Oak Hill Cemetery notes
pg 145-163 * pg 164-181 * pg 182-199
Aschom, George (1850 Aug 30-1906
Sep 27)
Died in 1908, in La Crosse, WI,
per obit in Allamakee Journal. - from
Barthel, Verna (1894 Sep 03-1981
Apr 20)
Swanson, Verna (d. 04/20/1981)
Barthel, William C. (1862 Jul 12-1913
Apr 17)
Bartheld, William Charles
Verna Barthel & Verna Swanson are
the same woman. Correct spelling is Bartheld.
Woodmansee lists Verna under both of her married
names. Verna A. (Gruber) Bartheld Swanson was
married 1st to William Charles Bartheld and is
buried with him in Oak Hill. He is not listed in
Woodmansee. She was married second to
Sydney/Sidney Swanson (1893 Jan 21-1962 Jul 13)
who is buried in Elmwood cemetery, Louisa County,
Iowa with his first wife Nellie Carey. There is a
William C. Barthel on the Woodmansee list, but is
not Verna's 1st husband. William Charles
Bartheld's correct dates are:
09/13/1894-07/17/1948. Verna is listed in
Woodmansee as Verna Barthel and as Verna Swanson.
- from R.O.
Barthel, Wilhelmina (1874 Mar
27-1923 Nov 05)
Correct surname is Boeckh; w/o
William C. Boeckh -from R.O.
Bascom, Alice (03/23/1866-06/23/1873)
Bascom, Alice Jane (1/29/1860 -
Both girls are d/o E.B. & M.P. Bascom, and
are buried in the same lot; neither were included
in the Woodmansee book - from R.O.
Beckmire, August S.; 1830 Dec 16
- 1900 Feb 27
Beckmire, Herman H.; 1890 Aug 09
- 1902 Jul 01
Beckmire, Marie A.; 1843 Aug 14
- 1916 Aug 06
Beckmire, William; 1806 Oct 17 -
1879 Feb 25
"William Beckmire" is actually
Wilhelm Goettel and the stone is
so inscribed. He is the father of Marie Goettel
Boeckemeier listed above. The family name is
actually Boeckemeier and it is
on the individual stones, but there is a large
plot marker inscribed Beckmire, hence the
misinterpretation. August Simon Boeckemeier was a
long time blacksmith and wagon maker in Lansing. Woodmansee
also has August S. correctly listed under
Boeckmeier, but does not double list Herman or
Marie with their correct surname. -from S.G.
(updated by the Allamakee co. coordinator
Beisel, Jacob (1833-1865 Jun 25)
I believe that he may have been reinterred in the
Oak Hill cemetery after first being buried in Old
Oak Hill. Extracted from a Decoration Day news
article: "The phalanx [ie: procession] then
repaired to the old cemetery, where the graves of
Thomas McGarrity, Jacob Beisel,
Geo. Nye and Thomas Healy were each in turn
decorated. There are two or three other soldiers
buried in the old cemetery but their graves could
not be identifed." (North Iowa Journal,
Wednesday, May 30, 1877; pg 3). Beisel now has a
military stone in Oak Hill that appears to be
fairly new, and of a different style than would
have been erected around the time of his death.
Bieber, Philip (1851-1875 Feb
DOD is not correct. Per the obituary of Philip
Bieber Jr., aged 24, in the North Iowa
Journal, October 27, 1875, he died on Oct.
26 of Typhoid fever (S.F.)
Blackmor, Marie (1818 Jul
25-1883 May 05)
Blackmor, William (1819 Nov
06-1873 Jun 11)
They share a gravestone with surname spelled
Blackmore. Marie's inscription: 7/25/1816
- 5/5/1883. William's inscription: 11/6/1819 - 6/14/1875.
- from R.O.
Boeckh, Pauline Kerndt (1832 Oct
01-1910 Feb 10)
DOD is incorrect in 'Woodmansee'. Her gravestone,
which is engraved "Mother", has the
dates Oct 1, 1832 - Nov. 28, 1910.
She was the wife of Edward Boeckh SR. Her
obituary was in the La Crosse Tribune on
November 29, 1910, and possibly was also in a
Lansing or Waukon paper- from S.F.
Benninger, Floyd W. (1889-1962)
Benninger, Genette (1891-1965)
The correct surname for both is Rundle.
Unknown is why Woodmansee has their surname as
Benninger. Floyd W. Rundle was born in Kansas in
1889. He married Genette Johnson of Lansing
ca1917. The 1925 census gives her parents as John
D. & Mary (Okre) Johnson. Both buried
in Oak Hill. Floyd William Rundles WWI
Draft Registration shows he was b. Kansas and
living in Allamakee co. at the time he registered
in 1917. He was married and employed by Gus
Lund, as a clerk in a confectionary in Lansing.
The Rundle's lived for many years in Dubuque and
he died there June 30, 1962.
Bray, Bashmuth Bower (1920-1974)
Bashmuth Efursena (Thorp) Bray Bower. First husb.
Orrin Bray & 2nd husb. Thomas Bower.
Gravestone is inscribed Bray-Bower and
"mother", both husbands are buried
nearby with Orrin's stone engraved
Brooks, Wendel A.;
Wendel Dale Brooks
(middle initial is not 'A'); born January 28,
1935 in Allamakee County, IA and died April 4,
1979 at his residence in New Prague, MN.
Initially buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Lansing,
IA. Reinterred in Czech National cemetery, New
Prague, Scott co. MN when his wife Darlene died
in 2010. - from Janet Koozer, sister of Wendel D.
Burgess, George P. (1854
May 04-1929 Aug 05)
He died in Lansing, but his correct burial place
is Oak Hill cemetery, near Colesburg, Delaware
co. IA; he and his wife Clara (Gull)
Burgess have gravestones there - from R.O.
Burt, M.J. (no dates)
Per obit, Merritt J. Burt died
12/20/1873, age 41 years - from S.F.
Busness, V. Fern Hessel
(1898 Jun 28-1988 Nov 05)
Vera Fern (Hessel) Johnson Busness born in
Waukon. Funeral handled by Martin Funeral Home.
Vera was married twice, 1st to Joseph Johnson,
and 2nd to Carl Busness (buried East Paint Synod
with his 1st wife Selina d. 1959) Vera is buried
beside her first husband as a Johnson.
Woodmansee lists her as a Busness but not as a
Johnson. - from R.O.
Candy, John (1853-1902)
This is John Canedy Metcalf. His
gravestone is engraved only with first &
middle name, leading to the confusion.- from R.O.
Caughlin, Anna
Anna Marie Caughlin is buried in Gethsemane
cemetery -from R.O.
Cowles, James W.
(1841-1864 Sep 26)
Cowles, James W. (1841-1864 Sep
A large monument in Oak Hill, simply engraved
"Father and Mother Together" On the
base is the family name COWLES. There are no
given names or dates on the monument. Mother
Cowles is Sarah A. (Ostrander) Cowles
Fleming. Father Cowles is Sylvester
D. Cowles.. Sylvester & Sarah and 3
children are living in Milwaukee, Wi per 1850
census. They removed to Lansing abt 1851-53,
where S.D. was asst. P.M. at Lansing abt 1852-3.
He died ca1856 & was buried in the Old Oak
Hill cemetery. Sarah remarried to Capt. Wm. J.
Fleming, a riverboat captain. In 1877 Sylvester
& Sarah's son Charles W. of McGregor had
their remains removed from their original resting
places and re-buried in Oak Hill cemetery. James
Whitfield Cowles was also their son. His small
gravestone next to the large Cowles monument is
marked with a Civil War stake and is a cenotaph.
James is buried in Andersonville Nat'l Cemetery.
'Woodmansee' incorrectly assumed that the large
Cowles gravestone was also for James, rather than
correctly for Sylvester & Sarah. (see: Sarah Fleming obit & Charles W. Cowles
obit) - from S.F.
Cure?, Catherine Elizabeth
(?Sept 18-Oct 2, 1904)
Catherine Cure / Courtney born 1904 Sep 18
& died 1904 Oct 02. Dale Woodmansee and
County Death Records give her last name as Cure
buried Oak Hill cemetery. Paul Moritz does not
have her on his list of burials at Oak Hill cem.
This would also mean that the cemetery likely has
no record of this burial. The Allamakee
Journal from 1904 has her last name as Courtney
buried Lansing. No obit in Waukon Democrat
or Waukon Standard. -from
Davey, Carrie Haroldson
(1859 Dec 23 - 1944 Jun 04)
Husband: Harvey Haroldson. Allamakee County Death
Records show she died with surname Davey, and
there was a obituary for her in the Waukon
Democrat and the Waukon
Republican-Standard. They both show her as
Davey. She may be buried under surname Haroldson
and it is unknown if she has a gravestone in Oak
Hill, I do not have any info on who her parents
were or where her husband is buried. -from R.O.
Davis, Andrew A.
This is actually Andrew A. Dains.
On the Death record his name is Andrew A
"Dames" (although at first glance it
looks like "Dawes", thus I missed it
early on) He is from Richland Co WI. There
is a land transaction in Richland, in which
Andrew A. Dains of Allamakee Co IA sells his land
in Richland Co WI. He is perhaps the son of
Ebenezer Dains of NJ, PA & Ohio.
Suspect he moved to IA from WI with a relative.
-from email (unsigned)
Dehli, Marie M. (1909 Jun 20-1923 Jan
Correct dates are June 20, 1909 - Jan 14, 1933.
Sources: Allamakee County Death Records; Obits in
Waukon Democrat and Waukon
Republican-Standard. All sources have 1933
as year of death. -from R.O.
Deremore, Abraham 1813-1897 Oct 18
Abraham Deremore is buried in Oakland
cemetery, Waukon, with his wife Julian and not in
Oak Hill. Abraham and his wife are also recorded
for Oakland, German Addition. -from P.M.
Deremore, Mabel (1879-1922 Feb
Correct surname is Gremore. She
possibly doesn't have a gravestone. Died
2/21/1922, w/o John, d/o Lewis Wallace &
Lottie Dodds. - from R.O.
Dreher, Wilhelmine (1942 Jul
01-1975 Mar 11)
Her dates are incorrect. Per her obituary in the North
Iowa Journal 3/17/1875 they are 1842-1875 -
from S.F.
Ellefson, Adolph (1875-1949)
Ellefson, Eigle (1842-1882)
Ellefson, Mary (1846-1929 Mar
Correct surname spelling is Ellexson
- from R.O.
Ellithorde, Isabelle
Ellithorde, Clara Maud
My Great Grandmother's surname is
incorrectly spelled, as is that of her daughter
Clara Maud. I haven't seen the stone (if there is
one) or the obituary, however, the correct
spelling should be: Ellithorpe
-from Claudia Monson, Lindstrom, Minnesota
Everson, Beverly (1937-1948)
This is the same woman as Beverly Ellefson, whose
name & dates are correctly listed in
Woodmansee. -from R.O.
Fink, Mayme E.
(1890 Feb 19-1978 Oct 10)
Haerer, Mayme E. (1890-1978)
These entries are for the same woman, Mayme
(Waters) Haerer Fink (1890 Feb 19-1978 Oct
10). Funeral handled by Burk-Thornburg Funeral
home. Mayme was married twice, first to Theodore
Haerer (1879-1954). She is buried with Theodore
as a Haerer in Oak Hill. She next married Leo
Fink (1890-1978) in Houston co., Minnesota in
1960. Leo Fink is buried beside his first wife
Lydia (Meyer) Fink (1888-1958) in Oak Hill. Mayme
is listed under both names in the Woodmansee
book. -from R.O.
Fowler, Isaac
Thorp, Eva T. 1853-1927
Thorp, John B. 1843-1885
Eva (Spencer) Thorp was married twice. Eva
married John B. Thorp who died 12/06/1885. She
then married Isaac D. Fowler who died 11/02/1918.
Both husbands are buried in Oak Hill cemetery.
Eva died on 04/21/1927 in Minneapolis, MN with
the surname Fowler, but she was buried beside her
first husband as a Thorp. There is a cemetery
marker for John & Eva Thorp. There is no
marker for Isaac Fowler. -from R.O.
Fuller, Adam
Name on gravestone is Adah
Fuller, not Adam -from R.O.
Gee, Celia Stauffacher (1859
Oct 29-1943 Jul 02)
Correct burial place is Lansing Ridge cemetery
w/her husband James. - from R.O.
Glynn, Ralph Bernard 1930
Oct 16-1982 Oct 22
Ralph Bernard Glynn was too young to have been a
WWII veteran. His father, Ralph Sr. was a WWII
veteran. - from P.M.
Goetel, Daniel Gottlieb
Goetel, Esther R.
Goetel, Frank Edward
Goettel is the
family spelling and that which appears on the
gravestones for [my grandparents] Daniel Gottlieb
Goettel and Esther Regina Hacklander Goettel as
well as Frank Goettel and his wife Emma. -from
Gray, Amanda (1837-1926)
This is Amanda (Gray) Hemenway.
Obit, Waukon Democrat, died in
Los Angles, CA. Dates are: 3/15/1875-10/02/1926.
Married to Homer H. Hemenway. Burial is in the
Hemenway lot, but her small stone is inscribed
Amanda Gray. - from R.O.
Gyr, S. J. (d. 1872)
His gravestone in Oak Hill is inscribed
"J. Sebastian Gyr".
Dates 3/21/1810-09/22/1872 - from R.O.
Haines, Walter (1861
-1884 Mar 18)
This grave is more than likely Mrs.
Walter Haines, the first wife of Walter
Haines. From the Houston County Journal
(Minnesota), March 26, 1884: "Walter Haines
has returned from his last sad visit to his dear
departed wife". In 1886 he remarried to
Virginia (Jenny) Dunbar) my great Aunt. The first
name of his first wife is still unknown. -from
Helen Houlihan
Hale, Albert (1851-1925)
This is Alberta (Hale) Albert,
2nd w/o George W. Albert; she is also correctly
listed w/surname Albert in Woodmansee -from R.O.
Haney, Anne T. (1812 Nov 15-1873
Jan 13)
Both her gravestone and obituary give her name as
Fanny Haney. Her maiden name was
Tolls - from S.F.
Hanson, Christ (1851-1925)
Haug, Christ (1851 May 01-1925 Oct 04)
I believe Christ Haug is likely the same person
as Christ Hanson. Sources: Allamakee Death
Records and the Waukon Democrat. -from
Hartford, ? (1868-1874 May 04)
This is Mathilda / Martha Hartbauer,
d/o Dina/ Tina Hartbauer. For more information
refer to her obituary. -from S.F.
Hess, Clara Kerndt (1838 Nov 15
- 1877 May 16)
Correct surname is Haas. Clara
was w/o Jacob Haas - from S.F.
Hinchon, Jennie E. (1875 Jan
29-1875 Sep 27)
This is John Mitchell Hinchon,
infant s/o John & Jennie A. Hinchon. See obit - from S.F.
Houghton, Horace H. 1806-1889
Apr 30
There is mention in Probate Records of a Horace
H. Houghton who died 1879 Apr
30. His wife is noted to be Mary L -from R.O.
There is a lot of very compelling evidence that
Horace H. Houghton is not buried in Oak Hill, nor
was he in the G.A.R. as indicated in the
Woodmansee book. Although he was one of the
original proprietors of Lansing, I dont
think he lived there for long, if ever. The 1882
History of Allamakee co.; Addendum-Lansing
states: .....[one of] the original
proprietors of Lansing... and
born in Springfield, Windsor county,
Vermont, October 26, 1806, and died at Galena,
Illinois, April 30, 1879, aged 73
years... Its possible that he
has an Allamakee co. probate because a part of
his estate was in Allamakee or that he owed money
in Allamakee. So far I cant find
exact confirmation of where he was buried, but
Galena, IL seems the most likely hed
lived there for a very, very long time
(1834-death) and he died there. A 1940
biography printed in the Freeport
Journal-Standard gives an accounting of his
death, that he died at home, attended by his
physician, with his [2nd] wife at the
bedside. About his funeral..... his
friends and acquaintances came from everywhere to
pay their respects. This bio gave the
name of his first wife: "a gentle, kindly
woman, was Silvia S. Gridley, the daughter of a
professor at the Castleton, Vt. medical college.
They were married in 1834" Silvia died in
1856 & he remarried. His obituary in the May
7, 1879 issue of the Freeport Journal
doesnt say where he was buried, only that
he died in Galena. The obit gives a
recounting of his life as an editor, but few
personal life details. There are
Houghtons in Oak Hill because Horace's
brother Horatio W. & family are buried
there. Horace may have owned the lot, he
also may have purchased gravestones. At any
rate, an interested researcher should verify his
burial place. -from S.F.
Update 5/24/2024: Horace H. Houghton has a
gravestone in Greenwood cemetery, Jo Daviess Co.,
IL. The photos of the gravemarker on FindaGrave
appears to be a new replacement for his original
gravestone - from S.F.
Howard, Harriet (1878 Nov
14-1908 Dec 02)
Howard, Timothy (1851-1874 Jul
Both are buried in Wexford
cemetery. Harriet (Verdon) Howard w/o Michael
Howard (d. 1901, bur. Wexford). Allamakee Death
Records note her burial at Lansing, but an obit
in the Waukon Democrat states Wexford.
Timothy Howard died in Lansing, but is buried at
Wexford. -from R.O.
Idaa?, Ida Markley 1912-1959
Name is Ida Markley, she was the granddaughter of
Geo. Henry Markley (b. 1850) per 1925 Iowa State
census. According to the LaCrosse Tribune,
March 1959, she lived in Chicago, but died in
California.-from P.M.
Kallmerten, Anna (1840-1901)
Kallmerten, John (1829-1909)
Correct surname is Moellerman.
Anna was nee Kallmerten / Kallmerton, and w/o
John Moellerman. - from S.F.
Kallmerten, Martha M. (1875 Jun
23-1953 Sep 27)
Kallmerten, Mary A. (1871 Mar
01-1965 Mar 28)
The correct surname of all is Moellerman.
Also correctly listed in 'Woodmansee' - from R.O.
Kallmerten, Susan (1869 Jun
22-1903 Aug 22)
Kallmerten, Wilhelm F. (1869 Jun
13-1921 Jun 25)
The correct surname of both is Moellerman,
as per their obits. - from S.F.
The Woodmansee dates are incorrect; their
gravestones are inscribed: Susan,
6/22/1869-06/25/1921, and Wilhelm,
6/13/1869-8/22/1903 - from R.O.
Kehr, Peter (1831 Aug 07 - 1877
Jan 15)
Kehr, Peter (1844 - 1877 Jan 15)
He is listed twice with different birth dates.
His gravestone is difficult to read & DOB is
not given. Age at death is in his 30's. Wife was
Julia E. Gibbs who died in 1928 & buried
LaCrosse, WI (R.O.)
Kerndt, Jennie (1849 - 1874 Apr
She is buried in Lansing Ridge cemetery, and has
a gravestone there. Dau of H. & G. Kerndt.
Also is on the Lansing Ridge burial list (S.F.)
Knickerbocker, Henry O. -Not
included in the Woodmansee book. WWII veteran
(see WWII Honor Roll for more info.)
Leppert, Philip (1846 Oct
11-1911 Jun 28)
Although 'Woodmansee' has recorded the same dates
engraved on Philip Leppert's gravestone, his obituary/death notice appeared
in at least 2 different newspapers that were
published a year earlier, in 1910. -from S.F.
Magnusson, Anna Larson (1843 -
1922 Jun 15)
Death certificate gives her father as Lars Olson;
and her dates as 3/8/1843 - 6/15/1922. (R.O.)
Mart?, Ella A. (1896-?)
Surname is Marti, died in
Wisconsin, buried in Oak Hill.
7/16/1896-04/23/1984 -from R.O.
Martin, Grace (died 1885 Sep 07)
Grace is listed on the 'Woodmansee' burial
records in both Oak Hill and Evergreen. Allamakee
co. Death Records show burial in Rossville
cemetery. -from R.O.
Masiker, Margaret Lowry (1862
Apr 24-1876 Oct 02)
Correct year of birth per gravestone in Oak Hill
cemetery: born April 24, 1832 -
from S.F.
McBay, Margaret (1855-1900)
Margaret (nee Blackburn) McBay was born on
January 1, 1827 and not in 1855.
In correspondence to her brother John in Ireland
she states "New Years Day is my
birthday". Church records show she was
baptised on January 7, 1827. -from a researcher
Miller, Janet (1890-1936)
Miller, William (1847 Feb 22-1927 Jan
Correct name is Janet (Miller) Webb,
1st w/o Lyle Webb and her mother Ann A.,
wife of William A. Miller. Janet Webb is buried
in the Miller lot. See also notes for Ann &
William Webb below. -from S.F.
Moellerman, infant male
(1/9/1905 - 1/17/1905) -Not listed in
'Woodmansee'. Iowa Certificate of Death
(familysearch.org) gives parents as John &
Martha (Gruber) Moellerman; and burial in Oak
Hill cemetery on 1/18/1905. - from S.F.
Moellerman, Susan (1869 Jun
22-1921 Jun 15)
She is also incorrectly listed as a Kallmerten.
Her DOD was 6/25/1921. - from
Muller, Ernest (1803-1877 Sep
Allamakee co. probate records show death
date 09/25/1877, not 09/15/1877.
Woodmansee also shows his burial in Gethsemane.
Researchers should research & verify his
burial site, but it is most likely that he is in
Oak Hill, and his wife Theresa is in Gethsemane.
-from R.O.
Mueller, Norman M. (1871-1946)
Correct name is Norma Marie Mueller,
1871 Oct 12-1946 Jun 08. She died in LaCrosse,
WI; and was the daughter of Charles Mueller, who
was the son of Ernest & Theresa Mueller.
Charles was married to Marie Elizabeth
Unglewickel who died in Maryland. Ernest,
Charles, Norma, Louise Mueller are in one plot in
Oak Hill cemetery. -from R.O.
Pfaltzgraff, Everett K.
Correct name is Everett Knox Dawson
8/26/1914-04/29/1975. He died in Cedar Falls, IA.
-from Diana Henry Diedrich
Nielander, ? (1836-1921)
Nielander, ? (1833-1905)
Nielander, August (1836 Jul
20-1931 May 12)
Nielander, Henry (1833 May
26-1905 Jun 14)
These entries are for Augusta/Auguste
Nielander and Henry Nielander.
Their full dates are on a large monument. Smaller
stone inscribed 'Mother' and 'Father' nearby has
only the birth & death years inscribed.
Augusta/Auguste's year of death was 1921,
not 1931.-from R.O.
Nye, George B. (1829-1863 Nov
I believe that he may have been
reinterred in the Oak Hill cemetery after first
being buried in Old Oak Hill. Extracted from a
Decoration Day news article: "The phalanx
[ie: procession] then repaired to the old
cemetery, where the graves of Thomas McGarrity,
Jacob Beisel, Geo. Nye and
Thomas Healy were each in turn decorated. There
are two or three other soldiers buried in the old
cemetery but their graves could not be
identifed." (North Iowa Journal,
Wednesday, May 30, 1877; pg 3). Nye does have a
military stone in Oak Hill. (S.F.)
Patterson, Ernest (1854-1892)
Dates are May 31, 1854 - Dec. 26, 1902,
per gravestone inscription, Allamakee Death
Records & obit in the Waukon Republican-Standard
- from R.O.
Phipps, Elizabeth E. (1885-1945)
Phipps, Elizabeth E. Valentine
These entries are for the same woman, and each is
partially correct. Elizabeth (Valentine) Phipps,
wife of Mortimer Phipps, was b. Jan 17, 1855 and
d. Jan 4, 1945. Sources: Allamakee County Death
Records, Waukon Standard-Republican
obituary & her gravestone inscription in Oak
Hill cemetery. -from R.O.
Poehler, Lizzie (1870-1882 Dec
The death date for her entry in 'Woodmansee' is a
month after the Allamakee Journal, 10
Nov. 1882 P 2 C 2, announced her death. (L.A.)
Purdy, ?
(1875 Sep 24-1876 Apr 09)
This is Cora A. Purdy,
d/o Charles & Ann. Her obit was published in
North Iowa Journal, Wednesday, April 12, 1876.
The obit has been transcribed. See Obit index.
(from S.F.)
Purdy, Edward Amos (1877-1945)
Purdy, Mary Tyson (1885-?)
'Woodmansee' has incomplete info. for this
couple. Edward Amos Purdy was born 07/31/1877
& died 06/27/1945 in Minneapolis, MN. His
wife was Mary Tyson (Milnor) Purdy born
09/24/1895 & died 04/17/1981 in Minneapolis.
-from R.O.
Riek, Julian (1856 Jun 10 -1926
Feb 08)
Riek, Wilhelmina (1846 Jul 20 -
1925 Mar 25)
Correct surname is Rieth.
Julius' death certificate: 6/10/1856 - 2/8/1926;
and his wife Wilhelmina's death certificate:
7/20/1846- 3/25/1929.
Rud, Magdalene A. (1889 Dec
20-1971 Jun 14)
SSDI and Magdalene Aagot Rud's obit in the Allamakee
Journal give death as Jun 13, 1979.
Death occurred at Sioux Falls, Minnehaha co.,
South Dakota. -from R.O.
Sandry, Arthur (1893 Apr 22-1952
Aug 09)
Sandry, Iva (1915-1955)
'Woodmansee' has the wrong year of death for
Arthur and incomplete dates for Iva. Arthur
William Sandry was born 1893 Apr 22 & died 1957
Aug 09 in Iowa City, Iowa. His wife, Iva Leona
(Wilder) Sandry was born 1915 Feb 09 and died
1955 Feb 04. Allamakee County Death Records and
Waukon Republican-Standard, both agree
on 1957 as year of death for Arthur. -from R.O.
Schweinfurth, Dora Davis
Name is Dora (Hartman) Schweinfurth Davis;
1st h/Edwin Schweinfurth, 2nd h/unkn. Davis -
from R.O.
Sebastian, J. (1810 Mar 21-1872
Sep 22)
Correct surname is Gyr. His
gravestone in Oak Hill is inscribed "J.
Sebastian Gyr" - from R.O.
Shattuck, George
'Woodmansee' erroneously lists George Clinton
Shattuck as buried in Oak Hill cemetery
Lansing. He is buried in the Greenwood
Cemetery in Platteville, Grant Co., Wisconsin in
the Seeley family plot and next to his
son-in-law, David James Seeley. Woodmansee
also has an incorrect date of death. He
died 16 April 1876 in Ipswich, Elk Grove Twp.,
Lafayette Co., Wisconsin. -from Nancy A. Shattuck
C. Shattuck's gravesite in Platteville - scroll
down to the photos]
Sindlinger, Minnie
(1807-1905 Jun 15)
Correct surname is Sielings.
Allamakee Co. Death records & her death
certificate give 'Watson' as burial place.
Wilhelmina 'Minnie' Sielings (1807-6/15/1905),
w/o Henry is buried in Council Hill cemetery,
near Watson, in Clayton co. IA. Her gravestone is
engraved w/name but no dates. Death Cert. gives
place of death 'County farm', occupation as
'pauper', informant is N.K. Nelson, Waukon....
from R.O.
Smith, Frank E. (1827 Dec
09-1903 Mar 25)
This Frank Frederick Smith who died 1903
Mar 25 aged 30y 3m 16d. The date of birth should
be 1873 Dec. 9. He is buried with his wife Bertha
(Gruber) Smith d. 1913. sources: Allamakee
Journal and Allamakee Death Records. -from
Smith, Gideon Wilson 1833
Oct 05-1917 Oct 21
'Woodmansee' lists as buried in Oak Hill, but
there's no marker in that cemetery, his
obit says: "Services were conducted by Rev.
L.F Hoover at the Central M.E. Church and
interment was made in the Walnut Mound cemetery
at Retreat, Wis. (Allamakee Journal, Oct
31, 1917). Read the full obituary on the
Allamakee co. obit board - from P.M.
Towle, Bert (1873 May 17-1920
Feb 07)
He is buried in Gethsemane cemetery. - from R.O.
Towler, Isaac (1856-1918)
Correct name is Isaac D. Fowler,
3/5/1846-11/11/1918. There is also an obit in the
Allamakee Journal for Isaac Fowler. He
was the 2nd h/o Eva (Spencer) Thorp Fowler, who
is buried w/her 1st husband in Oak Hill. -from
Trayer, Alexander (1867 Feb
24-1873 Apr 25)
Burial is in Old Oak Hill
cemetery, where he has a gravestone - from S.F.
Trayer, Margaret (1865 Apr
25-1905 Dec 13)
I believe this may be Sister Anathasia
Hayes, who is buried in Gethsemane
cemetery, not Oak Hill. An obit in the Allamakee
Journal for Margaret "Sister
Anthansia" Hayes, gives her date of birth as
1865 Apr 25, and date of death as 1905 Dec 13,
place of burial as Gethsemane cemetery, place of
death as LaCrosse, WI. Allamakee County Death
Records for Margaret Trayer 1865-1905, give
burial place as Oak Hill. The 1900 U.S. census
gives Sister Anathasia Hayes birth date as March
1865 not April, her gravestone in Gethsemane only
has year of birth & death (1865-1905).
Researchers should confirm the identity of
Margaret Trayer to their own satisfaction. -from
Valley, Alma M.
Valley, Milan Eugene
Not in Oak Hill buried together in Oakwood
Cemetery, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. Find
A Grave.com has a photo of their gravestone and
Cerro Gordo Co. IAGenWeb site shows them on a
list of names for Oakwood cemetery. -from R.O.
Verson, Brigit (1847-1918)
Verson, Knud (1844-1912)
Correct surname for Brigit & Knud is Iverson.
They are also correctly listed in Woodmansee with
their full dates. -from R.O.
Wagner, Norma F. (1891-1984 Jun
The correct spelling of her first name is Nerma
F. Wagner. She was the spouse of Ernst H. Wagner.
Her parents were Albert M. and Elsie S. Fellows.
- from Pam Collins
Webb, Ann A. (1847 Feb 22-1927
Jan 04)
Webb, William A.
(1844 Sep 17-1915 May 14)
They are William A. Miller &
his wife Ann A. Miller. William
A. is also correctly listed by Woodmansee, but
Anna is listed as William. See notes for Miller,
William above.
Weber, John (1827 Feb 20-1899
Nov 27)
Correct burial place for John N. Weber is Gethsemane,
not Oak Hill. Gravestone has dates: 1826
Feb 20-1899 Nov 27 - from R.O.
White, ? (1826 Dec 15 - 1886 Oct
White, C. J. (1818 - 1878 Feb
- They are Anna (Chesnut) White
and her husband Cutler J. White.
Her dates are correct. His year of death is 1879.
See both of their obits on the Allamakee co.
Obituary Board, this website. (S.F.)
Whitney, G. W. (d. 1969)
Death date of 1969 is incorrect. George
Washington Whitney died on April 17, 1909,
age 40. His gravestone has DOD 04/17/1909, the Allamakee
Journal has a obit for him with the 1909
date, and Minnesota Death Records show that he
died in Minneapolis on 04/17/1909. -from R.O.
Williams, Maston (1799-1876)
Correct spelling is Masten
Williams and correct DOD is 2/13/1878.
Engraved DOD on his gravestone clearly is Feb.
16, 1876, which is in conflict with the
publication year of obits published in February
1878. Unless the 2obits were published 2 years
after his death, the date on his gravestone is in
error. (S.F.)
Wittbecker, ? (1857-1931 Father)
Wittbecker, ? (1858-1909 Mother)
Father & Mother Wittbecker are William August
Wittbecker and Elsie (Lynn) Wittbecker. William
& Elsie were my maternal g-grandfather and my
g-grandmother. Thought it would be nice to add
their full names to the information. -from
Michele Maines
Zoll, Maggie Jane 1891 Jun
09-1891 Sep 21
'Woodmansee' lists her as buried in Oak Hill, but
she is actually buried in Gethsemane. Her death
record at the Allamakee co. courthouse gives
"Catholic Cemetery" as place of burial.
-from P.M.
Old Oak Hill Cemetery notes
page 200-204
Additional possible burials -
refer to the notes for Thomas Healy below. It's
possible that Thomas McGarrity, Jacob
Beisel & George Nye were originally
buried in Old Oak Hill. Also see notes for
Gethsemane (Healy & McGarrity) & Oak Hill
(Beisel & Nye) cemeteries for these men, all
Civil War soldiers.
?, Lewis ? (1869 Dec 16)
this double gravestone has the names Roas
Josephine died May 5, 1870 aged 3y 1m and Lewis
Guirin died May 23, 1870; children of L. & T.
Trayer. Unknown why Woodmansee
shows a death date for Lewis Guirin Trayer
occurring in 1869. The date is quite clear on the
stone. Also, Roas Josephine Trayer does not
appear in the Woodmansee book. - from S.F.
Ambrose, C. (1874 Apr 25 -1874 May 31)
surname is not Ambrose; correct name is C.
AmbroseTrayer, s/o L. & T. Trayer,
aged 5w 1d. - from S.F.
Cooper, ? (d. 1899 Aug
Obit in the Waukon Republican-Standard
names her as Emma, aged 10d,
died 8/11/1899. Gravestone ingraved
"Daughter of Edwin Cooper" - from R.O.
Dermo, Eliza J. 1847
Jan 01-1887 May 06
-her name is Eliza Jay Deremo
according to Allamakee county Death Book I. She
was born in Arkansas and died in Lansing township
from pneumonia. The Woodmansee dates are correct.
Husband was Orne Deremo. -from P.M.
Dubay, William (Dubois?)
-he is buried in Oak Hill cemetery. Woodmansee
also has listed him on the Oak Hill burial list;
see William Dubois. Gravestone has surname Dubay.
-from R.O.
Harrison, William H. (1845-1868
Jun 16)
-William Henry H. Harrison of Company B of the
27th Iowa Volunteer Infantry died Oct. 25, 1907
(per the Pension Index Record on Fold3). His
widow Louise Harrison filed for a pension on Nov.
4, 1908 in Oklahoma. He is buried in Mt. Pleasant
Cemetery, Pawnee County, Oklahoma. I also have
the census records and a biography from the
Portrait and Biographical Record of Oklahoma p.
56-57. For a more detailed explanation, please
read my research notes on the 27th Iowa website. -from Elaine
Healy, Thomas F. (no dates)
Remarks: ? ? Rein Cath Cem Lansing?
- I believe that the 'Woodmansee' remarks are
correct in that he was reinterred to the
Gethsemane cemetery from Old Oak Hill. Extracted
from a Decoration Day news article: "The
phalanx [ie: procession] then repaired to the old
cemetery, where the graves of Thomas McGarrity,
Jacob Beisel, Geo. Nye and Thomas Healy
were each in turn decorated. There are two or
three other soldiers buried in the old cemetery
but their graves could not be identifed.~North
Iowa Journal, Wednesday, May 30, 1877; pg 3.
His memorial on FindaGrave includes additional
information about his burials. (S.F.)
Lankford, Francis (1908-1912 Sep
Lankford, Mary A. (1873 Mar
31-1919 Sep 03)
Limay, Frances M. (1909-1912 Sep
Limay, John E. (1890 Jun 07-1912
Sep 03)
Limay, Mabel (1902 Jan 16-1912
Sep 03)
-These are all Lankford's (not
Limay) - a mother & three of her children who
drown on Sept. 3, 1912. Woodmansee has several
errors in dates & surnames. The entries for
Francis Lankford and Frances M. Limay are the
same child. A full accounting of the tragedy is
in these newspaper accounts & obits.
-from Reid R. Johnson, S.F.& R.O.
Lowe, John, November 30, 1908 -
February 9, 1909
-he is not listed in 'Woodmansee'. From Allamakee
co. Recorder Death Book 3: died of pneumonia; s/o
Robert P. & Bertha (Campbell) Lowe; buried
Feb 11, 1909 in Old Oak Hill Cemetery. His mother
Bertha's maiden name may have actually been
Canfield. Her death record lists her parents as
Nathan & Ellen Russell Canfield, not
Campbell. -from P.M.
Mundt, Christian (1854 Jul
11 - 1868 Jul 09)
-The correct dates are 1825-07/19/1868.
Christian was my gg-grandfather. He was born in
1825 in Frankfurt, Germany. According to a death
notice in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Thursday,
July 23, 1868: "Christian Mundt,
proprietor of the Diamond House (hotel), died of
consumption in Lansing on July 19, 1868."
-from David Mason
Perkins, William (? -1869)
- I believe this is actually Martha
(Mitchell?) Perkins (Mrs. William).
Martha died in 1863, and
originally buried in Old Oak Hill. Her body &
that of her child, were were reburied in Oak
Hill. There is a large monument there with her
inscription. The following articles from Lansing
papers give the details:
"Arrangements are being made for the removal
from our cemetery of the remains of Mrs. Dr.
Perkins, who died her about twenty-five years
ago. The matter here has been entrusted to Mr.
and Mrs. Macbay, old friends of the family, by
Mrs. Perkin's brother, Mr. James Mitchell, now
residing in Belleville, Ill." ~Lansing
Mirror, April 20, 1894, pg 4.
"We misunderstood our informant regarding
the removal last week of the remains of Mrs. Dr.
Perkins. The transfer of the remains of Mrs.
Perkins and her child was simply from the old to
the new cemetery and they were not shipped away
as published." ~Lansing Mirror, April 27,
1894; pg 5
"The remains of Mrs. Dr. Perkins, who died
in Lansing 31 years ago, were moved from the old
cemetery in Oak Hill Friday, and the body
appeared to be in a perfect state of
preservation." ~The Allamakee Journal
and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, April 24,
1929 (Thirty-five Years Ago column). Martha is
also shown by 'Woodmansee' in Oak Hill. (S.F.)
Phillips, Phebe (1829 May
04-1878 Apr 07)
-The DOD according to her obit was April
11, 1873, rather than on the 7th. Her
age given in the obit is 54 yrs, so if correct,
then the DOB in Woodmansee is also incorrect, and
is likely 1819 rather than 1829 - from S.F.
-After a close examination of her gravestone
inscription, I believe her year of death is 1873,
rather than 1878. -from R.O.
Prince, Fannie Malinda
-had interview with Tillie Woodmansee, July 1,
1999. Her deceased spouse was writing a book on
all the cemeteries in the area She referenced
some cards he left on Old Oakhill Cemetery 102,
200-204, Fannie Malinda Prince, Sept 02, 1865
Died 10/2/1925 ...... she said remarks just said
"Margaret Seasalt?". Edwin Leroy Prince
married Fannie Malinda Taylor, Nov 26, 1891 at
Lynxville WI, so we can now tie this in. Fannie's
mother's maiden name was Margaret Seasultz,
so it fits. -from Janet Nelson
Additional note: this inscription is actually
recorded in the Oak Hill cemetery on page 181,
not the Old Oak Hill cemetery -SGF
Shaw, John Edward
Shaw, Louisa H.
Shaw, Lydia
Shaw, S.V.
Shaw, Samuel Charles
- the gravestone recorded for
"S.V. Shaw" with a date for death of
1858 September 14. That is the date my great
great grandmother, Alice
Adelia Rockwell Shaw died. Her husband,
Samuel Valentine (S.V.) Shaw did not die until
January 11, 1889 and is buried in Preston MN, I
believe that is HER gravestone. Her son, Samuel Charles Shaw who was
born in August 1858 a short time before her
death, lived to be almost 14 years old before he
died in 1872. His grave is next to Alice's.
In the same area, there is a
burial plot for Louisa H. Shaw. That is the name
of Samuel Valentine Shaw's second wife, Louisa
Hemans Shaw whom he married in 1862. There is
another plot for Lydia Shaw, a baby, who may have
been Samuel's and his second wife's child.
- from Darlene Johnson
Strunk, Babwyh? (1810 Oct
02-1868 Apr 10)
This is Barny H. Strunk. Dates
are correct. (R.O.)
Thorsten, Emma A.
-she is buried in D-46 grave 5 Oak Hill (see
Moritz database for Oak Hill cemetery); she may
have originally been buried in Old Oak Hill
cemetery -from P.M.
Walker, ? 1928 Jun 08
-courthouse records list an infant girl, born on
Jun. 8, 1928 (premature), lived for 3 hours, and
was buried on Jun 9, 1928 in Old Oak Hill.
Parents: Hugh Walker & Rose Clancy. -from
Whalen, Celia Florence (1880 Jan
01-1913 Nov 09)
-Woodmansee lists Celia Whalen in both Old Oak
Hill and Gethsemane cemeteries. Allamakee Death
Records give burial as in Old Oak Hill and her
obit in the Allamakee Journal gives
Gethsemane cemetery. A photo of her gravestone in
Gethsemane can be viewed on the Find-A-Grave
Whitey, Infant son
-not listed in Woodmansee; according to Oak Hill
Cemetery Lot and Burial Records, he was born and
died June 30, 1918 in Lansing, IA, buried July 1,
1918; s/o of Geo. M. Whitey & M.S. Swenson;
record states "place of burial, old
cemetery" -from P.M.
Wirth, Joan (1867 Jun -- 1867
Sep 20)
-the gravestone is inscribed John Wirth,
b. Mar 13, 183?, d. Sep 20, 1867, aged aged 3?
y's 6m's & 3 d's -from S.F.