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Wilbur, Electa Jane 'Jennie' (Hyatt) 1851 - 1942


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 3/20/2024 at 16:26:20

Clayton County Register, 01 Apr. 1942.

VOLGA: Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church for Mrs. Jennie Wilbur, 90, who died Thursday, March 26, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Oldfather, west of town, with whom she had made her home for a number of years.

The Rev. D. V. Butler, pastor had charge of the services, assisted by the Rev. Russell P. Nelson. Burial was made at Taylorsville cemetery.

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Clayton County Register, 08 Apr. 1942.

Electa Jane Hyatt was born June 20, 1851, at Waukau, Wis., daughter of William and ___ville Black Hyatt. On Dec. 25, 1868 she was married to William Catton. Three children were born to them, now all deceased. Mr. Catton died June 20, 1882.

On Sept. 15, 1885, at Gladbrook, she was married to Walter Wilbur. Two children, a son Frank of Independence, and a daughter, Mrs. Frank Oldfather, were born to them. Mr. Wilbur died in 1932.

Surviving are her two children, fifteen grandchildren, twenty great-grandchildren, and several great-great-grandchildren.

She died in her daughter's home, March 26, 1942, at the age of 90 years 9 months and 6 days.

Funeral services were held Sunday, March 29, at the Methodist church in charge of Rev. Butler and Rev. Nelson. Burial was in Taylorville cemetery.

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