A Pioneer Cemetery as defined by the State of Iowa as a cemetery having
six or less burials in the past 50 years. It is currently documented there are
63 cemeteries in Mitchell County. Of these 63 cemeteries, 39 are classified
as Pioneer Status. Almost 62% of all cemeteries in Mitchell County are
classified as Pioneer Cemeteries.
MCPCRP has budgeted that if all work and materials were hired or
purchased, to restore the 39 Pioneer Cemeteries in Mitchell County, an
expenditure of over $64,000 would be required to bring them back to
honorable and presentable condition. This does not include future care,
repair, maintenance or inflation.
You can see that MCPCRP is in need of financial donations. Reducing this
expenditure would be volunteering equipment, materials, supplies and
volunteer labor.
MCPCRP is diligently researching, as well as documenting genealogical
information in all Townships in Mitchell County. MCPCRP staff is
working to appoint volunteers to assist with all 39 Pioneer Cemetery
Dudley Pioneer Cemetery in West Cedar Township, with the leadership of
Marilyn O'Connor, should be finalized in the spring with the Monument
already installed with assistance of the Osage FFA. A perimeter fence with
a gate will be installed by this coming summer.
Grove Pioneer Cemetery in Burr Oak Township, N.W. of the ghost town of
Leo/Cardiff has been located. Further research and documentation is
required at this site.
Holbrook Corner/Nelson Pioneer Cemetery (between New Haven and
Riceville) seems to have been lost forever. No documentation, historical
data or physical evidence, at this time, has been found other than what has
been written in historical books. There were two headstones in this Pioneer
Liberty Cemetery at Little Cedar/Wheeler, while not classified as a
Pioneer Cemetery, data compilation is underway. Expected to be
documented, finalized and posted on the internet shortly.
Lohr Pioneer Cemetery in East Cedar Township is 98% complete and
being maintained with tender loving care from the Steve Ham family and
Robert Hollatz Cedar Twp Trustee. This Pioneer Cemetery would take
first prize for being in the worst condition. Literally this cemetery was
under a windfall of trees and debris. (See the pictures below) Our hat is off
to Steve and Bob for the many hours they spent restoring dignity to this
Pioneer Cemetery.
Mona Pioneer Cemetery in Otranto Township is well on the way to
restoration. Thanks to Loren Meyer Otranto Twp Trustee, as well as
residents of Otranto Township and donations from area businesses. This
Pioneer Cemetery is one of the largest we have to restore – almost one
acre, with approximately 63 documented burials and many headstones to
be repaired.
Old Newburg Pioneer Cemetery in Newburg Township is on hold in
respect to physical restoration. Some probing to find headstones has been
completed but more is required, plus restoration is the goal.
Old Otranto Cemetery seems to be appropriately nicknamed “The
Mystery of Mitchell County†in that we are finding it's like looking for the
proverbial needle in the haystack. Persistence on our part will locate it,
guaranteed. Conflicting historical information has confused its location.
It's there; we just haven't found it yet.
Osage Pioneer Cemetery (Original) has been located and identified. On W
side of S. 7th St at the IC RR tracks. Additional probing and dowsing will
be required to provide additional data as to those interred.
Oscar Peterson Pioneer Cemetery in East Cedar Township has been
documented and located. Research continues to document those interred
there. If you have any information you can share on this cemetery we
would welcome your input.
Scott Pioneer Cemetery in Section 2 of Jenkins Township has yet to be
located. Little is known with the exception of a brief mention in a 1963
historical writing.
Smith Family Pioneer Cemetery in East Cedar Township, with
Coordination from Marlene Kershner, research continues with probing,
dowsing, as well as restoration should start shortly with completion
expected next summer. Volunteer assistance from the land owner, Larry
Kershner and Kathy Pike.
West Cedar Township Pioneer Cemetery has been researched and
documented. Dowsing and Probing has been accomplished by Larry and
Marlene Kershner in a limited attempt with results of 8 or 10 internments.
Restoration is proceeding slowly. We have located one readable headstone
with 4 or 5 additional stones. If you have any information you can share on
this cemetery we would be appreciative.
Wayne Township Cemetery E. of McIntire, while not classified as a
Pioneer Cemetery, Merri Cross is in the process of recording and
documenting those interred there. Expect to be completed and posted on
the internet shortly.
Union Valley Pioneer Cemetery S.W. of Orchard is on the verge of being
lost forever. It’s on private land, the landowner is receptive to limited
access and more work is needed here to preserve what is left of this once,
one acre Pioneer Cemetery. If you can assist with this project we would
appreciate your efforts.
Unknown Pioneer Cemetery – (97-17-17-2) in E. Cedar Twp. Section 17,
Not Dudley Pioneer Cemetery, opened in 1863, 2-3 burials, at one time
referred to as “Indian Moundsâ€. If you have any information you can
share on this we would be appreciative.
Unknown Pioneer Cemetery – (100-18-21-6) in Otranto Twp. Section 21.
Burial of Lorenzo D. Merry (first death in the township 1855) was
rumored to be located at Merry’s Ford at the north end of Otranto Park.
If you have any information you can share on this we would be
We are also getting closer to locating the Otranto cemetery, which
according to some sources is on the north edge of the town of Otranto.
If anyone has pictures, historical data, or histories of cemeteries in
Mitchell County, please send it to Neal.
Persons interested in volunteering to assist with these projects should
contact Neal.