Certified by the Clerk of The Board of County Commissioners of Marion County, 27 Sep 1847. Copied from the original records in the Census Department of History and Archives, Des Moines, Iowa. This census record was compared with the 1850 census for Marion County and an asterisk (*) denotes that the same name appeared in that record. The numbers refer to the total inhabitants in each household.
This information was entered into a Filemaker Pro database by Randy L. Dop on 3 Jan 1997 from a typed copy. Thanks to Jean Leeper, President of the Marion County Genealogical Society, for providing this information.
Adamson, Seth 8 | Blear, Wesley 3 | Carney, L C 6 Alley, Andrew 6 | * Bond, Solomon 4 | * Carr, G 8 * Alley, John W 4 | * Bonebrake, John 7 | Carr, Hiram C 3 * Alley, Jonathan 2 | Bonebrake, Wm F 5 | * Carr, James 11 * Alley, William H 8 | Botkin, James 5 | * Carr, Thomas 3 * Allison, N B 1 | Bowman, Benjamin 3 | * Carter, Henry 7 Allison, Robert 4 | * Bozorth, Isreal 3 | Casner, Jane 9 * Allison, William R 7 | Braech, William D 8 | Casner, Jonas 3 Allman, Daniel 3 | * Brady, Isaac 7 | * Cavin, William 5 Ally, Elihu 8 | * Brand, Daniel 5 | Cayton, A S 4 * Asher, John 6 | Branon, Anslemn 4 | Cayton, Wm 5 * Autery, Jiles 12 | Brass, John 7 | * Chennut, James 6 Babbitt, L W 8 | * Bridges, William 5 | Chilarrs, Joseph 7 Babcock, John 11 | * Bropst, Josiah 5 | Clament, Francis 7 * Baker, E H 1 | * Bropst, William 5 | Clanton, Charles 9 Ball, William 8 | * Brouse, James M 4 | Clanton, Isaac 9 Ballard, John 8 | * Brouse, Peter 10 | Clanton, Joel 5 Bambrige, Levi 5 | * Brown, George 10 | Clark, C 8 Bamkingsley, James M 4 | * Brown, J C 13 | Clark, G T 2 Banin, Samuel 8 | * Brown, James 6 | Clark, Garrett W 7 Bark, J N 4 | Brown, William 3 | * Clark, William M 6 Barker, Daniel 9 | Bruce, James R 8 | Clifton, F N 2 Barringer, Eliac 4 | Buffington, Abrahm C 5 | Clifton, James 3 * Bass, Nathan 4 | Buffington, James Q 7 | * Cline, Adam 15 * Beckwith, Wm 9 | Buffington, Samuel W 4 | Cochran, Catherin 10 Beedell, J D 2 | Buffington, William 9 | Conners, John 3 Bell, Isaac 6 | * Bulington, Josiah 7 | * Conery, John 9 Benje, Franklin 3 | Burket, Francis A 7 | Cooper, James 4 Bennett, Hiram 3 | Burkhart, John 4 | Cooper, Lewis 4 Bennett, Jackson A 5 | Butcher, William - | Cornett, James 10 * Bennett, Loander 2 | Cades, James 6 | Corwin, Frederick 3 * Billips, Edward 11 | Campbell, Robert 7 | Cowman, Thomas P 6 * Billips, Richard 4 | Camplin, John 6 | * Cox, Christoper 7 Birch, Lancion J 7 | * Cannon, William 3 | * Craig, Daniel 3 Birum, Adam 6 | * Canon, Theadore 3 | Crum, Isaac N 2 * Blankenship, Wm 6 | * Carlisle, William 7 |To the Top
Daniel, James B 7 | Gancey, James N 10 | Harp, Charles 7 David, J B 5 | * Garrison, William H 2 | * Harp, James W 1 * Day, Nathaniel S - | Gass, George 5 | Harson, Garrett G 10 Deeton, James T 4 | * Gastin, Robert 5 | * Harson, John 6 Devore, Nancy 2 | Gay, Hezekiah 1 | * Hart, John 6 Dillon, James 3 | * George, William 4 | * Haymaker, David 2 Dillon, George 3 | * Gibson, Joseph 5 | * Haymaker, Henry 8 Dillon, Jonathen 4 | * Gilmor, Linus 1 | * Haymaker, Jacob 2 Dillon, William 4 | Ginder, Alexander 8 | Hayworth, Dillon 10 * Doud, Stanford 11 | Ginder, William 5 | Hayworth, Samuel 7 Drake, Wm C 2 | * Glenn, Hugh 7 | * Helmn/Helms, Nicholas 8 Drouilard, Simon 6 | * Glenn, James W 5 | Helmn/Helms, Squire 4 Dunbar, John 3 | * Glenn, John T 4 | Henby, Willis 2 * Durham, David 4 | * Glenn, Samuel 6 | * Hendricks, Isaac S 7 * Duroees, James M 7 | Glenn, Samuel L 6 | * Hendricks, Jacob 6 Dutet, Charles 6 | * Glenn, William 5 | Hendrix, Grandville 11 Ebelin, M 1 | Greenwood, G B 4 | * Henry, Edmond 8 Elder, William 4 | Gregory, Thomas 9 | Henry, George 3 Elliott, Benj 3 | * Gregory, Wm D 4 | Henst, Hiram 6 Elmore, G W 1 | * Grimes, Adam 2 | Herse, William 8 * Essex, John 7 | * Groom, John 10 | Hill, Joseph 6 Ethington, Robert 7 | * Groom, William 7 | * Hill, Nathaniel 3 * Everett, Francis 5 | * Gulion, Jeremiah 3 | * Hill, Nelson 5 * Everett, W D 12 | * Gullion, Alexander 3 | Hill, Thomas L 7 Farley, James 3 | * Gullion, Jeremiah Sr 6 | Hillman, Silas 3 * Fenton, John 8 | * Gullion, Jonethan 4 | Hinton, Joseph 9 * Ferman, Eli 2 | * Gushway, David 8 | Hinton, Thomas 7 * Ferman, John 2 | Haley, John M 5 | * Hiskey, Daniel 1 Figgans, Leonard 2 | Haley, Thomas 4 | Hocket, Joseph 4 Figgans, Thomas 2 | * Hall, Benjamin 5 | Hogan, Thomas 5 * Finley, Walker 1 | * Hall, Claborn 2 | Holms, Datus 5 * Fitzgerl, Thomas J 9 | Halsey, William 1 | Homes, Dentus 5 * Flanders, John 5 | * Hamilton, J B 5 | * Howard, Thomas 7 Foster, Andrew 9 | Hamilton, R G 5 | Hughes, Francis W 4 * Foster, John 3 | Hamon, Robert 4 | * Hughs, Asa 7 Freel, Harrison 5 | Hand, Elisha 7 | * Hughs, Wm J 3 Freel, James B 9 | Hardman, Benjamin 10 | Hulen, Amanda 6 Galland, David 7 | Harkett, Alfred 8 | Hull, Henry 5To the Top
Jear, Jacob 8 | Mathews, Homes 2 | * Owens, Charles 8 Jenkins, Elias 4 | * Mathews, Osa 5 | * Page, John 6 * Johnson, John 2 | * Mathews, Osa 8 | * Page, William B 4 Johnson, Lewis 6 | * Mathews, Rueben 4 | * Parks, James H 4 * Jones, Ann 5 | * Mathews, Simpson 6 | * Parson, Simon P 8 * Jones, John 5 | Mathews, Thomas 2 | Parson, Walter 7 Jones, John M 2 | * May, Alexander 5 | Parson, William H 4 Jones, Riley 7 | McBride, Charles 6 | * Pearce, L M 5 Kane, Thomas 7 | * McClain, William 2 | Peck, Conrad 5 * Kennedy, John J 4 | * McCord, Wm 7 | * Perry, Edward 8 King, David 5 | McCully, Gilney 2 | * Perry, G T 1 * King, Lot 4 | McDurmit, Wm 6 | * Pierce, James 6 * Kinney, John 4 | * McGruder, (No Name) 5 | Pile, Alfred 5 Kitterman, Michael 2 | McMillan, James M 6 | Pollock, Thomas 5 Koons, Asa 5 | McWilliams, Jes W 9 | * Pope, John 10 * Koons, Jasper 6 | Mentry, William 1 | Post, Marriah 3 Kygler, Dan 5 | * Miksell, J H 10 | Peters, Samuel 7 Lair, David 5 | * Miller, A B 2 | Powers, B 5 Lambert, Philip 5 | Miller, Andrew 2 | * Prather, Pleasant 5 Langley, James 4 | * Miller, Richman 6 | Prouty, A H - Langley, Jason 5 | Miller, Samuel M 6 | Pugh, Hiram 4 Leach, George 6 | Mitchell, Thomas 4 | Ramery, Dianna 8 Lemons, Isaac 2 | Mofett, Solomon 7 | * Ray, David R 10 Leny, Lawson G 9 | Monohan, Emely 3 | Read, John 2 Lewis, Joseph 7 | * Morehouse, Thomas 9 | Read, Mary 8 Liggate, E A 6 | Morgan, Rachel 7 | Redfron, Wm 2 * Lindsay, Joshua 4 | Morgan, Solomon 3 | * Reed, William C 5 Linfoot, John 3 | Morgan, Thomas 5 | * Reynolds, Lewis 5 * Livington, Michael 9 | Morgan, Thomas 5 | Reynolds, Mortimer 8 * Logan, Gilmore H 4 | Moro, Elias 8 | * Reynolds, Simon 7 * Logan, William H 7 | * Morris, Michael 5 | * Reynolds, Trainer 3 * Long, James 4 | Nays, John 6 | Richabaugh, David 5 * Long, Moses 7 | Necolson, John 5 | Richards, Richard 1 Long, Thomas 2 | Neil, Martin 6 | * Riddle, John 4 Lord, Peter 4 | * Newman, Phillip 10 | * Robert, Simon S 5 * Lowe, Allen 8 | * Nicholas, Nathan 2 | * Rousaw, James 3 * Lowery, R S 10 | Nicholson, Ruth 3 | Ruebaugh, Adam 8 * Lyman, Horace 5 | * Nicholson, Samuel C 3 | Ruple, Mathew 4 Lynch, Ferrace 6 | * Nicholus, Thomas 8 | Rushudson, Samuel 6 * Lyons, Benjamin 8 | Nofthsger, Jacob 10 | * Russoll, R L 7 * Mackley, Sophiah 4 | * Nosaman, Wellington 5 | * Ryan, Elisha B 3 Markley, William 2 | * Overton, Tyler 3 |To the Top
* Sampson, Daniel 5 | Tater, George 3 | Widger, Wm 1 Scott, James B 3 | * Teter, Samuel 4 | * Wilcott, John 8 Scott, William 11 | * Terry, Lawson G 9 | Wilkersham, Eli 2 Seat, John 9 | * Thame, Charles M 6 | * Williams, Benjamin F 4 Shankroder, David 8 | Thompson, Thomas S 2 | Williams, Bringham 6 Sharp, A C 7 | * Tibbet, Samuel 6 | Williams, Charles 2 Shay, Daniel 5 | * Tibbet, William 5 | Williams, Lawrence 8 Shepnerd, Jeremiah 4 | * Tice, David 3 | Williams, William 13 Shirart, John 6 | Tisy, Kints V 7 | * Williams, William C 3 Simons, William 6 | Toleman, John 3 | Willis, James 2 Smith, John 7 | * Toleman, Nathan 7 | * Willis, Martin 3 * Smith, John 5 | Topping, John 5 | * Willis, Thomas 7 * Smith, U T 4 | * Trey, John W 4 | * Willis, William 5 Spettir, Joseph 1 | Tuttlo, Thomas 2 | Willson, Isaac 7 * Spillman, Benjamin 4 | Vansill, Daniel 8 | * Wilson, George S 5 * Stanfield, E G 9 | Vansleyk, James M 5 | Wilson, Henry 9 * Stanley, Wilson 7 | * Vertrece, Alfred 2 | Wilson, James F 1 Stark, Josiah 5 | * Walker, Jesse 11 | * Wilson, John S 2 Stephens, Benjamin 5 | * Walters, Conrad 10 | Wilson, Thomas 5 Stephens, Zedduck 6 | * Walters, James M 2 | Wise, George 8 * Stephinson, Robert 6 | Warren, James L 7 | Wise, John 6 Stevenson, E C 3 | Way, Joshua 5 | Welbern, Samuel 6 Stevenson, James 6 | * Welch, John R 8 | * Worth, David 6 Stewart, George E 4 | * Welch, William 10 | Wright, John 7 Stipp, John 6 | West, James M 5 | * Wurds, John 10 * Storts, Andrew 5 | * West, Joseph S 8 | * Young, John 10 Sutron, Lewis 4 | White, G B 7 | * Young, Larkin 11 * Sween, David 4 | * White, John 2 | Young, William 7 Sween, John 4 | * Whitlatch, Noah 8 |