Lake City Graphic

Sept 7, 1893

Prof. M. F. MORGAN arrived the first of the week from his home at Liscomb, and is ready to begin school work next Monday.

The C. E. of the Presbyterian church will entertain the young people at the home of Misses Orah and Maud SMITH Friday evening. Sept. 1.

Mr. and Mrs. James FLEECE went to Pomeroy, Tuesday. Mrs. F. intending to go from there to Livermore, Ia., where she was called by the serious illness of her daughter's husband, Mr. RIDGEWAY.

The chicken pie supper to be given by the Ladies Aid Society of the Christian church, Friday evening, will be held in the Mendlesshon store room on the west side of the square. Don't forget to attend.

In the race at Auburn last Friday the Auburn horse was about twenty feet ahead of Lake City Maid at the outcome, but a misunderstanding about the starting of the race had not been settled at last accounts.

Editor SNYDER is enjoying a visit from his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. SNYDER, of Stoystown, Pa, who extended their world's fair trip to Kansas, where they visited several weeks, and are now on their way home.

Look at LASELL and CHAPMAN'S new line of fancy dishes, water sets, ets.

J. W. WILSON and G. C. SMITH went to Chicago with stock Saturday night.

Those moth balls at McMACKINS' will protect your winter clothing, furs, etc. Mesdames WILLIS and John GUENTHER go to Mitchellville tomorrow on a visit to their parents.

Candidates for county offices are uncommonly quiet this year. 'Tis better so than to be slinging mud.

Wanted- Regular customer for about twenty-five pounds good butter every week. Inquire at this office.

R. M. HOLLER, of Elm Grove, is building a new school house in the Packer neighborhood, north of town.

Daisy flour $1.10; five sacks $5. A good flour 90 cents. A. H. GRANT and SON

Mrs. W. W. McMACKIN and two sons arrived home yesterday from their extended visit at the old home in Illinois.

Harry CAVETT, a railway conductor in New Mexico and brother of Dr. R. W. CAVETT of this city, has been here on a visit the past week.

The Lake City cigar factory's name contest was decided at J. B. SMITH'S office, Saturday, the name proposed by T. F. STEVENS- "Full Growth"- being the lucky one.

Mrs. STRONG has for some time past been at the bedside or her aged father, Mr. POWERS, of Carroll, who died last Thursday and was buried at Independence, Ia. Mrs. S. returned home from her sad mission the first of the week.

Elijah DAVIS, of Edwardsburg, Mich., a nephew of Uncle Peter SMITH, is here on a visit. He had to leave Michigan on account of poor health, which has recuperated wonderfully in a few weeks' sojourn in Minnesota. He contemplates coming here to live.

Joel McCORD of Lake View, spent Sunday at home.

J. B. McCRARY was in Carroll Monday on legal business.

Chas. J. BAKER, of Rockwell City, was in town Monday.

Mr. Ed BENTLEY visited relatives in Maquoketa last week.

J. M. MILLER and family visited in Eagle Grove last week.

Miss Carrie WOOD is visiting relatives in Cedar Rapids this week.

Roy BRYANS is up from Dayton this week visiting with his parents.

James McCORD left Monday for Chicago where he will attend school.

Dr. R. G. PINNEY, dentist, Lake City will visit Lohrville every Tuesday.

Leon SHIRTS of New York, is visiting P. A. HOTCHKISS and L. L. SHIRTS

Mr. and Mrs. S. TOWNSEND are attending the state fair this week.

Dr. J. D. McVAY and wife returned Tuesday from a weeks visit in Chicago.

Misses Leona STEWART and Ella HOTCHKISS returned Tuesday from Chicago.

Mrs. S. R. CUSHMAN returned Tuesday, from a six weeks visit at the world’s fair.

S. T. HUTCHINSON and daughters, Viola and Jessie, are visitors at the world’s fair.

J. S. McCREARY left this week for East Bend Penn., where he will visit several weeks at home.

M. S. KING went to Columbia, Missouri, Monday, to take charge of his school at that place.

Mrs. WILCOX, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. DENNY, returned to her home at Renwick, Tuesday.

Sheriff STEWART was in town Monday, looking after his interests as a candidate for re-election.

H. H. FEIGE and wife are visitors in Des Moines this week, with relatives and taking in the state fair.

Mrs. M. G. SACRIDER is quite ill at present.

T.B. HOTCHKISS was at home over Saturday night.

Mrs. J. W. WILSON visited friends at Dayton last week.

Mrs. Walt. TOMPKINS visited friends in the city, Tuesday.

Mrs. F. W. SPRAGUE is visiting her parents in Des Moines.

Mrs. C. L. SYVERSON visited her parents at Eldora, last week.

Frank LOGSDON and family started for the world’s fair last Thursday.

Mrs. W. H. ERB has returned from Des Moines.

Last Thursday the steam threshing machine owned by H. E. BERMAN, was burned while at work on Chris. DETHMAN’S farm in Sac County.

Mr. and Mrs. BERRY, of Tacoma, Wash., are visiting Mrs. Sade BALDWIN. On Saturday accompanied by Mrs. BALDWIN they will go to Clair, Iowa, to visit.

Miss Grace Jenks, niece of I. R. ARNEYy, who has been visiting her several weeks, left Monday for her home in Colorado. She will stop at Carroll and Omaha for a few days on her way.

September 14, 1893


Death of the Original of Louise Alcott’s Well-Known “Meg” Although Mrs. Anna Bronson Alcott Pratt, who has just died in Concord, says the Boston Transcript, was never in any manner connected with public life and work as her famous sister and father were for many years, there is a sense in which she has been very closely connected with thousands who have never saw her. For she was the original of “Meg,” the sweet eldest one of the four “Little Woman” who have been like sisters to all the young girls of America since they first appeared in literature. And many women who used to know “Meg,” “Joe, “ “Beth, “ and “Amy” almost as well as their own sisters, and who rejoiced in “Meg’s” brave industry and endearing womanliness and happy home life, will feel a pang at the loss of a familiar flesh and blood friend of schoolgirl days, in learning that “Meg, “ too, has followed her sisters into that silent land. “Beth” died first, as in the story, then the bright and talented “Amy,” and only a few years ago Louise Alcott, at once the prototype and creator of “Jo, “ laid down her busy pen. The children of Mrs. Pratt were not the boy and girl who figure as “Daisy” and “Demi” in the stories of the Marches, but two sons, whose place of occupation in the world in the publishing house whence came “Little Men,” and the rest of Louise Alcott’s books. The younger one took the name of John Alcott legally in deference to Louise Alcott’s will. The eldest son is E. Alcott Pratt. His little son bears the name of Bronson Alcott, in accordance with the wish of his paternal grandmother. Mrs. Pratt, whose funeral recently was in Concord, the quiet town associated with so much of the fortunes of our American literature.