Jolley Times

Miscellaneous Items.

Transcribers Notes: no year date given, but clearly late 1890's

Chicago, Milwauke & St. Paul R. R.
Going South.
Mail and express....7:48 a.m.
Express....2:00 p.m.
Way freight.....6:25 a.m.
Going North.
Way and express.....1:06 p.m.
Express.....7:06 p.m.
Way freight.....5:15 p.m.
Chicago fast stock 8:15 a. m. Wednesday's & Sundays.
W. A. GRUBBS, Agent
METHODIST ESISCPAL CHURCH-Rev. S. H. Middlekauff pastor. Preaching every other Sunday at 11 a. m., and every Sunday evening at 7:30. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Epworth League at 6:30.


The parsonage is about completed and will be occupied Monday.

H. Morwitzer's new residence is up and inclosed and is a valuable improvement to that part of town.

Rev. W. T. Seeley and wife, of Galt, Iowa, are visiting this week with his mother Mrs. C. M. Seeley and other relatives in these parts.

F. C. Mallory is doing a fine land and loan business this fall and reports a ready sale of land at fair values. If you wish to buy or sell or make a five per cent farm loan call on him.

I have a fine improved 80 acre farm a mile and a half from town at $36 per acre, a bargain. F. C. MALLORY

Mrs. Shawl, of Jefferson, is making her sister, Mrs. W. N. Steele, a pleasant visit this week.

Mr. Giles and wife of Peoria, Ill., made their cousin, Geo. B. Peters, a pleasant visit this week, and purchased a fine 160 acre farm of F. C. Mallory before they left.

Mr. Tregloan, of Carroll is visiting with his son, L. L. Tregloan.

Mrs. Peitsmeyer is very sick with typhoid fever.

Wm. Wall's little baby is quite sick this week.

J. Scott was in town Tuesday on business. Mr. Scott is a heavy land owner in this county and he has great faith in Calhoun county.

Mr. Griswold, of Nebraska, visited this week with his brother in law, L. B. Irons. Mr. Griswold had not seen Lucian for twenty years and they enjoyed a very pleasant visit.

J. V. Smith, of Le Roy, is here on a visit.

The county is putting in a new grade and bridge near Lavinia.

Rev. Middlekauf and wife returned from Conference Tuesday. Mr. Middlekauf will be pastor for next year again and his many friends are pleased to see him returned again.

I have a fine improved 80-acre farm 3 miles from town, for sale at $36 per acre, also a fine 137 acre improved farm for sale at $30 per acre.

Homeseekers Excursion

Homeseekers' Excursion tickets will be sold via D. M. & N. W. Ry. To numerous points in the North, South and West on the following dates: July 4-18, August 1-15, Sept. 5-19 and Oct. 3-17, 1899. the fare will be the usual rate of one fare plus $2 for the round trip. Final returning limit of tickets 21 days. Any further information furnished on application.
K. A. DOYLE, Agent.
Jolley, Iowa

This is the Year to Attend College.

There are today thousands of young people on the farms and in the village who are tied down by lack of education to work they heartily dislike. Are you one of them my friends? If so the Grand Island Normal and business College can put you on the road to success if you are ambitious and willing to study. It makes no difference how backward you are provided you are plucky and mean business. We teach everything necessary for a successful start in life. If you are short in money we will accept a gold note without interest for the tuition. Last year more than twice as many calls were received for our graduates as could be supplied. Business Normal and Shorthand courses. Board $1.50 per week. Established fourteen years. College Record or catalogue sent for six cents in stamps. This is a great opportunity Will you let it slip by?
A. M. Harges, President,
Grand Island, Nebraska

Millions Given Away.

It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land when ?? are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's New discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Geo. Ritz's, druggist and get a trial bottle free, regular size 50 ct. and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded.

REAL ESTATE and LOANS (Advertisement)

Improved and Unimproved Lands for Sale. MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE ON FAVORABLE TERMS. If you wish to Buy or Sell Land or Secure a Loan, do not fail to See Me. R. C. Mallory, Jolley, Iowa.

Local News

Wool union suits at Graham's.

Attorney J. C. Kerr has a new bicycle and has broken the "critter" to ride.

Brower's farm loan rates are positively the lowest.

C. E. Wright made a business trip to Carroll, Tuesday. Cotton fleeced underwear at Graham's.

Fred Holland has a position in A. L. Dean's drug store.

Rev. ? W. Tait attended an adjourned meeting of Presbytery at Glidden, Tuesday.

Buy a town lot of A. Riseley before the prices rise.

Revs. Burnip and Lambley make a trade of appointments. Rev. Lambley being now stationed at Clarion.

Atorney M. W. Frick has money on hand to loan on any good security.

Wesley Cook's new home on Court street is progressing nicely under the charge of Jake Middlekauff.

William Jenks and Miss Cora Richards, of Lake City, secured marriage licenses Wednesday.

Remember that Block Bros. carry a complete assortment of shores for men and boys. Quality the highest, prices the lowest.

Rev. J. M. Anderson returned home from attending the Northwest Iowa Conference at Ida Grove Tuesday.

G. E. Whealen & Co. are showing a tasty lot of shoes and dry goods for fall. Their line of OUTING FLANNELS is handsome and prices right.

E. E. Johnston, editor of the Advocate, has been very sick with stomach trouble the past week, but is now improving.

For five cent farm loans, with annual interest, optional payment, see Attorney M. W. Frick.

Dr. C. H. L. Souder returned home to Chicago Tuesday afternoon after three weeks spent in rebuilding his barn and other improvements destroyed by the storm on his farm in Garfield township and visiting among old time friends. The doctor has many friends in Calhoun who are always glad to see him.

It takes a several matrimonial frost to kill the orange blossoms used in making ???? Mountain Tea. Made by Madison medicine Co., 35cts. As your druggist.

Mesdames West and Williams went home to Chicago Tuesday, after a couple of weeks visit at the home of their brother George R. Allison and family, in Rockwell City.

It takes four and five clerks hustling to wait on the customers at J. H. Gregg's big store. He says business was never better. Ladies' flannelette wrappers, Graham's.

See that new line of couches at Stonebraker's.

Mrs. H. A. Squires' millinery opening last Saturday was well attended and a fine success.

New fall styles of ingrain carpets at G. E. Wheaten & Co's.

Aquila Hunter will assist his brother the Major in his law office during the fall and winter.

Brower continues to make farm loans at the lowest rates obtainable.

The hour for evening services in all the churches is now changed from 8 p m. to 7:30 p.m. The friends will bear in mind this announcement and set accordingly.

Clifford Houk, who for several weeks past had been visiting his sister, Mrs. G. W. Korns and family in Rockwell City, returned home to Denver, Colo., Saturday. The Houk family was among our earliest acquaintances when we came to Calhoun county eighteen years ago and we shall ever gratefully remember the kindly manner in which they received us.

G. W. Williams always sells the best quality of nut and lump coal. Office north of D. W. Noel's elevator, Rockwell City, Iowa.

Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Tait and Master Henry, drove to Pomeroy Wednesday and made a visit to Rev. Vauer and family.

A nice line of Colaretts coming at Mrs. H. A. Squaires. Look out for them.

On next Sabbath Rev. W. W. Tait will preach in the Presbyterian church on the following named subjects: At 11 a.m. "The Ark of God in the Home," at 7:30 p.m., "What to Read and What not to Read." All are cordially invited.

Seven of Geo. L. Brower's farms have recently been sold. He has several other farms at low prices. He owns all lands he as for sale and can make the most reasonable terms to buyers.

Mrs. A. A. Horton and children went to Pomeroy, last Friday evening, on their way to Spencer, their new home. Mr. Horton remained here until the following day, when he also started for Spencer. Storm Lake is sorry to lose these good people who have made their home her for nearly seven years. The change of residence is made in order that Mr. Horton may be nearer his Minnesota land interests.-Storm Lake Pilot Tribune.

See those ready made skirts at Squares' they are beauties and cheap too.

The Ladies' Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Mrs. M. E. Strong, on Friday, Sept. 29, at 3:00 p.m. As this is the annual election of officers it is earnestly requested that all members make a special effort to be present.

Henry Wisenant is booming J. C. Rick's new home on west Court street in fine shape and is going to be a fine house when completed.

J. H. Gregg carries just the kinds of goods that the people buy and that is why his clerks are bustled to serve the stream of buyers continually passing in and out of his store.

Velvet, moca and kid gloves, Graham's.

Mrs. Geo. Ritz has been quite ill but is now improving.

A fine 80 acre farm five miles from town, for sale. Inquire at this office.

Herman Bussa and Miss Lena Carstens secured a marriage license today.

Only fourteen marriage licenses issued at the court house this month. Pure silk-fleeced underwear at Graham's.

H. A. Squaires is recovering nicely from the loss of his fingers, and the wounds are healing up nicely.

J. H. Gregg has one of the finest stocks of shoes in the city and his trade in that line alone is immense. In men's women's or children's shoes the individual who cannot be suited at Gregg's is rare indeed.

P. W. Hunter, of Dexter, was an over Sunday visitor in Rockwell City, the guest of his cousins Major F. F. and Aquila Hunter.

It's overcoats you want? Then get you to L. W. Johnson & Son's clothing store where they have mountains of them to select from. Latest styles and best of goods, cheap as the cheapest and don't you think anybody is going to undersell the old reliable firm.

The ladies of the Allison family drove to Ripley last Friday for a little outing and en route were guests of Mrs. Orman Doty in Lake City. Romanian goods for portiers, stamped cushion covers and many articles used in needle works at Graham's.

Rev. and Mrs. Pearce went home to Creston, last Friday, after spending the fore part of the week visiting among former Rockwell City neighbors and friends.

We notice a splendid line of men's fine shoes on sale at Whealen's. They are doing more business in shoes than ever.

Charles McClure, of Lohrville was an over night visitor at the home of his brother-in-law S. A. Smith, last Thursday night.

You'll never get tired, fagged out, disappointed, unhappy, or make a mistake in marriage if you use Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your Druggist.

Everybody can see the big advertisement of M. E. Strong & Co., on our first page. This firm has build up a fine trade since coming to Rockwell City. Where do they get it? Why from the dealers who do not advertise in the REPUBLICAN. Where else could they get it.

Live for those who love you.
For those whose hearts are fond & true
The only way to do this right,
Take Rocky Mountain tea at night
Ask your druggist.

Mr. Rob't. Goodwin, of the Redfield Brick and Tile Works, was a business visitor at Jolley and Rockwell City last week, placing some good contracts for material whil away. He reports that evidence of Railway improvement is quite noticeable on the upper end of the line, particularly at Rockwell City which is now the scene of much activity in a business way.-Redfield Clipper.

Although prices have advanced on almost everything, Stonebrakers have marked their new stock of furniture lower than ever.

The west side is strictly on the boom its latest stroke of prosperity being a hundred and two foot brick building commenced this week by J. C. Dixon to be occupied by a furniture store by a firm from Des Moines who expect to be here with their stock about the 15th of October. The building will be a veneered brick one story high and twenty feet wide. It is a good starter for the west side. Let 'er boom.

Lace curtains will be sold by Stonebraker's at great bargains until Tuesday, October 3d. Prices from nineteen cents each to eight dollars per pair.

Pocahontas and Rolfe were both companions until the county seat secured a railroad and bids fair to outgrow its neighbor, and now a liquefied air plant is a warm proposition compared with the cold shoulder that the two towns are turning toward each other. The Pocahontas Record remarks: "The Havelock and Rolfe people are not overcome with joy over Pocahontas getting a railroad, and they have the story in circulation that the grading being done here is being paid for by the citizens of the town, who are trying to work up a boom in order to sell town lots. You can buy town lots cheaper in Rolfe or Havelock than in Pocahontas, at present, and if the people here are paying for the grading being done they are putting in a lot of money where they will never get it out. The Gowrie & Northwestern will foot the bills and our envious neighbors need not lose an? ?????."

District Court meets a week from next Monday, Judge Church.

Born, to David Martin and wife, Friday, September 22nd, a daughter.

The plat of the new town of Lavinia was filed at the court house, Monday.

Born to David Engleman and wife, of Center township, Monday, September 25th, a daughter.

Meade has a change of advertisement this week, which see and call when you want ladies' jackets.

The foundation of the new brick block is nearly completed and the super structure is soon to be commenced.

The reception of Admiral Dewey in New York, tomorrow. Let everybody put out the flags. It would be in order to burn a good deal of power too.

W. W. Waiters, of Center township and Miss Lulu M. Anderson, of Lake Creek township, were married Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's parent in Lake Creek township. They will reside on the farm east of town where their many friends Will wish them success and happiness.

Thos. Welch, a laborer on the Illinois Central, had the misfortune to get his left hand crushed and under the wheel of the tie car, crushing three fingers quite badly. Dr. Hews dressed the hand, removing the little finger and part of the second and third fingers. He is doing well as possible.

Conference Appointments

The Northwest Iowa Conference has shaken up our Methodist friends till they didn't know for a little time "where they were at." In the first place they have been cut off from the Fort Dodge district where they have been at home so long and are grafted into the Ida Grove district under Presiding Elder J. W. Lothien. Then they have been bereft of their good pastor, Rev. Robert Burnip, who is sent to Clarion, and placed under the tender care of a stranger whose voice they do not know, Rev. M. O. Lambley, who we would remark, has a very appropriate name for a shepherd. Lohrville remains in the Fort Dodge district, but is not yet supplied. Lake City, Rev. E. G. Keith; Manson, Rev. G. C. Fort; Pomeroy, Rev. G. L. Tennant; Jolley and Center, Rev. S. K. Middlekauff; Rev. J. C. Harvey goes to Marcus.