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Aaron D Hoyer Diary Originally transcribed by Jessie Burkholder Peckenpaugh preserving the original spellings and punctuation. Transcribed for the Harrison County IAGenWeb by his descendant John Burkholder (email napagrappa@yahoo.com). |
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Sat. Jan. 1, 1898 - Herb and Bertha came over this morning. Bertha was here all day. herb & Louis took Amy's organ home this morning. Louis went to town with Herb. Herb & Bertha were here to supper.
Sun. Jan. 2 - Jesse came over, took dinner with us & then Jesse, Louis & Millie went to S.S. This was a fine day.
Mon. Jan. 3 - Louis cleaned out the stables and hauled out a load of manure. We put the steamer in the south end of the long hog shed. Louis then cooked some ground oats & corn with a little oil cake in it. L. is pretty well pleased with the steamer. I made two twelve foot hog troughs. This was a fine day.
Tues. Jan. 4 - We separated the hogs brood sows from the others. Louis cooked feed again today. I made two covers for the cook barrels & made a new hammer handle. Millie & Louis were over to Dunlaps hill coasting. they reported fine fun.
Wed. Jan. 5 - Louis helped Herb haul his hay home that he bought from us. Jesse, Millie & Louis went down to the S.H. this evening. They are going to start a Lyceum. This was another fine day.
Thurs. Jan. 6 - Louis was over to Herb's this morning. He cut down Maple trees. I made a door at the south end of the long hog shed where the hog feed steamer is. A very fine day.
Fri. Jan. 7 - Louis went to town with Dunlap. He brought some leathers & Dunlap helped him get the pump out of the well. They did not finish as it got too dark. I did not feel well today.
Sat. Jan. 8 - Mr. Dunlap came over this morning and helped Louis finish the work at the pump. He then done his work and went to town. Herb & Bertha came over this evening. I settled with Herb. There was two cents due us on the settlement so we balanced the account to date.
Sun. Jan. 9 - Herb & Bertha were here to dinner. After dinner Louis & Millie went to S.S. Jesse came over this evening. He & Millie went to W. to church.
Mon. Jan. 10 - We tried to make a tank heater out of the old Incubator boiler but did not succeed. Louis started to go over to Herb but he met them going to a meeting at the School House.
Tues. Jan. 11 - Louis chored around & ground some corn & oats & some meal for the table. We separated the hogs again to make the feeding of them handier. It looks very much for rain & is warm.
Wed. Jan. 12 - It snowed all night and near all day. Herb & Bertha came over. Louis went with Herb to town. He bought a tank heater from Canfield for $5.50. Herb & Bertha were here to supper. They then went to meeting at the S.H. A blind man has preached there for several meetings.
Thurs. Jan. 13 - Louis ground corn & oats& cooks a barrel full & we set the tank heater in & screwed it fast & fixed the tank cover. Made it the same size as the tank. This was a fine day.
Fri. Jan. 14 - Louis took a cow over to Knapp's and bred her. Mr. Barstine, N.N. Harshbarger and Loveless were here to talk up the Progressive Friends business with Louis & I. He wants us to be at a meeting at No.4 S.H. tomorro evening when they will try to start up a lodge of Progressive Friends.
Sat. Jan. 15 - Louis ground some corn & oats and was to town. He paid Canfield for the tank heater.
Sun. Jan. 16 - Herb & Bertha & Jesse were here to supper. They were all to S.S. except me. Louis went down to the S.H. meeting this eve.
Mon. Jan. 17 - Louis pumped water out of the cistern and cleaned it out to have it fixed tomorro as it leaks & does not hold the water. I churned and thawed sand so we can sieve it to cement the cistern.
Tues. Jan. 18 - Louis went to town this morning and brought out Dan Dunlap & cement. They fixed the cistern then Louis took Dunlap back to town. It was cloudy & warm today. Jesse came this evening. They all went to the Lyceum down in our school house.
Wed. Jan. 19 - Louis was to town with a load of hogs, sold to DeCou Bros. at $3.25 per hundred. Bertha came over then Millie went over with her. I was to visit with Burk then Millie & I came home together this evening. It was cloudy all day and warm, think it will rain.
Thurs. Jan. 20 - I was over to get herb's big saw but we cannot cup our Maples with it as it has not set enough. Millie was over visiting with Bertha today. Louis chored around & ground some oats & corn. This was a fine day. I churned.
Fri. Jan. 21 - Louis was over to Knapp's & bred a red heiffer, then he cooked feed & chored. I choped up brush from the Maple trees Louis cut down.
Sat. Jan 22 - Louis & Millie were to town today. Bertha went with them. I put a hasp on the south door of the east hog house. It snowed near all day.
Sun. Jan. 23 - This was a fine day. Millie was to S.S. Herb & Bertha was here to supper. Jesse came after we were through eating supper.
Mon. Jan. 24 - Louis cut down two Maple and one Cottonwood trees. I was over to Dunlap's to see his blacksmith forge and blower. Louis & I have been talking about making a forge. Millie washed and I churned today. It snowed a little today and the wind blew some so we are geting some water in the cistern at the barns.
Tues. Jan 25 - Louis filled the tank with water the first time in this month. He watered the cattle and horses down at the fish dam. He works well. He also cooked some feed & took out a load of manure. I worked at the blacksmith blower and I helped him some. He also ground some corn & oats.
Wed. Jan. 26 - Luis took two cows, Red & White face & bred them both. Bertha came over this morning. Millie went with her up to Baldwins. They staid to prayer meeting this evening. Louis cooked feed after we came from Knapps.
Thurs. Jan. 27 - G. E. Reiff was here this morning and bought a stack of hay. Herb helped him to haul it. Louis set the power & sheller at 4 - o'clock we commenced to shell corn. Herb helped with his team. We shelled two loads until five o'clock the quit after unloading the corn cobs. Bertha was here near all day.
Fri. Jan. 28 - Louis cleaned out the ice house & chored around. I run the clover seed through the faning mill four times & will have to sieve it to get it clean. I have got 1 - bu. machine measure three packed of sees which is not clean enough to suit me. Jesse came over. The young folks all went to the Lyceum at our School house.
Sat. Jan. 29 - Mr. Dunlap was here and ground some corn on our grinder. Louis & I ground some. The pump at the cistern was frozen a little this morning. We thawed it out with boiling water. This afternoon Louis & I was to town. It snowed a good bit this afternoon and still snowing, 8 P.M.
Sun. Jan. 30 - There was quite a quantity of snow fell yesterday but today is warm. It melted some. Jesse came over to dinner. Him, Millie & Louis were to S.S. After S.S. Jesse & Millie went over to Bertha's & staid to supper. The wind is blowing considerably this evening and is geting colder.
Mon. Jan. 31 - Louis took his team over to Dunlap. They intended to shoe their teams there but they could not do it with the coal they had so Louis took his team to town and Evans shod them. Louis paid Millie's bill and my pants at Kiblers. I worked some at the blower today. It was cold today. 8 above zero this morning. The snow did not thaw much today.
Tues. Feb. 1 1898 - Louis chored around some then he helped me drill a lot of holes for to make the fan for the blower. We made it out of iron riveted together. Millie made Louis & I each a pair of mittens out of cretone. We bought a remnant at Kiblers cheap.
Wed. Feb. 2 - Louis chored around until noon. He then went up to Harry Younts. I went with him. We went to look at his blacksmith forge & blower. Louis then went to town to see about borrowing ice tools to fill our Ice house. Louis took my pants back to Kiblers as they did not suit me. I got another pair. Herb is sick with Reumatizism.
Thurs. Feb. 3 - Louis hauled ice. Harry Yount & Mr. Dunlap helped him. They brought six loads up but did not unload the last three. Harry can not come tomorro. Dunlap came over to tell he can't help tomorro as Mr. Damery is sick & needs him. They did not get home with the last load until half past seven. Mr. Dunlap left his load stand at the crossroads west of the house. Harry charged 1 - dollar for one days work at the ice.
Fri. Feb. 4 - Dunlap came over this morning & helped Louis to put three loads in the Ice house. They then went for another load. Louis stoped at Burk's & got Mr. Burkholder to go along & bring a load so they brought three more loads, which makes nine loads. They did not put any in the Ice house this evening. The wind changed to the N.W. and is colder which makes it better for the ice. It was most too warm yesterday and this morning. Jesse came this evening. Him & Millie went to the Lyceum.
Sat. Feb. 5 - Louis & Mr. Dunlap put the three loads of ice in the Ice house, finished at noon. Louis & I were to town this afternoon. We got new collars, $4.50, for Bettie & Mark & a strap .10 - to mend yoke straps. We weighed B & M, Louis team 2720 lbs, with harness on.
Sun. Feb. 6 - I was over to Burks visiting Wm. Burk & I walked to S.S. Mr. Barton the M.E. preacher delivered a sermon. We were all there. I stoped in to see Mr. Damery. He is losing his mind.
Mon. Feb. 7 - I worked in the Ice house, put in the sawdust. Mrs. Dunlap came over to get Louis to help Mr. Dunlap to take care of Mr. Damery as he is wild & they are afraid he will hurt some one. I went over this afternoon. Dr. Cole came about 5 P.M. He says he, Mr. Damery, is insane & should be sent to an asylum for treatment. Louis went over with Dunlap with six others to be handy if they are needed at any time tonight as the family are afraid of him and yet Mrs. Damery does not want any one in the house as he raves about all the neighbors. Louis, Wm. Cresswell, Clarence Cresswell, Jim Tuttle, Herbert Burkholder, Mr. Dunlap and Mrs. H. Yount
Tues. Feb. 8 - Louis was over there all night. They took Mr. Damery away early this morning as he was terrible. Mrs. Damery was willing to have him taken away this morning as she was afraid he would kill some of the family. Louis came home about six o'clock this morning after they had taken Mr. Damery away. Herb and Cresswell and Mr. Reiff went with him to Logan. We ground corn & oats today & Louis worked at the ice in the Ice house. The sawdust is froze in lumps as we can not pack it in well. This was a very warm day, thawed so that the water run down through the yard. Louis was over to Damerys this evening before supper. Bertha came over this evening. Herb is going to stay in Logan with Mr. Damery tonight.
Wed. Feb. 9 - Louis went to town early to get the train to Logan to attend the H.C. Institute. Herb brought his team back from Woodbine. He done the chores this evening. Him & Bertha is going to stay here tonight. It is misting very heavy this evening, almost a rain. Millie & I were over & took dinner with Mr. Burk & Bertha.
Thurs. Feb. 10 - Herb done the chores this morning and this evening. Louis has not come home yet but expect him tonight. It sleeted last night. It is very slipery going around. Herb was in town today. Millie & Bertha were up to Lowreys to the Missionary Meeting. Herb took them up & brought them home when he came home from town. I worked some at the forge today. We hear from Geo. Reiff that they took Mr. Damery to Glenwood Ia.
Fri. Feb. 11 - Louis came home last night. He came to the corner with Geo. Reiff. It was a mistake that Mr. Damery was taken to Glenwood. He was taken to Clarinda. One of our hogs slid down the hill on the ice & could not get back again & chilled so that he died. He was about 250 lbs. weight. Mr. J.A. Tuttle was here visiting. He took dinner with us. I worked a little at the forge & churned.
Sat. Feb. 12 - Louis chored around until noon. He then went to mill & town. We took Millie up to Amy on our way to town and stoped for her on our way home. The roads are very muddy. The snow is going fast.
Sun. Feb. 13 - Millie was to S.S. Jesse came home with her. Bertha & Herb were here too. They were all here to supper. Mr. & Mrs. Kieger were ere this evening. Jesse, Herbert & Bertha staid the evening too.
Mon. Feb. 14 - Louis went to town to meet the early train. He shiped a rooster by express to Earlham Ia. Millie was over to help Bertha in the house as they shelled their corn. Geo. Reiff was here. We settled up to date. He paid me three dollars, this makes us up even to date. Louis hauled one load of corn down to Canfields. Jesse came over this evening. Millie, Louis & Jesse went over to Teals to a Valentine party. Herb owes - day with team.
Tues. Feb. 15 - We ground some corn & oats. Louis cooked some mush for the pigs and I worked some on the forge. I also churned. Cloudy & not cold.
Wed. Feb. 16 - Louis took Red over to Knapps again & bred her this morning. This afternoon Mr. Dunlap & Herb helped shell six loads of corn, the east bin of the grainery full. Mr. Burkholder was here to supper.
Thurs. Feb. 17 - We cleaned up around the sheller. We put the husks in the cattle rack & the scattered corn in the crib. Louis choped down some trees and cut up & carried the light pieces to the wood pile. I choped up the thinest of them and picked the needles off from the branches of the pine we had for a Christmas tree for to fill a couple of small pillows with.
Fri. Feb. 18 - Louis choped some wood, cooked feed & chored around. This evening he went over to Teals for a piece of music to sing at the Lyceum this evening. I choped some wood & churned. Herb was here this evening. He brought our wagon home & took his wagon home. He left his here for Louis to bring a load of sawdust but Louis did not bring it yet, the roads did not suit him well enough to go yet. The young folks all went to the Lyceum. It is snowing fast, 9 - P.M.
Sat. Feb. 19 - Louis chored around until noon when J.M. Tracy came and assessed us. Louis & I then went to town. We got 60 lbs. common cement to fix the cistern which leaks again. Jesse B. came this evening. Millie went with him to town to a show. It snowed a good bit last night. Today was cloudy & cold.
Sun. Feb. 20 - Bertha, Herbert & Jesse were here to dinner. The young folks were all to S.S. Dr. Poland preached after S.S. Louis went over to Damery's this evening to ask Carrie to mail a letter for him when she goes to school tomorro morning.
Mon. Feb. 21 - Louis & I worked all day thawing out sand and plastering the cistern. It leaked again bad. Louis patched the sides and cemented the whole bottom. It ought to be tight now but we used common cement this time.
Tues. Feb. 22 - Mr. Dunlap was here and ground corn for his hogs. Harold & Paul fetched the sheller & power. Louis & Millie were to town. Louis ordered a crank plate for Wind Mill as it is broke. We cannot pump now until we get the new crank plate. We were all down to see the Washington's Birthday exercises. Jesse came over this evening & took Millie down to the S.H. in his buggy. This was a pleasant day & evening.
Wed. Feb. 23 - Louis ground corn & oats. George Pugsley was here today and showed Louis how to graft & bud fruit trees. We were up to Kigers & bought two bus. of Great Divide potatoes for seed. Louis was to town this afternoon. The crank plate did not come yet.
Thurs. Feb. 24 - Louis chored around until noon. After dinner him & Millie went to town. Millie was to the dentist & had her gum lanced. Louis got the crank plate for the W. Mill but it was too late to put it on this evening. Dan Dunlap's son was here to hire for us next summer but Louis did not hire him. Charlie Damery brought the gun home. They had it at the S. House on Washington's Birthday exercises.
Fri. Feb. 25 - Louis work the greater part of the day at the Mill & cistern. I choped a little wood & fixed my overcoat. Jesse, Herb, Bertha & Mr. Burk came over this evening. They all went to the Lyceum.
Sat., Feb. 26 - Louis hauled two loads of corn over to George Pugsley, he then went to town for the mail & deliver the butter. I choped some wood & piled up what I had choped.
Sun. Feb. 27 - Millie went down to the S. House to a Missionary Meeting this morning. Herb & Bertha came home with her. They were here to dinner. Jesse came this evening. Millie & Jesse went to town to church this evening. The young folks all were to S.S.
Mon. Feb. 28 - Louis done the chores and fixed up an extra top box then started at 10 o'clock for Biglers grove for a load of sawdust for the Ice house. It cost two cents an inch, the load was 70 cts. Bertha was here all day. Herb was to Dunlap, he stoped here on his way home, he took a barrel to put ashes in for us. This was a fine day, warm & calm. The snow is near all gone.
Tues. Mar. 1 - 1898 - Today was cold 7 windy with a few little snow squalls. Jack Meadows was here this morning to see about some roosters. We unloaded the sawdust & Louis mixed up the worm medicine for the hogs & gave them the first dose. I sawed some wood. Herb & Bertha stoped here from town to ask Louis to break stalks tomorro morning. Louis took Jack's wagon home and brought ours. It looks as we would have snow before morning.
Wed. Mar. 2 - Louis went over to Herb's this morning to break stalks but it was too damp, they would not break. He came home & blacksmithed some. He made a pair of tongues & a pair of rings in bolts for the poles they use to break stalks. Herb was here this afternoon.
Thurs. Mar. 3 - Louis & I were to town this afternoon. He took corn into Canfields and exchanged it for shorts. This was a fine day.
Fri. Mar. 4 - Louis hauled out manure this forenoon & I churned & mended three pair of mittens. This afternoon we ground corn & oats. Jesse came this evening so they all went to the Lyceum.
Sat. Mar. 5 - Millie was very sick this morning. Louis went to town & sent Dr. Cole out. Millie is better this evening. Bertha came over twice today. Herb came this evening with the buggy for Bertha. Louis brought some medicine for Millie besides what the Doctor left for her.
Sun. Mar. 6 - This was a fine day. Millie is much better, can be about the house but does not do any work. Louis was to S.S. after dinner which he cooked and I washed the dishes.
Mon. Mar. 7 - Louis was to town. I sawed a little wood & cut some Mulberry cuttings. Jesse was here awhile He is going down to Yeagers this evening. Jack Meadows was here & got our 14 ft. ladder.
Tues. Mar. 8 - I helped Millie in the house and churned & worked the butter. Louis was out looking over the farm to see if it is fit to cut stalks. We got things ready to clean seed wheat & oats. Louis was up to Younts & brought twenty bus. of seed wheat (Blue Stem). We are to pay for it when he sells his on the market & we pay him the same price that he gets when he sells his on the market.
Wed. Mar. 9 - Louis was down to Younts & brought another twenty bus. of seed wheat then went to town for the mail as he wrote about a Red Polled Bull but got no answer yet. There was a tree pedler here. Herb & Bertha were here awhile this evening.
Thurs. Mar. 10 - Louis sawed up a large cottonwood in stove wood lenths. I split some of them. He then took two cows and Jack meadows took one over to the Haworth farm where Mr. Zimmer dehorned a lot of cattle for Lowrey. they got their three head dehorned and came home cost 10 cts. a head. It commenced to snow this evening fast, a heavy wet snow, quite a blizzard.
Fri. Mar. 11 - There was quite a heavy snow fell last night, heavy & wet. Louis after doing the chores sowed clover seed on the stubble south & west of the house. It was sown with clover last spring but it was so dry the latter part of last fall that it was thin so he sowed the tailings of the clover seed. Jesse came over so they went down to the Lyceum.
Sat. Mar. 12 - Louis finished sowing clover seed on the stubble then went to town. He borrowed ninety dollars from Kibler bros. to pay for a Red Polled Bull from P. G. Henderson, Central city, Iowa. Millie went to town with Herbert & Bertha and got a tooth filled. This was a nice day.
Sun. Mar. 13 - Jesse came over, had dinner with us. They were all to S.S. Bertha & Herb came after S.S. This was a fine day.
Mon. Mar. 14 - Louis & I were up to Gilchrist with our clover seed to clean it there but the fine sieves are full of holes so we could not do any thing there so Louis took it with him to town as he had to go in for Mother was expected today but she did not come & Louis could not clean the clover there either so he brought it home again. Bertha was here waiting for Ma. She was disappointed.
Tues. Mar. 15 - Louis went to town early to meet the train and brought Ma home. We were all very glad to have her home again. She was gone near seven months. We done nothing the rest of the day. Millie was over to Berthas for awhile. Bertha & Amy came over awhile this afternoon.
Wed. Mar. 16 - Louis helped Mr. Dunlap at his pump this morning. He had to take his rods to town to have threads cut on, so Louis had to go over this afternoon again. Herb & Bertha were her near all day.
Thurs. Mar. 17 - Louis handled Gypsy some then hitched her with three others to the harrow to drag down stalks but he could do nothing with her. He set some more grafts on apple trees. Paul, Herbert & Bertha came this evening to go over to Kigers but it commenced to rain and was very dark so they did not go.
Fri. Mar. 18 - It rained this morning when we got up & rained heavy. It was drisley & cloudy all day. Louis was to town. Wm. Burk went with him. Millie was over to Berthas. Jesse came over this evening. It rained so they did not go to Lyceum.
Sat. Mar. 19 - Louis & Millie were to town. Herb & Bertha were here to supper this evening. Louis brought me $1.50 that Dwight Smith gave him for me. Nice day.
Sun. Mar. 20 - Bertha, Mr. Burk & Herb were here to dinner. Millie was to S.S. Jesse & Millie went to church to W. this evening. Mr. Burk, Louis, Ma & I were up to Reiffs this afternoon. Herb & Bertha came up after S.S.
Mon. Mar. 21 - Ed Crow came about 10 o'clock. He commences to work for Louis for seventeen dollars a month. Louis had Gypsy out driving her with Dell when Ed came. They hitched them to the wagon and hauled out manure. After dinner they hitched four horses to the harrow to drag down stalks. Herb & Bertha were here today. Louis, Millie & Ed went over to Dunlap this evening. It is very dark & cloudy. Bertha took a sofa home.
Tues. Mar. 22 - It is very cold & cloudy today. Everything outside froze up. The boys tried to drag stalks but it was no go. They made a four horse evener out of a Maple log. Herb was here awhile. Ed choped down trees this afternoon and Louis went to town to see if the Bull has come.
Wed. Mar. 23 - The boys brought up a big lot of willow logs for wood. This afternoon Ed harrowed stalks & Louis went to town but the Bull has not come yet. Miss Teal and her friend Miss McKinney was here this afternoon. Ben Smith brought the disc home.
Thurs. Mar. 24 - Louis went to town. Ma & Bertha went with him up to Reiffs. He brought the bull home. He is a nice one. Ed harrowed stalks until eleven o'clock, he then raked. He came in and helped Louis unload the calf. He come in a crate & was hauled out on the wagon. I took the crate to town & shiped it to P.G. Henderson at Cristal City, Iowa and stoped at Reiffs & brought Ma home.
Fri. Mar. 25 - Ed raked stalks. Louis & I fixed fence at the cattle yard and built a pen for to feed the calves in. Louis brought Reiffs scalding trough & large kettle. They butchered two large hogs. Herb helped them. Bertha & Herb were here to supper. They all went to the Lyceum. Jesse came & went with them.
Sat. Mar. 26 - They boys burnt the stalks that were raked, then they cut up the hogs & cut the lard to render. Ma & I were to town.
Sun. Mar. 27 - It snowed & blowed a regular blizzard all day. A heavy snow fell after a heavy fall of sleet or fine hard snow. Jesse came over and was here to dinner & supper.
Mon. Mar. 28 - Louis rendered the lard cooked the scraps for the hogs & cleaned up the butchering. Ed ground oats & corn and hauled out manure. He went to town this evening.
Tues. Mar. 29 - Ed hauled out manure. Louis sowed clover seed on the snow where the stalks were raked & burnt. I was to town. Wm Burk went with me. It was cold today. Louis tried to serve a cow with our bull calf we shiped in but he would do nothing at all.
Wed. Mar. 30 - The boys cleaned up the cook house and cooked a batch of feed. Louis sowed some clover but it was too wet so he quit. Ed sawed some wood & Louis pickled the hams & shoulders and we salted the rest of the meat so it would keep. Ma & Millie were over to Wm. Smiths to see Mrs. Smith as she is still sick. The boys went over to Dunlaps to practice music for Easter.
Thurs. Mar. 31 - The boys drove the colt Gypsy up to Reiffs to take the butchering tools home. They then choped some trees. After dinner they choped wood. Louis cut his foot pretty bad with the ax. He held it in worm water for a couple of hours. Ed was to Dunlaps to see if he could get some arnica but they had none so we tied it up with Vaseline. Ed had to do the chores alone this evening as Louis cannot get around. The snow is not all gone yet so it will make us late in geting the wheat in.
Fri. April 1, 1898 - Ed chored around & choped wood. Mr. Dunlap was here, he ground a good bit of corn & oats for his pigs. Louis foot is pretty sore but not so sore today as we expected it would be. This was another cold, damp day.
Sat. April 2 - Ed chored around and choped some wood. Louis, Ma & I were to town. This was a nice day. Louis was to see Dr. Cole about his cut foot. Bertha was here. Herb came for her. They took supper with us. Ed went to town this evening.
Sun. April 3 - Harry, Amy, Herb, Bertha & Jesse were here to dinner. it rained all day. Ed came home last night. He done the chores & went to town again but came home & done the chores this evening.
Mon. April 4 - It was very frosty this morning. Ed scraped the manure in the cattle yard on a pile & hauled out a few loads. He was over to Herbs and got a scraper. I was over to see Herb about the seeder. Herb came over & got out seeder to sow his clover & timothy seeds. We tried Trusty again with Mott but he would do nothing.
Tues. April 5 - It was frozen this morning. Ed commenced to sow our wheat at about 9 o'clock. He finished sowing at about four o'clock. He then commenced to disc with four horses. I took Reiffs seeder home. Topsy does not seem well this evening. We do not know what is wrong with her. She eats a little but did not drink. Ben Smith was here to see if they could take the oats out of the seed wheat.
Wed. April 6 - Ed disced on the wheat all day but he gets out very late and has to come earlier than usual on account of doing the chores as he must do them all himself as Louis is very lame. Louis was to town to see the Doctor on account of his foot. Ma went with him as far as John Younts, staid there & came home with him as he came back. John Smith & Dunlap were here and cleaned wheat for seed on our fan Mill. I fixed the fence and gate at the stack yard. Mott was with Trusty all night. We think he served her.
Thurs. Apr. 7 - Ed attended to serving a two year old heiffer for Mrs. Damery. Clarence came over for the stalk cutter. Ed finished discing, the then hitched to the team to go aver the wheat. Mr. Dunlap had a cow served tonight. Ed came in early as it would make him late to do the chores. It rained a little this eve, not enough to wet the soil.
Fri. Apr. 8 - I fixed the fence at the wind mill to keep the hogs from the well. Ed harrowed all day. Louis fixed a place, set a good post to tie Trusty out in the yard at the clover stack. Louis went with Ed to his Grandfather crows to a party this evening.
Sat. Apr. 9 - Ed harrowed all day, finished harrowing the wheat at 5 - P.M. Louis & I were to town this afternoon. Herb is sick, has not been able to work for several days & is not able yet.
Sun. April 10 - Herb, Bertha & Jesse were here to dinner. We were all to S.S. They had the school room nicely decorated with flowers and mottos and Easter eggs, which were very nicely colored. They also had a fine program well rendered by the School.
Mon. Apr. 11 - Ed harrowed stalks all day. I was over to Burks for the rake. Mr. Burkholder was here & got (14) fourteen bushels of oats for seed for Herb. We run them through the fan Mill. Herb is better today. He went with me to town this afternoon. Herb is to pay us the oats back when he threshes his oats. This was a fine day. Louis foot is healing nicely so far.
Tues. Apr. 12 - It rained all day, a nice steady fine rain. Ed & I were to town. I got two rake teeth. Louis kept in the house on act. of his sore foot.
Wed. Apr. 13 - Ed hauled out manure all day. Herbert & Bertha were here to dinner. Herb is getting better but can do nothing. Louis put a new regulator in his incubator. He worked at it all day. I was to town.
Thurs. Apr. 14 - Ed harrowed stalks down. Louis raked & burned stalks. Smith sent up & got our disc to put in his oats. Ed Rankin was here to see if he can grind rye, corn & oats on our mill. Louis foot pained him considerable this evening, being on it so much today. Ed went to town this evening after doing the chores.
Fri. Apr. 15 - Ed harrowed down stalks. Louis raked & burned. Smith brought the disc home this evening. Ed took a crayon picture down to Baldwins. I filed two saws and sawed & split a little wood & churned butter. Louis set the incubator with fifty none thoroughbred W.P.R. eggs.
Sat. Apr. 16 - Ed hauled out manure. Louis burned stalks, finished. Ma, Millie, Herb, Bertha & I were in town. This was a very warm day. Thermometer 90 in the shade. I settled with Wm. Burkholder & paid him in full to date.
Sun. Apr. 17 - It was cloudy & drisly today. Louis, Millie & Ma were to S.S. Ed was away all day. He came home early this evening as it looked so much for rain. Louis done the chores. His foot is much better.
Mon. Apr. 18 - I rained off and on all day. The boys done nothing except to plant a lot of small Box Elder trees and some walnuts in the tree lot east of the hog house.
Tues. Apr. 19 - Ed was nearly all day scouring the sulky plow with Louis help. I was to town. Millie went as far as Berthas & came home with me as I came back.
Wed. Apr. 20 - Ed plowed all day with the sulky. Louis cut & planted some Early rose potatoes. Dell foaled a mare colt in the night some time. It was up and sucking when I went out between four & five o'clock this morning. Herb brought the seeder home and took the rake home with him. The boys castrated 14 winter pigs. There is 10 sows, makes 24 in all.
Thurs. Apr. 21 - Ed plowed all day. Louis pulled the big weeds up and burned them in the east end of the hog pasture. He is going to plant the potatoes there, it ought to make good potatoes. Mrs. Reiff & Mrs. Damery were here this afternoon. Geo. came for them this evening. Anna & Florence came after school, they all took supper with us. Herb & Bertha came over. Herb ground some chicken feed. They did not stay for supper as it commenced to rain so they went home without supper.
Fri. Apr. 22 - Ed plowed all day. Louis was up to Reiffs & brought the Sheller & power and set them up to shell in the morning. Mrs. Meadows was here this afternoon. I was over to get Herbs log chain. I stoped at Dunlaps and paid him three dollars for hauling ice last winter.
Sat. Apr. 23 - We shelled corn until noon. Herb helped us with his team. Ed plowed this afternoon. Louis cleaned up around the sheller, took up the power & put away the cobs. Ma & I were to town. Bertha was here until noon.
Sun. Apr. 24 - Louis & Ed were to church in town. After dinner they young folks went to S.S. Herb & Bertha were here for awhile. Jesse came this evening. The boys staid at home this evening.
Mon. Apr. 25 - The boys hauled up hay from the meadow until noon. Ed plowed this afternoon. Louis & I finished hauling the hay. It was very windy. We could haul but small loads. We also scattered posts to make a fence along the south side of the clover for pasture. Millie & Louis were to town this evening. Herb was here and got a bushel of wheat.
Tues. Apr. 26 - Ed plowed all day. Louis disced the potato ground and burned off the meadow. I choped a little wood. Jesse came this afternoon. He brought a Bee, an Omaha paper, with war news. Ed went to town this evening.
Wed. Apr. 27 - Jesse staid here last night & went away after dinner. He is improving. Ed plowed all day. He harrows in the evening what he plows during the day. Louis planted potatoes, disced the ground before he plowed it. I cut & sawed a little wood.
Thurs. Apr. 28 - Ed plowed all day. He quit early and ground corn & oats this evening. I helped him. Louis took two loads of wheat to town, sold to DeCou Bros. at 83 cents per bu. Younts hauled theirs in too.
Fri. Apr. 29 - Louis took another load of wheat to town. Sold to DeCou Bros, three loads in all 109 20/56 bus. at 83 - per bu, $90.74. ed plowed all day. louis plowed after he came from town. Ma was to town with him. She stoped at Bertha's. Jesse brought her home. Daisy the colt jumped on the gate at the north end of the barn and broke it to pieces so I had to make another which I finished just as Louis got home.
Sat. Apr. 30 - It rained until noon. The boys worked at the fish dam. Afternoon Ed plowed. Louis was to town. It was too wet for me to go. Bertha was here awhile this afternoon. I made a neck yoke.
Sun. May 1, 1898 - Louis was to S.S. Millie & Jesse were down to Yeagers visiting. Ma was over to Damerys. Bertha was here a little while. Ed was down to his Grandfathers. It rained this evening.
Mon. May 2 - It rained a good deal until noon. Louis was up to Younts. Afternoon the boys plowed.
Tues. May 3 - It rained some today but the boys plowed near all day, finished the East piece at 5 o'clock. Ed & I ground corn & oats. Louis picked seed corn over. Louis had to fix the wheel at the W. Mill. It rained some today.
Wed. May 4 - It was raining when we got up this morning and rained all day. They done nothing except to get some seed corn ready. I was in the house all day.
Thurs. May 5 - The boys worked in the garden and chored around until noon. Afternoon they both plowed. I was over to Burkholders all afternoon. Jesse helped Herb start his colt to plow.
Fri. May 6 - Ed harrowed the east piece. Louis washed the hams and hung it up to dry off to smoke & bathed a male calf that is very much swollen after castrating him. He then took Dell & Dep and plowed some, then put the planter together to commence to plant tomorro. Topsy foaled a horse colt last night.
Sat. May 7 - I tried the temperature of the soil this morning at six o'clock, it was 44, too cold to plant corn. Louis was to town and got the planter shoes sharpened. Ed plowed all day. I went to town with Wm. Burkholder.
Sun. May 8 - Ed went to town. Louis & Millie were to S.S. Jesse came this evening. Bertha & Herb were here too. They were all here to supper. Jack Meadows was in the yard with the boys quite awhile this morning. The boys made Ice Cream this morning.
Mon. May 9 - Ed plowed all day. Louis & I took the planter apart again as the blacksmith had put it together wrong when he sharpened it so Louis did not get to start planting until two o'clock. L. & I were to town this evening.
Tues. May 10 - Ed plowed all day. Louis planted all day. I painted over the hams & bacon with Wrights Liquid Smoke. I never tried or seen it done before. Thought we would try it instead of smoking it. We bred the big red cow. Set the incubator the second time. Ed went to town this evening. Hen set in the double hen house.
Wed. May 11 - Louis planted all day, finished the east piece at 6 o'clock. Ed, Ma & I were to Martin Kinne's funeral, he was 69 years old. Mrs. Reiff came home with us. After lunch Ma & Mrs. Reiff & Bertha went down to Meadows to the Missionary Meeting.
Thurs. May 12 - Louis was down to Smiths this morning. Mr. Smith brought his horse up and bred Bettie and tried Gypsy but no go. Louis plowed until noon. After dinner Ed plowed & Louis worked at the pasture fence. Wm. Burkholder brought his red heifer, bred her to Trustie & paid for it. I made three small hog troughs. Millie was over to Burks this afternoon.
Fri. May 13 - Ed plowed all day. Louis worked at the east pasture fence. I helped him staple on the wires, finished it and turned the cattle on it for an hour this evening. It rained awhile this morning.
Sat. May 14 - It rained all day. The boys done nothing. Ed went away before 11 o'clock. Louis went to town after dinner. Am not feeling well today. Louis took four bus. potatoes that were sold.
Sun. May 15 - Ed did not come home last night. Louis & Millie were to S.S. Herb & Bertha were here to dinner. It was cloudy all day.
Mon. May 16 - Ed plowed all day. Louis worked some at the fish pond & dam and sprouted potatoes. They invited a few of the neighbors to surprise me this evening as it was my birthday. Herbert, Bertha, Mr. Burk, Mr. & Mrs. Reiff, Harold, Paul, Lottie, Grace, Mr. & Mrs. Teal, Frank & Grace were here. It was a complete surprise to me. We all enjoyed it very much. They all left, well pleased, at a late hour.
Tues. May 17 - Ed finished plowing the west piece then disced the fall plowing then commenced to harrow. Louis sprouted the potatoes and cut some to plant. I helped him some.
Wed. May 18 - Ed finished harrowing on the West field at 4 o'clock then Louis commenced to plant it to corn. Ed & I went to town this evening, took Ed's thills in to get fixed and six bus. of potatoes.
Thurs. May 19 - Smith was here with his horse. Ed took the picture, he also took our Bull Trustie. Ed & I ground feed until 9 o'clock, he then harrowed on the east field. Herb & Bertha were here. Herb ground feed. It rained some today & after the boys came in it rained hard.
Fri. May 20 - It rained heavy last night and considerable today. The boys did not do much except set a few fence posts.
Sat. May 21 - It rained heavy during the night and washed badly & rained some today. Louis was to town. Ed set some posts and chored around some. It is very wet & muddy.
Sun. May 22 - Ed was to town today. Miss Jessie Burkholder was here visiting. She came with Jesse. Millie was very sick near all day. The day was damp and cloudy. Ed went to town this evening. Herb & Bertha were here awhile.
Mon. May 23 - The boys worked the ditches that was washed in the West field until noon. After dinner Louis went to planting. All that he planted last week it was near all washed out. Ed worked at the ditches this afternoon. He turned his horse Daisy out in the pasture this evening. I was to town with Mr. Burkholder.
Tues. May 24 - Louis planted corn all day. It was late when he got out this morning. Ed harrowed until noon, he then plowed a small piece at the lower end of pasture & planted a little early sweet corn.
Wed. May 25 - Louis finished planting the west piece this evening. Ed worked at the fence until noon. Afternoon Ed harrowed after Louis planting. I was over to Burks, the first time Topsy was hitched up since she foaled. I was to town with Burk.
Thurs. May 26 - Louis & I planted sweet corn & Beans and Louis harrowed the late potatoe patch. It rained all afternoon. The boys sawed up a couple of logs between showers. They made a few fence posts and took down the fence around the old berry patch & cut down a Box Elder tree. Ma was over to Berthas. I was over to fetch her home.
Fri. May 27 - It rained last night and today. The boys were to town as they could do nothing, too wet and rainy.
Sat. May 28 - The boys planted 776 Sweet Potato plants & set some more posts for the new pasture. I was to town and I made a new 12 ft. hog trough.
Sun. May 29 - Louis & Millie were to S.S. Ed was away. Ma & I were down to Reiffs & were caught in the rain. We stoped in at Burks. It was a cold rain.
Mon. May 30 - Ed was away all day. Louis worked at the bees. I went to town with Wm. Burkholder. The town was very full of teams & people as this is a holiday.
Tues. May 31 - It rained until noon. Louis took a load, four head, of hogs to town. Sold to DeCou Bros. at four cents, Wt. 1420 lbs, $56.80. Ed set posts around the road in place of some that is roten. Louis fixed up to shell tomorro but the rods are bad, must take them to town to get them fixed by the blacksmith.
Wed. June1, 1898 - Louis & I were to town to get the equalizer rods welded. Ed set posts around the clover field. This afternoon we shelled five big loads of corn. Herb helped with his team. It worked good.
Thur. June 2 - Ed commenced to cultivate at nine o'clock and cultivated all day. Louis worked at the fence. I helped him to string out the new wire. John Smith was here with his horse & bred Betty the second time.
Fri. June 3 - Ed cultivated all day. Louis worked the fence and made a wire gate. I helped him some. Millie painted the kitchen ceiling & part of the side wall. Ma & I were up to Younts for eggs for to hatch. We got five doz. at Younts & 10 doz. at Baldwins. Ed went to town this evening.
Sat. June 4 - It rained until near noon. Ed sprouted the potatoes. Louis got the incubator ready for another hatch. Ed cultivated this afternoon. Louis hived bees & chored around. I was to town. Louis hived a swarm of bees.
Sun. June 5 - Mr. Chauncy & family were here visiting & Herb & Bertha & Jesse. They were all to S.S. Ed was away all day.
Mon. June 6 - Ed cultivated until 3 o'clock when it rained. Louis furrowed out rows to plant late potatoes. Ma & I were to town. Herb & Bertha were here this evening.
Tues. June 7 - Ed cultivated all day. Louis planted late potatoes. He stapled wire on the posts around the clover pasture. Millie gave the ceiling a second coat of paint.
Wed. June 8 - Ed cultivated all day. Louis cultivated the early potatoes, he then pulled morning glories until noon, he then scoured the planter shoes & put it away. We then made Ice Cream and done the chores then went to Younts to the Missionary sociable. It rained some this evening.
Thurs. June 9 - It rained considerable last night and near all day. It rained heavy this afternoon. Ed filled the holes in the stable & pulled morning glories when it did not rain. Louis was to town to get some celery plants. After he came home him & Ed put sections together and put in some starters. Millie & I painted the kitchen wall second coat. We came home from the Sociable at 11 o'clock. We had a fine time, plenty of good things to eat & Ice Cream. There was a large party there & all enjoyed themselves.
Fri. June 10 - Louis took three hogs, wt. 890 lbs, sold to DeCou Bros. at $3.80, $33.80. It rained all day. Ed pulled Glories between showers. Louis set out tomato and celery plants after he came from town. Millie & i painted the woodwork of the kitchen. Bertha & Herb were here. The boys shot their dog. (Holly)
Sat. June 11 - It rained until after dinner. Ed hoed Glories. Louis buried Herb's dog & chored around in the rain until noon. Louis, Ed & I were to town this afternoon.
Sun. June 12 - Millie, Ma & I were visiting at Berthas. Louis stayed home on act. of the bees swarming. Ed was away all day. Millie was to S.S.
Mon. June 13 - Ed cultivated all day. Louis hoed morning glories & hived a swarm of bees. I painted the Kitchen the last coat. It rained very heavy between five & six o'clock this evening. Mr. J.S. Knapp was here to see our calves & Bull.
Tues. June 14 - Ed cultivated al day. Louis hoed all day. Millie & I painted bedstead & wash stand in her room & wash stand in our room and the kitchen closet. Ed went down to his Grandfather this evening.
Wed. June 15 - Ed cultivated all day. Louis & I changed some sows & made a yoke for a steer to keep him from going through the fence. Louis hoed again today. Everything is very weedy this wet weather. We painted the kitchen chairs & stained what we painted yesterday walnut & oak. Ed went away this evening. Cloudy.
Thurs. June 16 - Ed cultivated all day. Louis hoed & hived two swarms of bees. I painted the kitchen chairs & the stairway one coat. Gypsy was bred today. It is still very cloudy. Ed went away again this evening.
Fri. June 17 - Ed cultivated all day. Louis hoed glories all day. I churned & cleaned up around the yard. Ed went away this evening.
Sat. June 18 - Ed did not come until this morning. it rained heavy again last night. The boys hoed glories until near noon. Louis worked at the bees until noon. Ed went to cultivating. They both cultivated this afternoon, finished the west piece. Ma & I were to town.
Sun. June 19 - Herb, bertha & Jesse were here. Louis Jesse & Millie were to S.S. Mr. & Mrs. Kiger stoped on their way home from Burks where they were visiting. Jennie is hurt in the left foreleg & is very lame.
Mon. June 20 - Ed cultivated all day. He quit a little early to go over to Ed Rankins to get his horse shod. Louis & I ground some feed and drove Gypsy some on the road and gathered up the old posts along the fence on the road. Louis then started to cultivate with Gypsy & Dell on the east piece. Millie was very sick this afternoon. I was to town twice to see the Dr. but he was gone to Omaha. Millie is better this evening.
Tues. June 21 - The boys cultivated all day. Millie is improving. I helped Ma in the house some. It rained some today.
Wed. June 22 - The boys cultivated all day. Ed commenced at noon to cross the west piece of corn. Louis finished the east piece & cultivated the early potatoes. Gypsy got cut with a barbed wire in cultivating the potatoes. It rained last night.
Thurs. June 23 - The boys cultivated all day on the west piece. i was to town.
Fri. June 24 - The boys cultivated all day. herb helped them. I was to town. Mr. Burkholder went with me. Carrie Damery washed for us today. Ed went to town this evening. Bettie was bred this morning.
Sat. June 25 - Ed & Herb finished crossing the west piece. Louis got things ready to shell. They then shelled six loads of corn. This is the last day for Ed. He expects to stay away about two months, then he wants to come here again. I was to town with Mr. Burkholder. Herb, Bertha, Jesse & Mr. Burk were here to supper & stayed the evening. We had Ice cream & enjoyed it immencely.
Sun. June 26 - Millie, Ma & I were over to Burks to dinner. Herb & Millie were to S.S. Jesse came over this evening. Louis was down with Harry awhile this evening.
Mon. June 27 - Bertha's boy baby was born about seven o'clock this morning. (Note: this is my father, Harold J. Burkholder. J.B.) I was down to get Lulu Martin but did not get her & I was to town. Louis worked at the sweet potatoes. Ma & Millie both were over to Burks. Ma came home this evening & Millie stayed with Bertha. Mark Strait was here to hire but he & Louis could not agree on a bargain.
Tues. June 28 - Louis finished cleaning out the sweet potato patch this evening. Ma was over to see how Bertha & baby are. This afternoon Ma & I were to town. We all expect to go down to the School house this evening.
Wed. June 29 - Louis cultivated today but he got out late. I was over to Burks for awhile. Bertha & the baby are geting along nicely. This was a very warm day. Dave Yeager put a hog water in.
Thurs. June 30 - John Smith was here with his horse & bred Topsy. Louis cultivated all day on the East piece. I was to town & at Crows for Ed's ruby light. This was a very hot day. I picked cherries.
Fri. July 1, 1898 - Ma & I were over to Burks this morning. They are geting along good. Herb was washing. Louis cultivated all day. Ma & I were over to Burks this evening. We met Millie coming over to some thing she wanted. I picked the rest of the cherries.
Sat. July 2 - Herb came over & helped lay by the east piece of corn. It rained often & once very heavy but they finished the East piece at five o'clock, worked between showers. Louis was to town this eve.
Sun. July 3 - Louis was too late last evening to get the mail so he went to town today for the mail. Ma & I were over to Burks and Louis was over to take baby's Picture.
Mon. July 4 - We were all over to Burks to celebrate. We had a fine time. Mr. Burk was away. We missed him. Louis, Jesse & Millie went to town to see the fireworks. This was a nice cool day. We came home at eleven o'clock P.M.
Tues. July 5 - Louis hoed the melons & pulled hemp out of the potatoes. I mowed weeds from around the potatoes, picked raspberries & cherries.
Wed. July 6 - It rained this morning. The boys started to lay by the west piece of corn at 10 o'clock and worked until six. I was to town. Wm. Burk went with me. I renewed the Cronicle & subscribed for the N.Y. World. Herb - day.
Thurs. July 7 - The boys cultivated all day. Louis lost a couple of hours in working with the bees. Carrie Damery washed for us today. Herb one day.
Fri. July 8 - The boys finished laying the corn by at about three o'clock, they then castrated the old boar. He is a large hog. They then cleaned the carpet in the East room and helped to lay it as the secretary & stove had to be moved. Carrie helped us today. Herb one day.
Sat. July 9 - Louis cultivated the late potatoes & chored around some. Afternoon we went to town. The fence machine has come but we could not get it today as they sent it through the bank & must pay for the tow machines before we can get ours.
Sun. July 10 - Ma & I spent the day at Burks. We were all over to celebrate Jesse Birthday. We had Ice cream. Millie was to S.S.
Mon. July 11 - Louis worked in the garden until noon. He then sent over to haul a load of corn over to I.A. DeCou for Mr. Burkholder. Ma & Millie started for town but the only got as far as Burks when it commenced to rain. It rained a good bit.
Tues. July 12 - Louis took three hogs, wt 1225, sold to DeCou Bros. at $3.45. He brought out the fence machine & some wire. He then worked at the bees & took honey off.
Wed. July 13 - Louis cleaned up a lot of honey. He then mowed Alfalfa & Alsike. Ma, Millie & I were to town. We took 27 lbs. honey to Kibler Bros. sold at 10 -. Herb was here awhile this eve.
Thurs. July 14 - Louis & herb took the Binder out & cleaned & fixed it to cut grain. I.A. DeCou came out this evening to sell Louis a McCormic Binder. I was to town twice & sold some hogs at $3,50. Louis bought a binder for one hundred & thirty dollars & traded in the old EsterlyBinder.
Fri. July 15 - We got up early and hauled three loads, fifteen head of hogs, wt. 3635 lbs. at $3.50 sold to DeCou Bros. Herb helped to haul them off. We brought the Binder out. Herb - of a day.
Sat. July 16 - Louis went over to cut Herbs oats but the expert did not come until near noon so he did not get the oats finished. I was to town. Mr. Burkholder went with me.
Sun. July 17 - Herb, Bertha & the baby were here today & Jesse. We had Ice cream. Henry DeCou & Wm. Smith were here this evening to see Louis about cutting their grain. Millie, Jesse & Louis were to S.S.
Mon. July 18 - Louis went over & finished cuting Herbs oats & came home before noon, he then made two supers & worked at the bees & took off some honey.
Tues. July 19 - Louis worked near all day at getting the fence machine and spooler together. Mr. Smith came to tell Louis that their wheat is ready to cut so Louis expects to go over there tomorrow to cut it. Mr. Burkholder & Herb were here & ground their sythe. Herb stayed to help Louis do the chores. I give the closet in east room a coat of paint. Red bred to Trusty.
Wed. July 20 - Louis cut wheat all day for W.H. DeCou, twelve acres at 60 - per acre. I went over with him in the morning to help him with a team & also helped him home this evening after he finished. Ma & I were to town today. Herb was over to do the chores.
Thurs. July 21 - Louis cut for Herb all day but did not quite finish. I was to town today to make arrangements to receive the fish when they come. John Smith was here today and bred Topsy the second time. Geo. Benedict's cow was served by Trustie.
Fri. July 22 - Louis finished Herbs wheat then commenced ours. He cut twice before dinner, changed teams twice each half day. DeCou furnished a team, so did Herb. Herb shocked this afternoon. Geo. Benedict brought a Red Polled cow and bred her to Trustie. Mrs. Reiff & Lula was here visiting this afternoon, so was Bertha. They came over together.
Sat. July 23 - Louis cu wheat & Herb shocked for us. I made a fly cloth out of guney sacks for Trustie but he would not keep it on. I went to town late this evening. It is very hot & dry.
Sun. July 24 - Louis was working home with the bees. Millie was to S.S. Jesse came this evening.
Mon. July 25 - Louis finished cuting our wheat about half past two o'clock. Herb shocked it. I was over to see if DeCou's was ready to cut. I then went to town. Ma & Bertha went with me. It was late when we came home. I took Honey into Kiblers and Yaringtons. Louis worked on the road three hours at Monroes with a team.
Tues. July 26 - Louis started cuting H. DeCou's oats at eleven o'clock. I made a hog trough to feed pigs milk. Herb came over & done the chores this evening. Louis intends to stay at Smiths tonight.
Wed. July 27 - Louis did not come home. Herb came over & done the chores. It rained heavy last night, but clear this morning. I think Louis cut today. Ma took sick so we had to send for Dr. Cole. He pronounced it Lumbago, said she must keep quiet. He left her some medicine. Carrie was here and ironed for us.
Thurs. July 28- Louis finished DeCou's oats this afternoon. Herb & I were to Dunlap. He ordered a baby carriage form Chicago. We put the new binder away. Herb helped us.
Fri. July 29 - Louis worked in the garden and then we were going to try the new fence machine but found it was broke so Louis has been working at it to try to fix it but has not succeeded yet. I helped him some and worked some at a new Top box for one of our wagons. It rained quite a good bit this morning.
Sat. July 30 - We worked at the fence Machine and got it fixed but as we were going to try it Mr. Baldwin came for Louis to cut his oats which are going down badly. So Louis took out the Binder & went don & cut it but he didn't get home until 9 o'clock. Herb came over & done the chores. I was to town this afternoon.
Sun. July 31 - Jesse was here to dinner. Herb, Bertha & the baby came over to visit this afternoon. Millie & Jesse were to S.S. & then drove some where. It rained some this morning.
Mon. Aug. 1, 1898 - Louis & I were to town this morning. Louis settled with DeCou Bros. for the Binder. He paid all cash but seventy-five dollars, which he gave his note, due in three years with six % interest. The Binder cost one hundred & thirty dollars. I was to town again this afternoon to get the Bull halter fixed and I got a telegram for Louis to tell him to meet the fish commissioner at the Depot at midnight tomorro.
Tues. Aug. 2 - Louis helped John Smith to thresh yesterday afternoon. This morning it rained and wet up everything again. L. cut weeds on the road with the sythe.
Wed. Aug. 3 - Louis pulled the seeds in a piece of sweet corn that did not do well so he sowed some turnips in it. I was to town and got some medicine for Ma. She is getting smart again. I also got No. 9 wire for fence making. Louis got his fish last night at midnight off the train. Fifty fish from Washington D.C.
Thurs. Aug. 4 - Louis helped Herb to thresh, they then went to Cresswell & threshed about half of his grain. Mrs. & Grace Teal were here.
Fri. Aug. 5 - Louis went to Cresswell this morning. They then went to Mrs. Carrie DeCou & threshed there until sundown. I was to town. Took in honey to Burkholders, sold at 12 - cents.
Sat. Aug. 6 - It rained last night & was cloudy & damp all day. Louis was t town. I staid at home.
Sun. Aug. 7 - Herb, Bertha & baby were here all day. They & Millie were to S.S. Harold staid home with us. Jesse came this evening in time to get Ice cream.
Mon. Aug. 8 - Louis went to Carrie DeCou to help thresh this morning but being damp they did not go to work until after dinner. I painted the fake & the dew top box I made.
Tues. Aug. 9 - Louis was threshing today. They finished at DeCous at noon, they then went to Chauncy. I was to town today.
Wed. Aug. 10 - They finished threshing at Chauncys then went to Jim Shields. Louis helped the Shields too. They finished at Shields this evening and pulled over to Dunlaps & set up. I was to town.
Thurs. Aug. 11 - They threshed at Dunlaps and at Baldwins. Louis helped both. W. Burkholder & I were to town & brought out the baby buggy. Ma & I took dinner at Burks and then Bertha & Mr. Burkholder came over with us and took supper with us.
Fri. Aug. 12 - They threshed at Baldwins until the middle of the afternoon. I was to town. Mr. Burkholder was with me. After Baldwin they threshed Mr. Younts Rye. It rained a very little this evening but not enough to stop them from threshing. Louis helped.
Sat. Aug. 13 - They threshed for Meadows after Younts but did not quite finish but worked very late. Louis helped at both places, I was to town.
Sun. Aug. 14 - Bertha, Herb, baby & Jesse were here to dinner. Louis, Jesse & Millie were to S.S. Mr. Yount & Harry were here to say they would thresh for DeCou before us.
Mon. Aug. 15 - They finished at Meadows then went to W.H. DeCous. Louis helped at both places. I was to town & over to Teals & at Cresswells.
Tues. Aug. 16 - They finished threshing over at DeCou's at noon. It was three o'clock when they commenced here. After working about one hour they broke the line shaft, now we have to wait until they get a new one.
Wed. Aug. 17 - They foned down to the Bluffs last evening & got a new line shaft sent & they worked at the power until near noon. They then threshed our wheat and finished at 4 - P.M. We got 290 - bus of wheat. I paid Mr. Yount ten dollars which leaves him in my debt $1.28. Mrs. Chauncy & Mrs. Chambers were here this evening. Three men from C. DeCou, two from W.H. DeCou, Jones, Chauncy, Meadows, W.H. Tuttle. Harry, J. Shields, Cresswell & Herb was our help this time. Geo. Benedict had a cow served by Trustie this morning.
Thursday Aug. 18 - We fixed the fences we had to take up to make room to thresh. Louis worked at the fish dam as the water is geting low. I was to town to see what we can get for wheat, 52 - per bus. of wheat. Louis fixed some thing at the mower that was broke and printed some proofs of the pictures of the threshing outfit. Herb took a load of wheat to town but they would not take it so he brought it home again.
Fri. Aug. 19 - We took two loads of wheat to town, sold to DeCou Bros. at 52 -, 104 40/60 bus. Louis mowed weeds on the road this evening. We had Jacks wagon to take wheat. It was very warm today. 102.
Saturday Aug. 20 - Louis & I took two more loads of wheat to town, 106 40/60 bus. $110.00 for 211 20/60 bus. Wm. Baldwin brought a red cow, had her served by our bull. It was very warm today.
Sunday Aug. 21 - Jesse, Louis & Millie were to S.S. Ma & I were over to Bertha's and stoped awhile at Damerys. Mrs. Damerys Brother & wife are here on a visit from Connecticut.
Mon. Aug. 22 - We bred the bald red heiffer this morning. I took some melons over to Damrey's and I gave Mrs. Damery a pair of specticles that she can see well through. Louis took off honey & worked at the bees, he then went to see Frank Haas. I was to town. Millie went with me as far as Younts & staid until I came from town.
Tues. Aug. 23 - Louis had to fix the hog waterer. I helped Millie to wash. This afternoon Ma & I was in town. Louis worked at the fence to get ready to weave a mesh fence between the garden & the cistern yard.
Wed. Aug. 24 - Louis & I worked at the fence between the garden and cistern yard. We finished it at six o'clock and it is a nice good fence. Ma went over to Burks after dinner. I hitched Dep to the cart and brought her home this evening. It was a very warm day.
Thurs. Aug. 25 - I made a new gate into the cistern yard, the colt broke the old one down. Louis filled fifty gallons of Vinegar in to a barrel on the buggy & I took it to town, sold it to Kibler Bros. Ma went to town with me. It was very warm today and everything is hot & dry.
Fri. Aug. 26 - Louis choped out the hanging limbs of the trees around the hog grove so that we can make a new fence around it. I helped in the house. After dinner I went to town and Louis went to help clean up the grove where we hold the Picnic. Herb stoped here on his way home with Boltys team.
Sat. Aug. 27 - We all went to the picnic and we enjoyed ourselves all day.
Sun. Aug. 28 - We were all down to S.S. held in the Picnic grove on the bank of the Piceyune. Mr. Dunlap & family, Herb & Bertha & Jesse were here to eat watermelon.
Mon. Aug. 29 - Millie & I picked grapes along Isaac & Henry DeCou's fence and Louis was down to Pages for a load of posts. After dinner I went to town & Louis took up some barbed wire from a dilapidated hog fence.
Tues. Aug. 30 - Louis worked at the wire the same as yesterday. I gathered elderberries and striped them from the stems & was over to Bertha & went to town with Wm. Burkholder. Ma & Bertha was up to Reiffs visiting.
Wed. Aug. 31 - We pressed out the juice of the berries & grapes & made then into Wine. We then went at the wire again. White face bred.
Thurs. Sept. 1, 1898 - I gathered up the old fence stuff, put on the wood pile. Louis & I hauled the brush off from the road along the grove, put it in the road at the foot of the hill in front of house. Louis wound wire, picked apples & fixed the fence to keep the pigs in. L. done road work at brush 2 hours.
Fri. Sept. 2 - Jesse, Millie, Harry, Amy & Louis left this morning for the Omaha Exposition. I got Jack Meadows to milk this morning. Herb done the chores this evening. I was too lame to do anything. It is still very warm. 100 in the shade.
Sat. Sept. 3 - It sprinkled some in the night but not enough to settle the dust. I was to town. Herb done the chores this morning & this evening, he then took our team & went to town for the folks from Omaha.
Sun. Sept. 4 - The young folks came home late last night. Jesse staid here. Louis was over to e. Dougal's & took several views with the Kodak. Jesse & him took some fine fish out of the pond this evening.
Mon. Sept. 5 - Louis cut the alfalfa & cut corn across the field to haul hay across. It rained some this afternoon. I was to town and bought a siccle grinder & we ground a sicle to try it. Benedict's Betay bred a second time.
Tues. Sept. 6 - Louis worked at the wires for a new woven fence on the north side of the hog yard grove along the road. I helped a little.
Wed. Sept. 7 - Louis worked at the fence all day except while he was down to rake & cock up alfalfa. I took Ma & Millie over to Teals to the Missionary Society. Bertha went with us. I went over for them this evening. We had a heavy frost this morning. The first for this fall.
Thurs. Sept. 8 - Louis commenced to mow wild grass this morning. Mr. Dunlap & J. Meadows helped this afternoon. We got John Smiths Mower so we run two mowers & rake it up right after the mower. I cleaned out a hay shed, ground a sicle, gathered up a lot of old wood that was scattered around the yard. It is cold this evening.
Fri. Sept. 9 - It rained a good bit this forenoon & was cloudy & damp all day. Louis ground the sicles & spooled wire & chored around. This evening he was goings to weave fence but broke both tension wires, we then put in two heavier wire but did not get them spliced before supper. Mr. Yount fetched his old line shaft & pinions.
Sat. Sept 10 - It rained a little this morning. Louis worked at some fence until he broke a pinion so I went to town & got a band made & schrunk on it & when I came back Louis wove fence again for awhile. It is cool weather.
Sun. Sept. 11 - It was cold & cloudy all day. Ma & Millie were to S.S. Jesse was here to supper. Millie & Jesse went away for awhile this evening.
Mon. Sept. 12 - It rained all day with out a let up. Louis moved the hay back in the barn. I worked in the house all day. Made jelly of Elder B.
Tues. Sept. 13 - It rained a good bit today. L. worked on the road this afternoon. Filled up the wash at the foot of our hill. I spooled wire, cleaned up the stable. It rained fast this evening after supper.
Wed. Sept. 14 - It was cloudy & damp so Louis worked at the fence until noon. He then went to town & Mill. He stoped with Frank Haas coming back & broke the buggy tongue, brace & bow.
Thurs. Sept. 15 - Louis worked at the fence until noon. I was over to get Herb to help at the hay. Louis & Herb worked at the hay all afternoon. I made two boxes, one for the garden seeds and one for the horse medicine. Ed came today, will work tomorrow.
Fri. Sept 16 - Ed commenced to work today at seventeen dollars a month. They put up a stack, 10 loads. Mr. Jones helped all day. Herb helped half a day. They did not get the stack toped out as the hay is all hauled up that is cut.
Sat. Sept. 17 - The boys brought a wagon load of melons, fixed fence, got an early dinner then went at the hay. I was to town. Bertha came over with me.
Sun. Sept. 18 - Bertha was here all last night as Herb was in town late last night working in a barber shop. Millie & Jesse were to S.S. after dinner. Herb & Bertha went home this evening.
Mon. Sept. 19 - The boys hayed all day. Meadows, Paul Reiff, Herb helped them. There is thirteen loads in the first stack along the feed rack. They put three loads in the hay shed today. I chored around a little & ground the sicles.
Tues. Sept. 20 - The boys worked at the hay all day. There is thirteen loads in the hay shed, they put one in the barn. Herb, Meadows and Paul Reiff helped all day. I ground the sicles and chored around.
Wed. Sept. 21 - Louis & Ed worked at the hay alone today, they brought up six loads. Ma went up to Reiffs. I went with her as far as Burks. Herb & his father were gone to town. One of the six loads of hay was alfalfa which was put in the barn.
Thurs. Sept. 22 - Ed, Wm. & Herb Burk & I were to Omaha to the T.M. Exposition. Louis done Herbs chores & chored around home. It was 2 - o'clock when we got home. Ma & Millie were visiting with Mrs. Damery.
Fri. Sept. 23 - Louis & Ed brought up one load of good hay & a load of weedy hay which finishes our haying for the season. Ed then hauled out manure & Louis printed pictures. I was to town for the mail. Haying finished, in all 35 loads.
Sat. Sept. 24 - Ed hauled out manure. Louis printed pictures. Ma, Bertha & I were to town. Louis sent some of his pictures to frank. I hauled up the wood and boards from the road along the grove.
Sun. Sept. 25 - Millie, Jesse, Louis & Ed were down to the L.D.S. Camp Meeting. Ma & I were at home.
Mon. Sept. 26 - We shelled about 400 bus. of corn, sold it to I.A. DeCou. One load we put in the grainery for feed. Jesse helped - of a day. Mr. Dunlap helped - of a day. The sheller broke down when we had a little to shell yet. (Eight loads shelled in all.) Jack Meadows hauled corn this afternoon.
Tues. Sept. 27 - Ed took another load of corn off, then they cleaned up around the sheller & hauled the cobs, husks, silks & dirt out in the hog yard & burned it to char it for the hogs. The boys gathered beans and Louis & I were to town this evening to see about poles & posts. We bought 54 posts & seven poles for four dollars. The weather has been very fine for some time back.
Wed. Sept. 28 - The boys went to town & brought 34 good fence posts & 7 oak poles 20 ft. long for which we paid $4.00. I took the buggy in & got a spoke put in & tire set. The boys gethered some seed corn. I cleaned the beans gethered yesterday.
Thurs. Sept. 29 - The boys fixed fence in pasture and dug the sweet potatoes. I was to town for Oil Meal and mail. It looks as if we would get rain this evening. I took blankets to be washed to Mrs. Meadows.
Fri. Sept. 30 - It did not rain except a light sprinkle last evening, not enough to settle the dust. Louis was down to Younts & got their lister to plow out the potatoes. They gethered potatoes all afternoon & put them in a pile at the cave.
Sat. Oct. 1, 1898 - It rained a very little this morning. We operated on a shoat to remove a testicle from inside. the boys then finished gethering the early potatoes. They also built a bunk for feeding the calves & steers. I was to town this afternoon.
Sun. Oct. 2 - Ed was away all day. Millie was to S.S. Herb & Bertha & Jesse were here to supper. L. printed a few pictures.
Mon. Oct. 3 - Ed snaped part of a load of corn & picked some seed out of it. Louis & I set some posts & took down part of the old cow shed to build a new cow stable.
Tues. Oct. 4 - Louis was to town for lumber. Ed snaped a load of corn ad picked seed from it. I worked at the cow barn. Wm. Burk was here for ginger, he has a sick horse.
Wed. Oct. 5 - The boys & I worked at the cow stable all day. Mr. Burk was here quite awhile today. Ma was visiting at Dunlaps. After dinner Mrs. Dunlap and Ma went down to Smiths to the Missionary Meeting and Millie went to Smiths this afternoon.
Thurs. Oct. 6 - Ed husked a load of corn and Louis worked at the cow stable until noon. After dinner they helped Mr. Jones to thresh & I worked at the cow stable all day. It was cloudy all day. Mrs. Meadows helped all day cleaning house.
Fri. Oct. 7 - Louis & I worked at the cow shed. Ed hauled dirt from the road in the cow shed to fill it so that the water cannot run in. Herb stoped this evening to see how we are getting on with the cow shed.
Sat. Oct. 8 - Ed & Louis worked at the cow stable until noon. After dinner Ed snaped a load of corn and picked seed out of it & Louis worked at the bees. I worked at the cow stable until three o'clock then Ma & I went to town. Shoat we operated on died yesterday.
Sun. Oct. 9 - Ma & I were visiting at Burks today. Louis took a couple of pictures.
Mon. Oct. 10 - The boys cleaned & whitewashed the seller & took the old hay off of the old hen house & worked at the cow stable. It rained a good bit last night & was pretty wet today.
Tues. Oct. 11 - The boys took down the boards and windows off of the old hen house & cut off the old trees & carried them on a pile at the wood pile. Ma, Bertha & I were to town. Mr. Burkholder went with us.
Wed. Oct. 12 - It rained again last night & this morning. The boys hauled the old hay from the old hen house & mulched the trees with it.
Thurs. Oct. 13 - The boys took down the old hen house, took the old nails out of the boards to be ready with them for a new hen house. I am lame in the back and can do nothing.
Fri. Oct. 14 - The boys set posts and started to build a new hen house. Ed snaped a load of corn after dinner & hauled in a load of dirt from the road at the East side of the cob house.
Sat. Oct. 15 - Louis, Millie & Herb went to the train early to go to Omaha. Ed husked corn. I was to town & brought lumber & shingles for the new hen house. The wire we ordered has not come yet.
Sun. Oct. 16 - It was cloudy & damp all day. Millie & Louis was to S.S. Ed, I & Ma staid at home. Herb, Bertha & Harold were here & Jesse came this afternoon.
Mon. Oct. 17 - It snowed all day from early this morning until late tonight. Ed & Jesse started early for Omaha to the Exposition. 18 years ago yesterday Oct. 16th, '80 we had just such a storm as this one today.
Tues. Oct. 18 - Louis & I took the old roof off the Implement shed & put a new one on & Ed sawed wood all day. This was a damp disagreeable day.
Wed. Oct. 19 - This was a cold raw damp day. The boys went to town & stayed all day. I sit in the house.
Thurs. Oct. 20 - The boys worked some at the hen house & hauled dirt in to it from the road. I put up the pipe & drum today.
Fri. Oct. 21 - The boys worked at the new hen house & tore down partly the old one at the barn. Ma & I were visiting over with Mr. Burk & Bertha. Herb was out working at the road.
Sat. Oct. 22 - Ed snaped a load & husked the rest of the day. Louis worked at the hen house all day. I helped until noon. I then went to town with Herb. He brought 650 lbs. wire out for us to be used to weave fence. Bertha visited here and both stayed to supper. Weather clear. Ed went to town this evening.
Sun. Oct. 23 - Millie was to S.S. Bob Johnston was here visiting. Herb & Bertha were here to dinner. They & Ma went over to Kigers. Jesse was here to supper.
Mon. Oct 24 - The boys got ready & went to dig potatoes about 10 o'clock & worked at the potatoes until night. I worked at the hen house until noon. Ma & I were to town this afternoon. Millie was over to help Bertha today as they had to help to haul hay up from Jeffersons.
Tues. Oct. 25 - The boys worked at the potatoes all day. They dug, sorted and put in the cave. Millie was over with Bertha today. I nailed shingles on the hen house near all day. E. Dugal was here and got the rest of his pictures. It was cold & very windy today. It cleared off about noon.
Wed. Oct. 26 - The boys worked at the potatoes all day. I shingled until noon. Millie & I were to town. A nice day but cold.
Thurs. Oct. 27 - The boys finished the potatoes at noon. Ed husked a load of corn this afternoon. Louis cleared out the crib & made bum boards. I worked at the hen house, Ma was at Berthas.
Fri. Oct. 28 - missing in transcription
Sat. Oct. 29 - Ed husked two loads of corn. Louis loaded 43 - bus. of potatoes & took them to town. I went with him. We sold 33 bus. & brought the rest back with us. We could not sell them as potatoes are too plentiful. Red heiffer droped a heiffer calf last night.
Sun. Oct. 30 - Louis, Millie & Jesse were to S.S. There was a social party here last evening. The Misses Teal, Reiff, Dunlap, Mendenhall, Herbert, Bertha, Jesse, H & P Reiff & Mr. Teal.
Mon. Oct. 31 - The boys worked on the road, Ed worked his Pole tax, bottled the wine and worked at the hen house. Herb was here to dinner as they worked at the foot of our hill in front of house.
Tues. Nov. 1, 1898 - Ed husked two loads & Louis finished the road work and husked one load. I was to town. I ricked off the wine.
Wed. Nov. 2 - The boys husked all day & I worked a little on the hen house. J. H. Tuttle & wife, Mrs. Damery, Mrs. Dunlap, Bertha, & Anna Damery were here visiting. They were here to dinner & then Millie & Ma went with them over to Watkins to the Missionary Meeting.
Thurs. Nov. 3 - Ed husked all day. Louis chored around, ground corn & oats & went to town this afternoon. I tightened the wires around the crib & worked some at the hen house. Millie & Ma were over to Teals this afternoon.
Fri. Nov. 4 - The boys husked all day. I finished the hen house. Louis, Millie & Jesse went down to the S. House to practice singing with others of the neighborhood. Mr. Burk was here.
Sat. Nov. 5 - The boys husked all day. I ground corn & oats. After dinner Mr. Burk came over. I went to town with him.
Sun. Nov. 6 - Jesse was here all day. We were all down to S.S. except Ed, he was away all day.
Mon. Nov. 7 - The boys husked all day. I took the wash down to meadows then went over to Berthas. After dinner I went to town.
Tues. Nov. 8 - The boys each husked a load of corn, then they went to the election & when they came back they separated the hogs. This evening we drove the hens into the new hen house. We had quite a time geting them in. It looks very much for snow this evening. It was cloudy all day. bertha came over this morning and is going to stay all night as Herb will be at the polls as constable. I was to town today.
Wed. Nov. 9 - Ed husked all day, Louis until noon. They finished the east piece. Louis took some wire off the fence along the Wind Mill to put between the two corn fields. I cut fodder in Canfields cutter.
Thurs. Nov. 10 - Ed husked all day. Louis worked at the middle fence. & ground oats & corn & choped a little wood & helped Louis some at the fence & geting the wire.
Fri. Nov. 11 - Ed husked all day. Louis finished the fence. I helped him until noon. I then went to town. Louis husked a little this evening. Millie & Louis went down to the S. House to practice singing with some of the neighbors this evening.
Sat. Nov. 12 - The boys husked all day. I churned butter & worked in the house & went to town after dinner. Ed went away this evening. It is very dark & cloudy this evening.
Sun. Nov. 13 - John Yount & family were here visiting. I.A. DeCou & wife were here visiting also. There were none of us to S.S.
Mon. Nov. 14 - The boys got out late this morning. Louis had to work at the mill pump. I ground some corn then went to town. I also made a new step in seller.
Tues. Nov. 15 - The boys husked all day. I set posts for the wash line that rotted off & choped a little wood & took the reel of the old harvester apart.
Wed. Nov. 16 - The boys husked all day. I was over to Berthas & to town. The boys castrated two pigs.
Thurs. Nov. 17 - The boys husked all day. I am not feeling well. Mr. Burkholder, Bertha & baby were here this afternoon. This was a warm cloudy day. ed went down to John Yount to get some husking to do.
Fri. Nov. 18 - Ed broke his wagon reach, so he came in & we spliced it so they can finish the husking. Excepting the axident the boys husked all day. I was to town and over to Burks. Millie, Jesse, Ed & Louis went up to Reiffs this evening.
Sat. Nov. 19 - The boys husked all day. Louis upset his wagon with about a half load of corn which lies up there yet in the ditch. I was to town & Ma was over to Burks.
Sun. Nov. 20 - We were all up to Harry Younts visiting. Mr. Burk, Herbert & Bertha & baby were there too. It was a fine day but is colder this evening.
Mon. Nov. 21 - Ed came home last night. It got colder and the ground was covered with snow. It blew a regular blizzard & snowed all day. The boys done nothing but the chores. It is still snowing & blowing nine o'clock P.M. This is the severest weather we have had for several years.
Tues. Nov. 22 - It cleared off cold. Thermometer four below zero this morning. Ed went out to husk late & Louis had to chore around until noon on account of the storm. Louis husked a little this afternoon. I shoveled snow & cut a little wood.
Wed. Nov. 23 - The boys finished the husking at one o'clock which makes our crop about 2200 bus. for this year. We settled with Ed. We owe him $37.00 but did not pay him today. Louis took his things over to his Grandpa Crow, he then went to town. It was late when he came home. Thermom. zero.
Thurs. Nov. 24 - This was Thanksgiving. Bertha, Baby, Herb, Jesse & Mr. Burkholder were here to dinner. We had Oyster Pie etc. and we all enjoyed it. This was a nice day.
Fri. Nov. 25 - It snowed some today. I sawed wood. Louis chored around until noon & he then went to town.
Sat. Nov. 26 - Louis ground some corn & oats & chored around. After Dinner he went to town. I sawed a little wood & sifted some ground corn for the hens.
Sun. Nov. 27 - It snowed today. Millie & Jesse were out sleighing some today. Louis & they were down to the School House but there was no person there.
Mon. Nov. 28 - Louis chored around until noon. After dinner Ma, Millie & Louis went to town. I sawed a little wood.
Tues. Nov. 29 - Louis cleaned out trusties stable & shoveled a road out in west of the house & chored around in general. Mr. Dunlap had a cow bred today for the second time.
Wed. Nov. 30 - We ground a lot of corn & oats for feed & chored around. Louis was over to DeCou's to fone to town to get the price of hogs. Herb was here this afternoon.
Thurs. Dec. 1, 1898 - We hauled in six loads of hogs, twenty seven head, weight 7710 lbs., sold to DeCou Bros. for $2.90 per hundred. Herb helped to haul them. This was a fine day & thawed a good bit of the snow. I paid Kibler Bros. the interest $154.00. Louis paid Ed Crow $37.00.
Fri. Dec. 2 - Louis cleaned out the stables & hauled out the manure. He gathered up the corn he spilt when he upset his wagon when he was husking. Jack meadows was here. He brought up the clothes & a doz. of eggs.
Sat. Dec. 3 - Herb, Bertha, the boy & Mr. Burk were here to dinner. Mr. Burk & the boys then went to town.
Sun. Dec. 4 - Louis & Herb were to S.S. Herb & I settled up our account, we are in Herb's debt five dollars and eighty five cents which we cannot pay just now.
Mon. Dec. 5 - We though there was some thing in the sell. Louis with Herbs help went down but found nothing in it, then Herb went away & Louis cut Ice off the fish pond as it has all snow ice. We thought we might get our ice there.
Tues. Dec. 6 - I fixed the faning Mill and Louis ground corn for the poultry & for corn bread & this afternoon he cleaned wheat for seed. Herb helped him. I churned & helped them some. It is snowing and blowing some this evening.
Wed. Dec. 7 - We finished cleaning seed wheat. Herb helped. They then brought one load of Oats from Burks before dinner. After dinner they brought another load & a feed bunker. Louis then took Trustie over to DeCou's & weighed him & Herb took Ma & Bertha over to Damery's to the Missionary Meeting. Trustie weighed (1210) twelve hundred & ten pounds, age nineteen months. Mrs. Kinne & Floyd were here this evening.
Thurs. Dec. 8 - Thermometer this morning at zero. Herb, Louis & I took two steers & a heiffer up to Reiffs & weighed them, they weighed 2860 lbs. Steed with white, 860 lbs., red 970 lbs., & Heiffer 1030 lbs. Mr. Reiff offered 4 cents for steers & 2 - for the heiffer. Louis & Herb were to town this afternoon.
Fri. Dec. 9 - It was cold today. Therm. two degrees below zero. Mr. Dunlap was here to dinner. Mr. Dunlap and the boys were guning this afternoon & got two rabbit. Mr. Burkholder was here this afternoon. Two rabbits & several Quail.
Sat. Dec. 10 - Herb & Louis took Herbs things to town to have them sold by Mr. Tupper. Mrs. Teal & Grace were here visiting. Louis, Millie & Herb went up to Reiffs to practice singing this evening.
Sun. Dec. 11 - Herb, Millie & Louis were to S.S. Jesse came this evening. This was a fine day.
Mon. Dec. 12 - Herb went to work for John Yount, he is building a house on J. DeCou's west forty. Louis, Bertha & Millie were to town. Ma was over to Dunlap's visiting.
Tues. Dec. 13 - Therm. 6 below zero. Louis chored around until noon. We then ground corn & oats until chore time. Herb came home this afternoon.
Wed. Dec. 14 - Herb & Louis pumped water out of the cistern as it leaks & must be fixed. Herb, Bertha & baby went over to Tom Kigers visiting. Jack Meadows was here this afternoon. Louis & Millie went down to Younts this evening to practice singing.
Thurs. Dec. 15 - Louis, Herb, Ma & Millie were to town. They brought 1320 lbs of soft coal, $3.50 per ton. I was over to Mr. Burkholders to visit with him but he was just staring for his timber for wood, so I stoped and visited with Mr. Dunlap. This was a nice day but a sharp wind was blowing.
Fri. Dec. 16 - The boys cleaned out the cistern and got it ready to patch with cement, then Herb brought from his father's place the rest of the things. Mr. Burkholder came over with him and took dinner with us. He ground his axe on our emery wheel. Louis put a coat of cement on the cracks in the cistern well.
Sat. Dec. 17 - Herb, Bertha, Millie & Ma were to town again today to see things they had at the Ladies Fair held in the Opera House. The young folks were to singing practice at S.H.
Sun. Dec. 18 - As the cement was not hard yesterday to put on another coat, Louis put it on today. Bertha & Ma went down to Baldwins & Millie, Herb, Louis & Jesse went to S.S.
Mon. Dec. 19 - Louis took three hogs, 740 lbs, at 3 -, $22.20. Herb, Bertha & Millie were to town. Ma & I stayed at home with Harold. It rained a little today & was cloudy & damp all day & looks very much for rain. This evening it is warm.
Tues. Dec. 20 - The boys cracked nuts & made candy. Herb took gun home he had borrowed & Louis cleaned out the stables and hauled out the manure. This is a very damp cloudy warm day but no rain.
Wed. Dec. 21 - Louis & Herb were to town. This was a warm cloudy damp day but no rain. It rained a very little last night. Mr. Burkholder cut his hand with the ax choping wood.
Thurs. Dec. 22 - Louis chored around until Dave Yeager came. They then put a new two & a half inch cilinder in the well pump. Dave took the cilinder that was in along with him. They put new leather in the regulating cylinder & also in the check valve. Yeager was here to dinner. He charged us two dollars & ninety cents and the three inch cilinder which we paid him. Herb washed for Bertha today.
Fri. Dec. 23 - Herb went to a shooting match for turkeys. He got one & then had it raffled out. Louis went to town to send Christmas presents to Frank & family.
Sat. Dec. 24 - Herb went to town this morning with his father. Louis chored. After dinner Louis went down to fix up and decorate the Christmas tree. This evening we all went down to the S.H. except Herb. He stayed with Harold.
Sun. Dec. 25 - This was a fine day. Herb, Bertha, Jesse & Millie were visiting up at Harry Younts all day. The rest of us stayed at home.
Mon. Dec. 26 - Louis sharpened shoes and shod mark in front and ground corn & oats. The power track is very slipery, he wants to shoe Bettie so that he can grind & shell corn. This was a fine day.
Tues. Dec. 27 - Louis shod Bettie in front, then Louis, Herb & Ma went to town. Ma bought a high chair for Harold. I made a large gate in the cow stable to partition of a cow from the rest of the cows, so we can have a place like a box stall.
Wed. Dec. 28 - Louis went around & stapled up the wire & closed up the gap where we drove out & in when the cut was full of snow. He turned cattle & horses over in the west field in the stalks. Herb went to town this morning a foot.
Thurs. Dec. 29 - We got things ready to shell corn with the two hole sheller. We did not shell four bus. when we broke the bevel pinion on the grinder power, so Louis & Herb went to town & got it fixed. Ma was up to Reiffs visiting. The wind is blowing strong & snowing this evening.
Fri. Dec. 30 - It did not snow much but is cold. Louis cleaned the ice out of the hog barrels and stuffed them with straw. Frank came after dinner so we visited with him.
Sat. Dec. 31 - The boys were out with the gun awhile. After dinner Louis & Herb went to town. Frank & I visited together until they came back. This evening Louis & Herb were down to the School House to a singing meeting. Mr. Burk was here visiting all day.