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Larson, Vivian (Orvis) 1898-1950


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 5/6/2024 at 15:50:59

Clayton County Register, 23 Nov. 1950.

Mrs. Alvin J. Larson, 52, died Tuesday morning, Nov. 21, at her home in St. Olaf following several months' illness.

Services will be held from the residence in St. Olaf at 10:30 o'clock Friday morning and at the Norway Lutheran church at 11 o'clock. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery.

--- --- ---

Clayton County Register, 30 Nov. 1950.

Funeral services for Mrs. Alvin J. Larson were held from the residence in St. Olaf at 10:30 o'clock Friday morning, Nov. 24 and at the Norway Lutheran church at 11 a.m. Dr. S. J. Strandjord officiated. Burial was in the Norway cemetery.

Vivian Larson, daughter of Fred K. and Mary Orvis, was born June 03, 1898 at St. Olaf. She died at her home on Tuesday morning, Nov. 21, 1950 at the age of 52 years, five months and 18 days.

Vivian was one of three children. She was a life long member of the Norway Lutheran church, where she was baptized and confirmed.

She always took an active part in church work, having taught Sunday school for several years, was a member of the choir and had served as president of the Ladies Aid. At the time of her death she was secretary and treasurer of the organization.

On January 25, 1922, she was united in marriage to Alvin Larson of St. Olaf where they lived up to the time of her death.

She is survived by her husband, Alvin Larson, a daughter, Mary Ann Glesne of Montezuma, a son Roger, who is attending the Monona high school, one grandson, Mark Glesne, Her father, Fred K. Orvis of St. Olaf, a brother, Floyd Orvis of St. Olaf and a sister, Allison de Buhr of Rockford, Iowa, also many other relatives and friends.

(Note: A Card of Thanks was signed by: Mr. Alvin Larson and Roger. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee Glesne and Mark.)

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