![]() | Aaron D Hoyer Diary Originally transcribed by Jessie Burkholder Peckenpaugh preserving the original spellings and punctuation. Transcribed for the Harrison County IAGenWeb by his descendant John Burkholder (email napagrappa@yahoo.com). | ![]() |
January 6, 1905 - This was a cold clear day with some snow squalls. Ma planted some celery seed I got from young and sweet Hardware store. She planted it in a box in the kitchen.
Monday, January 9 - This was a fine day but cold. Wm Yeager and wife were here to dinner. They are going to the Bluffs to Dr. Wall below the Bluffs to have an absess or tumor or whatever it is removed from Mays breast.
Saturday, January 14 - 16 degrees below - This was a very cold day. Dr. O'Conner went to Omaha to take Mrs. Yeager to the hospital to have her operated on for cancer. Herb went out to stay with Yeagers children and do the chores last Monday. He came in this evening to work in the shop tomorro.
Sunday, January 15 - 10 degrees below - it is still cold. The thermometer was below zero for about a week. We expected Will Yeager today but he did not come so Herb went out again this morning.
Monday, January 16 - The thermometer was sixteen below this Morning. Sleighing is good and some that have a Sleigh are making good use of it.
Sunday, January 29 - I went to Mo. Valley yesterday to visit with Frank and family and see the Jekel and Hyde play. And come home this evening. Jesse Millie and the children were here today and took dinner but they had gone home before I got home. Blair was here to dinner too. They enjoyed themselves without me. It was very cold the last few days. Thermometer below zero 10 to 24 degrees.
February 16 - Mrs. May Yeager come here from J.R. Burkholder's yesterday and today Will came in and took her home. Mrs. Porter and Ethel were here to dinner. The day was fine.
March 3 - I took sick. with the grippe got a gathering in my ear which busted last night I went to Dr. O'Conner, he washed the ear out and put some medicine in and cotton wool.
Saturday, March 4 - I was down to the Doctor again today.
Sunday, March 5 - I was down to the Doctor again today.
Monday, March 6 - This was a cold damp day but I went down to the Doctor and was treated as usual.
Tuesday, March 7 - It rained a good bit today and is cold so I did not risk going down to the Doctor for fear of taking cold and get worse. An improving but cannot hear anything.
Wednesday, March 8 - I was down to the Doctor again today.
Saturday, March 11 - Doctor washed out my ear every day up to today, he put some medicine in but did not wash it this morning.
Sunday, March 12 - Doctor was here twice today. Herbert went to Jesse's and Yeagers today. It has been snowing since Saturday. Pa Has Erysibolas. He has taken a cold.
Monday, March 13 - Doctor O'connor was here after dinner. Pa is getting along nicely. It sleeted today.
Tuesday, March 14 - Dr. O'Conner was here this afternoon and treated Pa's ear.
Wednesday, March 15 - Dr. was here this evening. Pa felt uneasy until he came. Mr. Burkholder came. Mr. Burkholder came with Herbert to dinner. Mr. Reiff called this afternoon and evening. Pa's face is a sight to behold. He has taken cold and got worse.
Thursday, March 16 - Dr. was here today. Pa is doing nicely. Mrs. Canfield and daughter Inez called this afternoon and brought a clock for Jess that rings until Jess wakes up. Mr. and Mrs. Reiff were here this evening.
Friday, March 17 - Dr. was here today, Pa is much better but his ear bothers him quite a bit. Mrs. Porter called Thursday morning and this afternoon Mrs. Clark called. This evening Mr. Reiff called.
Saturday, March 18 - Dr. did not come today. It began to blow and rain and was real cold. Mr. Mincey was here and settled with Pa.
Sunday, March 19 - Dr. was here this morning and dressed Pa's ear. Herbert went to church and went home with Blair and took dinner with him and Blair came back with Hebert and Mr. Reiff called.
Sunday, March 20 - Pa was up all the afternoon. The Dr. was here to wash his ear. Mrs. Clark called and Mrs. Rugg came this forenoon. Mrs. Mills and Mr. Rugg was here this evening. Pa's ear is quite bad yet.
Tuesday, March 21 - The Dr. O'Conner did no come today. Pa's ear pained him considerable and he felt uneasy. Mr. Burkholder was here most of the afternoon.
Wednesday, March 22 - Dr. O'Conner came today and give Pa's ear a thorough cleaning and put medicine in his ear. We set one hen this evening.
Thursday, March 23 - Dr. O'Conner came today and treated Pa's ear Mr. Farnsworth came and Mrs. Garrison and Mrs. Cherry.
Saturday, March 25 - Dr. O'Conner was here this evening and said I should come down to see him as he thought It would not be necessary for him to come up.
Sunday, March 26 - Frank came up this evening with Herman. Frank went home at nine o'clock this evening. Herman staid.
Monday, March 27 - Herb drove out to Millies today. I went along. We took Herman along and brought Harold home with us. I was with the Doctor when we came from the country. He fixed my ear.
Wednesday, March 29 - I was with the Doctor this morning, he dressed my ear. Mrs. May Yeager, the girls and Jessie were here to dinner. Herman went home in the two o'clock train.
Friday March 31 - I was down with the Doctor, he dressed my ear and gave me a prescription for a wash to bathe my face and upper body on account of its burning sensation.
Sunday, April 16 - Set two hens this evening.
Monday, April 17 - Jesse came in today. I gave him some things along useful to him and not to me.
Tuesday, May 3 - Set two hens with thirteen eggs apiece. It is raining and cold.
Wednesday, May 18 - Ma and I were out to Yeagers. May is very sick and there is poor hope for her recovery. We had a livery team, paid $1.50 for half a day.
Saturday, May 27 - Joe Bryan and Herb Deuel painted this afternoon at the screens and porch sashing. Mrs. May Yeager died last evening at 8:20 o'clock
Sunday, May 28 - Mrs. Yeager was buried today at two o'clock from L. D. S. church. Ma took sick this evening at about nine o'clock. Ida Vital is here.
Monday, May 29 - Ma was very sick all last night and today the Doctor was here twice and is not much better this evening.
Tuesday, May 30 - Ma is a little better this evening. Dr. O'Conner was here this morning. Jesse, Millie and children were here today. Will Yeager, Jesse and Edna were here.
Wednesday, May 31 - Ma is not much better. Doctor was here twice today. Millie and Jesse and Emilie here this afternoon, Millie is going to stay all night.
Thursday, June 1 - Jesse is coming in for Millie this evening. The Doctor was here twice today.
Friday, June 2 - Minnie Reiff was with Ma last night. I got a good nights rest. Millie went home last evening. The Doctor was here this evening, Ma is getting better now.
Saturday, June 3 - Ma rested well and slept quite bit. The Doctor was here this morning. Mrs. W. D. Howorth is very sick. An Omaha sergeon was up last evening and performed an operation for gall stone. Today she is resting easy. Ma is geting on nicely this evening.
Sunday, June 4 - Ma slept well about six hours last night but today she had terrible pain from about ten o'clock. The Doctor was here before dinner. Then she rested some better, then took those terrible pains so Herb brought the Doctor again. He was here until four o'clock then he left to go to Robinsons and said he would be here again at half past six this evening.
Monday, June 5 - Ha rested pretty well today, The Doctor was here twice today.
Tuesday, June 6 - Ma rested well this forenoon but got pain this afternoon. Ida went over to Bennets and phoned for the Doctor. He came up this evening. Frank came up in the 5:47 train and left in the 10 o'clock train. We were glad he came up. Rented Ely st. house to Stilts at $8 per month.
Wednesday, June 7 - Ma rested nicely. Doctor says she is improving. He was here once today.
Thursday, June 8 - I was quite a little bit over to Ely St. house. W. Lacy mowed the weeds and gathered up all the trash and hauled it away. Ma is much better today.
Friday, June 9 - Fred Stilt moved in the Ely St. house today and paid one months rent ($8.00). Ma is improving. The Dr. was here at noon. I was downtown awhile this afternoon.
Saturday, June 10 - Ma sit up in the rocker until the bed was changed today. Dr. was not up today, Ma is doing very well. We have twenty three little chicks in all and fifteen hens and one rooster.
Sunday, June 11 - Ma is getting along fine. She sat up awhile today. The Doctor was here.
Monday, June 12 - Ma sit up a little longer today. The Doctor was not here today.
Tuesday, June 13 - Dr. was not here today. Ma sit up again today. I got a prescription from the doctor. Jesse Millie and the children were here this evening to the band concert. They brought us a pan full of strawberries. This is the second one they brought us.
Monday, June 19 - F. M. Smith sent a young man here to mow the grass for hay. He gets it for taking it away. I was not able to do it. Ma is still improving and is geting along fine but is very weak. She is up and around but must lie down sometimes during the day. F.M. also took the old grandfather clock down to clean and fix her up.
Tuesday, June 20 - The painters finished painting house No. 2. 1 gave then a check for twenty one dollars in Full. Smiths boys took away the last load of hay away from yard No 1 this afternoon.
Tuesday, July 11 - I went down to visit with Frank and Family and to hear T. W. Lawson talk on Frenzeed Finance.
Thursday, July 13 - I came home this evening in the six o'clock train. A Mrs. Sample was here to see about renting house No 3 before I came home. Said she would come again.
Saturday, July 15 - Mrs. Sample was here this evening about six o'clock. She said she wanted the house but her household goods would not be here before next Wednesday.
Monday, Aug. 14 - Ma, Harold and I came home this evening from West side where we visited with Louis and family. We stoped off at Dunlap and called on the Mcknights and Chapmans. We enjoyed our visit very much.
Wednesday, August 23 - Ma, Harold, Elsie and I went to Mo. Valley to visit with Frank and family. Jesse, Millie and children were here last evening to bring Elsie in to go with us to the Valley.
Saturday, August 26 - We came home from Mo. Valley this evening in the six o'clock train. Jesse came in this evening and took Harold and Elsie home with them. Millie and the children come with them.
September 1- Mrs. Sam Purcel rented House No 1 at $6.00
Monday, September 11 - We came home from Jesse last evening. They all came in with us. We went out last Monday. We enjoyed our visit very much. I sent a Money order to the World Mfg. Co. at Cincinnati for a kerosene oil stove and oven $3.30.
Wednesday, September 13 - Adams and Mills rented the Ely street house to Fred McHenry from the 18th Sept. 1905 to first of March 1906 at eight dollars a month in advance.
Wednesday, October 6 - Ma and Millie and children came home this afternoon. Jesse came in for them late this evening.
Monday, October 23 - Jim Williams and Orvil Pace commenced to paint the Ely street house.
Tuesday, October 24 - The Pace's worked all day. They commenced laying brick in the foundation about noon.
Wednesday, October 25 - The Pace's worked all day. Frank Rugg was over at the house about three hours and a half, made three sellar window frames and a sellar door frame and blocked up the joist under the front part of building.
Thursday, October 26 - Frank Rugg worked all day. We are not ready to move out of the house. We have got it loose all around. Pace finished about two o'clock.
Friday, October 27 - Rugg and Torry worked all day got along first rate. We got the end out in place and the lap siding off and the sheeting on two sides and the cornice off the front.
Saturday, October 28 - Rugg and Torry worked all day and done well. We got along fine. The weather is very cold and threatening snow.
Monday, October 30 - Frank Rugg worked all day, Torry had to go to work for Grimes. Wm Stichl helped me with the rubbish and drove out the nails so we could use the lumber again. Rugg 10 hrs.
Wednesday, November 1 - Rugg and Browning worked all day. 10 hrs. They have the cornice on except the small extention.
Thursday, November 2 - Rugg, J. Browning and I. Browning worked all day. They shingled the most of the main building roof.
Friday, November 3 - Rugg and J. Browning worked all day.
Saturday, November 4 - Rugg and J. Browning worked nine hours and Isaac Browning worked eight hours. It rained so hard he had to quit. John Cox put up the chimneys today, Harn Cox helped him about three quarters of a day.
Monday, November 6 - John Browning worked all day. Frank until noon. He had to go to the country for a cow and calf. I worked at puting up a wall in the sellar. Browning 10 hrs. Rugg 5 hrs.
Tuesday, November 7 - Rugg and Browning worked all day but it got dark early so they quit at half past five. I finished the wall in the sellar at noon. John and I put up the frame of the porch floor this evening.
Wednesday, November 8 - Rugg and Browning worked all day. They put in the large window in front and the porch except the roof. I put up the brick piers under the front porch.
Thursday, November 9 - Rugg and Browning worked all day.
Friday, November 10 - Rugg and Browning worked all day. They finished the railing on the porch and shut up the little window in front gable it was so dark they could not see well to do it. Joe Bryan commenced to paint at priming the north side of the house at about three o'clock.
Saturday, November 11 - Rugg and Browning worked all day and Bryan all day. I did nothing. I was downtown twice.
Monday, November 13 - Rugs worked all day. Browning went out to the DeCou farm so did not work here today. Bryan worked all day. I did nothing. Have taken a bad cold. Bryan finished for now.
Tuesday, November 14 - Rugg and Browning worked all day. I was hurt so I can do nothing.
Wednesday, November 15 - Rugg and Browing worked all, day. I am geting better but can do nothing. I was over to the house twice. Young and Sweet piped the house for gas today. Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Porter and the Reiffs and family were here to dinner. Mrs. Damery called.
Thursday, November 16 - Rugg and Browning worked all day and finished for the plasterer. There is no plaster in town now. We want to do the plastering on Monday if we can get the plaster. Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Clark here to dinner.
Friday, November 17 - Rugg and Browning worked all day and finished for the plasterer. There is no plaster in town now. We want to do the plastering on Monday if we can get the plaster.
Monday, November 20 - Mr. Baker the plasterer and Peter McGlaughIin worked all day. I got five teeth drawn by Dr. Sweet and my jaws are very sore.
Tuesday, November 21 - Baker and Peter worked all day. I wheeled some of the trash, pieces of brick and dirt to the end of the lot.
Wednesday, November 22 - Baker and Peter worked all day. I took cold in my jaw after having five back teeth drawn. My mouth is pretty sore.
Thursday, November 23 - It rained all day. The plasterers took their Mortor box in the house so they could work. They worked all day.
Friday, November 24 - Baker finished alone at noon. He done some patching and two piers under the back porch.
.Saturday, November 25 - Baker worked this forenoon. I was taking the paper off the back bedroom when a lot of plaster fell off so I had Baker come and plaster it again. I paid Peter McLaughlin and E. Baker today in full. $17.40
Thursday, November 30 - It blew up cold yesterday. The wind was cuting cold. The wind went down last night and this morning the thermometer was zero. I had to keep fire in the house to keep the plaster from freezing
Friday, December 1 - It has moderated some and is cloudy today. Looks as if we would get snow. I leave to keep fire in the house on Ely street as the plaster is in danger of freezing. It snowed quite a bit today.
Saturday, December 2 - Rugg and Browning finished in the country yesterday and worked today, made the front steps and shut up an opening over the stair way. Ceiled the front closet up stairs.
Monday, December 4 - Rugg and Browning worked all day. They shingled the back porch roof. The gas Co. had a meeting this evening at first Nat. Bank but there was no corum and so nothing was done.
Tuesday, December 5 - Rugg and Browning worked all day. Caseing and puting down base board. I got a cord of dry wood from J. J. Weiss to burn in the house to warm and dry the rooms.
Wednesday, December 6 - Rugg and Browning worked all day, caseing up stairs and hanging the doors up stairs.
Thursday, December 7 - Rugg and Browning worked all day. Peter McLaughlin dug a privy for me this evening. It was late when he finished.
Friday, December 8 - Rugg and Browning worked all day.
Saturday, December 9 - Rugg ans Browning worked until two o'clock J. Bryan worked all day. (carpenters finished)
Monday, December 11 - William Tuttle papered the front room and started in the back bed room. J. Bryan worked this afternoon painting.
Tuesday, December 12 - Wm. Tuttle worked all day. Bryan until noon. Then went to Hoffman Hotel, but came back at three o'clock to work.
Wednesday, December 13 - J. Bryan worked all day. Wm Tuttle was to work at Loves but was too cold in the morning for him so he worked two hours to finish a room.
Thursday, December 14 - Bryan and Tuttle worked all day. Wm papered the kitchen and front bed room. The weather is very fine. I got my new teeth today. They hurt my mouth, think they will be all right.
Friday, December 15 - Bryan worked all day painting.
Saturday December 16 - Bryan worked two hours and a half. We have been having the finest kind of weather for the past two weeks.
Saturday, December 30 - Tuttle and Bryan worked all day painting the house outside. I painted the foundation wall. Bryan worked half hour at noon.
Monday, January 1 - Tuttle worked until noon. Bryan worked until five o'clock when he finished. I had to bring a few tools to fix a place at the back door that William axedintly broke.
Wednesday, January 10 - I rented the Ely street house to Dr. J.W. Stockman to January 1st 1907 at ten dollars per month payable in advance.
Thursday, January 11 - Isaac Browning helped me to put a floor and a couple of doors and partitions in a building at Ely street house to put coal, cobs and corn in, he worked five hours and a half. 85 -
Saturday, February 24 - The Holeton Brothers finished the cistern at the Ely street house today. They put in the cistern and put in the pipe from the pump to the cistern, and furnished all the material except the pump and pipe. I bought the pump from John Browning for a dollar. The boys cement washed the cistern today. I made a bargain with Mickel and McQueen to put up the spouting at eleven and seven cents a foot and fifteen cents for elbows. (7) and fourty cents for a cut off In all $10.05
Thursday, May 3 - I brought Anna home today. She is much better and we hope we can keep her with us. 0 how we do hope and pray that she will get well again.
May, 28 - I settled up for the last and all the bills for building on the Ely street the last was the putting down a cement walk back to the well and back door from the front walk. 172 ft. seventeen dollars to A. S. Welch.
Tuesday, August 23 - Herman came up this evening to visit with us awhile before school commences.
Thursday, Sept. 6 - Louis and Ethel came to Woodbine is this evening to stay as he bought out F. M. Smiths jewelry store.
Saturday, September 8 - Louis household goods in the car is all Mashed and broken from some cause not known to us.
Friday, October 19 - Received letter from Des Moines extending parole for Anna.
Saturday, October 20 - Received a letter from Clarinda extending Anna's parole.
Monday, December 17 - Ma took sick yesterday with headache, this morning she could hardly breath. I filled the water bottles with hot water and put them on her chest.
Tuesday, December 18 - Ma is no better today. I sent for the Doctor. He said she had conjested lungs and might go into pneumonia.
Wednesday, December 19 - The Doctor came early this morning. He said I did right with the water bags. He said her right lung was congested. He left some medicine and we are to grease her chest with turpentine and lard. She is no better. I was up with her all night and kept the hot water bags going and gave her Medicine regular.
Saturday, December 29 - Mr. Shinn and his wife came this morning early and took Anna away to the hospital at Clarinda.
January 5 - Mrs. O'Bannian moved in with Mrs. Sam Purcel, Who is going to move out about Feb. first.
January 7 - Mrs. Purcel paid twelve dollars rent for Dec. 1906 and January 1907.
April, 23 - A. J. Shinn bill for Anna was handed to me this morning. I met him and I told him to send it to Uncle for collection.
May, 23 - Uncle Joseph Sax died today at half past six P.M. postal from Mary.
May, 28 - Uncle was buried today, postal from Mary.
Sept. 2 - Karl Halley rented No. 1 will move tomorro.
Oct. 9 - Ma and I went to Omaha to visit with the Reiffs'
Oct. 15 - We left Omaha and stoped at Mo. Valley to visit with Ching and Herman.
Oct. 25 - We came home this evening.
Oct. 26 - Ma took sick last night. Dr. O'Conner was here this morning.
February 10 - Rented Ely street house to J.A. Watkins to March 1st 1909 at ten dollars per Month in advance.
March 21 - Rented Ely street house to Goddard today to March first 1909 at ten dollars per month payable in advance (Paid seven dollars)
May 14 - Rented house No 1 Blk 18 to John Lacy up to Sept. 28th 1908 at seven dollars per month payable in advance (Paid seven dollars)
August 4 - I was down to Logan and paid G.W. Atkins (Auditor) two hundred and seventeen dollars and twenty cents ($217.20) for Anna M. Bauman's care in the hospital at Clarinda which is in full up to July first 1908.
September 6 - Herb and family Ma and I were out to Jesse this afternoon. They moved their house farther back and are going to build a large addition to the house. Browning Brothers are going to do the work.
September 21 - I rented No 1 Blk. 18 to Terwiliger from the first day of October 1908 to March first 1909 at seven dollars a month payable in advance. Sat. 26th paid $7.00
May 16 - Mrs. Porter, Ethel, Louis, Ma and I were down to Mo. Valley visiting and celebrating my seventy fifth birthday. We all enjoyed it very much.
June 2 - I sold my gas stock (ten shares) to B.R. Mills for 50 dollars which is ten cents on the dollar besides losing the interest for about seven years.
September 6 - Sent W.A. Goddard notice to vacate premises.
October 23 - I rented No. 1 to L.O. Deal from November first at nine dollars per month payable in advance. No lease and no specified time only Monthly.
November 3 - I was down to Logan this afternoon to do a little business for Louis. I was up to see the Farlow family and their fine house. They have the finest view all over the country that I saw since I came to Iowa.
December 21. I sold lots 2 and 3 block 18 with house and barn on lot 2 today to John F. Davis for the sum of $2800. He paid 1500 on account, the balance to be paid March first 1910 when he is to get possession.
January 22 - I rented house on lot No block 18 to George Heweth from March 1st to Sept. 1st 1910 at nine dollars per month. He paid five dollars for the month of Feb. but will not move in until March first.
June 11 - Rented Duval house to Mike Scoltz at Twelve 50 dollars per month in advance.
February 8 - Annie's Interest bond. International Navigation Company, City of New York, Treasurer Janes S. Swartz.
March 7 - Rented Woodlawn House to Robert Wayley until March 1st 1912 at nine dollars per month in advance.
October 10 - Rented house in Woodlawn to Martin F. McKee at nine dollars per month in advance until March 1st 1912.
November 15 - Rented house in Woodlawn to Geo. Young at nine dollars per month in advance until March 1st 1913 for A.D. Curtis his florist.
February 12 - Rented small house in Normal St. to Chas. J. Martin from Mar. 1st 1912 to Mar. 1st 1913 at nine dollars per month in advance. Rented Duval house to H.H. Dorothy to March first 1913 at $12.50 per month.
October 29 - Reinstated in Charter Oak lodge F and AM, paid 3.25 dollars which pays until Dec. 31st 1912.
February 10 - Louis is going to attend to Anna M. Baumann affairs from now on. I turned over to (Louis) him two hundred and four and 3 dollars belonging to her in the Woodbine Savings Bank. I kept for myself one hundred and fifty two and 57 dollars that she owed me.
August 25 - I rented the Woodlawn house to Miller at eight dollars per month in advance with thirty days notice to leave in case I sell it.