Powers, Henry J. died 1866
Posted By: S. Ferrall - IAGenWeb volunteer
Date: 8/3/2024 at 11:22:12
DIED - At his residence in McGregor, on Friday, Dec. 21st, of Typhoid Fever, Henry J. Powers, aged 31 years.
The deceased had been ailing several weeks but did not call a physician. On the Wednesday previous to his death, he was down town at his place of business. On that evening he was taken suddenly worse, physicians were sent for, but they had little hope; he continued to sink until Friday about noon, when the spirit was released from mortality.
Being a Mason - a Sir Knight as the title goes - the Brotherhood took charge of the body and gave the deceased all the attention pertaining to his high position while living. The funeral services were conducted in the Congregational Church on Sunday; sermon by Mr. Sloan, from part of John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you."
A densely crowded house the imposing ceremonies of the Knights Templar burial, the eloquent and touching sermon, the muffled strains of the Band, and, above all, the sorrow which pervaded the audience, made this a most solemn occasion.
We hardly dare speak of the deceased. He was so universally beloved that we cannot describe the unaffected alarm which marked the faces of all when the report obtained "HENRY POWERS can't live!"
He was amiable and honorable, he was warmly lived by all who knew him. Anguish unutterable possesses the soul when the gentle voice and eloquent eye of a departed one present themselves to the ear and the eye of Memory. The virtues of the dead rise up in harmonius beauty as if to reproach us for our failure, before, to appreciate a treasure which was one our own; while the faults - for none are faultless - are deep buried in the heart, impenetrably veiled by the hand of affection.
Henry was one of nature's noblemen.
None knew him but to love him,
None named him but to praise.~North Iowa Times, Wednesday, December 26, 1866; pg 2
Note: He is buried in Evergreen cemetery, Prairie du Chien, WI. For more family info., see also the obit of his mother Rhoda (Hickox) Powers, posted on this Board
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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