Lake City Graphic

Dec. 7, 1893


Bro. Moore, of the Lohrville Enterprise was in town Tuesday.

Mrs. Geo. Coleman went to Goldfield, Monday, to visit friends.

Miss Ruby Parker, of Auburn, spent Thanksgiving with Miss Katie Denny.

Charles Grant moved last Friday into the house purchased by Pete Gabriel.

Miss June Delany, of Sioux City is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Coleman.

J. A. Callahan, of Lohrville, visited last week with his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Garner.

P. R. Moseley, of Auburn, spent Thanksgiving with Moseley family of this city.

Frank King, of Rolfe, Pocahontas county, was a guest at the King home Thanksgiving.

John Harshbarger, of Scranton, arrived Tuesday and is making a visit to his brother Jacob, one and one half miles west of Lake City.

Cy. Whittlesey, mayor of Manson, and J. W. Long, of the same place were in the city last Tuesday, assisting in the livery barn deal.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Pearson, of Mitchellville, Iowa, is visiting with the brother and sister of Mrs. Pearson, Mrs. James Hibbs, and Mrs. M. Snelson.

James Cole, who has been working on the Union Pacific Railroad for some time, with headquarters at Denver, is shaking hands in Lake City with old time friends.

E. E. (could be F. F.) Oliver, for some ten months foreman of the Graphic, severed his connection with us last Saturday, and accepts a position on the Eagle Grove Gazette. Mr. Oliver is a good all round printer. He has made many friends while in Lake City, who will regret to hear of his removal.

Dec. 21, 1893

N. A. MORRISON is now occupying the MENDELSSOHN property in northeast part of town.

G. H. GREEN has moved in the BALDWIN house at southeast corner of school ground.

The council of Sac City has passed an ordinance prohibiting the licensing or running of billiard and pool tables.

T. P. GREGG, of Lake Creek township has purchased the WILCOX property in the north part of town, and expects to move into it in February.

W. TYSON, of Manson, is canvassing lake City in the interest of weather strips on doors, which excludes every particle of wind from the house through such an opening. It is a new device, practical and unique. Don’t fail to see them.

A. P. A. Social.

The members of the A. P. A. council and their special friends had a social at their hall last Monday evening. a large attendance of pleasant people assembled, and a most enjoyable time was had throughout. the following program was rendered to the delight of all.

Music-choir…………Mrs. C. W. Henkle, Mrs. Morgan, F. B. Humphreys, C. W. Henkle
Prayer.....Chaplan L. C. Clow
Address of welcome..... C. W. Guenther
Recitation....F. L. Gregory
Solo..........F. B. Humphreys
Original poem...........C. W. Guenther
Recitation.......Miss Alta Miller

After the conclusion of the program supper was served. Tables groaning with good things, which Lake City know so well how to prepare, were prepared, and a genuine feast of reason and flow of soul aided much in digesting the elaborate feast. Revs. Ross and Bartholomew gave most interesting talks after the physical wants were supplied, and all felt that it had been good to be present.

So far as we have been able to learn, each of the churches will have some way in which to appropriately celebrate Christmas. The ladies of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen are preparing to give their husbands, brothers and sweethearts a right royal good time, and if there is a class of people who know how to improve an opportunity to enjoy themselves it is railroaders and their families.

Rev. S. W. STEELE, of Estherville, Iowa, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit last Sunday morning and evening. His discourses gave evidence of biblical research, and were delivered with much force, carrying conviction. As previously announced, the pulpit was formally declared vacant, and the session empowered to supply the pulpit until the spring meeting of Presbytery. However, should the congregation decide to call a pastor, a special meeting of Presbytery can be convened.

On next Sabbath, Rev. J. M. LINN, president of Buena Vista college, will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. Prof. LINN is a very able divine, and should have a large congregation.

Miss Mable Burt returned from Mt. Vernon, Iowa, yesterday, where she has been attending Cornell college, one of the best institutions of learning in the state. The disposition of the young ladies and gentlemen to get a finished education is a very laudable ambition, and is always helpful in raising the tone of any community. We wish that every young person might be able to secure a complete collegiate course.

John Overtaker, while out driving his bay cold last Wednesday morning, met with what might have proven a serious accident. While driving along West street his colt became frightened at the excavating for water mains and ran away. The dashboard was broken off the cutter and the shafts broken, though the driver escaped with a few slight scratches. The hores ran to the square and plunged among the teams, where he was caught.

The Men’s meeting at the north side church last Sabbath was one of unusual interest. The instrumental music was a most valuable feature. An orchestra composed of Mrs. Frank Humphreys, organ; S. H. Townsend, violin; Ray Townsend, cornet; C. H. Townsend, clarionet;(sic) D. H. Taylor, tuba, gave some beautiful renditions, and it is to be hoped it will be a permanent part of the program. The object of these meetings is the organization of a Y. M. C. A. in our city, and the prospect for the accomplished of this purpose is very good. Here is a splendid opportunity for the railroad company to make a profitable investment. If their employes (sic)are supplied with plenty of good reading matter and a pleasant place to spend their spare time, there will probably be no disposition to visit places detrimental to their physical, financial, and moral abilities, and the better service rendered the company more than compensate them for whatever they might feel disposed to give.

Quarterly Meetings

The first quarterly meeting for this conference year of the M. E. church of Lake City will be held on Saturday and Sunday, December 23 and 24. Quarterly conference on Saturday at 3 o’clock p.m. Preaching by Elder Brown, Saturday at 7 o’clock p. m. Lovefeast Sunday morning at 10 o’clock after which the Elder will preach and Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be administered. All are cordially invited to attend these services.
C. B. Winter, Pastor