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Community History Zearing, Iowa by Donald H. Grimm 1956

Zearing Book Index

Results for Names Matching "COE"

Click on Page Number to View Page
Given Name Surname(s) Page Book Section
Elda Coe 201 Family Section
Ethelyn Coe 50 Zearing Business Summary
Ethelyn L. (Krubeck) Coe 200 Family Section
John Coe 36 Zearing Government
John Coe 50 Zearing Business Summary
John Coe 68 Transportation and Roads/Recreation Areas
John M. Coe 200 Family Section
Muriel Coe 201 Family Section
Neal Coe 235 Military History
Neal H. Coe 201 Family Section
Neal H. Coe 240 Military History
Neal H. Coe 243 Military History

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