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Smith, Edward G. "Boone" 1876 - 1942


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 4/12/2024 at 15:29:07

Clayton County Register, 24 Dec. 1942.

Edward G. Smith, 66, died at his home early Tuesday morning after a lingering illness.

He was always known in this community as "Boone" Smith.

Surviving are his widow, formerly Linda Chapman, one daughter, Mrs. Doris Tuveng of Chicago, and three sons: Leo of Dubuque, Leland of Mason City, and Elmo of Volga City, also nine grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements were not complete at this writing.

Obituary next week.

--- --- ---

Clayton County Register, 31 Dec. 1942.

Edward G. Smith, 66, died early Tuesday morning, Dec. 22, at his home here following a lingering illness.

He was born August 02, 1876, near West Union in Fayette county.

He was always known in this community as "Boone" Smith.

Surviving are his widow, formerly Linda R. Chapman, one daughter, Mrs. Doris Tuveng, Chicago; three sons, Leo, Dubuque; Leland, Mason City; and Elmo, Volga City; also nine grandchildren. A son, Valmah, preceded him in death in infancy.

Funeral services were held Thursday at 1:30 p.m. in the Blake and Gill funeral chapel here, with the Rev. Russell Nelson, local Presbyterian minister, in charge.

Casket-bearers were: Thos. Conboy, Louie Preuss, Oscar Lamphier, Thos. Lendman, Mike Conboy, and Will Goodin

Burial was in Hill Crest cemetery.

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