bit last night & this morning. Louis & I was over to Mortons to see the new road grader trial but it was too wet, they did not work it. The boys went to cultivate this afternoon.

Thursday June 18 - It rained again last night. It is pretty damp but Zed cultivated all day. It rained a little today. Louis worked in the garden all day. C.J. Tuttle is improving.

Friday June 19 - Zed cultivated all day. Louis cultivated until noon. Him & Bertha went to town for Millie. I was down to Tuttles until 10 - P.M. this evening.

Saturday June 20 - The boys cultivated all day. I was to town & down to Tuttles. Charlie is improving slowley.

Sunday June 21 - The girls were to S.S. Arthur Deuel was here all afternoon. Louis & Bertha went to town with Millie. It rained a little this morning.

Monday June 22 - Zed cultivated all day, Louis until noon. After dinner he raked up the clover he had cut before the rain. I helped him to haul it up. Two loads.

Tuesday June 23 - Zed cultivated the potatoes and finished the corn the second time through. Louis mowed some clover. I took Topsy & bred her to Probasco's DeBille. I was to see C.J. Tuttle, he is still improving.

Wednesday June 24 - Louis mowed the rest of the clover. Zed raked & bunched that that was cut yesterday. I was to town with the Milk driver. The boys hauled up four loads of clover then it rained like fury this evening.

Thursday June 25 - It rained & blew all last night & until noon. After dinner Zed & Louis & I went to town. I was down to C.J. Tuttles & got a loan of twenty-five dollars.

Friday June 26 - It rained all day steady. I cut my hand pretty bad. The boys shelled corn & chored around a little. Louis & Bertie went to town this evening to attend the Commencement Exercises & bring Millie home.

Saturday June 27 - It rained some this morning, too wet to do anything. Louis was down to visit with C.J. Tuttle. We worked in the garden this afternoon.

Sunday June 28 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. Mat came with Louis and he staid to supper.

Monday June 29 - Zed came just before 12 o'clock. He cultivated this afternoon. Louis & I hauled up two loads of clover. Louis cultivated this forenoon.

Tuesday June 30 - The girls, Ma & I were to town this afternoon. Louis & I finished hauling clover this morning, one small load. Zed cultivated all day. Louis worked in the garden. I sold our hogs to Burk. at $4.05. Louis was down to Tuttles. Charlie is worse again.

Wednesday July 1, 1891 - The boys hauled two loads of hogs, 23 head, Wt. 4700 lbs. Sold to J.R. Burkholder at $4.05 per hundred. I was with them to town. I was also down to Tuttles twice today.

Thursday July 2 - We hauled four loads of hogs, 12 head, Wt. 5140 lbs., making in all 47 head, wt. 9840 lbs., at $4.05, 80 lbs. off for a stag, $395.25. Herbert Burkholder was here to supper. Zed went to town this evening.

Friday July 3 - Zed cultivated until noon. he then went to town. Louis cultivated all day. This afternoon he cultivated the potatoes & garden. Ma & I was to town. we stoped at Reiffs to see Mrs. Brubaker. She came yesterday from Reading, Pa.

Saturday July 4 - Louis & the girls were to the Celebration at Woodbine. Ma & I stayed at home and chored around and picked berries.

Sunday July 5 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. Mat came home with them & staid to supper. They went out riding.

Monday July 6 - Zed cultivated all day. Louis cultivated about - of a day. They commenced to lay by. I hoed in the potato patch.

Tuesday July 7 - It rained heavy near all day. We sprouted potatoes and picked berries & cherries and chored around.

Wednesday July 8 - Louis & Zed picked cherries & berries until noon. I was down with C.J. Tuttle. After dinner Zed & went to hoeing in the potatoes, Louis in the garden until supper time.

Thursday July 9 - Louis & Zed cultivated all day. I took 4 lbs. of butter in to Miss Gaylord. Ma & the girls were visiting up to Reiffs today. I was down to see Charlie twice today. He is worse again.

Friday July 10 - It rained until noon pretty heavy. It commence about 8 - o'clock, when the boys were driven in. I finished picking the cherries.

Saturday July 11 - It rained last night again, too wet to do anything. The boys & I went to town. Louis took Dell down to O. Cards & bred her to Vernon, a black Registered Perch horse. I was down to Tuttles twice today.

Sunday July 12 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. I was up to Probasco. I stopped at Tuttles on my way home. I am to stay tonight with Burkholder to take care of Charlie.

Monday July 13 - The boys cultivated all day. I was down to Tuttles twice and was with him all of last night.

Tuesday July 14 - The boys cultivated until noon when Old Bill took sick. Zed went out & cultivated. Louis & I worked with Bill until near four o'clock, when he got better, then Louis got up Topsy & cultivated. They finished about seven P.M. All layed by, plowed four times.

Wednesday July 15 - Louis & Ma were to Woodbine. I was up to Probasco's with Topsy & went to Dunlap to see the Soldiers Reunion. I settled with Zeddie Poe & paid him $7.10. I stopped with Tuttle going & coming to & fro from Dunlap. Also paid Probasco for horse service, $15.00.

Thursday July 16 - Louis went to town & got some B-twine, 8 balls, 12- per lb. Ma & the girls were up to Reiffs to visit. I mowed weeds & chored around.

Friday July 17 - Louis went for Ma & the girls. It stormed heavy so they staid at Reiffs all night. Today Alice Ford and Nellie DeCou were here to dinner. L. & I tried to shell corn with our -made up- power, but it didn't give us power enough to shell.

Saturday July 18 - I hoed in the garden until noon. L. was over to Deuels in morning. After dinner Louis helped W.H. DeCou to put up hay. Mrs. Reiff & Mrs. Brubaker were here visiting.

Sunday July 19 - Mott droped a bull calf last night. Louis & the girls were to S.S.Nellie & Frank DeCou came home with them and spent the evening with us.

Monday July 20 - We commenced to cut our wheat. we cut one round before dinner. We cut until four o'clock when the rain drove us to the house. It is pretty green yet. Sammy DeCou rides for us. The girls & I shocked.

Tuesday July 21 - It rained again this forenoon. I was to see Tuttle this morning. We cut this afternoon and finished the wheat at 6 o'clock. Sammy rode, the girls & I shocked.

Wednesday July 22 - We were all to Mr. Younts birthday party last night. There was a large party of young folks there. It rained heavy last night. Too wet to cut. Louis took the milk to the Creamery.

Thursday July 23 - we commenced to cut oats at 9 o'clock & cut until six. Sammy came late or we would have commenced earlier. Emerson Barnhart shocked this afternoon. Miss Colwell is here visiting.

Friday July 24 - The boys were at the oats all day. It rained again this evening. I was to town to see Dr. Edwards. Millie is sick. Binie Colwell & Bertha were up to Lowreys.

Saturday July 25 - The boys finished harvesting at noon. I was to town this afternoon. Took Emerson Barnhart in. Saw the Doctor. Millie is about the same.

Sunday July 26 - It rained some today. No one was to S.S. Mat was here to dinner. I took Binie up to Younts.

Monday July 27 - Louis & I were down to Orlan Cards & bred Dep & Dell to -Vernon-. Got home at 7 P.M. Left home about 9 A.M. Wm. Burkholder borrowed three sacks of oats until he threshes. Millie is easier.

Tuesday July 28 - Louis hauled out manure. I did not feel well. Done nothing but chore a little.

Wednesday July 29 - Louis threshed at I.A. DeCou's & some this evening at Kirkhams. I did nothing much as I did not feel well enough.

Thursday July 30 - Louis finished threshing for Kirkham at 9 - A.M. He then scraped manure together in the cattle yard. I was to town this morning and up to Probasco this afternoon. I mowed weeds in the road this evening.

Friday July 31 - Louis threshed for Chambers until 10 - A.M. The rest of the day for Yount. It rained this evening. I visited with Tuttle near all afternoon.

Saturday Aug. 1, 1891 - Louis & I carried about 50 bus. of oats from the grainery to the barn and cleaned out the grainery. After dinner Louis worked in the garden and I went to the Moll and to town. It was showery all day.

Sunday Aug. 2 - Bertha was to S.S. Mr. Deuel & Herbert were here quite a while but did not come in the house.

Monday Aug. 3 - Louis helped Yount to thresh half a day. I was down to see when they could thresh for us. I stoped awhile with Charlie Tuttle. I chored around. Louis scraped manure together in cattle yard.

Tuesday Aug. 4 - Louis & I hauled out nine loads of manure. I loaded, Louis hauled them out, one team, two wagons.

Wednesday Aug. 5 - Louis hauled out four loads of manure. I was up to Probasco.

Thursday Aug. 6 - Louis & I hauled out three loads. I mowed Foxtail & weeds and made new key in new corn sheller. It rained a little.

Friday Aug. 7 - Louis dug potatoes & cleaned out the stables, hauled out one load of manure. After dinner him & I went to town & Mill for ground feed, he will not grind until tomorrow. Sold plums to Yiesley.

Saturday Aug. 8 - We commenced to thresh at 2 - o'clock. I was to town & up to Younts & the DeCou's to tell them to help thresh. Louis was to the other places. We threshed 71 bus. of wheat & 300 bus. of oats. Harry Yount, F. DeCou, Chambers, Kirkham, Lowrey. Two men, Harold Reiff & L.L. Deuel helped for I.A. DeCou.

Sunday Aug. 9 - Louis & Bertha were to S.S. Looks as if it would rain.

Monday Aug. 10 - It rained a little last night. We commenced to thresh at 9 o'clock. Finished 10 - o'clock. I was to town this afternoon. Took another pail of plums to Mr. Shuler for 50-. R. Yiesley got a pail full for 50-.

Tuesday Aug. 11 - Louis went with Frank DeCou over to Panama with apples & cider to sell. I was down to Tuttles today. Charley is getting along slowly. He can be about a little now.

Wednesday Aug. 12 - The boys did not get home last night until midnight. Samuel Bartholomew came last evening and stayed over night with us. I went with him over to DeCous.

Thursday Aug. 13 - Louis, Bertha & I was down to Reiffs last night. Louis hauled out four loads of manure. I was to town & to Tuttles.

Friday Aug. 14 - Louis hauled out manure. It rained some today. He also cut weeds on the road. I kept in the house as I did not feel well.

Saturday Aug. 15 - Louis worked in the garden and hauled out manure. I was to town. Took butter, eggs & plums in and sold plums to Peter Oakley.

Sunday Aug. 16 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. Amy was here to supper. Louis took her home. Millie went along.

Monday Aug. 17 - Louis & I picked apples. Afternoon we were over to DeCou's & made cider for apple butter. We broke the front axel of the buggy.

Tuesday Aug. 18 - Louis & Bertha were over to DeCou's last night to practice music. It rained near all day. Louis & I were to town to get the buggy fixed. We had to come home without it. It rained heavy this evening. Louis helped at the picnic grounds this afternoon.

Wednesday Aug. 19 - It rained heavy last night but we all went to the picnic & we had a nice time. Herbert & Amy Burk were here to supper.

Thursday Aug. 20 - It rained again last night. Louis & Bertha went over to magnolia to the Old Settlers Picnic. I was to town. I paid the Wagon-maker $2.00 for his work on the buggy. Louis paid the Blacksmith $1.25.

Friday Aug. 21 - Louis & bertha came home late last night. We pared apples and are boiling apple butter. Louis was to town & brought home the buggy. It rained a good bit off & on today.

Saturday Aug. 22 - It rained considerable today. Louis mowed weeds with sythe. I cut some. I was to town for the mail I paid Yiesley $28.50.

Sunday Aug. 23 - We were all over to S.S. except Ma. Louis was over to Deuels near all day. Mat was here to dinner. There was quite a frost this morning. Therm. 38.

Monday Aug. 24 - Louis hauled manure all day. I was to town to get the Doctor for Millie. She is sick with the same complaint. C.J. Tuttle & wife were here foe awhile this afternoon. We had another frost this morning. Therm. 40.

Tuesday Aug. 25 - Louis was over to DeCou's & got 10 gallons of cider, 15- per gal. He then hauled manure. I was to town to Dr. about Millie.

Wednesday Aug. 26 - Louis hauled out manure, finished at noon. He tried the walking plow, too dull. He worked in the garden. I boiled apple butter. Louis went to town this evening.

Thursday Aug. 27 - Louis was to town this morning. Got walking plow sharpened. I washed. Louis commenced to plow in the hog pasture this evening. I helped to wash.

Friday Aug. 28 - Louis plowed. Finished the hog pasture at 5 P.M. I boiled apple butter& churned. Louis & I were to the Alliance this evening which was disbanded, so that was the last meeting for Douglas Alliance.

Saturday Aug. 29 - Louis, Bertha & I were to Woodbine to the Alliance Picnic. We enjoyed ourselves very much, especially the balloon assension, which was a grand success. Louis & Bertha came home late. I came home with Kirkham.

Sunday Aug. 30 - Louis, Bertha & I were to S.S. Frank DeCou came home with us and staid to supper. We are having fine weather but cold nights.

Monday Aug. 31 - Louis plowed a little this morning. He then mowed until noon. After dinned we ground the ledger plates on gards of mower. We then went down & raked & cocked up the hay he mowed this morning. I was to town with C.J. Tuttle this morning to see the Doctor.

Tuesday Sept. 1, 1891 - Louis mowed until noon and I helped to wash. I was over to I.A. DeCou to splice a rope for him. I took dinner with him. This evening I was over again to make another splice. Cherry droped a male calf yesterday. I helped Louis to bunch up hay.

Wednesday Sept. 2 - Louis plowed until noon. I did the churning & worked one hour on the road. I fixed up a bridge east of our house that was washed out on one side of it. Louis & I hauled up three (3) loads of hay, put them in the shed. Frank Knapp was here all afternoon cleaning rye for seed, with our fanning mill.

Thursday Sept. 3 - There was a heavy dew this morning. I picked the small red apples. Louis mowed a couple of hours. After we raked & bunched what he cut this forenoon & hauled up one load.

Friday Sept. 4 - Wm. Burkholder came at 9 A.M. & helped Louis haul up three loads of hay in the forenoon and after dinner they both helped Deuel to thresh. It made them late. I helped in the house.

Saturday Sept. 5 - Burkholder came & they hauled up two loads & we shocked up fifteen shocks of corn. Afternoon we were to town. Burk. went with us. I paid Burk.

Sunday Sept. 6 - Louis & Bertha were to S.S. Herb Burkholder was here to dinner. I was up to visitwith Geo. DeJean & also over to Burks. Frank DeCou was here to supper.

Monday Sept. 7 - Louis mowed until noon. I helped to wash. This afternoon we raked & bunched 140 shocks what we mowed this morning.

Tuesday Sept. 8 - It rained some last night. Wm. Burk. came late. We commenced hauling up about 9 o'clock. Got up four loads, one put on clover stack, the rest in the shed.

Wednesday Sept. 9 - Louis mowed until noon. Ma, Millie & I were to town. After dinner we raked & bunched up the hay he mowed.

Thursday Sept. 10 - Louis mowed. I was to town again this morning. After dinner we raked & bunched, also brought up one load and put it in the barn.

Friday Sept. 11 - We hauled up one load of hay, put it in the hay shed, then raked & bunched up until noon, when it commenced to rain. I was to town this afternoon.

Saturday Sept. 12 - It rained heavy last evening so we could do nothing at the hay. We fixed up the power to shell corn but it would not work so we shelled fifteen bushels by hand & snapped two rows across the field.

Sunday Sept. 13 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. Herbert Burkholder and Amy were here to supper. They all went to town this evening to take Millie in.

Monday Sept. 14 - Mr. Kirkham helped Louis to haul up six loads of hay & they put some old hay, part of an old stack on the bottom of the new stack, makes eight good loads on it. I was to town, sold four bus. plums.

Tuesday Sept. 15 - Louis helped Geo. Reiff all day with threshing. I shelled about 20 bus. corn and soldered up a lot of tomatoes. C.J. Tuttle was here a while.

Wednesday Sept. 16 - Louis was up to Reiffs to help finish thresh but he was not needed so he mowed. I washed. After dinner we shocked up some but it was too windy.

Thursday Sept. 17 - I shocked hay a couple of hours last night. Today it was very windy so we could not shock any. We cut & raked all except the S.E. corner.

Friday Sept. 18 - Louis & I shocked until one o'clock last night. Shocked all we had cut & raked. Mr. Kirkham helped Louis haul up 6 loads, two in the shed, 4 in the barn. I was to town to bring Millie home. Ma went with me.

Saturday Sept. 19 - It was very windy. Mr. Kirkham came to haul up hay but he went home again. We sold him six loads of hay at 2 80/100 dollars a load. I was to town this evening with butter, 65-, for Miss Gaylord. It was not paid for.

Sunday Sept. 20 - There was none of us to S.S, today. Mat was here. Him & Louis were down to Yeager's to Herb Burk. I was home all day.

Monday Sept. 21 - Louis cut & raked hay in the S.E. corner of the meadow. I helped him to cock it up, then we brought up one load, put it in the shed & the barn, about equal in each. I picked the red Crab apples that was left on the tree. The others were picked long ago. Mr. Kirkham hauled home six loads of hay he bought from us at $2.80 per load. I.A. DeCou was here and wants his corn.

Tuesday Sept. 22 - Mr. Kirkham came late. They hauled up six loads, put it in a new stack. I was to town. Took three pecks of plumbs. Sold to S.L. Jefferson, 80-. I took dinner with Wm. Tuttle & family.

Wednesday Sept. 23 - Louis & Kirkham hauled up 2 loads of hay which finishes this fall. Louis & I shelled 42 8/56 bus. of corn. I hauled it over to DeCou this evening.

Thursday Sept. 24 - Louis & I shelled another load (39 6/56) bus. I hauled it and another this evening (43 32/) bus. to I.A. DeCou which was sold to him some time ago at 50- per bu. J. Probasco stoped here on his way home. Louis went with him. Took Topsy along & bred her to DeBilly.

Friday Sept. 25 - Louis & I husked two rows of Early corn. He then mowed clover, finished at 6 o'clock. Ma & I went to town & brought Millie home.

Saturday Sept. 26 - Louis & I snapped two rows of late corn and picked 212 ears for seed, then he went to town and brought home 1590 lbs. L.B. coal bought from Mathews & Kling, at $3.60 per ton.

Sunday Sept. 27 - It rained last evening and during the night so the young folks could not go nutting as they intended to.

Monday Sept. 28 - Louis & I hauled four loads of coal (6630 lbs.) from Mathews & Kling. It was cold and cloudy.

Tuesday Sept. 29 - We gathered a lot of tomatoes, sweet potatoes and melons, then loaded three hogs, went to town. Brought a small load of coal, 1250 lbs., making 9470 lbs. in all, $17.25. Paid M. & K. Millie came home with us as they have no school tomorrow on account of County Fair.

Wednesday Sept. 30 - Wm. Yeager & wife were here yesterday. Got a lot of tomatoes to take home with them. Mat was here last evening. Louis unloaded the coal this morning then plowed the rest of the day. Ma, Bertha & I were to town this afternoon to take Millie in. I paid Mr. Deuel the road tax in town at J.S. Halls Meat Market. It looks for rain tonight. The wind blew a good bit of our clover into the road along the fence along the road.

Thursday Oct. 1, 1891 - It rained all day heavy. C.J. Tuttle was here awhile.

Friday Oct. 2 - Louis started to plow but it rained again so he done nothing but went to town and brought Millie home.

Saturday Oct. 3 - It rained all day, slow but steady. Louis was over to W.H. DeCou's this afternoon.

Sunday Oct. 4 - It cleared off during the night, Louis, the girls & Ma were to S.S. Herbert & Amy Burk. came home with them and they went with Louis & the girls to town.

Monday Oct. 5 - Louis & I snaped a load of corn for feed. Bertha & Ma washed. Louis plowed until 4 - o'clock. It rained a little near all afternoon and this evening it rained pretty fast. John Yount was here. I paid him for the threshing.

Tuesday Oct. 6 - Louis plowed all day. The day was cold & damp, drisling some. Ma, Bertha & I were to town.

Wednesday Oct. 7 - Louis plowed all day. I was to see Kirkham, Deuel & C. Tuttle if they would go to the Insurance Meeting.

Thursday Oct. 8 - Louis plowed all day. I went with Kirkham, Deuel, Frank & Henry DeCou to Logan to the Insurance Meeting.

Friday Oct. 9 - Louis plowed all day. I dug the sweet potatoes then I went to town and brought Millie home. I got two bolts to put in spring of buggy.

Saturday Oct. 10 - Louis plowed until noon. I was to town this morning. Got spring on the road cart welded. After dinner Louis & I snapped a load of corn. Louis then plowed and I went to town again.

Sunday Oct. 11 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. Ma gathered over a gallon of plums, the last of the season. We had a good many plums this year.

Monday Oct. 12 - Louis & I worked at the potatoes. Bertha helped this forenoon. Louis took Bertha to town this evening. She is going to Sioux City tomorrow to see the Corn Palace.

Tuesday Oct. 13 - It rained last night so Louis plowed until noon. We dug a pit to put the potatoes & beets & cabbage in. Louis brought B.

Wednesday Oct. 14 - Louis & I worked all day at the potatoes & finished this evening. We got 14 bus. in the seller & 38 bus. in the pit.

Thursday Oct. 15 - Luis hauled out three loads of manure. We then gathered sugar beets, cabbages, salsifi, & red beets, put them in the pit. Louis snaped a load of corn for feed.

Friday Oct. 16 - Louis raked up the clover for seed. Finished at 12 - o'clock. I put the cabbage & salsifi into the pit. After dinner Louis & Mr. Kirkham hauled up & stacked clover. Ma & I went to town to bring Millie home. Mrs. Wm. Tuttle came out to Charlie Tuttles with us.

Saturday Oct. 17 - Louis & Kirkham hauled up six loads of clover. I was to town with C. Tuttle. Wm. Chauncy bought thirteen small pigs for $55.00. He brought them today.

Sunday Oct. 18 - Louis & the girls were to S.S. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Tuttle, Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Tuttle were here to dinner. Wm. Tuttle & wife stayed to supper and then went to town with our folks. Mr. Burk., Herbert & Amy were here quite a while.

Monday Oct. 19 - Louis, Kirkham & I hauled up two loads of clover and hauled straw to top out the stacks, finished it at noon. L. & I snaped a load of corn.

Tuesday Oct. 20 - Louis was to town to get his plow sharpened. He plowed all afternoon. I fixed up the root seller & gathered the pumpkins.

Wednesday Oct. 21 - Louis plowed all day. I husked snaped corn and put it in to a mattress.

Thursday Oct. 22 - Louis plowed all day. I worked at the mattress & chored around.

Friday Oct. 23 - Louis helped Lowrey thresh about - of a day. Ma & I were to town to fetch Millie home. I bought an alarm clock.

Saturday Oct. 24 - Louis plowed & finished at 5 - P.M. He helped Lowrey at threshing until about 10 o'clock. I husked four rows of corn. Bertha helped after dinner.

Sunday Oct. 25 - Louis took Millie to town. He & the girls were to S.S. Bertha went to town with him.

Monday Oct. 26 - Louis & I snaped four rows of corn for feed, we then pulled beans & peas and threshed them out and husked the pop corn and castrated Moth & Cherry's calves. Mr. Kirkham finished plowing for us at 4 P.M.

Tuesday Oct. 27 - Louis husked all day, 9 rows of P. & N. corn. I chored around & helped in the house. Bertha & I put down the new carpet. Mat came this evening, is going to stay all night. Commenced to crib corn.

Wednesday Oct. 28 - Louis husked nine rows of P. & N. corn. I cleaned the pipe and put up the stoves. After dinner Ma & I went to town to hear Mr. Leas speak on the political question on the peoples party platform. Louis went to town with Austin Lowrey.

Thursday Oct. 29 - Louis husked 10 rows. I helped a little. He was to town again this evening to singing school with Austin Lowrey. This week so far has been fine weather.

Friday Oct. 30 - Louis & I husked 14 rows of P. & N. corn. I was to town & brought Millie home. I bought a -Glendale- end gate for wagon. 3 lbs. butter to Gaylord.

Saturday Oct. 31 - Louis husked corn until dinner time then he snapped six rows for to get the husk to make some beds with. I fitted the Glendale to Louis wagon & husked two rows of corn. 12 rows were taken out today, husked & snapped.

Sunday Nov. 1, 1891 - Louis, Ma & the girls were to S.S. Miss Fannie Willet came home with them. They all went to town.

Monday Nov. 2 - Louis snaped 10 and husked 4 rows today. Ma, Bertha & I went to town this afternoon. Bertha stayed in town, We washed this morning.

Tuesday Nov. 3 - Louis husked until noon. I was to the election all day. Louis was there after dinner. Morton (R), Gargus (D), Hoyer (Ind.), candidates for Town Trustee.

Wednesday Nov. 4 - Louis husked 14 rows today. I was to town this morning. I planted two rows of walnuts east of the hog grove.

Thursday Nov. 5 - Louis husked 12 rows. Quit early to go to town to singing school. I planted walnuts all day, finished about 4 o'clock.

Friday Nov. 6 - Louis husked 14 rows. I cut four rows of stalks to build a tempory fence so we can turn in the cattle. Ma & I were in & brought Millie.

Saturday Nov. 7 - Louis husked 14 rows. I set posts in the stalks where the corn is husked & I done all the chores except milking.

Sunday Nov. 8 - Herbert Burkholder was here and went with Louis & the girls to S.S. There was no S.S. as there was no one there in time. Pleasant day.

Monday Nov. 9 - Louis husked 14 rows. I worked at the tempory fence and turned the cattle & horses in about one hour. Bettie jumped the fence & cut her hind left hock very bad & a couple of cuts on the left side of her breast.

Tuesday Nov. 10 - Louis husked 14 rows & I put stays between the posts of the fence I made in the corn field. This afternoon I husked 4 rows.

Wednesday Nov. 11 - It rained some last night and the wind was very heavy all night and today it blew heavy all day and snowed a little near all day. Louis husked 14 rows. I husked four rows until dinner time. I did not husk this afternoon. I chored. Louis went to singing school.

Thursday Nov. 12 - Louis husked 14 rows. I dug up a lot of Maple & R. Mulberry trees and heeled them in to plant ext spring. This afternoon I husked two rows. Bettie's leg is swelled very much.

Friday Nov. 13 - Louis husked 14 rows. I husked four rows and was to town, brought Millie home. Ma & Bertha went with me. It is snowing this evening.

Saturday Nov. 14 - It snowed last night and today so that it was too ugly husking. I was to town. Louis was guning, got three quail & one squirrel.

Sunday Nov. 15 - It was cloudy all day. Rained a very little. Louis took Millie to town this evening.

Monday Nov. 16 - Thermometer this morning 4 above zero. Louis husked 12 rows. He helped load two hogs, wt. 690 lbs., at $3.50, $23.80. I took to J.J. Weiss. It snowed a little today.

Tuesday Nov. 17 - Louis husked 14 rows of corn. I was over to see D.K. Peters & took dinner with him and his brother Peter. I qualified as Trustee before Dave. It was cold & clear today.

Wednesday Nov. 18 - Louis husked 14 rows. I worked at the calf pen. Louis & bertha went to singing school this evening.

Thursday Nov. 19 - Louis husked 14 rows. I finished the cow stable I fixed up out of the calves pen. A very fine day.

Friday Nov. 20 - Louis husked 16 rows. I made two cattle haulters to tie up the milk cows. I & Ma were to town to fetch Millie. It is very foggy & looks as if it would rain.

Saturday Nov. 21 - It snowed last night & this morning is wet with quite a snow on the ground, so Louis did not husk today. He washed Bettie's leg. Mr. Deuel & Herbert came over & went guning with Louis. Tuttle is done with the cart. He gave me the milk can we loaned.

Sunday Nov. 22 - No one was to S.S. today. Mat came this evening. It snowed quite a bit last night. Louis took Millie to town this evening. Bertha went with them.

Monday Nov. 23 - Louis husked 14 rows. I was to town & Mill. I done all the chores.

Tuesday Nov. 24 - Louis husked 14 rows. I put up the screens on the windows in the chicken coop & done the chores.

Wednesday Nov. 25 - Louis husked 12 rows. I built feed boxes in the cow stable & chored. Louis went to singing school this evening.

Thursday Nov. 26 - Louis husked 14 rows. I chored. It is snowing this evening. C.J. Tuttle was here this afternoon.

Friday Nov. 27 - Louis husked 12 rows. I took a load (seven head) of pigs, wt. 1315 lbs., at $3.50, $46.00. I done the chores.

Saturday Nov. 28 - Louis & I husked 18 rows to one wagon. I done the chores. Herbert & Amy Burk. were here this evening.

Sunday Nov. 29 - Louis took Millie to town this evening. No S.S. today.

Monday Nov. 30 - Louis husked ten rows which finished our husking for this fall. We have a couple of loads of snaped Pride of the North corn in the barn to make beds of the husks.

Tuesday Dec. 1, 1891 - Louis & I were to town. I paid Reed & Cole (Drugists) in full to date. Mr. Kirkham was here this evening for awhile.

Wednesday Dec. 2 - Louis & I were over to Deuels & bought a bore pig for which we paid $6.50. Ma & Bertha were up to Younts visiting. L. & B. went to singing school this evening.

Thursday Dec. 3 - Louis had set a couple of traps but got nothing. I tied up a new mattress. It rained last night & today & is still cloudy.

Friday Dec. 4 - Louis chored around. I was to town & brought Millie home. Louis boiled the juice of one sugar beet as an experiment.

Saturday Dec. 5 - Louis syrup amounted to nothing. I was to town again today to mail some books & papers for the girls.

Sunday Dec. 6 - There was no S.S. Seems as though there would be no more S.S. Louis took Millie to town this evening.

Monday Dec. 7 - Louis cleaned out the stables & brought up some straw to bed the horses with. We also dug a hole under Nick's stall & filled it with pieces of brick to keep him from pawing it out. I husked snaped corn for filling a bed.

Tuesday Dec. 8 - I finished filling another husk mattress. Louis was down to see Yount about hulling our clover. This evening Louis & I were down to visit with Kirkham.

Wednesday Dec. 9 - I was to town today. J.J. Weiss was here. We sold him three cows, Shy, Roaney & Berry for $75.00. He is to fetch them the 21st of this month. Louis & Bertha went to town to singing school.

Thursday Dec. 10 - Louis was down to the Picaune with his traps but got nothing. Ma & Bertha were down to C.J. Tuttles visiting. Younts brought the power & wagon up this evening.

Friday Dec. 11 - Younts came & threshed for us fifteen bus. clover for seed. We finished at 3 - P.M. then they threshed a load that Deuels boys brought over for Deuel. I made about 1 - bus. of seed uncleaned, same as our 15 bus. L.L. Deuel helped us to thresh it.

Saturday Dec. 12 - Louis chored around this forenoon. After dinner he & I went to town. Millie came home with us.

Sunday Dec. 13 - Louis & L.L. Deuel were out to look at the holes that are made by some animals in ours & Howarth's pastures. It rained fast this evening so Louis did not take Millie to town this eve.

Monday Dec. 14 - It rained a good bit last night. Louis took Millie to town this morning. It rained all day and is still raining 9 o'clock P.M.

Tuesday Dec. 15 - Louis & I planted about fifty hickory nuts among the walnuts and set five posts and fixed up the fence along the N. road. We then fixed the fanning mill to clean our clover seed.

Wednesday Dec. 16 - Louis cleaned out the stables and hauled it out on the clover west of the house. I cleaned clover seed and helped Bertha to wash. Louis & Bertha went to town. Arthur Deuel went with them. They went to singing school.

Thursday Dec. 17 - Louis hauled out manure and hauled two loads of clover hulin, scattered it on the pasture. I cleaned a little clover. Wm. Burk. was here visiting, also Mrs. Reiff.

Friday Dec. 18 - Louis helped Kirkham shell corn half a day. then they broke the sheller (team on power).

Saturday Dec. 19 - Louis was helping Kirkham to shell corn. It was late when he came home this evening. I cleaned clover & done chores.

Sunday Dec. 20 - Herbert Burkholder was here visiting near all day. Herbert went with Louis & the girls to town.

Monday Dec. 21 - Man Mefford fetched J.J. Weiss cattle he bought from us, 3 head. Louis chored & I was to town. It rained all afternoon & this evening. I paid Kibler Bros. $100.00 on acct. of our store bill for 1891.

Tuesday Dec. 22 - Louis hauled out a load of manure out of the stables& then hauled and scatered clover hulin. I worked at filling another husk bed.

Wednesday Dec. 23 - Louis helped Chambers shell corn. I finished filling bed with husks. Louis, Bertha, Arthur & Herbert Deuel went to singing school in town.

Thursday Dec. 24 - Louis & Bertha were to town and brought Millie home. I chored & cleaned clover seed. Louis took two doz. cabbages & three lbs. butter to town. Louis, Bertha, Millie, Herbert & Amy Burkholder went over to Kellogg Schoolhouse to a Christmas gathering.

Friday Dec. 25 - It snowed last night & this morning everything is white. I cleaned clover awhile.

Saturday Dec. 26 - Louis was to town, he stoped at the Mill but it was locked up. I started to fill another bed with husk and cleaned at the clover seed awhile.

Sunday Dec. 27 - Arthur DeCou was here visiting. Staid to dinner.

Monday Dec. 28 - Louis & Art DeCou were guning, got nine rabbits. I helped to wash and worked at husk bed and done chores. Louis went to Deuels this evening.

Tuesday Dec. 29 - Louis hauled out six loads of clover hulin. I finished the husk bed and helped Louis chore.

Wednesday Dec. 30 - Louis hauled out some hulin, he then went over to get L.L. Deuel to go with him to track something, they did not know what.

Thursday Dec. 31 - Louis was to town & Mill. H brought a box from the Depot that F.M. sent us. He sent it from Nebr. in the 21st. we were to town often for it but did not get it until today. I finished cleaning the clover. We got fifteen bus. from the machine and after cleaning we have 12 bus. of nice clean seed. Mr. Kirkham was here near all afternoon.

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