

Story County
Surname Index


Story Co., IA
Surname Index: Coa-Con


These pages index all surnames found on this site. You may also find surnames using Surname Search.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X-Z*    

Caa-Caq  Car-Caz*  Cb-Ck  Ci-Cn  Coa-Con  Coo-Coz*  Cp-Cz*  

*International characters sort last and will appear with Zs.

SurnamePost TypeDescriptionDate
COCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COADCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
COADYHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COADYCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COADYCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COADYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
COADYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
COADYCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COADYLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
COADYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COADYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COADYMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COADYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COADYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COADYWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
COADYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COAKLEYCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COAKLEYHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COALMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1862 Military Eligible1862-06-09
COALDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COALEDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COALSONBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COALVERTCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
COANCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COANCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COANFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COANSCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COARAYCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
COATESocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COATECemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COATEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Maxwell High School GraduatesN/A
COATEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COATEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COATESDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COATESCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COATESDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
COATESHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COATESVital Record IndexStory Co IA Divorce IndexN/A
COATESMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COATESFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COATESObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COATSSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COATSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
COATSCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COATSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
COATSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 Ames Phone Directory1915-11-01
COATSCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COATSCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COATSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COATSBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COATSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
COATSHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COATSMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
COATSFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COATSObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COATYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COBCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COBBCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COBBDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COBBCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COBBCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COBBDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COBBVital Record IndexStory Co IA Divorce IndexN/A
COBBMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COBBFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COBBObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COBBERGHCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COBBEYDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COBBLESocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COBBLEBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COBBSObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COBELBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COBERNHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
COBETObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COBLEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COBLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COBLEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COBLEIGHMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1867 Military Eligible1867-08-10
COBLEIGHCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COBLEIGHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
COBLEIGHCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COBLEIGHMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COBLEIGHFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COBLEIGHObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COBLEIGHCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
COBLEIGHWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
COBLEIGHCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COBORNObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COBOURNEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COBURNCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COBURNCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COBURNHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COBURNFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COBURNObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COBURNCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
COCCSHALLCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COCERANBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COCHENOURFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COCHLINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COCHONOURCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COCHONOURHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COCHRAMCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COCHRANHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COCHRANSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COCHRANHistory IndexStory City Jubilee History IntroductionN/A
COCHRANCensusStory Co IA 1856 Census1856-06-01
COCHRANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1864 Military Eligible1864-06-14
COCHRANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1867 Military Eligible1867-08-10
COCHRANCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
COCHRANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
COCHRANCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COCHRANHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
COCHRANCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COCHRANDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COCHRANCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COCHRANCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COCHRANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
COCHRANHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COCHRANDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COCHRANLand RecordStory Co IA Federal Land PatentsN/A
COCHRANGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
COCHRANCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COCHRANMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
COCHRANMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COCHRANHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COCHRANFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COCHRANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COCHRANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COCHRANCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COCHRANHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
COCHRANESocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COCHRANECensusStory Co IA 1860 Census1860-06-01
COCHRANEDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COCHRANEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COCHRANECensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COCHRANEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COCHRANEHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COCHRANEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COCHRANECourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
COCKBURNCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COCKEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COCKERELLDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COCKERELLObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COCKERHAMSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COCKERHAMCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COCKERHAMCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COCKERHAMCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COCKERHAMDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1953 Zearing Phone DirectoryN/A
COCKERHAMBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COCKERHAMCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COCKERHAMHistoryStory Co IA McCallsburg 1969 CentennialN/A
COCKERHAMDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA McCallsburg Pupils and FacultyN/A
COCKERHAMHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COCKERHAMFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COCKERHAMDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COCKERHAMObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COCKERHAMHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
COCKERHANCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COCKERHANBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COCKFIELDDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COCKFIELDFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COCKINMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
COCKINFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COCKINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COCKINGDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ballard High School GraduatesN/A
COCKLINHistoryHistory of Story County by William O. Payne 1911N/A
COCKLINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COCKRANCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COCKRANCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COCKRANCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COCKRELLCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COCKRELLFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COCKRELLObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COCKRELLCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COCKSCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COCKSLand RecordStory Co IA Federal Land PatentsN/A
COCKSHOOTSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COCKSHOOTCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COCKSHOOTHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COCKSHOOTCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COCKSHOOTHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COCKSHOOTDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COCKSHOOTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COCKSWORTHObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COCOANHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COCOMILLERCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COCRAMMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
CODAYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CODDERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CODDINGTONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CODDYCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
CODECensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CODEDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CODERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CODERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 Ames Phone Directory1915-11-01
CODERCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CODERCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CODERDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CODERGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
CODERCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CODERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CODERCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CODLINDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CODLINGMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
CODLINGCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CODLINGDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
CODLINGCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CODLINGCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CODLINGBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CODLINGVital Record IndexStory Co IA Divorce IndexN/A
CODLINGMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
CODLINGFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CODNERNCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CODYSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
CODYCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CODYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
CODYCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CODYCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CODYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CODYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 Ames Phone Directory1915-11-01
CODYCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CODYCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CODYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CODYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CODYBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CODYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Colo High School GraduatesN/A
CODYDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CODYGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
CODYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CODYMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
CODYMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
CODYHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
CODYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CODYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CODYCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
CODYWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
CODYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COEHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COESocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COECensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
COEMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
COECensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COECensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COEMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
COEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
COEMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
COECensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COECensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COELand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
COECensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COECensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
COEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
COEDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 Ames Phone Directory1915-11-01
COECensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COECensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COECensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
COECensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1953 Zearing Phone DirectoryN/A
COEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COEBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COEBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COEDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COECemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COEMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COEChurch Record IndexStory Co IA Nevada Methodist ME Church Early MarriagesN/A
COEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COECourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
COEWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
COECemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COEHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
COELHOHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COELHODirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COELHOObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COENCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COENENObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COENONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COFERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COFFALTCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COFFAROObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COFFEECensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COFFEEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COFFEENMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
COFFEENCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COFFEENCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
COFFEENBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COFFEENDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
COFFEENHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COFFEENMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COFFELLCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COFFELTHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COFFELTCensusStory Co IA 1856 Census1856-06-01
COFFELTCensusStory Co IA 1860 Census1860-06-01
COFFELTMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1863 Military Eligible1863-06-23
COFFELTMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1864 Military Eligible1864-06-14
COFFELTMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1867 Military Eligible1867-08-10
COFFELTMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
COFFELTCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COFFELTCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COFFELTHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
COFFELTMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
COFFELTCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COFFELTCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COFFELTDeath RecordStory Co IA Death Register Volume 1N/A
COFFELTGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
COFFELTCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COFFELTMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COFFELTFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COFFELTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COFFELTCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COFFELTHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
COFFELTTCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
COFFEYSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COFFEYDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COFFEYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COFFEYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COFFEYBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COFFEYGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
COFFEYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COFFEYHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COFFEYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COFFEYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COFFIECensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COFFINSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COFFINHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
COFFINDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
COFFINCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COFFINMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
COFFINCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COFFINCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
COFFINDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
COFFINCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COFFINCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COFFINCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COFFINDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1953 Zearing Phone DirectoryN/A
COFFINDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COFFINDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ballard High School GraduatesN/A
COFFINBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COFFINDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COFFINLand RecordStory Co IA Federal Land PatentsN/A
COFFINGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
COFFINCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COFFINDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Huxley High School GraduatesN/A
COFFINMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COFFINFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COFFINDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COFFINChurch Record IndexStory Co IA Nevada Methodist ME Church Early MarriagesN/A
COFFINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COFFINCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
COFFINWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
COFFINCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COFFINECensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COFFMANHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COFFMANSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COFFMANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1862 Military Eligible1862-06-09
COFFMANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1863 Military Eligible1863-06-23
COFFMANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1864 Military Eligible1864-06-14
COFFMANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1867 Military Eligible1867-08-10
COFFMANCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
COFFMANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
COFFMANPension Record IndexStory Co IA 1883 Pensioners1883-01-01
COFFMANCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COFFMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
COFFMANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
COFFMANCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COFFMANCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COFFMANLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
COFFMANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
COFFMANCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COFFMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
COFFMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 Ames Phone Directory1915-11-01
COFFMANCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COFFMANCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COFFMANCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
COFFMANCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COFFMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COFFMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ballard High School GraduatesN/A
COFFMANBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COFFMANBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COFFMANDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COFFMANGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
COFFMANCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COFFMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Huxley High School GraduatesN/A
COFFMANMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
COFFMANMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COFFMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Maxwell High School GraduatesN/A
COFFMANHistoryStory Co IA McCallsburg 1969 CentennialN/A
COFFMANFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COFFMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COFFMANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COFFMANCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
COFFMANWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
COFFMANCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COFFULTBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COFFUNCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COFFYBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COFMANHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
COGARObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COGGESHALLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
COGGESHALLFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COGGINSFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COGGSHALLHistoryHistory of Story County by William O. Payne 1911N/A
COGGSHALLHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COGGSHALLSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COGGSHALLMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
COGGSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COGGSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1880 Mortality Schedule1880-06-01
COGGSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COGGSHALLHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
COGGSHALLMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
COGGSHALLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
COGGSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COGGSHALLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
COGGSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COGGSHALLLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
COGGSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COGGSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
COGGSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COGGSHALLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1948 Nevada Phone DirectoryN/A
COGGSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COGGSHALLBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COGGSHALLBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COGGSHALLDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COGGSHALLGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
COGGSHALLCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COGGSHALLMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COGGSHALLFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COGGSHALLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COGGSHALLObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COGGSHALLCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
COGGSHALLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Shipley High School GraduatesN/A
COGGSHALLWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
COGGSHALLCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COGGSHAWCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COGGSHELLBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COGHENOURCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COGHENOURCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COGHLANSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COGHLANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COGHSALLCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COGHSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COGILLBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COGLEMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
COGSHALLHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COGSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COGSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COGSHALLMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
COGSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COGSHALLLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
COGSHALLMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
COGSHALLCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COGSHALLBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COGSHALLDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COGSHALLGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
COGSHALLCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COGSWELLDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COGSWELLObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COGWELLBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COHAGANCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COHALLMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COHANFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COHEEMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
COHEGANDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COHELANDCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
COHENCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COHENFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COHENDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COHENObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COHENFIELDCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COHLFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COHLERTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COHNCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COHNCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COHNDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COHNCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COHNMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COHOONCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COHOUNCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COHRILLCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COHRONCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COHRSObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COILHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COILCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COILCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COILMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
COILCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COILDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
COILCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
COILBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COILDeath RecordStory Co IA Death Register Volume 1N/A
COILMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COILFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COILObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COILEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
COINCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COINMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COINERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COITHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
COITCHETTMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1867 Military Eligible1867-08-10
COKEHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COKERCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COKERCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COKERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COKERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLACINOObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLANERIDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Maxwell High School GraduatesN/A
COLBENSONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLBERTBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COLBERTMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
COLBERTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLBORNFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLBURNSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COLBURNCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
COLBURNHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
COLBURNCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COLBURNCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
COLBURNDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
COLBURNDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 Ames Phone Directory1915-11-01
COLBURNDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COLBURNCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COLBURNCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLBURNDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COLBURNFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLBURNObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLBURNHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
COLBYSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COLBYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
COLBYCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COLBYCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COLBYDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COLBYCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COLBYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLBYBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COLBYBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COLBYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COLBYMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COLBYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLBYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLBYCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
COLBYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COLCLODirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COLCLOFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLCORDFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLDIRONMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
COLDRENHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COLDRENCensusStory Co IA 1856 Census1856-06-01
COLDRENCensusStory Co IA 1860 Census1860-06-01
COLDRENMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1863 Military Eligible1863-06-23
COLDRENHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
COLDRENDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COLDRENObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLDRONMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1862 Military Eligible1862-06-09
COLDRONMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1863 Military Eligible1863-06-23
COLDROWMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1864 Military Eligible1864-06-14
COLDSONMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1862 Military Eligible1862-06-09
COLDWELLDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COLEHistoryHistory of Story County by William O. Payne 1911N/A
COLEHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COLESocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COLECensusStory Co IA 1856 Census1856-06-01
COLECensusStory Co IA 1860 Census1860-06-01
COLEMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1862 Military Eligible1862-06-09
COLEMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1863 Military Eligible1863-06-23
COLEMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1864 Military Eligible1864-06-14
COLEMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1867 Military Eligible1867-08-10
COLECensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
COLEMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
COLECensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COLECensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COLEHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
COLEMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
COLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
COLEMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
COLECensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
COLECensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COLELand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
COLEMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
COLECensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COLECensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
COLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1913 Roland Phone Directory1913-05-15
COLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
COLEDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 Ames Phone Directory1915-11-01
COLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COLECensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COLECensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
COLECensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COLECensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
COLECensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1950 Roland Phone Directory1950-08-00
COLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ballard High School GraduatesN/A
COLEBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COLEBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
COLEHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COLEDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COLEDeath RecordStory Co IA Death Register Volume 1N/A
COLELand RecordStory Co IA Federal Land PatentsN/A
COLEGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
COLECemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COLEMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
COLEMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Maxwell High School GraduatesN/A
COLEHistoryStory Co IA McCallsburg 1969 CentennialN/A
COLEDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA McCallsburg Pupils and FacultyN/A
COLEHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COLEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLEChurch Record IndexStory Co IA Nevada Methodist ME Church Early BaptismsN/A
COLEChurch Record IndexStory Co IA Nevada Methodist ME Church Early MarriagesN/A
COLEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLECourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
COLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Roland High School GraduatesN/A
COLEHistoryStory Co IA Roland History 1870-1970N/A
COLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Slater High School GraduatesN/A
COLEWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
COLECemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COLEMilitary RecordStory Co IA WWII Army Dead and MissingN/A
COLEHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
COLEBURNFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLEDALLCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COLEEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLEGROVEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLEMANHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COLEMANSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COLEMANCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COLEMANCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COLEMANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
COLEMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
COLEMANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
COLEMANCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COLEMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
COLEMANCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COLEMANLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
COLEMANCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COLEMANCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
COLEMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
COLEMANCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COLEMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1924 Colo Directory1924-01-01
COLEMANCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COLEMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1948 Nevada Phone DirectoryN/A
COLEMANCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLEMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1953 Zearing Phone DirectoryN/A
COLEMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COLEMANBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COLEMANBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COLEMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
COLEMANHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COLEMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Colo High School GraduatesN/A
COLEMANDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COLEMANCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COLEMANMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COLEMANHistoryStory Co IA McCallsburg 1969 CentennialN/A
COLEMANDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA McCallsburg Pupils and FacultyN/A
COLEMANHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COLEMANFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLEMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COLEMANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLEMANWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
COLEMANCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COLEMANHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
COLERENMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COLESSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COLESCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COLESCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COLESCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
COLESDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1948 Nevada Phone DirectoryN/A
COLESCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLESBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COLESBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COLESDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
COLESHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COLESGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
COLESCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COLESMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COLESDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Maxwell High School GraduatesN/A
COLESFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLESObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLESONCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COLETTISocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COLETTICensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLETTIDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COLETTICemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COLEYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLFLESHBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COLGLAZIERCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLHOUNSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COLHOUNCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COLHOUNCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLHOUNDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1956 Colo Phone Directory1956-05-01
COLHOUNDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Colo High School GraduatesN/A
COLHOUNHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COLHOUNDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COLHOUNObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLIECensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COLIGANCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COLINACensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLINSBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COLLCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COLLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COLLObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLANDSCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COLLARDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COLLEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANIC ARTSLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
COLLENCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLLENSBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COLLENTINECensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COLLERDObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLETObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLETTFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLLETTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLETTEDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COLLETTEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLETTIObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLEYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLIERCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COLLIERDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COLLIERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COLLIERCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLLIERHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COLLIERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLLIERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLIERWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
COLLIGANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLIGNONFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLLIINSObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLILNSCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLLINDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COLLINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLINGHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COLLINGSHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COLLINGSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COLLINGSObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLINSHistoryHistory of Story County by William O. Payne 1911N/A
COLLINSHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COLLINSSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COLLINSCensusStory Co IA 1856 Census1856-06-01
COLLINSCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COLLINSCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COLLINSHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
COLLINSMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
COLLINSCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COLLINSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
COLLINSCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COLLINSLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
COLLINSCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COLLINSCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
COLLINSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
COLLINSDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COLLINSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COLLINSCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COLLINSCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COLLINSCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
COLLINSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1948 Nevada Phone DirectoryN/A
COLLINSCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLLINSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COLLINSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ballard High School GraduatesN/A
COLLINSBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COLLINSBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COLLINSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Cambridge High School GraduatesN/A
COLLINSHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COLLINSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Colo High School GraduatesN/A
COLLINSDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COLLINSVital Record IndexStory Co IA Divorce IndexN/A
COLLINSGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
COLLINSCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COLLINSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Huxley High School GraduatesN/A
COLLINSMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
COLLINSMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COLLINSHistoryStory Co IA McCallsburg 1969 CentennialN/A
COLLINSDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA McCallsburg Pupils and FacultyN/A
COLLINSHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COLLINSFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLLINSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COLLINSChurch Record IndexStory Co IA Nevada Methodist ME Church Early BaptismsN/A
COLLINSObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLINSCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
COLLINSWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
COLLINSCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COLLINSHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
COLLINS GATEGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
COLLINSONCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLLINSONFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLLISDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COLLISDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1948 Nevada Phone DirectoryN/A
COLLISCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLLISDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COLLISObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLISONDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COLLISONCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLLISONHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COLLISONFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLLISONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLISTERMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COLLMANCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLLONSCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COLLOPYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLLOWDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
COLLUPBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COLLUPFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLLUPObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLLWELLCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COLMANCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COLMANCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COLMANCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLMANBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COLMANDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COLMANCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COLMANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLMANWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
COLMANCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COLMESMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COLOGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
COLOMBOObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COLONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLONYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLONYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLPITTSCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COLPITTSCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
COLPITTSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COLPITTSCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COLPITTSCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COLQUESTBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COLSHANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLSONCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COLSONCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COLSONMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
COLSONMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
COLSONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
COLSONCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COLSONBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COLSONDeath RecordStory Co IA Death Register Volume 1N/A
COLSONFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLSONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COLSONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLSONCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
COLSTONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLSWINBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COLTCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COLTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLTENBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COLTERMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
COLTERCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COLTERMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COLTONSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COLTONCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
COLTONMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
COLTONDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COLTONCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLTONCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COLTONFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLTONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLTONHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
COLTRANECensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLTRENChurch Record IndexStory Co IA Nevada Methodist ME Church Early BaptismsN/A
COLUCCIObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLUERCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
COLVERCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COLVIGCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLVIGObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLVILLECensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLVILLEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLVINSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COLVINDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COLVINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLWELLSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COLWELLCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLWELLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COLWELLCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COLWELLMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COLWELLFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLWELLObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLWILLCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COLWILLFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLYMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COLYARFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLYERDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COLYERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COLYERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COLYERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COLYNHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COMHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COMACKHistoryStory Co IA McCallsburg 1969 CentennialN/A
COMARATAObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMBEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COMBELLICKCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COMBELLICKFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COMBELLICKObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMBERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COMBESCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COMBESCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
COMBESObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMBSCensusStory Co IA 1856 Census1856-06-01
COMBSCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COMBSDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COMBSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COMBSCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COMBSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COMBSBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COMBSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
COMBSDeath RecordStory Co IA Death Register Volume 1N/A
COMBSLand RecordStory Co IA Federal Land PatentsN/A
COMBSCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COMBSMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
COMBSHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COMBSFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COMBSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COMBSObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMEAUXObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMEFORDObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMERHistoryHistory of Story County by William O. Payne 1911N/A
COMERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COMERBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COMERBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COMERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COMERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMERINGBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COMESMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COMESFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COMESObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMESTOCKCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COMFORTSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COMFORTCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COMFORTCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COMFORTDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1953 Zearing Phone DirectoryN/A
COMFORTBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COMFORTDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COMFORTCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COMFORTHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
COMFORTFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COMFORTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMFORTHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
COMISKYCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
COMITOObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMLEYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMLYHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
COMMERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COMMICKFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COMMICKObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMMONSWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
COMMURIMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
COMNICKObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMPEANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMPLINCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COMPTONHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
COMPTONSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COMPTONMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
COMPTONCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
COMPTONCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
COMPTONHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
COMPTONMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
COMPTONMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
COMPTONCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COMPTONCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
COMPTONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
COMPTONCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COMPTONCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COMPTONCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
COMPTONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
COMPTONDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
COMPTONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
COMPTONCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COMPTONCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COMPTONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COMPTONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ballard High School GraduatesN/A
COMPTONBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COMPTONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
COMPTONHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
COMPTONDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COMPTONDeath RecordStory Co IA Death Register Volume 1N/A
COMPTONGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
COMPTONCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COMPTONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Huxley High School GraduatesN/A
COMPTONMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
COMPTONMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
COMPTONFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COMPTONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
COMPTONCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
COMPTONWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
COMPTONCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
COMSTOCKSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
COMSTOCKCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
COMSTOCKCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
COMSTOCKCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
COMSTOCKDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
COMSTOCKCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
COMSTOCKCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
COMSTOCKCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
COMSTOCKDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
COMSTOCKDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ballard High School GraduatesN/A
COMSTOCKBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
COMSTOCKBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
COMSTOCKDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
COMSTOCKCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
COMSTOCKDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Huxley High School GraduatesN/A
COMSTOCKFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
COMSTOCKDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
COMSTOCKObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONADYBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONAHANHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONAHANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
CONAHANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
CONANTCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONANTCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONANTLand RecordStory Co IA Federal Land PatentsN/A
CONARDSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
CONARDMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1867 Military Eligible1867-08-10
CONARDCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
CONARDCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
CONARDCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
CONARDMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
CONARDCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONARDCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONARDCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONARDDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONARDBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CONARDGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
CONARDCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONARDMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
CONARDFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONARDObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONARDCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
CONARTFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONATYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONAWAYCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONAWAYCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONAWAYGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
CONAWAYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONCANNONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONCANNONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONCEMANCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONCIALDICemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONCIALDIObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONDANCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONDERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
CONDERCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONDERLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
CONDERMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
CONDERCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONDERCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONDERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONDERCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONDERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1948 Nevada Phone DirectoryN/A
CONDERCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONDERBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONDERDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONDERCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONDERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONDERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONDERCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
CONDERWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
CONDERCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CONDITHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONDITCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
CONDITCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONDITFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONDITObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONDITCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
CONDITHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
CONDONHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
CONDONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONDONCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONDONBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONDONCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONDONMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
CONDONFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONDONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONDORCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONDORCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONDORCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONDORObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONDREAYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONDREYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
CONDRONFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONEDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
CONECensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONECensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONECemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONEGORDeath RecordStory Co IA Death Register Volume 1N/A
CONEHANHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONELEYBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONELLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
CONELLCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONELLYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1863 Military Eligible1863-06-23
CONELYCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONERCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONERBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONERSTONCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONERYDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONESYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
CONEYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONEYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONFAIRBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CONFAREHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONFARECensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
CONFAREMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
CONFARECensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
CONFARECensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
CONFAREHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
CONFAREMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
CONFAREDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
CONFARECensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONFAREDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
CONFARECensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONFARECensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONFARECensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONFAREDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONFARECensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONFARECensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONFAREDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONFAREBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CONFAREDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONFAREDeath RecordStory Co IA Death Register Volume 1N/A
CONFARECemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONFAREMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
CONFAREHistoryStory Co IA McCallsburg 1969 CentennialN/A
CONFAREHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
CONFAREFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONFAREDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
CONFAREObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONFARECemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CONFELTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONFERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONFORECensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONFOREBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONGHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONGHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
CONGHistoryStory Co IA Civil War History1887-03-01
CONGDONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 Ames Phone Directory1915-11-01
CONGDONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONGERHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONGERCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONGERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONGERDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
CONGERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
CONGERCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONGERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONGERBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONGERGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
CONGERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONGERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONGIARDOCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONGILLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONGRANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONGRAN/MCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
CONIGANHistoryHistory of Story County by William O. Payne 1911N/A
CONISSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
CONISDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONISObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONKLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
CONKELCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONKELObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONKELCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CONKEYHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONKEYMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
CONKEYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONKEYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONKINCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONKINCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONKINBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONKINDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONKINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONKINSDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONKLINCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
CONKLINMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
CONKLINCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONKLINCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONKLINCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONKLINCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONKLINCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONKLINDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONKLINBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONKLINCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONKLINHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
CONKLINFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONKLINDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
CONKLINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONKLINCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CONKLINGCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
CONKLINGCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONKLINGObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONKONIGORCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONLANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONLEECensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONLEEDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
CONLEYHistoryHistory of Story County by William O. Payne 1911N/A
CONLEYHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONLEYSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
CONLEYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1862 Military Eligible1862-06-09
CONLEYCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
CONLEYCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
CONLEYCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
CONLEYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
CONLEYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
CONLEYCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONLEYCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONLEYCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONLEYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONLEYCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONLEYCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
CONLEYCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONLEYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONLEYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONLEYBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONLEYBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CONLEYDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONLEYGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
CONLEYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONLEYMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
CONLEYMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
CONLEYHistoryStory Co IA McCallsburg 1969 CentennialN/A
CONLEYDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA McCallsburg Pupils and FacultyN/A
CONLEYHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
CONLEYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONLEYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
CONLEYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONLEYWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
CONLEYMilitary RecordStory Co IA WWII Army Dead and MissingN/A
CONLINCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONLINBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CONLINFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONLINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONLLCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONLONDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
CONLONCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONLONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONLONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONLYHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONNSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
CONNCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONNDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
CONNCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONNCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONNDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONNCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONNCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONNCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONNDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONNBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONNBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CONNBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CONNDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONNDeath RecordStory Co IA Death Register Volume 1N/A
CONNGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
CONNCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONNMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
CONNFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONNObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CONNAGHANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNAHANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1863 Military Eligible1863-06-23
CONNAHANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1864 Military Eligible1864-06-14
CONNAHANKHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONNALLYCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
CONNALLYMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
CONNARCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
CONNARDCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
CONNARDMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
CONNARDMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
CONNAUGHTYCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
CONNAUGHTYCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONNAUGHTYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNAWAYCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONNEHANHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONNEHANCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
CONNEHANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNELLCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONNELLCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONNELLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONNELLCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONNELLCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONNELLBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CONNELLHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
CONNELLMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
CONNELLObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNELLHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
CONNELLEYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONNELLYHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONNELLYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1862 Military Eligible1862-06-09
CONNELLYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1864 Military Eligible1864-06-14
CONNELLYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
CONNELLYCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
CONNELLYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
CONNELLYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
CONNELLYCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONNELLYCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONNELLYLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
CONNELLYCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONNELLYCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONNELLYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1924 Colo Directory1924-01-01
CONNELLYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONNELLYDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONNELLYGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
CONNELLYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONNELLYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNELYMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
CONNELYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CONNERHistoryHistory of Story County by William O. Payne 1911N/A
CONNERSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
CONNERCemetery Record IndexStory Co Burials Iowa Veterans CemeteryN/A
CONNERMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1864 Military Eligible1864-06-14
CONNERCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
CONNERCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
CONNERHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
CONNERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
CONNERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
CONNERCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONNERLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
CONNERMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
CONNERCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONNERCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONNERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONNERCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONNERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1924 Colo Directory1924-01-01
CONNERCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
CONNERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1926 Colo Phone Directory1926-04-01
CONNERCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONNERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1948 Nevada Phone DirectoryN/A
CONNERCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONNERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONNERBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONNERBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CONNERHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
CONNERDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONNERGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
CONNERCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONNERMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
CONNERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Maxwell High School GraduatesN/A
CONNERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONNERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
CONNERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNERCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
CONNERWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
CONNERCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CONNERHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
CONNERSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
CONNERSCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONNERSObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNERYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNETTMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
CONNETTCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONNETTDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
CONNETTCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONNETTMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
CONNETTCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONNETTCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONNETTDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONNETTCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONNETTCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONNETTDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONNETTFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONNETTDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
CONNETTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNETTCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
CONNETYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONNETYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONNIHAMDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
CONNIHANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
CONNIHANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
CONNIHANLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
CONNIHANCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONNIHANDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONNINHANCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONNLEYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONNLEYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
CONNLEYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONNLEYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNLEYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CONNOLEYCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONNOLEYBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONNOLLEYCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONNOLLEYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONNOLLYHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONNOLLYCensusStory Co IA 1860 Census1860-06-01
CONNOLLYCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
CONNOLLYCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONNOLLYCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONNOLLYLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
CONNOLLYCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONNOLLYCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONNOLLYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONNOLLYDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
CONNOLLYCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONNOLLYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1926 Colo Phone Directory1926-04-01
CONNOLLYCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONNOLLYCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
CONNOLLYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1940 Colo Phone Directory1940-01-01
CONNOLLYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONNOLLYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONNOLLYDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONNOLLYGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
CONNOLLYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONNOLLYMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
CONNOLLYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONNOLLYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
CONNOLLYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNOLLYCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
CONNOLLYWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
CONNOLLYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CONNOLYCensusStory Co IA 1860 Census1860-06-01
CONNOLYCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
CONNOLYCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONNOLYCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
CONNONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNORHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONNORCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
CONNORMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
CONNORCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONNORCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONNORCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONNORCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONNORDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONNORCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONNORCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONNORCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
CONNORDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1940 Colo Phone Directory1940-01-01
CONNORCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONNORDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONNORBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONNORDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONNORMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
CONNORFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONNORObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONNORCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CONNORSCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONNYERSCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONNYHANMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1862 Military Eligible1862-06-09
CONOLLYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
CONORCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
CONORCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONORCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONOVERHistoryHistory of Story County by William O. Payne 1911N/A
CONOVERCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
CONOVERLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
CONOVERMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
CONOVERCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONOVERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONOVERBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONOVERHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
CONOVERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONQUESTCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONRADHistoryHistory of Story County by William O. Payne 1911N/A
CONRADHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONRADSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
CONRADCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
CONRADMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
CONRADHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
CONRADDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
CONRADCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONRADCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONRADDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
CONRADCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONRADCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONRADCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONRADDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ballard High School GraduatesN/A
CONRADBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONRADBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CONRADDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Colo High School GraduatesN/A
CONRADDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONRADCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONRADDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Huxley High School GraduatesN/A
CONRADMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
CONRADHistoryStory Co IA McCallsburg 1969 CentennialN/A
CONRADDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA McCallsburg Pupils and FacultyN/A
CONRADHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
CONRADFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONRADDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
CONRADObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONRADCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CONRADHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
CONRATHObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONROWCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONROWCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONROWFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONROYSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
CONROYCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONROYCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
CONROYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONROYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONROYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONROYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONSBROCKCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONSBROCKWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
CONSBRUCKCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONSERHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONSIERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONSIGNYCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONSIGNYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONSTABLEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONSTABLEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONSTADObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONSTANTMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
CONSTANTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONSTANTINESocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
CONSTANTINECensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONSTANTINEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONSTANTINECemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONSTANTINEWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
CONSTANZOObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONTENTOObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONTERCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONTISocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
CONTIObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONTREASObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONTRISocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
CONTRIDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONTRICensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONTRIWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
CONUERSCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
CONVERSEHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
CONVERSECensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
CONVERSECensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
CONVERSEMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
CONVERSECensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
CONVERSEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
CONVERSECensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONVERSEDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
CONVERSECensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONVERSECensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONVERSEBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONVERSEBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CONVERSECemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONVERSEMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
CONVERSEHistoryStory Co IA McCallsburg 1969 CentennialN/A
CONVERSEDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA McCallsburg Pupils and FacultyN/A
CONVERSEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONVERSEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
CONVERSEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONVERSECemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CONVEYBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CONVEYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONVISFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONWAYSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
CONWAYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
CONWAYCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
CONWAYCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
CONWAYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONWAYCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONWAYCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
CONWAYCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
CONWAYCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONWAYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONWAYBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONWAYBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
CONWAYHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
CONWAYDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONWAYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
CONWAYMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
CONWAYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONWAYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONWAYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
CONWAYHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
CONWELLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
CONWELLCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
CONWELLDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
CONWELLCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
CONWELLWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
CONYBEARBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONYBEAREDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
CONYERSHistoryHistory of Story County by William O. Payne 1911N/A
CONYERSCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
CONYERSCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
CONYERSBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
CONYERSFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
CONYERSObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONYHANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
CONZEMIUSCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
CONZEMIUSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
CONZEMIUSMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
CONZEMIUSObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
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