Descendants of Job Throckmorton

This page was referenced on the page but pointed to a page on a site that is scheduled for being taken down, so I "rescued" the page and posted it here. I couldn't see anyone to credit or contact but I simply copied the html and post it here. This comes from the page [Actually, I see that they were apparently part of a collection posted by Bill Barton but his email bounces.]


The ninth and youngest child of William & Sarah (Gillet) Throckmorton:

  1. ELIJAH GILLETT THROCKMORTON, born 8 Nov. 1781 probably Hampshire Co., Va., married SARAH ANN STANCLIFF 27 July 1817, appears to have died by Aug. 1836. Sarah was born 5 June 1800 in Cobourg, Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ont., Canada, died 12 Sep. 1847. Sarah was a daughter of Stanbrough Peregrine & Sibell (Davis) Stancliff ( Figure 11 ).

To this may be added:

Elijah served briefly in the War of 1812. From 22 Aug. to 28 Sep. 1812 he served as a private in Capt. Isaac Dawson’s Mounted Company, Ohio Volunteers ( Figure 12A ). From 28 July to 6 Sep. 1813 he served as a substitute for Timmothy Black ( Figure 12B ). No record of a pension application or burial as an Ohio veteran has been found. The U.S. Army Military History Unit advised the author that "it is quite likely that Throgmorton was mobilized for the purpose of garrisoning Fort Meigs which was located on the Maumee River just south of Lake Erie." In the 1840 census for Franklin Co., Ohio (p. 101) there was a T. Black in Madison Twp.

On 11 Aug. 1815 Elijah paid $88.63 of the $334.52 total price of 167.26 acres in the SW� of Section 28, Township 11, Range 17 ( Figure 13 ).

On 7 & 9 July 1819 Elijah was a grand juror in Athens Co. 55

In Nov. 1819 Elijah was paid $1.00 as a witness. 56

In the 1820 census for Elk Twp. Athens Co., Ohio (p. 124) Elijah Throgmorton was head of the following household:

On 26 Sep. 1821 Elijah assigned the SW� of S28/T11/R17 to William Ayres ( Figure 14 ). In 1876 the SW� of S28/T11/R17 was owned by J. Winters, H. Robbins and the heirs of John Hunter (see Figure 15 for location of Elijah’s land in Athens [now Vinton] Co.) J. Winters may be the John Winters who in 1835 married Ann Stancliff (a sister of Elijah’s wife, Sarah.) 57

In the 1825 Tax Duplicate for Athens Co. record, Elijah was listed as an "original proprietor." 58 Original proprietors were not taxed. 59

In the 1828 Hocking Co. Tax List for Salt Creek Twp. (p. 79), Elijah Throckmorton was listed with 2 cattle valued at $16.00 for a total tax of $0.16.

In the 1830 Tax List for Salt Creek Twp. (p. 81) Elijah was listed with 1 horse and 2 cattle valued at $56.00 for a total tax of $0.686.

In the 1830 census for Salt Creek Twp., Hocking Co., Ohio (p. 381) Elijah Throgmorton was head of the following household:

Elijah Throgmorton was elector #15 in the Book of the Election in the Township of Salt Creek in the County of Hocking on the 4 th day of April AD 1831 for the purpose of Electing one Justice of the Peace. Elijah was elector #33 in the election held 9 Oct. 1832. 60 Salt Creek Twp. was Township 11, Range 19, near the SW corner of Hocking (i.e., two ranges west of where Elijah had purchased 167.26 acres of land in 1815).

Elijah Throgmorton and John Strous were witnesses to the will of Alexander McBride, Sr. When the will was proven on 22 Oct. 1833 they swore that the testator died 20 Aug. 1833. 61

By 1839 Sarah was living in Ross. Co., Ohio. She was named in Chancery Court Records for Athens Co. in connection with documents designed to clear the title to lots her father had owned in McArthur.

In the 1840 census for Jefferson Twp., 62 Ross Co., Ohio p. 427) there was a Jane Throckmorton head of the following household:

This family of nine checks out with our Sarah Ann Throckmorton’s family if we assume that son Gillett had already died, as well as son Lewis who died in 1837, and that either daughter Julia or Mary had already departed. In addition, nearby on the same census page is listed the family of Andrew McPheeters. His wife (n�e Hannah Stancliff) was our Sarah’s sister. It appears that husband Elijah may have died in 1836 (Figure 11).

No records of the deaths of Elijah or Sarah have been found.

The children of Elijah & Sarah Throckmorton were:

  1. MARY (Polly) THROCKMORTON , born 4 Mar. 1818 in Ross Co., married STEPHEN SPEAKMAN 4 May 1841 in Ross Co. 63 Stephen may have been a son of Ebenezer & Elizabeth (Cox) Speakman of Springfield Twp., Ross. Co. 64
  1. JULIA ANN THROCKMORTON , born 4 June 1819 in Athens Co., married (by K. H. Dunkle, J.P.) AARON PANCAKE 2 Jan. 1842 in Hocking Co., 65 died 6 Dec. 1894 Harrison Twp., Van Wert Co., Ohio. Aaron was born 4 Jan. 1817 in Salt Creek Twp., Fairfield Co., Ohio, died 22 Sep. 1891 in Harrison Twp. He was a son of George Pancake and his first wife (name unknown). Both Aaron & Julia Ann were buried in Kings Church (Bethlehem Lutheran) Cemetery in Harrison Twp., Van Wert Co. Julia Ann (Throckmorton) Pancake’s obituary appeared in the local Van Wert newspaper:

In Memoriam

On the evening of the 6 th of December. 1894, after a short but painful illness, with her sorrowing children around her, Mother Pancake bade adieu to the scenes of earth, and fell "asleep in Jesus." Julia Ann Throckmorton was born in Athens county. O, June 4, 1819, her mother was from Canada, her father, an English man, served as a teamster under General Anthony Wayne during the Revolutionary war. She was married to the late Aaron Pancake in Hocking county, coming with him to Van Wert, while this part of the country was yet new; arriving here Oct. 19, 1851, and settling in Harrison township, where she has ever since lived. She was the mother of twelve children; six sons and six daughters, seven of whom, five sons and two daughters, are left to mourn her loss. She was a member of Bethlehem Lutheran church and an earnest and consistent christian. She was a faithful wife, a kind and loving mother, a generous and considerate friend, and in the neighborhood where she so long lived and labored her loss is keenly felt. Her funeral obsequies were conducted at Bethlehem by Rev. Atkins, who based his remarks on these words found in Zacariah, "At evening time it shall be light." Four remaining sons carried their mother across the threshold her feet had so often crossed, to the silent city of the dead, there to sleep beside loved ones gone before.

For a continuation of the Aaron & Julia Ann (Throckmorton) Pancake family, see my companion article "Ohio & Indiana Descendants of George Pancake (born ca. 1780-1790, died probably before 1840)," #2.   

  1. JOHN THROCKMORTON , born 28 Nov. 1820 Athens Co., OH, married MARY JANE RUTHERFORD 29 Aug. 1843 in Ross Co. by Pleasant Brook, a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, 66 died probably 28 Nov. 1890. Mary was born 8 May 1817 in Ohio, died 16 July 1882.

In 1842 John was appointed Class Leader in the Methodist Episcopal Church . After serving for nearly 20 years as Class Leader, he accepted a license to preach.

In the 1850 census for Marion Co., Iowa, John Throckmorton was head of the following household:

Appendix I of this account (not yet accessible) contains copies of several pages from a bible printed in 1874 which belonged to "Mr. & Mrs. J. & M. THROCKMORTON." The bible survived a fire at the turn of the century when Mrs. Mary Amanda (Throckmorton) Dickey’s home in Pasadena, Calif. burned. The bible is now in the possession of Mrs. Ann Rutherford Goetzel, 3826 San Augustine Drive, Glendale, CA 91206. Much of the data on the children of John & Mary were obtained from records written in this bible.

The children of John & Mary Jane Throckmorton were:

  1. REBECCA ANN THROCKMORTON , born 3 June 1844 in Ohio, married WILLIAM  C. BEAMON 25 Dec. 1866.
  1. LEWIS AMBROSE (AMBROUSE) THROCKMORTON , born 21 Jan. 1846 near Bloomfield, Davis Co., Iowa, married Mrs. SARAH JANE (ORENDER) HILLEBRAN 3 Mar. 1867 in Liberty, Clark Co., Iowa, died 19 July 1931 in Fairview, Major Co., Okla., buried in Homestead, Okla. Sarah Jane was a daughter of William & Sarah Jane (van Neter) Orender. She was born 19 Nov. 1840 in Illinois, married (1) Nelson Hillebran. Sarah & Nelson had a son William Johnson Hillebran, born 30 Nov. 1859 in Harrison Co., Mo. 67 Presumably Nelson died before 1867. Sarah Jane died 26 Dec. 1896 in Longdale, Blaine Co., Okla. 68

The children of Lewis & Sarah Jane were:

  1. JOHN ANDREW THROCKMORTON , born 10 Dec. 1867 in Liberty, Clark Co., Iowa.
  2. GEORGE JEWETT THROCKMORTON , born 6 Aug. 1869 in Decatur, Iowa.
  3. NANCY ANN THROCKMORTON , born 25 Dec. 1872 in Afton, Union Co., Iowa, married ALFRED CRAMER , died 25 June 1942.
  4. MARY JANE THROCKMORTON , born 14 July 1874 in Afton, died 19 Apr. 1894.
  5. EMMA THROCKMORTON , born and died 8 Sep. 1876 in Afton.
  6. MARION ELI THROCKMORTON , born 14 Oct. 1878 in Beloit, Osborn Co., Kans., married ALICE MEANS , died 26 Apr. 1921 as a result of an accident on an oil rig, buried in Florence, KS. Alice was born ca. 1882 in Beloit, died in July 1957.

Marion Eli and Alice first homesteaded in Alberta, Canada.  Then they returned to Kansas where he found work on a drilling rig.  Following his death Alice experienced financial difficulties.  The State of Kansas removed the children from her care.  The children of Marion and Alice included:

      The children of Albert & Florry were:

  1. LEWIS GRANT THROCKMORTON , born 13 July 1880 in Glen Elder, Mitchell Co., Kans., married NELLIE BURKET , died 11 Aug. 1968. Nellie was born ca. 1884 in Glen Elder.  The children of Lewis and Nellie included:
  1.  SARAH FLORENCE BELL THROCKMORTON , born 17 Apr. 1883 in Jennings, Decatur Co., Kans., married WILLIAM FRANKLIN , died 26 Nov. 1951. William was born 14 Dec. 1873 in North English, Iowa Co., Iowa.
  1. ELCY LOVINA THROCKMORTON , born 12 Sep. 1847 in Iowa, married CHARLES RUTHERFORD 29 Sep. 1869.
  1. SARAH JANE THROCKMORTON , born 11 Nov. 1849 in Iowa, married C. H. McMANIS 18 Feb. 1868.
  1. WELTHY JANETTA THROCKMORTON, born 29 Apr. 1852, married W. T. PUCKETT 1 Jan. 1874.
  1. MARY AMANDA THROCKMORTON , born 7 Mar. 1854 in Knoxville, Marion, Co., Iowa, married EMERY PETRO DICKEY 28 Sep. 1876 in Des Moines, Iowa, died 5 Jan. 1922 in Pasadena, Calif. Emery was born 8 Dec. 1851 in Connersville, Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Ann (Rutherford) Goetzel is a great-granddaughter of Emery & Mary Amanda (Throckmorton) Dickey.
  1. WILLIAM THROCKMORTON , born 15 Aug. 1822 in Ross Co., married MARY ANN WILSHIRE/WILCHER/WELTCHER/WELCHER 28 Aug./7 Sep. 1843 in Ross Co., died 22 March 1898 in Nodaway, Co., Mo. Mary Ann was born 3 Dec. 1825 in Va., died 17 Mar. 1905 in Nodaway Co., Mo. 69 Her parents were John & Margaret Welcher. 70

Mary was converted in 1855 to the United Brethren Church. In 1863 she joined the Methodist Episcopal Church. Funeral services were conducted 19 Mar. 1905 at her home by Rev. L. W. Gunby. She was buried in Groves Cemetery (SE of Guilford), Nodaway Co.

In the 1860 census for Knoxville, Marion Co., Iowa, William Throckmorton was head of the following household:

The family moved from Iowa to Missouri in 1871.

The children of William & Mary Ann Throckmorton were:

  1. CHARLES A. THROCKMORTON committed suicide 22 June 1898.
  1. MILTON THROCKMORTON , born 1 Oct. 1844 in Ross Co., Ohio, married NANCY JANE BOLING 6 Aug . 1874 in Nodaway Co., Mo., died 18 Feb. 1926 in Nodaway Co. of influenza and chronic cystitis. Nancy was born 11 Apr. 1855, died 18 Dec. 1913 in Nodaway Co. She was a daughter of Pleasant & Hannah (Glorist) Boling. Both Milton & Nancy were buried in Groves Cemetery.

Milton was a farmer. At the time of the 1920 census for Grant Twp., Nodaway Co., Mo., Milton was head of the following household (dwelling #66):

Next door (at dwelling #63) lived Milton’s son William Thomas Throckmorton and his family.

The children of Milton & Nancy Throckmorton were:

  1. MINNIE MAY THROCKMORTON , born 16 Oct. 1875, died 4 Oct. 1920 in Nodaway Co., buried Groves Cemetery alongside her mother. She was living with her father prior to her death.
  1. WILLIAM THOMAS THROCKMORTON , born 29 July 1880 in Nodaway Co., married LUCY BELL WILSON 8 Apr. 1904 in Nodaway Co., died 1968 in Nodaway Co. Lucy was born 18 Jan. 1884 in Nodaway Co., died 1972 in Nodaway Co. She was a daughter of John & Sarah (Cox) Wilson. Both William & Lucy were buried in the Masonic Cemetery, Barnard, Mo.

In the 1920 census for Grant Twp., Nodaway Co., Mo., William Thomas Throckmorton was head of the following household (dwelling #63):

  • William T. Throckmorton, husband, male, 39, married, owns home, mortgaged, can read & write, born Mo., parents born Ohio, farmer
  • Lucy B. Throckmorton, female, 35, married, can read & write, born Tenn., parents born Tenn.
  • Emory W. Throckmorton, male, 15, single
  • Charles S. Throckmorton, male, 13, single
  • Oren W. Throckmorton, male, 11, single
  • Samuel W. Throckmorton, male, 10, single
  • Lawrence Throckmorton, male, 8, single
  • Arthur Throckmorton, male, 5, single
  • Kenneth Throckmorton, male, 3�, single
  • Sarah Throckmorton, female, 1�, single.

The children of William Thomas & Lucy Throckmorton were:

The children of Arthur & Crystal Throckmorton are:

  • ARTHUR HAROLD THROCKMORTON , born and died 1942.
  • KIRBY LEE THROCKMORTON , born 10 June 1943 in Nodaway Co., Mo., married ELIZABETH ANN SHEPHERD 17 Aug. 1968 in LaCrosse, Wis. Elizabeth Ann was born 9 Dec. 1945 in Richland Co., Wis.
  • VICKI SUE THROCKMORTON , born 1 Feb. 1945 in Nodaway Co., married (1) JOHN KOHLER in St. Charles Co., Mo., married (2) DELBERT MOORE .
  • STARLA ANN THROCKMORTON , born 27 Sep. 1953.
  • NANCY LYNN THROCKMORTON , born 19 Feb. 1956, married FRANK BARTEN 26 July 1982 in Madison Wis.
  1. NANCY MINA THROCKMORTON , born 6 Apr. 1893, married EVERETT TAPSCOTT . (Nancy was the third child of Milton & Nancy Boling Throckmorton.)
  1. JULIA EMMA THROCKMORTON , born 12 Mar. 1846 in Davies Co., Iowa, married J. E. ROSS 18 Apr. 1869, died 19 Aug. 1915 in Knoxville, Marion Co., Iowa. She was a Methodist.

The children of J. E. & Julia Ross were:

  1. ORIN E. ROSS .
  4. AMOS J. ROSS.
  6. MARY E. ROSS.
  1. PHEBIE/PHOEBE F. THROCKMORTON , born ca. 1849 in Iowa, married PETER COLLINS 14 Nov. 1876.
  1. MARY S. THROCKMORTON , born 1 Jan. 1852 in Marion Co., Iowa, married THOMAS CORWIN KENNEDY 19 Dec. 1869 in Marion Co., died 27 Feb. 1937 in Council Bluffs, IA. Family lore has it that Mary Throckmorton was found in a basket on the doorstep of William & Mary Throckmorton. 71 They took her in and raised her as one of their own. Thomas was born 4 Mar.1847 in Fayette Co., OH, died 10 May 1919 in Council Bluffs, Pottawsttamie Co., IA, buried Walnut Hill Cemetery, Council Bluffs.  He was a son of Thomas & Nancy Kennedy. He was a farmer. 71a

The children of Thomas Corwin & Mary S. Kennedy were:

  1. OLIVER SETH KENNEDY , born 22 Feb. 1871 in Knoxville, Marion Co., Iowa, married GRACE BRADEN 14 Mar. 1900, died 5 Feb. 1951 in Carson, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. Grace was born 27 Jan. 1876 in Macedonia, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, died Feb. 1963 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, buried in Carson Cemetery, Carson, IA. She was a daughter of Peter & Sarah Abigail (Pool) Braden. In June 1947 they were living in Carson where Oliver was a farmer. Both Oliver & Grace were buried in Carson Cemetery, Carson, Iowa.

The children of Oliver & Grace Kennedy were both born in Carson:

  • MILDRED GRACE KENNEDY born 8 May 1905.
  • NINA MERLE KENNEDY born 1907, married WILLARD I. JAMES 2 Aug. 1927, died Oct. 1959 in California. Willard was born 5 Aug. 1908 in Council Bluffs, died Nov. 1969 in Longboat Cay, Manatee & Sarasota Cos., Fla., buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
  1. ROSIE/ROSA KENNEDY born 1873 in MO.
  2. CORA KENNEDY born 1875 in Indiana Twp., Marion Co., IA.
  3. MINNIE KENNEDY born 3 Jan. 1879 in Indiana Twp., Marion Co., IA, died 15 Apr. 1967 in Council Bluffs, IA.
  4. JESSE KENNEDY born 1880/1881 in IA.
  5. STELLA KENNEDY born 1883/1884.
  6. LILLY KENNEDY , died in infancy in Pottawattamie Co., IA.
  1. ROSELA A. THROCKMORTON , born ca. 1858 in Iowa.
  1. WILLIAM H. THROCKMORTON , born 1860 in Iowa.
  1. THOMAS THROCKMORTON , born 11 July 1824 in Ross Co., married MARGARET JANE WILSHIRE/WELCHER 12 Aug. 1845 72 in Ross Co. Margaret Jane was born 20 Aug. 1826 in Richmond, Henrico Co., Va., died 20 Apr. 1919 in Knoxville, Marion Co., Iowa. She was an older sister of Mary Ann Welcher (see �d., above). Thomas went to the lead mines in Missouri. 73 A Thomas R . Throckmorton is listed on p. 361 of the 1850 census for the 48 th District, Lewis Co., Mo. In the 1870 census for Knoxville P. O., Knoxville Twp., Marion Co., Margaret Jane was keeping house. She married (2) Eber West Carle 2 Sep. 1855 in Marion Co., Iowa.

The only child of Thomas & Margaret Jane Throckmorton was EMMARILLES THROCKMORTON . She was born 9 Mar. 1845 in Ohio, married (1) WILLIAM M. CARLE 31 Aug. 1862 in Knoxville, Marion Co., Iowa, married (2) DAVID M. POPE 21 Aug. 1866, died 13 Sep. 1891. William M. Carle was born 24 Sep. 1842 in Highland Co., Ohio, died 7 Oct. 1863 in the Union General Hospital, Memphis, Shelby Co., Tenn. He was a son of Emmarilles’step-father.

  1. ELIZABETH THROCKMORTON, born 16 Apr. 1826, married STEPHEN SPEAKMAN 14 May 1841. Stephen may have been born 1815, died 1861, a son of Joshua J. & Mary (Wycoff) Speakman. Joshua was a brother of the Stephen Speakman who probably married Elizabeth’s sister Mary Throckmorton (see �a. above).

In the 1850 census for Lick Twp., Jackson Co., Ohio (p. 291A) Stephen Speakman was head of the following household:

  1. LEWIS THROCKMORTON , born 26 Aug. 1827, died 10 June 1837.
  1. VIOLETTA THROCKMORTON , born 31 Jan. 1829.
  1. WILSON THROCKMORTON , born 29 July 1832, died 1847.
  1. SARAH ANN THROCKMORTON , born 28 May 1835; probably died young.
  1. THOMAS THROCKMORTON was born ca. 1732 in Freehold, N.J., married MIRIAM [- ? -] before 1762 in Roxbury, Morris Co., N.J., died in the spring of 1763. Thomas & Miriam Throckmorton had a son THOMAS THROCKMORTON born before ca. 1763 in Roxbury, N.J. ( Figures 16 & 17 ). Miriam married (2) William Young before 1784.

6. DAVID THROCKMORTON [FGS, 81] was baptized 11 May 1735 at the Freehold Chapel of Christ Church, Shrewsbury. David lived in Freehold, N.J. 74 Since no mention was made of him in his Aunt Sarah (Throckmorton) Nichols’ 1755 will or in his brother Thomas’ 1763 will, it is probable that he died young.

7. DANIEL THROCKMORTON [CWT, 222; FGS, 101 & 376; LBS, 8] born 1734/1736 in Freehold, Monmouth Co., N.J., baptized 9 Feb. 1746, 75 married RACHEL [- ? -], died 26 Sep. 1798 in Hampshire Co., Va. Rachel was born ca. 1751. 76

FGS, p. 101, has the following to say regarding Daniel Throckmorton:

DANIEL THROCKMORTON (Job 20, Job 7, John 1), b. Freehold, N.J., about 1734/36. By will of aunt, Sarah T. Nichols, he gets, 1755, money and a bay mare. Named in will of his brother Thomas Throckmorton, 1763, as owning half interest in "moveable estate," at Roxbury, Morris Co., N.J. No other mention discoverable of him. Probably married and went to Hampshire Co., Va., with his brothers: William and Lewis, and there died soon afterwards as his name is not found in "Heads of Families, Va., 1782 & 1784" ( Census ). He was presumably the father of the children given below, who were born in Hampshire Co., Va., and early left orphans.

  1. DANIEL,* b. 12 Oct. 1773, Hampshire Co., Va. ( Bible ).
  2. RACHEL, b._______; m. Mr. Cooper and all trace lost.

* The parents of Daniel and Rachel are conjectural. They may have been children of Lewis Throckmorton, brother of Daniel Sr. But whatever their father’s name, Job and Frances (Stout) Throckmorton were surely their grandparents. The name "Daniel" has not been found in the Virginia branch of the family in the early generations. And in the New Jersey line it first appears in the family of Job and Frances (Stout) Throckmorton and was apparently confined to this one branch of Throckmortons for nearly a century. This, in connection with the fact that several of the sons of Job and Frances migrated to Virginia, leads to this assumption, for such it is, that their son Daniel, Sr., also "went into Va." and was the father of the above children.

JES, on p. 102, makes the following comments:

DANIEL THROCKMORTON, son of Job Throckmorton, 27, was mentioned in the will of Sarah Nichols, and in the will of his brother Thomas Throckmorton, in 1763.

1764, December. Samuel Buttler vs Daniel Throckmorton. �17.

1765, July. Daniel Throckmorton, a creditor, in Jacob Mitchel vs Charles Richards, for �80-17-9. (Morris County Court Records).

The two children of Daniel Throckmorton were:

  1. DANIEL THROCKMORTON , born 12 Oct. 1773 in Hampshire Co., Va., married (1) MARY BARCLO (or BARKALO ) 1 Nov. 1795 in Hampshire Co., married (2) Mrs. MARY (MILLER?) DUVAL , died 27 Feb. 1852 in Center Twp., Greene Co., PA. Mary Barclo was born 4 July 1772 in New Jersey, died 6 Mar. 1833 in Greene co., PA. Mary Duval was born 20 Apr. 1772, died 26 May 1848 ( Figure 18 ).

In preparation for their removal from Hampshire Co., Va., to Greene Co., Penn., Daniel & Mary (Barclo) Throckmorton sold on 25 Sep. 1798 their land to John Morrow of Hampshire Co. Witnesses were Patrick Boyle, Patrick O’Hare and Lewis Demoss. 77

The nine children of Daniel & Mary (Barclo) Throckmorton were:

  1. WILLIAM THROCKMORTON , born 3 Oct. 1797 in Hampshire Co., Va., married HARRIET TEWKSBURY 3 May 1823 in Greene Co., PA, accidentally killed 3 Mar. 1844 in Waynesburg, Greene Co., PA. Harriet was born 27 June 1806 in Greene Co., Penn., died 8 June 1873, buried in Cross Roads Cemetery, Alexander Twp., Athens Co. 78 (According to LBS, both William & Harriet were buried in Meigs Co., Ohio). 79 Harriet was a daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth (Brown) Tewksbury.

William’s death occurred while he was helping his brother-in-law James Robinson Throckmorton (see �b. below) build his house near Waynesburg, Penn. William stepped on a board on top of the house and it tipped with him. He lived a week or so after the accident. Harriet’s brother Bradbury Tewksbury and brother-in-law William Brooks, who lived in Ohio, drove through to Pennsylvania and took Harriet and the children back with them to Athens Co., Ohio. 80

In the 1850 census for Meigs Co., Ohio, Harriet Throckmorton was head of the following household:

  • Harriet Throckmorton, 42, born Penn.
  • Samuel Throckmorton, 21, born Penn.
  • David Throckmorton, 19
  • Elizabeth Throckmorton, 16
  • Isaac Throckmorton, 14
  • Lindsay Throckmorton, 10.

The thirteen children of William & Harriet Throckmorton were all born in Greene Co., Penn.:

  1. DANIEL THROCKMORTON , born 9 Mar. 1824 near Rutan, Greene Co., Penn., married CATHERINE CARPENTER 26 Mar. 1845 in Lawrence Co.,  OH, by John Pethoud, J.P., 80a died 13 Jan. 1882, buried in Cross Roads Cemetery, Alexander Twp., Athens Co. Catherine was born 26 June 1821 in Hocking Co., OH, died 26 Mar. 1895. She was a daughter of Jacob & Elizabeth (Yates) Carpenter. Daniel was a private in the Civil War. 81

The nine children of Daniel & Catherine Throckmorton were all born in Meigs, Co., Ohio:

  1. (JANET) ELIZABETH THROCKMORTON , born 13 May 1845 (1847?), married AARON AYERS 1 July 1865 82 in Albany, Lee Twp., Athens Co., died 14 Apr. 1902. Diana L. Dodson, 2017 Dogwood Drive, Lexington, KY 40504, is a descendant of Aaron & Janet E. Ayers’ daughter Ida Mae Ayers.

FGS, ( p. 242) has the following to say about Elizabeth Throckmorton:

ELIZABETH, b. 13 May 1847; m. Aaron Ayers, Albany, O., 1865; son of Jacob & Mary (Petty); b. Tuscarawas Co., O., 6 June, 1841. He is a farmer. She d. 14 April, 1902. Res. since 1870, Rendville, O. Ch: (1) Albert, b. 1867; in 1913 his whereabouts unknown. (2) Ella, b. 1869; m. J. C. Allwine, 1894. (3) Flora, b. 1871; m. Charles Rickets, 1892. (4) Jane, b. 1873; m. Charles Anderson, 1890. (5) Frank, b. 1874, m. Hattie Kinder, 1895. (6) Ida, b, 1876; m. Charles Dodson, 1895. (7) Annie, b. 1878; m. James R. May, 1900. (8) Cora, b. 1880; m. George Spicer, 1900. (9) Andrew, b. 1882; m. Annie Love, 1906. (10) Rosa, b. 1884; m. Daniel Dodson, 1905. (11) Nellie; b. 1886; unm., at home.

  1. JACOB B. THROCKMORTON , born 26 Mar. 1849, died in infancy.
  2. HARRIET THROCKMORTON, born 9 June 1850, died 25 Feb. 1904. She never married.
  3. THOMAS THROCKMORTON , born 27 June 1852 in Meigs Co., married NANCY WILCOX 4 Nov. 1871 in Meigs Co., OH, died 4 Apr. 1913 in Duncan, Jackson Co., W. Va. Nancy was born 28 July 1851 in Vinton Co., Ohio, died 3 Nov. 1942 in Jackson Co., WV, buried in Meadowdale Church, Jackson Co. 82a She was a daughter of Hiram & Elizabeth (Jinks) Wilcox. Thomas was a farmer. In 1870 Thomas & Nancy removed from Meigs Co. to Athens Co. and in 1885 to Frozen Creek, Jackson Co., W. Va.

The children of Thomas & Nancy Throckmorton were: 83

  • SOPHIA ANN THROCKMORTON , born 14 Oct. 1873 in Lee Twp., Athens Co., 84 married ASHABA ISAAC ROULEY 20 Sep. 1890. Ashaba was a farmer. The couple resided in New Sheffield, Penn.
  • EZRA LINDSEY THROCKMORTON , born 13 Oct. 1875 in Athens Co., Ohio, died 7 Jan. 1904 in W. Va.
  • HARRIET AMY THROCKMORTON , born 20 June 1879 in Athens Co., Ohio, married EDWARD WILLIAM PYATT 21 June 1898, died 14 Nov. 1950 in Layman, OH.  Edward was born 16 Feb. 1873 in Mason Co., WV, died 19 June 1923 in Jackson Co., WV.  His parents were John S. & Mary C. (Snider) Pyatt. They resided in Sandyville, W. Va.  Both Harriet and Edward were buried in Trace Fork, Jackson Co., WV.  Robin Bellamy is a descendant of their son CARL EDWARD PYATT 84a and Terry Edward Pyatt is a grandson of their son WILLIAM ROSS PYATT and his wife NELLIE VIRGINIA PROFFITT . 84b
  • CARRIE BELLE THROCKMORTON , born 27 June 1884 in Lee Twp., 85 died 10 Sep. 1885 in W. Va.
  • CLAYTO EARL THROCKMORTON , born 4 Sep. 1886 in Frozen Creek, W. Va.
  • AUTTIE LEE THROCKMORTON , born 1 Nov. 1889 in Frozen Creek, W. Va., married ROSE MALONE in 1909. He was a railroad gang boss, R.I.C.P., Illinois, in 1912.
  • FLORENCE MAY THROCKMORTON , born 3 Sep. 1893 in Frozen Creek, W. Va.
  1. JESSE (DICK) THROCKMORTON born 27 May 1855, died after 1895. He was a farmer . He never married. He took care of his invalid father for eleven years. Then he stayed with his mother until her death. He resided in Albany with his sister Eliza.
  1. MARY THROCKMORTON born 27 Feb. 1856, died in infancy.
  1. ELIZA THROCKMORTON , born 20 Jan. 1857, died after 1895. Never married. She kept house for Jesse.
  1. JOHN WESLEY THROCKMORTON , born 20 Mar. 1859, married LELLA ETHLIN DIXON 28 Aug. 1884, died 1932. Lella was born 14 Aug. 1867 in Athens Co., a daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth (Lake) Dixon. Lella died Jan. 1943 at the home of her daughter Mrs. Edna Nation in Columbus, Ohio. Funeral services were held at the Methodist Protestant Church in New Marshfield, Athens Co., OH. 86 Both John & Lella were buried in the New Marshfield Cemetery, Section VI. 87
  • The children of John & Lella Throckmorton were:

  • MABEL E. THROCKMORTON , born 8 Aug. 1885 in Knox Twp., Vinton Co., married CHARLES DICKSON 8 (18?) Mar. 1903 in Vinton Co., died 1978 in Powell, OH.  Charles was born 1876 in Knox Twp., Vinton Co., and died 1959 in Vinton Co.  They lived in New Marshfield (Albany?). Charles was a farmer.  Both Charles & Mabel were buried in Townhouse Cemetery, Vinton Co. 87a
  • LULU THROCKMORTON , born 15 Oct. 1886, died 12 Oct. 1892. 88
  • CHARLES WESLEY THROCKMORTON , born 31 Mar. 1889 in Lee Twp., Athens Co., 89 married ANNA PEARL CROSSEN (CLOSSER) 3 Dec. 1910, 90 died 2 Apr. 1956, buried in the New Marshfield Cemetery, Section VI. 91 Charles was a private in the 24 th Company, 158 th Depot Brigade in World War I. Charles & Anna lived in Cleveland, Ohio. They had a daughter LELLA BELLE THROCKMORTON who died in infancy.
  • EDNA BLANCHE THROCKMORTON , born 28 Sep. 1890, married (1) ELZA MAYHUGH 25 Dec. 1906, married (2) WALTER LAZELL Dec. 1912. They lived in Columbus, Ohio.
  • WILBERT (WILBUR) THROCKMORTON , born 10 Nov. 1898, lived in Columbus, Ohio.
  • ALBERT FRED THROCKMORTON, born 3 May 1904, lived in Berea , Cuyahoga Co., Ohio.
  • LAWRENCE E. THROCKMORTON, born 5 May (Dec.?) 1906, died 23 July 1909 92 in a Columbus hospital. Funeral services were held from the Methodist Episcopal Church in New Marshfield. 93
  1. JAMES W. THROCKMORTON , born Feb. 1861, died in infancy.
  1. THOMAS THROCKMORTON , born 5 Mar. 1825 near Rutan, Greene Co., Penn., married (1) HARRIET MASTERS 12 Aug. 1849 in Athens Co., Ohio, 94 married (2) MARY HANNA (HANNAH) 21 Sep. 1852 in Hebbardsville, Alexander Twp., Athens Co., 95 died 6 Oct. 1884 at his home in Meigs Co. Harriet was born 13 Sep. 1829, died 12 Apr. 1851 and was buried in Woodyard Cemetery, Alexander Twp. 96 Mary was born 1 July (6 Oct.?) 1833 in Greenbrier Co., Va., daughter of William & Martha (Kellison) Hanna. She died 24 May 1921 at the home of her daughter Mrs. Martha Sisson. Mary’s father died before she was born and her mother died when Mary was age 5. Mary was a member of the Cross Roads Baptist Church. 97 Both Thomas & Mary were buried in the Cross Roads Cemetery, Alexander Twp. 98 Thomas was a farmer. Mary was living in Albany in 1913.

In the 1850 census for Alexander Twp., Athens Co., Ohio (p. 048/96) Thomas Throckmorton was head of the following household:

Jesse was a younger brother of Thomas (see below).

All the children of Thomas & Mary Throckmorton were born in Meigs Co., Ohio:

  1. REBECCA THROCKMORTON , born 5 Aug. 1854, married LEWIS CHASE 3 Mar. 1875, died 10 Mar. 1875 of throat trouble. She was buried in her wedding dress.
  2. MARTHA THROCKMORTON , born 17 Sep. 1856, married DAVID M. SISSON , died after 1921 in Athens Co., Ohio. 99

FGS, (p. 243) records the following of Martha Throckmorton:

MARTHA, b. 17 Sept 1856; m. David M. Sisson, 17 Sept. 1879. Res. Carpenter, O. Ch: (1) Elden T., b. 19 July, 1880; m. Lillie V. Mark, 22 April, 1905. Res. Connersville, Ind. Issue: Raymond Mark , b. 21 Jan. 1906; Harlan C ., b. 7 Aug. 1908. (2) Jesse W., b. 16 March, 1884; m. Dessie M. Boggess, 3 Sept. 1910; res. Carpenter, O. Issue: Kenneth A ., b. 13 July, 1911. (3) Blanche M., b. 29 Dec., 1886; m. Guy C. Gorby, 15 Jan., 1910. Res. Carpenter, O.

  1. FLORA (DORA?) JANE THROCKMORTON , born 18 Oct. 1865 near Albany, married ELBEN ELLSWORTH NORTON 3 Sep. 1888 in Dyesville, Ohio. 100

Of Flora Thockmorton, FGS records the following data on p. 243:

FLORA JANE, b. 18 Oct., 1865, near Albany, O.; m. 3 Sept., 1888, Dyesville, O., Elben Ellsworth Norton, son of Eli Vale and Jane (Bradfield); b. Meigs Co., O. 17 Dec., 1862; farmer. Res. Carpenter, O., until 1890; McArthur, O, until Oct., 1897, then removed to Carmen, Okla. Ch.: (1) Kenneth A., b. 25 Aug., 1889, Carpenter, O. Nov., 1912, went to Patterson, New Mexico, and took up a claim. Unm., 1913. (2) Hinda, b. 9 March, 1891, McArthur, O.; joined her brother in New Mexico to hold a claim, in April 1913; then unmarried.

  1. ISAAC GRANT THROCKMORTON , born 25 Sep. 1870, died 6 May 1871, buried in Cross Roads Cemetery, Alexander Twp. 101
  1. JAMES THROCKMORTON , born 3 Sep. 1826 (1827?) near Rutan, Greene Co., Penn., married SARAH (SALLY) E. CLARK 20 May 1849 in Athens Co., Ohio, 102 died 5 (25?) Apr. 1870 in Columbia, Meigs Co. 103 Sarah was born 8 Mar. 1828 (?), died 25 Nov. 1885. She was a daughter of William & Rosa (Daugherty) Clark. Both James & Sarah were buried in Cross Roads Cemetery. 104 James was a farmer. He served in the Civil War in Company G, 33 rd Ohio Volunteers.

All the children of James & Sarah were born in Meigs Co., Ohio:

  1. WILLIAM CLARK THROCKMORTON , born 24 Apr. 1851, married LYDIA ANN BORDER 8 Dec. 1871, 105 died 1929. Lydia was born 28 Apr. 1853 in Rome Twp., Athens Co., died 1 Apr. 1914 in Kingfisher, Okla., of tuberculosis, buried in Albany, Lee Twp., Athens Co. She was a daughter of Joseph & Lucinda (Chambers) Border. William was a farmer near Albany. William & Lydia removed to Kingfisher, Okla. in 1892. 106 William was sheriff of Kingfisher Co. Later he operated a cotton gin. 107

The children of William & Lydia Throckmorton were:

  • IDA THROCKMORTON , born 29 Oct. 1872, married EUGENE McCALL in 1892. He was a hardware merchant in Wayne, Kans.
  • JOSEPH IRA THROCKMORTON , born 11 Sep. 1874, married (1) ARTIE [- ? -], married (2) LEONA [- ? -]. Joseph was a traveling salesman for International Harvester Co. He and his family lived in Oklahoma City, Okla.

The children of Joseph Throckmorton were:

  • LENA THROCKMORTON , born 1902 in Kingfisher, Okla., died 1952.
  • OPAL THROCKMORTON , born 1903 in Kingfisher, Okla.

All the children of Jesse & Sadie Throckmorton were born in Kingfisher, Okla.:

  • FLOYD THROCKMORTON , born 1908. He was owner of an abstract company.
  • ANITA THROCKMORTON , born 1911, married [- ? -] FIRESTONE. 109
  • HELEN THROCKMORTON, born 1912.
  • ERMA THROCKMOARTON , born 1913.
  • FERN THROCKMORTON , born 1916.
ii. ELIZABETH S. THROCKMORTON , born 8 May 1854, died 6 Aug. 1855, buried in Creamer Cemetery, Lodi Twp. 110

iii. JOSINAH THROCKMORTON , born 19 Oct. 1860, married JAMES McKNIGHT , died 5 June 1883, buried Cross Roads Cemetery, Alexander Twp. James & Josinah had a daughter CORA McKNIGHT. 111

  1. SAMUEL THROCKMORTON , born 23 Mar. 1829 near Rutan, Penn., married REBECCA PORTER 20 Mar. 1851 in Athens Co., 112 died 15 Mar. 1894. Rebecca was born 14 Jan. 1833, died 5 Dec. 1907 at the home of her great-grandson Hollis E. (Abe) Throckmorton. Both Samuel & Rebecca were buried in the 2 nd Alexander Freewill Baptist Cemetery (Cross Roads Church) in Alexander Twp. 113

Samuel was a farmer. In 1862 he built a log house near Carpenter, Meigs Co., Ohio. The house was still in use in 1974. 114 Samuel served 100 days in the Civil War.

The two children of Samuel & Rebecca Throckmorton were born in Athens Co., Ohio: 115

  1. JOHN PORTER THROCKMORTON, born 22 Dec. 1851, married MARGARET BOBO 21 May 1870. Margaret was born 17 Sep. 1851,daughter of Nehemiah & Nancy Bobo. John was a farmer near Carpenter.

The five children of John & Margaret were:

  • NANNIE R.THROCKMORTON , born 17 Sep. 1871 near Carpenter, died unmarried 21 Mar. 1902.
  • FRANCIS HOWARD THROCKMORTON , born 11 Jan. 1875 near Carpenter, Meigs Co., married (1) ELSIE HATTIE GIBB 12 Oct. 1900 in Vinton Co., married (2) LUCY STANLEY. Elsie was born 23 Feb. 1870, died 10 Oct. 1912. She was a daughter of Robert & Ollie Gibb. Francis was a farmer and township trustee.

The two children of Francis & Elsie Throckmorton were born in Carpenter, Ohio:

  • HOLLIS E.(Abe) THROCKMORTON , born 25 Aug. 1901 near Carpenter, married FAYE LARIMER 16 Aug. 1926 in Athens, died in the summer of 1979. She was born 29 Oct. 1902 near Bremer, Ohio, a daughter of Perley & Ida (Ashbaugh) Larimer.

Both Abe and Faye graduated from Ohio State University, he in 1928. He taught school in Carpenter and Amanda, Ohio. Faye was a teacher of Home Economics at Amanda and Junction City, Ohio. They resided at Amesville and Athens, Ohio. 116

According to LBS, 117 Abe resided in Milton, Cabell Co., W. Va. where he was the town recorder and a teacher. Abe Throckmorton had a son DEAN THROCKMORTON , born 25 Apr. 1934 in Lancaster, Ohio, married LAVINA SMELL 29 Feb. 1956. Lavina was born 30 Sep. 1939 in Charleston, W. Va.

All the children of Dean & Lavina Throckmorton were born in Lancaster, Ohio:

  • MARVIN O’KEITH THROCKMORTON , born 26 Oct. 1955.
  • PENNY ALICE THROCKMORTON , born 31 Mar. 1957.
  • DEAN FRANCIS THROCKMORTON, Jr. , born 27 Feb. 1960.
  • RICHARD ELDEN THROCKMORTON, born 24 Jan. 1962.
  • MYRTLE GRACE THROCKMORTON , born 1908. She was a graduate of Bliss Business College, Columbus, Ohio. She was employed as a private stenographer with the Milligan Abstract Company. In 1974 she was in a rest home in Columbus, Ohio. 118
  • SAMUEL E. THROCKMORTON , born 5 Oct. 1879, married GERTRUDE HARRISON ca. 1906. She was born May 1886(?), daughter of Edward Harrison. Samuel was foreman of the Bridge & Carpenter gang for the I.C.R.R. He resided in Chicago, Ill., from 1896 to 1914, after that at Kankekee, Ill. Samuel & Gertrude had no children but adopted a child, Dorothy.
  • WILBERT A. (BERT) THROCKMORTON , born 12 Nov. 1883 in Vinton Co., Ohio, married INA (INEZ) B. MARTIN 28 Feb. 1912, buried 3 Mar. 1969. Ina was born in 1886, buried 19 Oct. 1968. She was a daughter of Ezekiel & Nancy (Cuckler) Martin. Both Wilbert & Inez were buried in Section G, Lot 58 of the Alexander-Union Cemetery, Alexander Twp. 119 Wilbert was a farmer and agent for the Kanawha & Michigan R.R. Co. They lived near Carpenter.

The three children of Wilbert & Inez Throckmorton were born in Carpenter, Meigs, Co, Ohio:

  • HERMAN THROCKMORTON , born 3 Mar. 1911 (24 Dec. 1913?), died 30 May 1972 in a Dayton hospital, buried in the Alexander-Union Cemetery, Section G, Lot 58. He was living in Albany, Lee Twp. in 1970.

    His children were: 120

  • LORENE THROCKMORTON married [- ? -] NANCE.
  • RONALD THROCKMORTON, died before 1972.
  • CLARENCE W. (Abe) THROCKMORTON born 3 Apr. (May?) 1915, married EILEEN L_____ 31 Oct. 1945, died 23 Mar. 1970 in Dayton, Ohio. Eileen was born 15 June 1918, buried 20 Oct. 1985. Both Clarence & Eileen were buried in Section G, Lot 58 of the Alexander-Union Cemetery. 121

Their children were; 122

  • JOHN THROCKMORTON Lived in Oxford, Butler Co., Ohio.
  • CLARENCE THROCKMORTON, Jr. was in the Army in Viet Nam in 1970.
  • JEANETTE THROCKMORTON lived in Albany, Lee Twp., Athens Co.
  • CECIL H. THROCKMORTON , born 23 Feb. 1923, buried in Section G, Lot 58 of the Alexander-Union Cemetery. He was living in Dayton, Ohio, in 1970.
  • KENNETH E. THROCKMORTON , born 20 Oct. 1895, married MILDRED PIERCE. He left home at age fourteen and was a clerk for the Kanawha & Michigan R.R. Co. at Middleport, Ohio, until 1910. Subsequently, he was employed by different railroads in a variety of positions. In 1914 he began work with the I.C.R.R., in the R.R. Bridge Department. Kenneth & Mildred had a son KENNETH THROCKMORTON.
  1. LINDSAY (LINDSLEY, LINZA, LYNZA) THROCKMORTON, born 16 Aug. 1868 (1869?) in Athens, married ELLA BOWERS 14 Aug. (Oct.?) 1891, died 25 (26?) Feb. 1904 of tuberculosis, buried in Section 4, Lot 24 of the Alexander-Union Cemetery, Hebbardsville, Alexander Twp. 123 Ella was the only child of Wesley & Margaret Bowers. Lindsay was a farmer near Albany. Ella married (2) Irwin Daines ca. 1912.

The two children of Lindsay & Ella Throckmorton were born in Albany:

  • FAY THROCKMORTON , born ca. 1893, married JAMES CHEADLE. They lived near Albany. They had a son DANA CHEADLE , born 1914.
  • FRANK THROCKMORTON , born 9 Dec. 1894, married EDITH BARROWS in 1915. Edith was born 5 Aug. 1895, died 26 Jan. 1976. Both Frank & Edith were buried in Section 4, Lot 24 of the Alexander-Union Cemetery. 124 Frank & Edith Throckmorton had a daughter LESLIE THROCKMORTON , born 30 Dec. 1917 in Carpenter, died 25 Mar. 1938, buried in Section 4, Lot 24 in the Alexander-Union Cemetery in the same grave as her grandfather Linza. 125
  1. NANCY THROCKMORTON , born 23 Dec. 1830 in Rutan, Penn., died 27 Mar. 1910 in Colfax, Iowa, buried there. She never married. Nancy lived with her sister Mrs. Elizabeth Irwin in Colfax. Iowa. There was a Nancy Throckmorton (born 1830 in Ohio ) in the 1850 census for Alexander Twp., Athens Co., Ohio (p. ). She was living with an Isaac Stanly Bradfield family. In the 1860 census for the Town of Athens (p. 394) there was a Nancy Throckmorton born 1826 in Ohio. She was a domestic in the home of merchant Samuel Pickering.
  1. DAVID THROCKMORTON , born 16 June 1832 near Rutan, Penn., married CLARISSA DUNLAP 26 Aug. 1852 in Athens Co., 126 died 29 Feb. 1912 in Santa Monica, Calif. Clarissa was born 30 Jan. 1833, died 10 Dec. 1904 in Lincoln, Mo. She was a daughter of Henry & Lucy Dunlap. Both David & Clarissa were buried near Lincoln, Mo. They were members of the Freewill Baptist Church in Ohio, but united with the Methodist church in Missouri, there being no Baptist church near their home. David enlisted in Company H, 36 th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 14 Aug. 1862 and was discharged 27 June 1865. He was described as "5 feet 10 inches in height, blue eyes and light hair." David possessed a roving nature and lived in various places: Meigs, Ross & Vinton Counties, Ohio; Lincoln, Mo.; and Santa Barbara, Calif. 127

The three children of David & Clarissa Throckmorton were born in Meigs Co., Ohio:

  1. MARY THROCKMORTON married JOHN WATSON GILLOGLY , died in Missouri. He was a son of William (Billy) & Theresa Matilda (Sargent) Gillogly. John & Mary had a daughter, IDA VIOLET GILLOGLY born in 1874 and died at age 1 year & 1 month and buried in Temple Cemetery, Meigs Co., OH. 127a
  2. HARRIET THROCKMORTON married ARNALDO W. REEVES . They lived in Missouri and Stratton, Colo.
  3. JAMES WILLIAM THROCKMORTON , born 28 July 1867 in Ohio, married MAY TROTTER 1888 near Union Star, Mo., died 9 Nov. 1897 at Kingfisher, Okla., where he had gone with his family to visit his cousin Will Throckmorton. His widow remarried.

The two sons of James & May Throckmorton were born in Union Star, Mo.:

  • CARL THROCKMORTON , born 22 Apr. 1889, married EVA COWEN 6 July 1913, accidentally electrocuted in his own home 17 Jan. 1916. While attempting to close a window during a rainstorm, his head came in contact with a wire wound around an electric light bulb, the floor was wet, and a short circuit occurred. Carl & Eva lived in Montebello, Calif.
  • RAY THROCKMORTON , born 27 July 1891, lived in El Monte and later, Los Angeles, Calif. 128
  1. WILLIAM THROCKMORTON, Jr. , born 1833 in Rutan, Greene Co., Penn., died in infancy.
  1. ELIZABETH THROCKMORTON , born 17 Apr. 1835 in Rutan, Greene Co., Penn., married DAVID IRWIN 18 Nov. 1852 in Athens Co., Ohio, 129 died after 1912. David was born 17 Apr. 1827 in Pittsburgh, Penn., died 14 Sep. 1904 in Colfax, Iowa. He was a son of John & Mary (Baxter) Irwin. He was in the 15 th Ohio Infantry in the Civil War. David & Elizabeth moved to Iowa in 1877.

All their children, except their last one, were born in Athens Co., Ohio: 130

  1. ANN IRWIN , born 31 Dec. 1854, married A. F. BOOTH 8 May 1873.
  2. JOHN IRWIN , born 3 Jan. 1856, married LIDA JOHNSTON 27 June 1883.
  3. MARY J. IRWIN , born 22 Jan. 1857, married RILEY MALCOMSON 27 Aug. 1881.
  4. WILLIAM IRWIN , born 20 Apr. 1860, married MARY SCHOONOVER 16 June 1889.
  5. ISAAC IRWIN , born 28 Jan. 1863, married CORA DeVAUL 8 Sep. 1886.
  6. HARRIET E. IRWIN , born 28 June 1865, married HENRY DUROUCHEL 4 Feb. 1884.
  7. ISRAEL IRWIN , born 28 Dec. 1871, died 28 Dec. 1871.
  8. ANDREW H. IRWIN , born 28 Sep. 1873, married RACHEL LAMB 24 Apr. 1901.
  9. EFFIE C. IRWIN , born Sep. 1875, died 23 Aug. 1909.
  10. BERTHA M. IRWIN , born 28 Aug. 1878 in Iowa, died 27 Aug. 1879.
  1. ISAAC THROCKMORTON , born 25 Feb. 1837 in Rutan, Penn., married LUCINDA SLATER 13 Sep. 1872 in Meigs Co., died 7 Sep. 1911 in Albany, Ohio. She was born 19 Apr. 1848 in Butler Co., Penn. She was a daughter of Harrison & Nancy (Critchlow) Slater. Both Isaac & Lucinda were buried in Cross Roads Cemetery, Alexander Twp. Isaac served for three years as a private in company H, 36 th Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War. 131 Isaac & Lucinda were members of the Freewill Baptist Church.

Their two children were born in Athens Co., Ohio:

  1. (THOMAS) CLARENCE THROCKMORTON , born 20 Aug. 1874, married MINNIE V. BOWERS 9 Oct. 1897, died 1954. Minnie was born 1878 (12 July 1874?), died 1930. She was a daughter of Leander & Jane (McCann) Bowers. Clarence & Minnie were both buried in Section 7, Lot 31 of Alexander-Union Cemetery. 132 Clarence was a traveling salesman. They lived in Albany.

The three children of Clarence & Minnie Throckmorton were all born in Albany, Lee Twp., Athens Co.:

  • (C?) GLENN THROCKMORTON , born 1 Sep. 1899, died Aug. 1922 following an appendix operation, buried in Section 7, Lot 31 of Alexander-Union Cemetery. 133 He never married.
  • ELVA THROCKMORTON , born 23 Nov. 1907.
  • MARIE THROCKMORTON, born 12 Dec. 1911. 134
  1. FLORENCE THROCKMORTON , born 4 Sep. 1876, married WILLIAM NELSON LUCKETT 3 Nov. 1900, died after 1901. William was born 22 Jan. 1871 in Meigs Co., son of Samuel & Malissa (Bice) Luckett. He was a farmer 3 miles south of Albany. William & Florence had a son OSMOND LUCKETT , born 12 Sep. 1901. 135
  1. JESSE THROCKMORTON , born 30 Nov. 1838 in Rutan, Greene Co., Penn., married Mrs. LAVERNA (CLINE) TEWKSBURY 25 Nov. 1865, died 18 Aug. 1894. Laverna was born 29 Nov. 1838 (6 Dec. 1839?), died 21 May 1907. She was a daughter of Madison & Huldah (Luckey) Cline and a widow of Hiram Tewksbury. She had married Hiram 23 Nov. 1860 and he died 18 months later. Jesse & Laverna were both buried in Lee Chapel, known as Old Town House Cemetery, Lee Twp., Athens Co. ( Figure 19 ). 136

At the time of the 1850 census for Alexander Twp., Athens Co., Ohio, Jesse was living with his brother Thomas (see above). Jesse enlisted in Company C, 36 th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, as a private, age 26(?) on 31 July 1861. He was mustered in 27 Aug. 1861 at Marietta, Ohio, and mustered out 27 July 1865 at Wheeling W. Va. By 1875 Jesse owned the following tracts of land in Lee Twp., Athens Co., Range 15, Township 10 ( Figure 20 ):

• 131 1/3 acres being the eastern half of a 262-acre tract consisting of the middle two-fifths of Section 22 originally entered by Isaac Ledyard.

• 19 acres being the eastern tip of a 131-acre tract of the southern fifth of Section 22 originally entered by Alexander Hamilton.

• 10 acres being a portion of a 14.40-acre tract consisting of the southwest one-third of the southwest quarter of Section 16 originally entered by J. Lucky. 137

Following Jesse’s death in 1894, apparently some of his land passed to his widow, Laverna, and to his son William ( Figure 21 ). 138

The two children of Jesse & Laverna were born in Albany, Lee Twp., Athens Co., Ohio:

  1. ELIZABETH JANE (JENNIE) THROCKMORTON , born 25 Dec. 1866, married ALBERT KUHN 27 June 1908. He was born 31 Mar. 1871, a son of John & Sarah (Extine) Kuhn. Albert & Elizabeth lived in Albany & Marion, Ohio. They had no children.
  1. WILLIAM MADISON (MATTHEW, MATT) CLINE THROCKMORTON , born 6 Aug. 1872, 139 married (1) MATTIE JOSEPHINE GRAFT 29 June 1892, married (2) PHOSA (FLOSSIE) HEWITT 22 Nov. 1904, 140 died 1932, buried in Section C, Lot 29 of the Alexander-Union Cemetery, Alexander Twp. 141 (Fig. 20). Mattie was born 7 June 1877, died 1 Aug. 1900. 142 She was a daughter of Charles & Maggie (Coen) Graft. Phosa was born 20 Dec. 1870 (1871?) in Mineral, Waterloo Twp., died 7 Oct. 1958 in Lawndale, Los Angeles Co., Calif., buried in Inglewood Cemetery, Inglewood. She was a daughter of Henry Newton & Mary (Young) 143 Hewitt. 144 William was a well-to-do farmer 4 miles west of Albany. 145

The two children of William & Mattie Throckmorton were born in Albany, Ohio:

  • MARY LAWRENCE THROCKMORTON , born 11 Sep. 1895. 146
  • JESSE CLINE THROCKMORTON , born 9 May 1900. 147

The two children of William & Phosa Throckmorton were born in Waterloo Twp., Ohio:

  • HENRY NEWTON THROCKMORTON , born 1 Nov. 1905, 148 died of pneumonia 12 Mar. 1906 in Waterloo Twp., buried in Hewitt Cemetery, Waterloo Twp. 149
  • CHESTER ALLEN THROCKMORTON , born 17 Jan. 1907, 150 died 26 Apr. 1968 in Los Angeles Co., Calif. 151 He never married.
  1. LYNZA THROCKMORTON , born 1840 in Rutan, Green Co., Penn., died unmarried in the summer of 1862 in Summerville, Tenn., of typhoid fever. He was a Civil War soldier. 152
  1. ELIZA THROCKMORTON , born ca. 1842 in Rutan, Penn., died 1849.
  1. BRADBURY THROCKMORTON , born ca. 1842 in Rutan, Penn., died aged 3 months in Penn. Eliza & Bradbury were twins.
  1. JANE THROCKMORTON , born 11 Nov. 1800 in Center Twp., Greene Co., Penn., married JAMES ROBINSON THROCKMORTON 3 Sep. 1818, died 16 Feb. 1839 and was buried in Hill Burial Ground. James was her third cousin (see Figure 22).
  1. DANIEL THROCKMORTON , born 12 Sep. 1802 in Center Twp., Green Co., Penn., married HANNAH AXTELL 30 Nov. 1835, died 22 Aug. 1851. Hannah was born 9 Oct. 1807 in Morris Twp., Washington Co., Penn., died 25 Aug. 1884 near Prosperity, Washington Co., Penn. She was a daughter of Philip & Jane (Tucker) Axtell. Daniel was a farmer. He lived in the old brick homestead which he received from his father with the understanding that he was to care for him during his lifetime (see �i. above). Later Hannah sold the homestead and removed to near Prosperity.

The three children of Daniel & Hannah Throckmorton were born in Rutan, Greene Co., Penn.:

  1. PHILIP AXTELL THROCKMORTON , born 19 Mar. 1839, married MARTHA ANN SANDERS 2 Oct. 1869, died 10 Oct. 1909, buried in Prosperity Cemetery. Martha was born 10 June 1846 near Amity, Penn., died after 1909. She was a daughter of William & Mary (Tucker) Sanders. Philip was a member of the Mt. Hermon Baptist Church and a prosperous and highly respected farmer. After his death Martha and their eldest daughter resided in the old home place. 153

The four children of Philip & Martha Throckmorton were all born in Prosperity, Penn.:

  1. FLORA VIDELLA THROCKMORTON , born 30 Oct. 1870, married DANIEL E. JOHNSON 10 Apr. 1901. He was born 7 Apr. 1868, son of George & [-?-] (Miller) Johnson. He was a farmer. Daniel & Flora had no children.
  2. HANNAH MARY THROCKMORTON , born 20 Oct. 1874, married JAMES B. MORFORD 25 Mar. 1897. He was born 11 June 1867, son of Leroy & Mary Morford. He was a farmer in South Franklin Twp., Washington Co., Penn. James & Hannah had a son AXTELL LEROY MORFORD , born 17 Jan. 1898, married ESSIE TAYLOR 26 May 1925.
  3. WILLIAM EDGAR THROCKMORTON , born 26 Nov. 1877 in Prosperity, married FLORENCE ANN SWART 30 Apr. 1903. Florence was born 28 Apr. 1880, a daughter of John & Sarah Elizabeth Swart. William was a music salesman in Washington, Penn.

The two children of William & Florence Throckmorton were born in Washington, Washington Co., Penn.:

  • WILLIAM REED THROCKMORTON , born 23 Sep. 1910.
  1. ROLAND AXTELL THROCKMORTON , born 24 May 1885. He was a farmer. He never married.
  1. OLIVER CROMWELL THROCKMORTON , born 27 Jan. 1842, died unmarried 28 Apr. 1923. He had been an invalid from age 18.
  1. JUDSON THROCKMORTON , born 1 Mar. 1844, died 1 Nov. 1862 in Harrisburg, Penn., buried there. He enlisted in company K, 16 th Pennsylvania Cavalry during the Civil War.
  1. PHEBY (PHEBE) THROCKMORTON , born 24 Aug. 1804 in Greene Co., Penn., married ABRAHAM C. RICKEY 18 Dec. 1823, died 7 July 1890 ( Figure 23 ).
  1. ISAAC THROCKMORTON , born 11 Nov. 1806 in Greene Co., Penn., married MARY ANN THROCKMORTON 1833, died 18 May 1883. Mary Ann’s great-grandfather Joseph Throckmorton was a brother of Isaac’s great-grandfather Job. Thus Isaac & Mary Ann were third cousins. Mary Ann was born 11 Apr. 1814 in Waynesburg, Greene Co., Penn., died 28 Oct. 1892.

The eleven children of Isaac & Mary Ann Throckmorton were all born in Greene Co., Penn. ( Figure 24)   (The following is an expanded report on the last 4 of the 11 children):

  1. ISAAC NEWTON THROCKMORTON , born 18 July 1849 in Greene Co., Penn., married MAMIE SUSAN CONWAY 25 Feb. 1885, died 20 Feb. 1897. Mamie was born 20 Oct. 1860 in Knox Co., Ohio, daughter of Harrison Vaughn & Elizabeth (Jennings) Conway. Isaac & Mamie lived in Boone, Iowa. They had a son HARRY NEWTON THROCKMORTON , born 30 Sep. 1886 in Ill., died after 1913. 154
  2. EVELINE THROCKMORTON , born 17 Dec. 1851, died 10 Sep. 1867.
  3. DAVID HULSART THROCKMORTON , born 1 May 1856 in Greene Co., Penn., married (1) Mrs. NINA FLINTHAM YERSLEY 18 Dec. 1878, married (2) IRENE BELLE BUCKMASTER 5 Dec. 1889 in Portland, Ore., died after 1908. Irene was born 29 Oct. 1866 in Iowa. David & Nina Throckmorton had a son JOHN THROCKMORTON , born ca. 1881/2, died 1882.

David & Irene had seven children, all born in Portland, Ore.:

  1. [- ? -] THROCKMORTON , infant son, born and died 5 Aug. 1891.
  2. [- ? -] THROCKMORTON , infant son, born and died 3 July 1893.
  3. MARY FRANCES (MOLLIE) THROCKMORTON , born 2 Dec. 1894, married EARL WINFRED ALLARD 15 Oct. 1910 in Portland, Ore., died after 1913. Earl was born 19 Sep. 1893 in New York, a son of Joseph & Sarah Elizabeth (Murdock) Allard. In 1911 Earl & Mary resided in Scrappoose, Ore. They had a daughter IRENE JUNE ALLARD , born 1 June 1911.
  4. MARGARET BELLE THROCKMORTON , born 9 Apr. 1898.
  5. WILLIAM NEWTON THROCKMORTON , born 22 May 1901, died 13 Oct. 1901.
  6. JOHN HARRISON THROCKMORTON , born 16 Feb. 1904.
  7. HILDA IRENE THROCKMORTON , born 26 May 1906, died 6 Jan. 1908.
  1. GEORGE THROCKMORTON , born 5 Dec. 1859, married FANNIE SENSABAUGH 4 Jan. 1883, died after 1927. They lived in Portland and Troutdale, Ore.
  1. MARY ANN THROCKMORTON , born 6 Nov. 1808 in Greene Co., Penn., married JOHN ELDER 10 May 1827, died 2 Apr. 1890 ( Figure 25 ).  John's parents were from the neighborhood of Dundee Co., Cork, Ireland.
  1. JAMES THROCKMORTON, born 6 Nov. 1810, died 28 Nov. 1810 in Greene Co., Penn.
  1. RACHEL THROCKMORTON , born 16 Oct. 1812 in Greene Co., Penn., died 29 Sep. 1816.
  1. NANCY THROCKMORTON , born 10 Nov. 1814 in Greene Co., Penn., died 8 Jan. 1818.
  1. RACHEL THROCKMORTON born ca. 1775, married [- ? -] COOPER .


Updated 9 Feb, 2003


55. Athens County Minutes of the Clerk of Common Pleas , 164 & 168.

56. Athens County Commissioners Journal, 1817-1824 , 88.

57. Personal communication from Sherry S. Stancliff, 19 July 1994. Sherry Stancliff is the author, with her husband Robert C. Stancliff, of The Descendants of James Stanclift of Middletown, Connecticut and Allied Families (1995). (See excerpt from this book in Fig. 12).

58. Gerald M. Petty, Index of the Ohio 1825 Tax Duplicate (1981), 13.

59. Gerald M. Petty, Index of the Ohio 1825 Tax Duplicate (1981).

60. Hocking County Court of Common Pleas, Poll Books & Taly Sheets, 1821-1870 , 45 & 123.

61. Gerorge Robinson, Jr., Abstracts of Will Books A, B, C & D, Ross County, Ohio , 49-50 (#262, p. 342).

62. Jefferson Twp. (Twps. 7 & 8, Range 20) lies in the SE corner of Ross County.

63. Ross County, Ohio, Marriage Records, 168.

64. Dorothy Singer, Andrew Lewis Speakman, 1850-1912, Ancestors - Descendants-Siblings , 33.

65. Hocking County, Ohio, Marriage Records, B:26.

66. FGS, 135.

67. Rik Vigeland,

68. Descendants of Lewis Ambrose & Sarah Jane Throckmorton Daniel Wilson ( and Helen Voth

69. The data on William & Mary Throckmorton and their descendants was kindly provided by Mrs. Elizabeth Throckmorton. (See Kirby Lee Throckmorton)

70. "Hakmiller Genealogy," (

71. Cathy Gray at .    

71a   < 404: href=""> >.

72. Ibid .

73. FGS, 135.

74. JES, 1:158.

75. Registry of Christ Church, Shrewsbury.

76. LDS Ancestral File.

77. Clara McCormack Sage & Laura Sage Jones, Early Records of Hampshire Coounty, Virginia (now West Virginia) (1939), 57.

78. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio (1985), vol 1.

79. LBS, 8.

80. FGS, 190.

80a Billie Hammond Schlaudt, "Marriage Records, Lawrence Co., OH, 1817-1863" (1987), 168.

81. FGS, 242.

82. Athens County, Ohio, Marriage Records, 4:373.

82a Data from Robin Bellamy at < bounced >.

83. FGS, 277.

84. Mary L. Bowman, Athens County, Ohio, Birth Records, 1867-1881: An Extract.

84a Data from Robin Bellamy at < bounced >.

84b Data from Terry Manning at < bounced >.

85. Rita Levering , Athens County, Ohio, Birth Records, 1883-1891: An Extract of Vol. 2 (1991), 115.

86. Mildred A. Bleigh , Athens County Obituaries, Jan. 1, 1941 thru Dec. 31, 1944 (1997), 335.

87. Beverly Schumacher & Marvin Fletcher, Marshfield/New Marshfield Cemetery Inscriptions, Athens County, Ohio (1981).

87a Liz Chesshir [bounced] ), a descendant, kindly provided data on Charles & Mabel (Throckmorton) Dickson & their descnedants.

88. Athens County, Ohio Death Records, 1:302.

89. Athens County, Ohio Birth Records, 2:416.

90. Athens County, Ohio Marriage Records, 16:375.

91. Beverly Schumacher & Marvin Fletcher, Marshfield/New Marshfield Cemetery Inscriptions, Athens County, Ohio (1981).

92. Ahtens County, Ohio, Birth Records, 5:192.

93. Mildred A. Bleigh & Mary A. Davis, Athens County, Ohio, Obituaries, Jan. 1, 1900 thru Dec. 31, 1909 (1988), 222.

94. Athens County, Ohio Marriage Records, 3:225.

95. Ibid., 3:45; Pioneer Families in Meigs County, Ohio in Ohio Records & Pioneer Families , vol. VI, #4, p. 181.

96. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Pleasanton, Woodyard and Others (1986), vol. 1.

97. Mildred A. Bleigh & Mary A. Davis, Athens County Obituaries, Jan. 1, 1920 thru Dec. 31, 1924 (1991), 281.

98. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Town House, Bassett, Brooks, Cross Roads, Hewitt & Ross (1985), vol 1.

99. Mildred A. Bleigh & Mary A. Davis, Athens County Obituaries, Jan. 1, 1920 thru Dec. 31, 1924 (1991), 281.

100. Ibid.

101. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Town House, Bassett, Brooks, Cross Roads, Hewitt & Ross (1985), vol 1.

102. Athens County, Ohio, Marriage Records, 3:219.

103. Ruth Bowers & Anita Short, Gateway to the West (1989), 2:89.

104. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Town House, Bassett, Brooks, Cross Roads, Hewitt & Ross (1985), vol 1.

105. Athens County, Ohio, Marriage Records, 3:292.

106. Mildred A. Bleigh & Mary A. Davis, Athens County Obituaries, Jan. 1, 1910 thru Dec. 31, 1919 (1990), 422.

107. FGS, 277-278.

108. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Town House, Bassett, Brooks, Cross Roads, Hewitt & Ross (1985), vol 1.

109. Mrs. Anita (Throckmorton) Firestone of Kingfisher, Okla., supplied the data on the children of Joseph Ira throckmorton & Jesse Warren Throckmorton to RJT in 1970.

110. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Bates, Creamer & Hanning (1986) vol. 2.

111.FGS, 243; Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Town House, Bassett, Brooks, Cross Roads, Hewitt & Ross (1985), vol 1.

112. Athens County, Ohio, Marriage Records, 3:291.

113. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Town House, Bassett, Brooks, Cross Roads, Hewitt & Ross (1985), vol 1.

114. LBS, 8.

115. FGS, 278.

116. FGS, 291.

117. LBS obtained data for this line in 1974 from H. E. "Abe" Throckmorton.

118. 1974 letter to LBS from "Abe" Throckmorton.

119. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Alexander-Union & Cumberland Cemeteries (1986), vol. 5.

120. Mildred A. Bleigh & Mary A. Davis, Athens County Obituaries, Jan. 1, 1970 thru Dec. 31, 1974 (1995)m 516.

121. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Alexander-Union & Cumberland Cemeteries (1986), vol. 5.

122. Mildred A. Bleigh & Mary A. Davis, Athens County Obituaries, Jan. 1, 1970 thru Dec. 31, 1974 (1995), 516.

123. Athens County, Ohio, Marriage Records, 8:513; Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Alexander-Union & Cumberland Cemeteries (1986), vol. 5.; Mildred A. Bleigh & Mary A. Davis, Athens County Obituaries, Jan. 1, 1900 thru Dec. 31, 1909 (1988), 222.

124.Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Alexander-Union & Cumberland Cemeteries (1986), vol. 5.

125. Ibid.

126. Athens County, Ohio, Marriage Records, 3:338.

127. FGS, 243.

127a Data from Kathleen G. Nodine ( bounced ).

128. FGS, 278.

129. Athens County, Ohio, Marriage Records, 3:348.

130. FGS, 190-191.

131. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Town House, Bassett, Brooks, Cross Roads, Hewitt & Ross (1985), vol 1.

132. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Alexander-Union & Cumberland Cemeteries (1986), vol. 5.

133. Mildred A. Bleigh & Mary A. Davis, Athens County Obituaries, Jan. 1, 1920 thru Dec. 31, 1924 (1991), 281.

134. FGS, 278.

135. FGS, 244.

136. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Town House, Bassett, Brooks, Cross Roads, Hewitt & Ross (1985), vol 1; FGS, 244.

137. L. Richard Kocher, A Listing of Entrymen of Lands in Athens County, Ohio (1994), 27-28.

138. The Centennial Atlas of Athens County, Ohio (1905).

139. Athens County, Ohio, Birth Records, 1:112.

140. Athens County, Ohio, Marriage Records, 14:113.

141. Mary L. Bowman, Some Tombstone Inscriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio: Alexander-Union & Cumberland Cemeteries (1986), vol. 5.

142. Athens County, Ohio, Death Records, 2:164.

143. Susan L. Mitchell, The Hewitts of Athens County, Ohio (1989), 194-295.

145. FGS, 278.

146. Athens County, Ohio, Birth Records, 3:165.

147. Ibid., 4:163.

148. Ibid., 5:191.

149. Susan L. Mitchell, The Hewitts of Athens County, Ohio (1989), 194-295; Athens County, Ohio Death Records, 3:162; Mildred A. Bleigh & Mary A. Davis, Athens County Obituaries, Jan. 1, 1900 thru Dec. 31, 1909 (1988), 222.

150. Athens County, Ohio, Birth Records, 5:192.

151.Susan L. Mitchell, The Hewitts of Athens County, Ohio (1989), 194-295.

152. FGS, 191.

153. FGS, 244.

154. Ibid.

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