Rockwell City Advocate
Forty Eight Dead
Official List of the Persons Killed in the Pomeroy Tornado.
From a circular sent out by the Pomeroy relief committee we take the following official list of the deaths caused by the great disaster of July 6 (1893). Thirty-two persons were dead when found in the ruins and sixteen others died within ten days after. The figures indicate ages.
Found Dead
- W. Arnold 64
- Sarah Arnold 66
- Mrs. J. F. Anderson 65
- Ray Banks 8
- Bessie Banks 14
- Grover Black 8
- George Black 7 mo.
- Two Children of John Beckley
- Ellen Dahlgren 28
- B. L. Davy 2
- Henry Dilemuth 63
- Olive Frost 17
- Mrs. C.R. George 32
- Mrs. J. B. Harlow 68
- N.S. Hulett 72
- Mrs. N.S. Hulett 72
- Mrs. F. Johnson 25
- Lena Keifer 11
- J.P. Lundgren 58
- Ollie Lundgren 12
- Alex Maxwell 14
- Henry Neating 74
- Mrs. Henry Neating 64
- Infant daughter of D. L. O'Brien
- Silas Rushton 34
- Chas. Rushton 3
- Betsey Talbot 67
- Nina Thomas 4
- Mrs. Agnes Quinlan 21
- M.P. Quinlan 4 mo.
Died from Injuries
- Katie Davy 18
- E.O. Davy 32
- Joe Demar 25
- Edward Doyle 27
- Mrs N. Fecht 38
- August Forche 38
- Henry Geikie 63
- Mrs Henry Geikie 36
- Roy Keifer 18
- S.N. Maxwell 38
- August Meyers 17
- Herman Mellor 15 mo.
- J.M. O'Brien 60
- Mrs. D.L. O'Brien 24
- Mrs. S. Rushton 28
- A. J. Wilkinson 65