Anderson & Collins | Atty. at Law and Real Est. Dir. |
Stone & Ayres | Attys. and Real Estate Agents |
G. K. Hart | Attorney at Law and Justice of the Peace |
D. C. Foster | Attorney at Law and Real Estate |
George Jackson | Barber |
B. Steunenberg | Boot and Shoe Maker |
Chas. Steele | Blacksmith (Sec. 18) |
Daniel Smick | Blacksmith and Dealr. In Imported Norman Horses |
John Reichard | Bridge Ridr. & Stock Dir. (Sec. 11) |
Phillip Stambach | Bakery, Restaur'nt and Confect'ery |
Andrew Shilling | Carpenter (Sec. 25) |
W. T Israel | Carpenter |
Alex S. Turner | Carpenter |
David W. Dukes | Carpenter and Joiner |
James W. Dukes | Carpenter and Joiner |
Geo. F. Buzzard | Carpenter (Sec. 25) |
Lorenzo Dickerson | Cooper and Broom Mnfr. |
H. J. Bonifield | Contractor and Coal Miner |
A. J. Kerr | Dry Goods |
Collins & Reed | Dry G'ds, Clothing, Boots & Shoes |
James McClelland & Son | Furniture Dealer |
John S. Bittenbender | Grain Dir. and Stock Raiser |
E. H. Booth | Hotel, "Tremont House," Livery Stable |
E. H. Amos | Hotel, "Amos House," Liv'ry Stable |
H. Huffman | Hotel and Livery Stable |
G. Z. Mulky | Mason (Sec. 22) |
Boyle & Black | Millers, "Knoxville City Flouring Mills" |
John Weaver | Mason and Plasterer |
Wm. Bussing & Bro. | Millers, Prop'rs "City Flour Mills" |
Joseph Brobst | Notary Public |
James Mathews & Son | Nursery and Fruit Farm |
J. L. McCormack | Publisher Marion Co. Democrat |
F. C. Barker | Publisher Knoxville Journal |
Ardery & Schinnick | Physicians and Surgeons |
Hamilton J. Scoles | Physician and Surgeon |
A. D. Wetherlel | Physician and Surgeon |
Wm. E. Wright | Physician and Surgeon |
N. R. & C. W. Cornell | Physicians and Surgeons (Eye and Ear Specialists) |
Robt. H. Pollok | Pianos and Organs |
Silas King | Pottery Ware Man'fr (Sec 17) |
E. F. Sperry | Real Estate and Insurance |
M. F. Marshall | Surveyor (Sec. 32) |
E. D. Young | Undertaker and Cabinet Maker |
J. M. Jones | Woolen Mills |
Parsons, Lytle, & Seamen | Wagon & Carriage Mfrs. Blksmths. |
J. R. Brobst | Attorney at Law |
Jacob Metz | Furniture Manufacturers |
S. H. Young & Co. | General Merchandise |
J. H. Love & Co. | General Merchandise |
Charles Quick | Hotel "National" |
Leopold Luke | Hardware and Stoves |
J. W. Bireley | Livery Stable |
C. T. McConnell | Publisher Marysville Miner |
Julius C. Davis | Woolen Manufacturer |
H. Overberg | Butcher |
J. & T. H. Mark | General Merchandise |
D. P. Cathcart | General Merchandise |
Norris & Barnes | Hotel and Blacksmith |
William H. Axline | Physician |
Samuel Buzard | Physician and Surgeon |
F. A. Harding | General Merchandise |
P. H. Bousquet | Attorney at Law |
G. P. H. Zahn | Att'y, Land Agt. and Notary Public |
E. Van Houten | Agricultural Implements |
E. R. Cassatt, Pres't W. M. Fisher, Cashier |
Bank, First National |
Henry Van Maren | Blksmith, and Agl. Implts. Agent |
Blattner & Herbig | Brewers |
G. Van Vliet & Co. | Bakery and Confectionery |
Thomas Allun | Carpenter and Joiner |
Banner G. Bowen | Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Notions, etc. |
Kruidenier Bros. & Co. | Dry Goods, Carpets, Groceries and Clothing |
D. S. Huber | Grain Dealer |
Scolte, Beard & Co. | Groceries and Crockeryware |
C. Bongers | Hotel, "American House" |
McGaffie Bros. | Lumber Dealers |
Geo. Blair | Livery Stable |
Jasper Olney | Music Dealer |
Geo. C. Grout | Music Dealer |
Pella Manufact'ng Co. B. F. Keable, President J. B. Cotton, Treas. and Sec'y |
Manufacturing |
G. Thomassen | Miller, Flour and Woolen Mill |
Masteller & Co. | Publisher Weekly Pella Blade |
H. Neyenesch | Publisher Pella Week Blad. |
B. F. Kearles | Physician |
N. C. Towne | Real Estate Agent |
J. Steiarnamann | Blacksmith |
Silas Gamble | Carpenter and Joiner |
G. W. Barrett | Carpenter and Joiner |
Wm. Dewrose | Coal Operator |
Isaac N. Crum | General Merchandise |
W. B. Keller | General Merchandise |
J. B. Hendershot | Grain and Stock Dealer |
Koller & Reed | Millers, Propr's "Challenge Flour Mill" |
Smith & Hughes | General Merchandise |
Riley Parker | Hotel |
Williams Bros. | Manfrs. and Patentees Washing Machines |
G. D. Lind | Physician |
M. J. Faivre | Physician |
Whitlach & Schaffer | Druggists |
J. T. Clark | Hotel |
P. M. Shaefor | Physician |
Abraham Erb, Sr. | Boots and Shoes |
Lyster McClellan | General Merchandise |
Harper & Robinson | Publisher Inquirer |
Calvin C. Wilkie | Physician and Surgeon |
E. W. Starr | Attorney at Law |
D. J. Pack | Carpenter (Sec. 26) |
Chas. Perry | Saw Mill (Sec. 8) |
J. L. Mathew | Carpenter (Sec. 4) |
Young Pearson | Physician (Sec. 28) |
J. T. Black | General Merchandise (Sec. 31) |
David C. Foster | Auctioneer, Dealer Fine Stock and Land (Sec. 22) |
J. W. Albery | Carpenter (Sec. 25) |
Aaron Evans | Coal Bank |
J. D. South | Ins. Agt. (Sec. 32) |
A. A. Welsher | Saw Mill (Sec. 22) |
Abraham Riggle | Wagon Maker (Soc. 14) |
Jefferson Crosby | Miller and Wagon Maker (Sec. 13) |
Peter Sherman | Stone Mason (Sec. 31) |
Lafayette Jolly | Physician (Sec. 25) |
James Logan | Carpenter (Sec. 22) |
S. S. Roberts | Millwright (Sec. 28) |
Baldwin & Mears | General Merchandise |
A. G. Fridley | Blacksmith and Dealer in Agricultural Implements |
John Willes | Justice of the Peace and P. M. |
A. Bau?? | Coal Bank (Sec. 19) |
Parker Bucklew | General Merchandise |
Transcribed by Greta Thompson, April 2003, reformatted by Al Hibbard 11 Oct 2013